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Posted by RMatthewWare (Member # 4831) on :
Who are You?
What's your name and age? How long have you been writing? What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? Where are you from? How educated are you? What do you do for a living now?

What do you want?
What are your goals for writing? Career? Hobby? How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)?

To answer those questions myself:
My name is Matt, I'm 26. I've been writing for almost two years (seriously writing, anyway). I write high fantasy, future scifi, and urban fantasy. I live in Independence, MO (also home to best-selling novelist Jim Butcher). I went to college for a semester, but that's it. I love writing enough to take it seriously and try to make it a career (not much else has appealed to me career wise). I currently do registration work at a children's hospital.

My goal is to have a career in writing. Everything I've heard is that writing is a little bit talent, and a whole lot of persistence. I currently have zero writing credits. The closest to success I've been was when an agent requested a full manuscript, which was later rejected.

Posted by DebbieKW (Member # 5058) on :
Who are You? Myself, last time I checked.

What's your name and age? Deborah K. White, age 31

How long have you been writing? I've been writing since I first picked up a crayon, but I assume you mean writing stories. Well, I wrote tons of poems and a few short stories in middle school. I took the Institute of Children's Literature course (mainly short stories) when I was in high school. I've only been writing with the intent to sell for...ten years.

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? Non-fiction and epic fantasy. I'm considering writing mystery. I've done both short stories and novels.

Where are you from? I live in Arkansas.

How educated are you? Bachelor of Science degree, plus life and the research I've done for my non-fiction and fiction books.

What do you do for a living now? Write. Yes, I'm technically a full-time writer.

What do you want? *laugh* World peace?

What are your goals for writing? To get my fiction published with a major publisher and a steady career with them...and lots of people reading my books.

How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? No novels or short stories published to date, but I think I'm finally figuring out the market. I do have 3 educational "books on CD-ROM" that have been published and that sell decently.

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I'm Robert Nowall, that really is my name and not some "handle" chosen for online activities. I'm forty-six, and have been writing seriously for, oh, since 1975. Mostly I write science fiction, though I have reservations about the wisdome of that. I had two years of junior college, followed by unorganized attempts to educate myself in a lot of things. I'm a postal clerk, which pays well but I don't recommend it for the faint of heart.

Other than to say I've had minimal success, I'll leave the other questions alone for the moment. I'm pondering a major mini-essay post, or maybe a separate essay, on the subject of "Why Am I Doing This?" but it'll take some time to gather my thoughts on it.

Posted by SaucyJim (Member # 7110) on :
My name is James P. Taber (I throw the middle initial in because it's classy), and I'm 18. I've been writing science fiction and fantasy for six years, some in private and others published publicly online. I usually write fanfiction (my guilty pleasure) under the handle "Jimmy-San" and my original fiction goes under "Saucy Jim". I was mentored my Amanda Donahue and Jason Soslow (via a Virtual High School course).

I live in Massachusetts and currently attend the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. At the moment I'm unemployed, though I have a tentatively-holding job at K-mart and a summer internship waiting for me.

I would love to write as a career (but just in case that doesn't work out, I'm aiming for med school), but at the moment it's just a hobby. I've had one short story, called "How Ice Cream Changed the World", published in a short-lived class anthology called [u]Dreams From a Distant Planet[/u]. Online, I've published eight short stories, two novellas (one in progress), and two novels (one in progress).

What I'd like is to be published by a major publisher (Tor or Ace or the like), become wildly famous, get a couple of (good) movie deals, and make all my money by writing. What I'll settle for is a few well-written and decently well-known books and to have my name known, if not revered, by the science fiction community. :P

[This message has been edited by SaucyJim (edited November 19, 2007).]

Posted by Rick Norwood (Member # 5604) on :
I don't understand Saucy Jim's -- published one story ... published eight stories.

Who are You? Rick Norwood
What's your name and age? 65
How long have you been writing? 53 years
What do you write. Fiction, non-fiction, sf, fantasy, mystery, political commentary, mathematics, Wikipedia articles.
Where are you from? Franklin, Louisiana
How educated are you? Ph.D. in mathematics
What do you do for a living now? teach math at ETSU
What do you want? readers -- and love.
What are your goals for writing? readers
How successful have you been? Sold 6 short stories = slightly less than one per decade. Published 20 non-fiction articles.

