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Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
01-07-08 Did You Write?

It is another time to embarrass oneself to the entire world about how one has wasted another week and not produced another bit of useful brilliance. If, on the other hand, you were able to write, You can then shout to the world how great an author you are.
That is about as bad as any other intro I have ever done.......

I did not accomplish anywhere near as much writing as I planned to do, but did do a bit of writing. I am working on a story who's working title is similar to Waxy's clean fun. It is where my Waxy Dragon character, a cat sized baby dragon, and her animated teddy bears, get into the things that get them drunk, mint for the teddy bears, chocolate syrup for Waxy. They make a horrible mess, then clean it up in their own way. So far, I have them already in the middle of the mess and are getting drunk. So far, I went from 486 words to 1811 words, an addition of 1325 words this week. That is not good, but it was one short session on Sunday between other work. I am just happy I get to write something once an a while.

The story ideas are doing well. I ended the year with three ideas above the 365 ideas, a total of 368 story ideas. It has been ten years since I started this in December 1997, and I have a good reason to believe that I have not repeated any story ideas so far. I don't have a real number, but as a reasonable guestimate, I figure I likely have posted in the vicinity of 3852 story ideas these ten years. I had one year that I did fifty ideas extra, another where I did a hundred, and quite a few years where I did around ten. I will do my 4,000th idea sometime this year. when, depends on my exact count. I cannot do an exact count because the files are not on this computer.

I am a bit proud of myself this weekend. Over the years, I have tried to make wooden plates. My results have never been consistent. it was rare when two were even tolerably close to being the same. A few weeks ago, I came up with an idea to improve my chances of getting them similar. this weekend, I made the parts of the system to make my idea work. I am proud to say that it works pretty well. I just now have to get by the idiot doing the work... This weekend, I made two plates using my new system and, if you are a little tipsy, the plates look like they are mates to each other. that is a definite improvement.
I plan to do possibly a dozen of these plates, made from two by twelve yellow pine (the rings give fantastic patterns in the plates). I also plan to make some plates in inch or three quarter stock for a different type of plate. By the time I finish them, I will have no desire to make plates for another year, or until I sell what I have and need to make more.

I make fairies with butterfly wings. When they stand, they are about twelve inches tall, but they are never standing. The one I am carving now is sitting on the ground, holding herself upright with one arm. The other arm is holding something. I will add that a bit later. I have a tiny figurine in this position, and also have "somewhere" of a painting of a girl also in this position. My fairy will look nothing like either one, when done. I generally do one of these fairies a year. I have an art show in April and am working to get this done for then. I also want three bird bowls done by then also. I have a rooster with the bowl made and a head started. I have another bowl made but no head selected for it. all this carving is time consuming. Wood turning is a lot easier and faster, and therefore a bit more fun.

I won't bother trying to pull all this into a usable story concept and just say that I was bragging about my accomplishments this time. I will say that I have three years worth of work and three months to get half of it done......

So to the question of the day,
I will say that I did write

Did you write?


Posted by JeanneT (Member # 5709) on :
I'm starting to get back into a disciplined mode after slacking off during the holidays. My production still isn't wonderful--under 1500 words a day--but better.
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Yes, I did. And am. As per usual, just dropping in for a minute.
Posted by gobi13x (Member # 6837) on :
I have not written as much as I wanted to due to my hands problems. Still I have written about 3k words since the last 'do you write post.'

[This message has been edited by gobi13x (edited January 07, 2008).]

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Well, Sunday I did a small amount. Chiefly I decided not to go further for the moment on the story I had been working on...I added a couple hundred words of notes taking it to the end of the story, just for further reference, if any. I hope to add a few hundred more in notes.

Then I hope shortly to pull another old story out of the files and work on revising it. It's been about a year since I worked on it, so I should have some perspective on it. Also I found the book with the technical notes I want to crib...

Posted by Tricia V (Member # 6324) on :
I did some writing yesterday and researched the meaning of "sociopath". The short answer is that it has no medical definition.
Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :
"Beyond the Conscious Breath"...DONE!...not including post-crit revisions.

Young adult novel...the first three sections are DONE! Section four is almost complete (there's a fist fight scene at the end that reads a bit too choreographed for my tastes). Section five is a bit rough around the edges, but I know exactly where it needs cleaning up. Section six is an awkward section in the first place, so I'm going to take my time on it. Section seven...uh---the word 'disaster' jumps to mind.

Came up with some ideas and character sketches for a mainstream novel that I've been thinking about writing. I use the term 'mainstream' because, as of right now, I have no clue what genre it will fall into.

Looking back, the last seven days were good. Curious, though...I was just telling myself that I could have worked more efficiently. But, since the 'Skins are out of the playoffs, the NFL season is now officially over, so I can turn my attention back to what's more racing season.


[This message has been edited by Crank (edited January 08, 2008).]

Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
Yes! I didn't write any fiction, but I did a big 'ol (meant it to be shorter but that didn't work out so well) blog post for Flash Fiction Online here:

I'm interested in the intersection of people and technology, so naturally I'm drawn like a mosquito to a bug zapper to projects like that.

I have also been working on other personal blog-related projects, slowly. Kids started back at school today at long last (ahh!) and I hope to get right back going on my fiction projects.


Posted by supraturtle (Member # 1518) on :
I am a mess over the holidays. I can barely read, let alone write. Typically it takes me a few weeks to get over that and start writing again.
I made this holiday season particularly cruel to myself, so I had a long ladder to climb.
I suggest revisiting old ideas to get a hot fuel getgo. I also suggest making sure those old ideas get penned before you enter a disruptive phase.


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