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Posted by skadder (Member # 6757) on :
I am very guilty of it, but I have decided to stop procrastinating and write more--at least 1k a day (I work full-time).

I will admit to a list of stories which are developmentally ready to write (at least 1st draft) but that I haven't written. I plan to write each one and then I will tick them off my list--I will do this publically.

Not necessarily in the order below, though.

Tentative Titles:

1) Paradoxically Correct
2) The Human Race
3) The Drum
4) Wheat
5) Bisected Man
6) Worlds Apart

There are more, but some are in my head...I will add them when I remember them.

Please add your own list should you wish to do so.

I want this post to represent everyones 'to-do' list--update when things are completed.

I am currently writing 'Paradoxically Correct'--2/5k...

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Easier said than done...after thirty-some years of writing, it's hard to get started on that killer idea, mostly because it's not there. So I haul out the thing that's been done before and do it one more time, my way.

Right now, I've got:

---a twenty-thousand worder that might be finished and ready to send out to market the next time I sit down and work on revising it, which might be later today, maybe.

---about ten thousand words of disorganized something-or-other that I may just rewrite from scratch, probably my next project.

---a hundred thousand words of a novel that stopped cold on me, 'cause I ran out of ideas on where to go from that point. (I worked without an outline...I wound up with two mysterious groups of characters who seemed to be fighting each other, but I had little-to-no idea of who they were or why they were fighting.)

---several semi-finished stories that I abandoned after reaching "The End," not wishing to pursue them at the moment for one reason or another. ("Too lurid" and "doesn't have any sympathetic characters" are top of the list right now.)

---several more things that got a few pages in and died...things I might start up again.

And that's just, oh, the past three years.

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
I have decided to stop procrastinating and write more--at least 1k a day (I work full-time).

I'll go double or nothing on our 100 million dollar bet that you can't sustain this pledge past the end of the week.

Posted by skadder (Member # 6757) on :
er...umh. Let me think about it.
Posted by extrinsic (Member # 8019) on :
I find the source of my procrastination comes from a reaction to forcing myself to write when I'm uncomfortable about what I'm writing. My instincts are telling me I've gone awry. I'd rather study process than write when I'm feeling that way. Expository compositions have standardized structures. They're easier to write. Creative nonfiction and fiction have standardized structures, but they're not as easy to write, more variables. Expository essay writing is like juggling with a few dozen similar items. Creative writing is like juggling with a thousand disparate items.

From discussions here at Hatrack and elsewhere, I realize that there's a continuum of developmental methods ranging from none to on the fly to dedicated study. I started with none and over time have gradually reached the opposite extreme. A duh-huh moment a few nights ago wasn't so profound as to rise to an epiphany, but as it's fermented it's become a soaring beanstalk. The relevance of a narrator's standing to a story is something I've missed. An off the cuff advice offered to Bent Tree propelled me down that path. Coming soon to a nearby thread, Who's the Narrator.

Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
I'm guilty of procrastinating, and I think it can help, as extrinsic suggests, to understand one's reasons for procrastinating.

I've learned I have at least two patterns.

I internalise a story strongly. It has to be in good shape in my mind's eye before I start. Time pressure can help, but too much and I won't start. I'd rather miss a deadline than hit it with something substandard.

Also, and worse, I'm a perfectionist (believe it or not). While the story, now formed, is in my mind, it's perfect. As soon as I commit it to paper, its imperfections will be revealed -- when I read it, when others read it. Procrastination is a way of putting off the imperfection, and the work of eliminating it with revisions.

I've tried lists and deadlines and, for me, they rarely work. They become insurmountable mountains, barriers to writing.

Instead I play a trick on myself, a trick which takes advantage of my perfectionism. When I have the time and energy (my work is irregular and sometimes saps my creative energy -- necessarily, it goes with the tutoring territory) I make myself write one fresh word, for a new story or a revision. Just one, by 10.00 am, for if I don't start in the morning, I won't start that day. The story I pick to work on will be the one that feels most ready.

The technique works because I know I can get one itsy bitsy teeny weeny word right, right enough not to be imperfect. So then I'll do another word, and another; then the creative roll will kick in, and (here's the trick) the perfectionist, now, will want to see a decent chunk of the work finished; made as perfect, today, as it can be.

Posted by Cheyne (Member # 7710) on :
Have you ever overthought a story? or even 'talked' yourself out of it? These are two causes of procrastination in me.

What I mean is that in the past I have thought about a perfectly fine story seed to the point that I got bored with it. I used up all the initial excitement of the story in plotting and outlining without actually getting it written.

Another early lesson I learned the hard way was not to tell my ideas to another person. I did so to such a great extent that I had in my mind already written the story. Again I was 'bored' with the story idea and didn't write it. This is what I mean by talking yourself out of a story.

I am careful now to harness the initial impetus of an idea and to write it until it is finished. I have also discovered that I am a discovery writer and extensive outlining is a waste for me.

I don't really need a reason to procrastinate, especially now that I have highspeed internet at home.