Thanks for asking.

Posted by skadder (Member # 6757) on :

Who are You? -- Adam Colston

What's your name and age? Still Adam Colston age 42

How long have you been writing? About one year. Prior to that I had never tried. I used to do art and went to the London Cartoon School--not sure if it still exists.

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? So far only fiction--sci-fi, fantasy or horror. I seem to have slighly dark edge and I like a twist in the tail.

Where are you from? The U.K.

How educated are you? I am a qualified nurse (psychiatry) but I specialise in drug addiction. I don't like people who take drugs--like customs men, etc.

What do you do for a living now? See above

What do you want? Happiness--know where it is?

What are your goals for writing? Quite frankly, to become incredibly wealthy. I'd be happy to get something published, as I haven't managed that to date.

How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? Nada, zilch, zero, nothing, nope, not-a-dicky-bird.

[This message has been edited by skadder (edited November 19, 2007).]

Posted by SaucyJim (Member # 7110) on :
I don't understand Saucy Jim's -- published one story ... published eight stories.

I meant I had one published in a book, the others are all "published" online on a site such as FictionPress. As in, I just put them up there for people to read; I don't get paid for them.

Sorry, should've specified.

Posted by Rick Norwood (Member # 5604) on :
Good. Then you're not more successful than I am, so I don't have to kill you.
Posted by Leigh (Member # 2901) on :
Who are You? I am me
What's your name and age? My name is Leigh Addis and I'm 20, 21 in December.

How long have you been writing? I have been writing since August 2005.

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? I write fantasy, taking my hand at now branching off into the small subgenre of fantasy. Epic and urban mainly.

Where are you from? Melbourne, Australia.
How educated are you? I finished Year 12 at school and have not decided if I am going to continue going on with education.
What do you do for a living now? I work at a supermarket as a storeman, accepting all deliveries of stock.
What do you want? I want to publish at least one of my stories
What are your goals for writing? Getting published at least one
Career? If it happens, then hell yeah!

Hobby? It is at the moment

How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? I have improved a hell of a lot, but I want to keep improving and actually learn the finer art's of writing before I send anything out.


Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
Who are You? KayTi

What's your name and age? Oh, you want to get personal now, eh? Karen, and I'm ... er... in my mid-thirties. The time when women start to get vague about their age.

How long have you been writing? Since Jan 1, 2007. It was my New Year's Resolution. How many of you can say you're still keeping up with your New Year's Resolution on November 19 of the same year? Nyah nyah.

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? Doing Nano right now, my first novel. Otherwise I've written short stories and a little bit of non-fiction. I am going to up the non-fiction part of my portfolio, that's my plan to break into the industry. I write near-term optimistic science fiction for the most part. I'm a gadget hound, my characters are always fiddling with all-in-one gadgets that slice, dice, deliver mail and change the world.

Where are you from? Chicago suburbs, USA

How educated are you? Obscenely. LOL. Nah, not as educated as Rick Norwood. MS in Computer Science, specialization in Artificial Intelligence. Does that explain my genre any better?

What do you do for a living now? I'm a mom. You betcha. Best gig on the planet, at least for an aspiring writer. Used to work in technology consulting, software project management, educational software design, interface design, usability analysis, that sort of thing. I'm also currently a volunteer breastfeeding educator.

What do you want? Wild success. Hollywood to come banging on my door. To have to move because of the paparazi (well, not that one, but you get the idea. LOL Why bother dreaming if you can't dream big, eh?)

What are your goals for writing? Career? Hobby? Kids are both in school full-time in a year. I would like to be able to write while they are in school, earn money from what I write (enough to justify staying out of the workforce so I can be available for school field trips and PTA meetings and gymnastics classes and all that mommy jazz.)

