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Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
Did You Write? 12-17-07

This is an attempt to embarrass me and you, into writing each and every week. The idea is that one wants to report results of the week and saying that one has not written is a bit embarrassing. I do have to admit that while I try hard to have something to report, I shrug if it does not happen. I play along as if I feel bad if I don't get results.

As to the question of the week, I must say that No, I did not get a chance to write. I have two main excuses, but when you consider it carefully, that is all they are, excuses. I had to box some Christmas present Sunday morning to be mailed out Monday, and I had relatives over at my mom's house and did not leave until around my bed time. Sunday is my writing day and there was no chance of writing.

More and more of my story ideas are coming out as nearly complete short stories. they are not well written, but they are more detailed than I used to write. I used to write what was closer to a synopsis of a novel. Of course, many of these really should be written as a synopsis rather than a story. They are fun to write, usually. There are times where I will dig into my list, "don't have time to write this one," "this one is too hard." I don't like that one." "Ok, that is a compromise though it is not good." Sometimes I just make do with what ideas I have at my fingertips.

When it comes to wrapping presents, I am not good at it. I am better if I hip hop, country, rock, or disco my present. Rapping is just not my thing....... ::: giggle :::

I sanded, varnished and painted a bunch of wooden plates. I painted a fir/pine tree on each one. I am giving them out as present. My problem is that I ran out of them faster than expected. I won't have time to make more. I have to go to plan "B".
I finished the dove bowl I worked on last weekend. The paint job could be improved on, but it is still excellent. I will have to work even harder to do better than that.
This weekend, I finished cutting the bowl part of what will become a rooster. It is the right shape for a rooster.
I also had a relative visiting, and while her husband watched, I made a goblet with captured rings around the stem. The rings cannot be removed from around the stem without breaking the goblet or the rings. they were impressed. I had fun doing the demonstration.

I like making whatever I do over the weekend into a story idea. It gives me an excuse to brag about what I was up to.
In this case, one simply has the royal craftsman trying to get some work done. A dignitary arrives and the Craftsman has to stop what he is doing to make something simple for the dignitary, while they are watching. The dignitary is impressed and in awe at the results, gives the craftsman praise, then leaves. The craftsman then returns to his work, having gained a little prestige that might help later on when things might get bad.

So to the question of the day, No, I did not write. I did not find the time, even though I hoped to try a quick little new thing.

Did you write?

Posted by Lynda (Member # 3574) on :
Yes, I wrote! I wrote "The End" on a 110,000 word novel! Yay!
Posted by JeanneT (Member # 5709) on :
Way to go. I wrote--but not nearly as much as I should have.
Posted by gobi13x (Member # 6837) on :
I did not write much, but I did read a lot of things that I can use for my writing.
Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :
I wrote a portion of a space combat scene for a SF novel during lunch today. I will probably rechoreograph the action sequence and rewrite the narrative about a dozen times before I finally decide I'll never use that scene after all...but I definitely had fun with it.

I just now finished all my family-based tasks, so I'm getting set up to work on my SF short story, "Beyond the Conscious Breath" for at least an hour and a half before I realize that, yes, my boss expects me to show up tomorrow as well.



Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I started well, back up to five hundred words a day...then my stomach exploded Wednesday night and things came to a momentary end while I rallied my strength just to work at the job that brings me money.
Posted by Lynda (Member # 3574) on :
My sympathies, Robert! If you have that bug that's been going around here, you'll be weak as a cat for 3 weeks at least. Ours was the upper respiratory version, and I'm still coughing up a lung or two many times a night and I'm on the third week (but not contagious, just miserable). I was too weak to do anything but sit at the computer, so I actually got a lot of writing done. Sorry yours is the stomach variety, which doesn't allow for much computer time unless you take your laptop into the bathroom . . . Get well soon!
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Yes. I wrote. All day I wrote, rewrote, proofed, edited, then added details here and there -- until well into this morning.

Congratulations, Lynda! If that's all you wrote, it was a day well spent.

Posted by annepin (Member # 5952) on :
Yes, I wrote the flash competition. And I came up with a plan for my WIP, though it involves hacking off a good 100 pages (gulp!). Well, it needed to be shorter anyway!

[This message has been edited by annepin (edited December 18, 2007).]

Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
After two drafts that sucked, the third draft of my entry for the flash fiction contest came in at 995 words. I'm looking forward to seeing how it fares and revising it. I know already where some of the flaws are, I think, and I'm not sure it really wants to fit into 1000 words; we shall see.

This was a new adventure for me, writing something that's ... um, this post edited to not reveal nature of story due to anonymous voting and stuff. Anyhow, it was interesting.

Yes, I wrote.

[This message has been edited by TaleSpinner (edited December 18, 2007).]

Posted by Marzo (Member # 5495) on :
I deleted about 1000 words, but then wrote 1000 more, and they were much better. Finally starting on the novel I've been planning and worldbuilding for a while now.

And I'm writing right now. Back to it I go! ;)

Also, congrats, Lynda.

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Strictly speaking, I'm pretty much better---my stomach acts up this way every few months and I miss a day or two of work and let everything else go by for the moment. I think it might have been the dozen Bisquick biscuits I ate for lunch / dinner---one more thing I can't eat before going to bed.
Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
Argh, I'm trying, but the world continues to conspire against me.

I am editing a short story that is in terrible shape, and as it turns out, it's hard work. I'm doing a lot of mucking around with character motivations and the like, I am worried about having to type this in someday (i'm doing it in longhand now. We'll see how long that lasts.)

My son is sick and that's thwrown all my plans for thsi week out the window. He's got the respiratory version mentioned above, and still after 2 days of antibiotics is feverish and lethargic. It's sad when busy little people go down like this, I want him better, and not just so I can send him to school and get some writing done, LOL.

The Christmas chaos has started to descend, so we'll see how well I keep my momentum in the coming week.

Posted by LCastle (Member # 7363) on :
Sort of. I was away from home, and discovered that it's really hard to do anything useful on a laptop with a 23-lb cat "helping" you.
Posted by kings_falcon (Member # 3261) on :
Yea Lynda!!!

I worked on the collaboration story so I can send it to my co-author by the end of this week.


Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Addendum: My stomach acted up again last night---one week to the minute---weighing me down further. That and Christmas preparations will probably wipe me out for a week or more. Besides shopping and wrapping, I have to clean my house and cook the Christmas spaghetti.

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