Posted by extrinsic (Member # 8019) on :
I've written stories that I was confident had publishing legs on them. But a nag in the back of my mind told me each of them was shy of the mark. By the time the rejection slips came back, I'd found several weaknesses in the structural needs of each. I don't procrastinate on my growth as a writer, or on the stories I'm writing. Anymore, I procrastinate on submitting them until the nag has been satisfied, which has not yet been satisified.
Posted by BenM (Member # 8329) on :
I've found lately that I'm in a bit of a creative funk largely due to some difficult circumstances over the last couple of months. It could possibly be called procrastination, but I suspect that sometimes an interruption to one's schedule is bound to happen.

Still, I'm hoping it'll settle in the next week or so and I'll be able to get back into my writing - I'm starting to feel more than a little guilty, and I have a novel to revise and another to plan.


Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
I am a PRO-crastinator
I am not an Amateur....

Because I hold my story ideas different than my stories, I run into a time problem. My story ideas take up a whole lot of free time that would be used for serious writing...

Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
I hope that wasn't the sound of rstegman saying his story ideas aren't real writing....

Because that'd just plain be untrue. Keep at 'em - it's an inspiration!


Posted by Sunshine (Member # 3701) on :
The tentative titles for my works in progress are:

Diary of a Dead Stripper
Ding Dong, We're Dead

Posted by Denem (Member # 8434) on :
I have been working more at the editing than the writing lately (mainly because I can't think of anything to fill the holes in my work at the moment).

I have several things going on right now.
My novel - The Orphan's Jewel
A couple of short stories in progress.
The Study
The Owl Thief
I am working on a third story that is only a couple of hundreds words at the moment and has no title (I'm hoping it'll come to me in a vision)

[This message has been edited by Denem (edited March 17, 2009).]

Posted by C L Lynn (Member # 8007) on :
Ooo, great idea, skadder. Thanks for proposing it.

At present my projects are all about revisions. I need to dive in, no matter how intimidating the waters look, no matter how tired my brain feels.

1. Picked up an old novel that desperately needs a kick in the pants.
2. "Brightspear" -- short story
3. "Mage Gold" -- short story
4. submit more often

Posted by annepin (Member # 5952) on :
I'm pro crastinating. Oh, er... right.

Snapper, such little faith in your friend! I, for one, am rooting for you, Skadder.

Cheyne, I've thought myself out of stories. I start thinking through all the permutations and pretty soon I've concluded every possible direction I can come up with won't work for some reason.

Right now I procrastinate because I don't have a lot of energy. It's just an excuse, of course. I've also been feeling frustrated. It takes me forever to finish a story. Not sure why, but I feel I need oodles of time to sink into the world. If I haven't written or visited a particular story in a while it takes me hours just to read up on my character (esp for books) or to just get up to speed with what I was going for.

TS, I think I'm a lot like you. I'm a perfectionist too, and I always get frustrated with how my stories turn out, or my inability to make them do or take them where I want. Lists and deadlines don't work much for me, either.

Nevertheless, in the spirit of changing my behavior, I'll play.

Needs massaging:

* Winter's lessons

Needs finishing:

* Dead bodies (well, it makes sense to me. That's what counts, ri

* Rebellion

* Dead pigeons (hm... should I be worried?)

Needs ruminating:

* Shadows


Posted by Cheyne (Member # 7710) on :
I guess that I missed the real purpose of this thread the first time through. Here are my works in progress:

-Sidler-50K and growing-SF/Fantasy- My main WIP-I have started to workshop the earliest chapters with my live critters. I am still writing every day.

-King's Quarry-An early draft Nano project- 17k fantasy - needs to be finished.

-Son of the Big BangII:The Second Coming- Novella- 10k and going-I critted this here as a short story but need to expand some scenes so as not to be so telling.

-Darkside's Darkside- This was my very first finished short story and one I remain proud of despite some flaws. It was critted here over a year ago and I haven't tried to fix it since. I guess I need to look at the crits again and bite the bullet- it does no good sitting unread on a hard drive.

The Yard Egg- a mainstream/literary novel that has been stewing since 1994- Outline and opening chapters done.

The Silent Killer- this is a contemporary YA novel with a dark theme- outlined and ready to start.

The Malingering Dead- Short story- Was a flash but needs attention.

In Bed- 2.5K- needs some clarification and better motivation. Hmm never shopped this one here maybe I will.

There are other projects that are not up yet but those are the main ones right now.

Writing a reply to this thread was very helpful. I had forgotten about some of these projects. Thanks Skadder.


Posted by Lullaby Lady (Member # 1840) on :
I'm doing something next week that I've never done before-- a book in a week. I think it's time I move my pet story out of the planning stages and give it a home on paper. (Well, on word processor, anyway...)


Posted by Greenscreen (Member # 6896) on :
I am currently workind on a project called "Liberty" but in Russian, since the only translation of the russian word I have yet found is Свобода I still will need the phonetic form. It is a short story tragedy which I think I might see if I can't get into the IGMS with. Currently everything is in my head so I will need to write it down ASAP.

[u]World Building Progress[/u]
20/03/2009 Basic notes, much work to be done.
19/03/2009 No notes on paper, extensive thought processes
[u]Character progress[/u]
19/03/2009 primary character concepts in head, no notes, secondaries concepts in head also. No concrete character names
[u]Plotting/Planning progress[/u]
19/03/2009 First act conceptualized in head. no notes yet.
Not yet begun
Considering publishing with IGMS if possible.

[This message has been edited by Greenscreen (edited March 20, 2009).]

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