How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? I have met my goals this year - I have written a LOT, I have taken a lot of risks, I have learned a TON. I have a whole lot more to learn. I am going to resolve for 2008 to get published for real - my Nano project as a YA novel or at least some short stories or non-fiction articles in major magazines that pay pro rates. I also plan to work on a non-fiction book proposal in December, with the goal of querying out for it in Jan/Feb. I need to get more of my work OUT THERE into the big bad world. I've held off for some reason. I need to get over that hurdle and I'll feel a lot better.


Posted by Vanderbleek (Member # 6535) on :
Who am I? Vanderbleek, of course. Who else would I be?

Name and age? Part of my name is Vanderbleek, so lets just leave it at that shall we? Age? Young enough to have to put up with high school lit class...

I started writing freshman year, more for fun...I've only recently become more serious about it. I write whatever springs from the snippets of dialogue that come blasting into my head at odd hours of the day...and I fill the margins of my test with poems.

I'm from Illinois but live in Tennessee now...I like to think of myself as well educated, even though I have no degrees. I'm a professional dependent right now, which gives me lots of time to write.

I want to give people the same feeling I get when I read a good book; really and truly. Stories are wonderful like that, you can share them and you never lose them, and might even gain a few in return. Writing for me is currently a hobby, and will most likely stay that way. As for success...I have yet to finish a story to the point that I deem it worthy to submit, goal is to get something published before I graduate though.

Posted by SilentOne (Member # 4814) on :
Who are You? I'll never tell

What's your name and age? Marissa and 21

How long have you been writing? Since I was four. I started my first story when I was about six, and got somewhat serious about my writing in junior high.

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? Mostly mainstream young adult, although I sometimes wander into fantasy or sci-fi. All I've ever finished have been short stories, but all my favorite ideas are novel size.

Where are you from? the United States

How educated are you? I have a bachelors degree and am in the process of deciding which grad schools to apply to

What do you do for a living now? I work in customer service at a planetarium

What do you want? A car would be nice. And one of those rock tumbling machines.

What are your goals for writing? Career? Hobby? I want to be a novelist who is well known among people familiar with the market, but I really don't want the sort of name recognition that JK Rowling does.

How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)?
I have not yet been published.

[This message has been edited by SilentOne (edited November 20, 2007).]

Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
Who are You? I'm spending a lifetime finding out.

What's your name and age? Pat, fifty something.

How long have you been writing?

I've written technical stuff as a consultant and instructor for over twenty years. Writing science fiction has long been a dream. I started turning dream into reality a couple of years ago after a small experiment using a fictional case study to illustrate some teaching points worked, and I realized that despite a lifetime of believing I couldn't write fiction, maybe I could.

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)?

Science fiction with a positive view of humanity. I'm learning with short stories, but have some plots and backstories drafted for longer works as well.

Where are you from? How educated are you? What do you do for a living now?

London, England. BSc in Cybernetics. I began life as a software engineer in industrial automation and telecom. Now I'm a management tutor. I coach high technology companies developing management systems for quality, information security and business continuity.

What do you want? Like Rick, I'd like readers, and respect. And I'd like my kids to read my stuff.

What are your goals for writing? Career? Hobby? How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)?

I'd like to be a professional writer. For me this is a great creative outlet, but pointless if I have no readers. I'm not published yet. My goal for 2008 is to establish a strong write-revise-submit cycle and either get published or create a respectable pile of rejections to moan about at Hatrack.


Posted by Igwiz (Member # 6867) on :
Who are You? -- The dude at the end of the bar in the light blue hat. No, not that end, the other end. See me? Great! I'd like a Heineken please...

What's your name and age? Thane R. Thompson, 38.

How long have you been writing? Occasionally since I was about 12. Every now and then I'd get a wild hair up my, well, you know, and I'd sit down with a poorly formed idea and bang something out. Recently, though, I've decided that its what I love, so I'm taking it a bit more seriously.

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? My propensity is to write short fantasy/sci-fi/spectulative fiction. However, I also want to write a series of historical fantasy novels. I have the core ideas, I have the outline (book 1 at the chapter level, books 2-5 at the concept level) and now I just need to write. I am about 27K into the first and have hit a small wall. I know, I know, I'm supposed to push through it, but actually, I don't want it to be the first thing that I publish professionally, and I want to have the opportunity to hone my craft before I spend a lot more time on it. So, I've decided to let it rest and stew, and spend some time on short stories. I mean, it would be great to chuck the day job and write professionally.

Where are you from? I grew up in Western Kansas (yup, I capitalize that on purpose, because it tried to secede from the Union in 1998. Well, it was on the ballot in the counties that were pushing it, but it was a flaming failure when they realized that they wouldn't get any more federal funding. Funny how money has a way of twising core values...(not that I was for the secession...). Now I live in Cincinnati, Ohio and spend a lot of time watching WKRC (yes, those are the actual call letters here. They just switched the "C" with a "P"). :-)

How educated are you? I have a Master of Public Affairs (MPA), which I spelled out because its not that common. So, now I am fully qualified to have Affairs in Public. No wonder I got hired by the feds during the Clinton administration.

What do you do for a living now? I am a program and policy analyst for the U.S. EPA's Office of Inspector General. That's a really long way of saying that I am an internal auditor/evaluator. So, since I spend my entire work-day writing policy and process assessments and doing evaluation research, I thought I would just fully merge with the computer and write creatively in the evenings too.

What do you want? To quote Albus Dumbledore, as he talked with Harry Potter in front of the Mirror of Erised, "I see myself receiving a pair of nice warm socks." Actually, I just want to find an outlet for my creativity, and I would like to use whatever level of skill and craft I have to sculpt interesting stories that people actually want to read.

What are your goals for writing? Fame and fortune would be nice, but I won't be disappointed if I never get there. I have a good job, they pay me well, and getting some short stories or a novel published will just be icing on the cake.

How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? No professional credits. However, I have written a couple of award-winning policy evaluation reports! Might be kinda different, though, huh?

Bonus question: What do you want to get out of your time/relationships from Hatrack River Writer's Workshop? Candid and honest feedback, plus some moral support that tells helps me remember that if I try hard enough, I might still never get published...but I will probably have some fun along the way.


Posted by JFLewis (Member # 6957) on :
Who are You?

What's your name and age? Jeremy F. Lewis, age: 34

How long have you been writing? I've been writing stories since I was around six years old, but I started taking it seriously in the early 90's. completed my first novel in 1997, but the characters were flat and the whole novel was a bit purposeless. The second novel was better, but I still wasn't very professional about it.

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? Urban Fantasy and Epic Fantasy. I usually write novels, but I've been experimenting with urban fantasy short stories set in the same world as my novels.

Where are you from? Mobile, Alabama.

How educated are you? I have a degree in history

What do you do for a living now? I'm a supevisor/corporate stooge in the telecom industry and aspiring author.

What do you want? To keep my family happy, healthy, and safe.

What are your goals for writing? Career? Hobby? I'd eventually like to write novels for a living... which basically means I'm clinically insane or obscenely optimistic.

How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? One sale: My first novel, STAKED, comes out March 11, 2008 from Pocket Books.

Posted by Lynda (Member # 3574) on :
What's your name and age? Lynda Sappington, and a gentleman wouldn't ask, but a confident woman would answer - 57, 58 in January.

How long have you been writing? The first story I remember making up was when I was five or six. After that, I wrote puppet plays and various versions of "the Great American Novel" in longhand on legal pads throughout public school. In college, I didn't have time to write. Then I got married, had kids, did all the grownup and/or family things that take so much time (church, doctor, 4-H, school activities, Girl Scouts, etc.). I fell in love with the TV show "Starman" (1986-87 - killed off by ABC-TV moving it around the schedule with no notification of wherre to find it! grrrr) and started writing both a newsletter for the fans and fanfiction. Won a bunch of Fan-Q Awards (voted on by fans at MediaWest Con in Lansing MI) for my stories, novellas and newsletter. Started writing articles for local newspapers. Started learning to sculpt in 1993, by 1996 turned pro, by 2001 published a book, "Sculpting 101: A Primer for the Self-taught Artist," the first edition of which is now down to 5 copies (working on the second edition as soon as my novel's outta my hair). Stopped writing in 2000 (except for the sculpting book) while I got the art biz on its feet. Then I discovered Harry Potter a few years ago (4 years ago, IIRC) and was frustrated that there was no book 6 or 7 so I wrote them myself, mostly to get my fiction-writing muscles loosened up again so I could try writing an original novel. Two years ago, I wrote "Star Sons: Dawn of the Two," and last year I wrote the first draft of its sequel (still untitled) during Nano (it's 90,000+ - I just have to flesh out some stuff and polish it to finish it). I've also written some HP short stories (ficlets) to fill in the gap between my book 7 and the epilogue (which my readers - and I - FAR prefer to JKR's!!! Hers left a lot to be desired!!! argh). My HP stories are all online on various sites, but my Yahoo group has all of them: I've won several awards for my HP fanfics from various sites.

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? Fantasy novels. Short stories are hard for me, although I can manage HP ficlets since the characters and world are already so established.

Where are you from? Born and bred in VA, but have lived in Ohio since 1973.

How educated are you? bachelor's in music and several college-level courses in writing and art, as well as workshops in writing and art.

What do you do for a living now? Professional sculptor

What do you want? to be 20 years younger and still know what I know and not have kids underfoot! (which I don't now, yay!)

What are your goals for writing? Career? Hobby? I want my books to sell successfully and make people happy. I have enough HP fans around the world that my novel sales should be pretty decent if even a percentage of them buy it - and a lot of them are asking about it on a regular basis, so I'm hopeful that the sales will be good. NYTimes Bestseller list? Probably not, but I don't care about what critics say or what "lists" say - I care about what the PEOPLE say, and if they like it (and buy it!) I'll be happy.

How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? First novel is about to be published by a small independent press. Other publishing credits are listed above.


Posted by skadder (Member # 6757) on :
Are you saying you write Harry Potter stories. Is that allowed? I thought she would sue your ass.

BTW your link doesn't work.

Posted by TheOnceandFutureMe on :
My name is Ben Farthing. I'm old enough to be drafted but a few months shy of being old enough to legally drink.

I write whatever is on my mind. Horror, fantasy, magic realism, crime drama. I like a quick moving story with conflicted characters, so that's what I try to write. My WIP is about a man struggling to keep his family alive in small neighborhood that gets cut off from the world.

I'm from Richmond, VA. Right now I'm in Williamsburg. I'm most of the way through my BA in English.

I'm a full-time student at what US News called "academic boot camp." I also play with (and attempt to sell) toys for $7 an hour on the weekends.

Writing is my career goal. I'm at William and Mary now and about to start applying to MA programs. I want to write and teach writing.

So far my only success had been in local contests.

Posted by ChrisOwens (Member # 1955) on :
What's your name and age? Christopher Scott Owens, age 35.

How long have you been writing? Since September 2003

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? SF&F. Novelettes for now, hopefully soon I'll make the switch to attempting novels.

Where are you from? Richmond, VA

How educated are you? Associates Degree in Computer Programming.

What do you do for a living now? Mainframe programming until the end of my contract, after that--probably collecting aluminum cans. Like many in my profession, I'm no fan of globalism.

What do you want? Financial stability and free time to devote to family and writing.

What are your goals for writing? I'd love for it to grow from hobby to a career. The only way for the stories to live is for them to be published and attain to the widest circulation possible.

How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? 2007 has been the year of close ones.

In April, I had a novelette place as a semifinalist in WOTF and later the same story recieved the Yellow Form Of Promise from Realms of Fantasy with handwritten notes from the assistant editor.

For a fiction contest in a local publication(Style Weekly), I wrote a mainstream story, and it got to the final round, but it did not win.

And I'm still waiting to hear back on the novelette that placed finalist in WOTF. There's a 62.5% that this will be the Year of Missed-it-by-that-much.

Posted by KStar (Member # 4968) on :
Who are You? That is such a loaded question.

What's your name and age? Kara S. and I'm 24.

How long have you been writing? I have been writing for as long as I can remember, seriously. Writing is all I've ever wanted to do.

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? Novel. I don't really know what genre. I have written an awful lot of things--still trying to find my happy place--but at this point I'm writing YA mainstream/urban fantasy.

Where are you from? Los Angeles, CA

How educated are you? I had a very interesting education... hippy parents, you know? Parents were extremely against college if you can imagine that! But I turned out alright, the IQ is good and I have taken fiction writing classes at UCLA and other places.

What do you do for a living now? I'm a bookkeeper and I get to work from home, so that's a bonus.

What do you want? I want to publish a novel that I love. I want to move away from Los Angeles.

What are your goals for writing? Career? Hobby? Career. It is the only answer for me. I am never happier than when I'm writing.

How successful have you been (novel/short story credits? One short story called "Francis Pye" published about 7 years ago.


Posted by wrenbird (Member # 3245) on :
Who are You? wrenbird

What's your name and age? Renee Collins

How long have you been writing? Since I was a kid. Over the summers I read alot. Usually one book would capture my imagination, and inspire me to write something. Like the year I read Gone with the Wind, and wrote a dramatic story of a Southern Belle during the Civil War. Ah, unintentional plagerism. But, hey, they say imitation is a decent way to learn, and I think I did learn some things about writing.

What do you write? I am currently writing YA Fantasy. I have always had a keen interest in Communism and Communist History, so one day I would love to write Orwellian style dystopic fiction.

Where are you from? I've lived all over, but I currently reside in Columbus, Ohio.

How educated are you? BA in History (and I'd love to go back for more sometime. I cried on my last day of classes in college.)

What do you do for a living now? I'm a stay at home mom for my sweet three year old daughter and infant son.

What do you want? What we all want: to be published. On a realistic (I hope) scale, I want to be able to walk into Barnes and Noble and take my book off the shelves and smile. But, I daydream about appearances on Letterman and Conan, and having Peter Jackson begging for movie rights

What are your goals for writing? Career? Hobby? Career. I won't stop until I get there.

How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? Let me just put it this way, I'm not there yet.


Posted by dienstag (Member # 5696) on :

Who are You? Who? Who? Who? Who? A CSI fan, apparently.

What's your name and age? Tuesday, age: 21

How long have you been writing? Since freshman year in high school, but it has been about a year or so since I decided to get serious, published, etc. I now eat, sleep, drink writing; and all that fun stuff.

What do you write? Whatever I feel like. Genre-wise: fantasy, working on some novels, toying with some satire (because it is not nearly as wide spread anymore and I adore it), and lots of poetry. Poetry is my best creative outlet. I cannot see myself any time in the near future without an apartment strewn with notebooks, torn out pieces of paper, note cards, receipts, school assignments that have parts of my newest works scribbled on them.

Where are you from? Texas since I was a wee little thing.

How educated are you? I’d have to say I’m fairly educated though mostly due to my thirst for knowledge and constant boredom. I got very little out of high school, and college has been a big disappointment. I am a junior in college working towards teacher certification in English.

What do you do for a living now? Live off the government, but in a good way. I am a full-time student, and scholarships are paying for my education.

What do you want? Jason Isaacs, Alan Rickman, Kenneth Branagh, Jeremy Irons to be in a musical comedy together, but I’d settle for some good cheese.

What are your goals for writing? A published novel and book of poetry would sate me and a loyal (however small) group of fans would be nice. Of course, ridiculous success would be great. Movie deals, huge contract, and tons of fans. That old chestnut. Oh, and if I have fan girls (and guys) writing fanfiction based on my work, it would amuse the hell out of me.

How successful have you been? I haven’t really sent any of my stuff off yet so I guess only time will tell.


Posted by Pyre Dynasty (Member # 1947) on :
Who are You? I am a child of God.
What's your name and age? I have been called Victor, How, SupraMan, but the name to be printed on my books is Vernon Ray Jackson.
How long have you been writing? About when I was ten I realized that the thing that I was always doing was telling stories, and so I decided I should learn to write well.
What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? I have a hard time with shorts, (too much of a breeze) but I try. Mostly I write halfwritten novels. I love fantasy and am currently working one, but I usually fall into soft science fiction. I also write humor. Where are you from? The good ol' UT of Ah. How educated are you? about ten credits short of an English-tech communications associates, then I'm moving to a teaching bachelors, I am also a large repository of pointless information. (for example, did you know that when you brag about knowing things, every one of those things falls out of your brain.)
What do you do for a living now? I go to the bank and drain my bank account.

What do you want? I want a pizza Steve.
What are your goals for writing? I hope feed a family with my writing. But if I never make an actual dime at it I will always write.
How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? Just one third place in a competition. /shameless self promotion.

Posted by darklight (Member # 5213) on :
Who are You? Well, foremost, I'm a mum and carer, secondly, I'm a writer.

What's your name and age? Louise C Booth(I really dislike it!) 37.

How long have you been writing? All my life. I started in primary school, writing pages long stories in my exercise books. I gave up for a while, until the children were at school.

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? I write science fiction, some fantasy, some contemporary. Started off with short stories and now mainly novels. Adult and strangely, I now write YA though I never made a conscious decision, nor really wanted to do so, just drifted into it.

Where are you from? How educated are you? What do you do for a living now? I'm from Lincolnshire, England. I'm not very educated. I gave up school after comprehensive (High school eqivilent, I think) and am a carer of my daughter.

What do you want? World domination... not really. I want my children to be happy, and successful at all they do. And me too!

What are your goals for writing? Career? Hobby? How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? I want writing to be my career, not looking for fame and fortune, just a regular income, and people to read my novels. I've had a few short stories published by a small press, some poems, and a runners up prize for a poem. And right now, I just want to finish my NaNo story.

[This message has been edited by darklight (edited November 21, 2007).]

Posted by Lynda (Member # 3574) on :
>>Are you saying you write Harry Potter stories. Is that allowed? I thought she would sue your ass.
BTW your link doesn't work<<

She doesn't mind fanfiction (things shared for free - no money involved). There are literally MILLIONS of HP stories online - mine are some of them. And I don't know how to make a link that works on this forum. Just copy and paste it in your browser and it will work.


Posted by Silver3 (Member # 2174) on :
Who are You? Hum, a writer?
What's your name and age? Aliette de Bodard, 25
How long have you been writing? about nine years now. Writing and seriously submitting...about three years.
What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)?
Novels and short stories.
Where are you from? Paris, France
How educated are you? I have a Graduate Degree in Applied Maths and Computing.
What do you do for a living now? Applied Maths Engineer, what else?
What do you want? To conquer the world. That sounds reasonable.
What are your goals for writing? Career? Hobby? Serious hobby. I don't intend to give up the day job as I'm aware writing doesn't pay a lot if your name isn't Terry Goodkind or OSC; but I do intend to consider writing seriously enough to be considered seriously by editors.
Oh, and I want to sell a novel to someone
How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)?
Couple of stories in Interzone. Won Writers of the Future (2nd Place, 2006), and other forthcoming stories (see for more infor).

Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Who are You? Nobody
What's your name and age? Rich (Richard) Ware, 36
How long have you been writing? A long time, though aimlessly for most of it.
What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? I write mostly Fantasy (of one kind or another), some Historical Fiction and Poetry, and of all lengths from Flash Fiction to Novel-length.
Where are you from? I live in midcoast Maine (an hour or so south of Stephen King, ten minutes south of James L. Nelson, in the vacinity of the Wyeths and Jon Bogdanove, and hour north of John Travolta), but this is not where I am from. In fact, that is one of the most difficult questions to answer (other than the obvious: Mom). I was born in New Jersey (within a half hour south of GRRM), and have since emigrated to a plethora of states and cities, all of which have formed me into what I am.
How educated are you? Some college. At one time, believe it or not, I was one course away from being a minister. Shh. However, I feel it takes more than school to "educate" someone.
What do you do for a living now?Award-winning Custom Artist: Fantasy Painter, Dermographic (Tattoo) Artist, and Illustrator.
What do you want? The castle used in Young Frankenstein, but I'd settle for the manse used in Greystoke: the Legend of Tarzan. Also, cars that fly, like in Blade Runner or the Fifth Element.
What are your goals for writing? To be satisfied with what I have done.
Career? It would be nice
Hobby? Obviously
How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? Well, I have only subbed three things: Novel, Short Story, and Poem. The results were Rejection, Rejection, and Acceptance (Won Editor's Choice Award).

[This message has been edited by InarticulateBabbler (edited November 21, 2007).]

Posted by RMatthewWare (Member # 4831) on :
What's your name and age? Rich (Richard) Ware, 36

Another Ware in the group, though I seriously doubt there's any relation.
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Not unless your roots are in the great mafia state.
Posted by mfreivald (Member # 3413) on :
Here you go, IB:
Posted by mfreivald (Member # 3413) on :
However, I feel it takes more than school to "educate" someone.

One might even argue that a graduate degree has about a 3 in 4 chance of making you dummer. (gd&r)

Posted by mfreivald (Member # 3413) on :
I suppose, if I'm going to comment, I better play:

Who are You? I am who God--out of His love--made me.

What's your name and age? Mark Freivald, 44

How long have you been writing? That depends on what you mean. I have been the most determined about writing for about three years.

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? In recent times I have only completed some sci-fi shorts, personal/realistic fiction shorts, and a comedy (draft) play. The majority of my ideas are sci-fi. My biggest current endeavor is a fantasy novel (fantasy, I have learned, is a most difficult genre). I am also working on some mystery stories (length undetermined), some humor shorts, and some historic screenplays. I'm recently endeavoring to produce some flash fiction.

Where are you from? Omaha, NE

How educated are you? A BA and BS.

What do you do for a living now? Network Engineer/consultant

What do you want?
What are your goals for writing?
I mostly want to write things that are meaningful. And, from a very self-centered perspective, I want to be read. Widespread adulation would be nice, too.

Career? I would like to have an eclectic career. My interests range through social commentary, theology and spiritual development, book and movie reviewing, philosophy, fiction of many genre, poetry, and polemics. (Though not necessarily in that order.)

Hobby? That, too.

How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)?

I have successfully acquired three rejections. All for the same story. I'll worry about submitting more agressively when I have more in the hopper.


Posted by mitchellworks (Member # 6779) on :
Looks like I could almost copy KayTi's info. But here's mine.

What's your name and age? Amiya, 30 -- that's a pen name, I'm a complete privacy nut online.
How long have you been writing? On and off through childhood, more of an avid reader than a writer, actually.
What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? YA SF novels.
Where are you from? the northwest.
How educated are you? parents made me believe that fiction doesn't pay, so I went to school for journalism. HATED IT. It's the opposite of everything I enjoy, particularly the interfacing with people who don't want to talk to you. Made it to sophomore before giving up to rethink life.
What do you do for a living now? Once I realized journalism wasn't for me, circa 1995, I stumbled into the newfangled thing called the Web. Programmed for the Web till having kid #1 in 2000. Once I decided to write fiction, I quit taking Web work, about four years ago. Now, the other big thing I do is homeschool my kids half-time, which is surprisingly compatible with writing.

What are your goals for writing? get this YA series published. then write for younger kids.
Career? Hobby? Career.
How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? current novel is first serious attempt.

Posted by JamieFord (Member # 3112) on :
Who are You? The luckiest guy on the planet (waving)

What's your name and age? Jamie, 39

How long have you been writing? Since high school––I wrote really embarrassing poetry, worthy of blackmail

What do you write (genre/short story or novel or both)? Novels, short stories, currently scripting a graphic novel

Where are you from? Eureka, CA, Ashland OR, Seattle, WA, Anchorage, AK, Honolulu, HI, Great Falls, MT

How educated are you? College grad, Design Major

What do you do for a living now? Full-time writer

What do you want? To keep doing what I’m doing

What are your goals for writing? Career? Hobby? Write and sell a book each year

How successful have you been (novel/short story credits)? 2006 Glimmer Train Finalist, sold my first novel at auction to Ballantine this past summer

[This message has been edited by JamieFord (edited November 21, 2007).]

Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :

Here you go, IB:

LoL, Mark.

That's not like those that are in Blade Runner or The Fifth Element. Nor are any of the old models: here, but this one looks the closest.

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