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Posted by Smaug (Member # 2807) on :
I tried to find another thread on this series, but couldn't find one. So here are my thoughts. I liked the first few books--lot's of intriguing characters, lot's of action. But his most recent book (number 10? I can't even remember the title it's been a couple of years since I read it), and the one or two prior to that basically sucked. Especially the last one where nothing happened. I think he got way out of hand in the number of important characters and story lines, and how on earth will the guy ever wrap that up? I've basically given up on him after that last 800 page waste of my time. There are way too many good series out there to spend time on something this lame.

Sorry. Just spewing.


Posted by Noctivigant (Member # 2843) on :
I stopped at book eight.. a couple years ago.

I tried to pick it up again, but found that I need to re-develop the patience I had when I was reading it before. It's incredibly frustrating to read 80 pages about how his choice of chair shows that Rand is "hard" and "cold".

That being said, I don't think I'll be able to abandon the series without finishing it.

[This message has been edited by Noctivigant (edited September 04, 2005).]

Posted by Smaug (Member # 2807) on :
The question is, will Jordan be able to finish it? If he's going to write a book where basically nothing happens, it's going to take an awful long time. No wonder he has an apprentice in the works.


Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I wonder how long a writer can keep something like that going? (I admit I haven't read this particular one, but I've seen it around.)

I suppose reader demand will keep a writer at it---at least up to a point. I remember some series that seemed endless, plus some others that I wished there were more. (I remember trying to dig up every "John Grimes" story by A. Bertram Chandler...never did think I found them all.)

But I suppose a writer might get sick of working the same characters in the same or similar situations...and eventually the reader might get bored, too. (There's the police procedurals by the late "Ed McBain," of which I've only read a few...but, I gather, the bulk of them had one character offer an explanation for a rather odd name. How many times could a writer write that without getting sick of it?)

Posted by Keeley (Member # 2088) on :
I stopped at book three when I realized he was using the same main storyline over and over again with no resolution ("Dragon" defeats Shai'tan (?) but he doesn't really defeat him and each time makes him a little more insane). Once I saw him reusing the same basic conflict with slight variations and no sign that things would change in the future or that the struggle would be worth it, I stopped caring about all the sub-plots.
Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
I think I quit about mid-way through book two. Everyone around me told me, "Oh, it just starts to get interesting there." I figure if he can't get a reader interested in two books, he's not worth my time.

In my opinion, EACH book should have a major subplot that gets wrapped up, and moves them forward to the final goal. But anyone who can drag a story out for eleven books the size of his, isn't TRYING to come to a conclusion. I think he's merely trying to eek as much money out of the series as he can get.

As OSC says, writers get the urge to write based on one of two reasons: either you read a really GREAT book and think "I want to be able to write like that," or you read a book, poorly written, and think, "I can do better than that." I would say Jordan falls into the later category in my eyes.

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I always thought that every individual book of a series---every individual episode of a TV series, too---should stand on its own merits, and not because it's part of some longer sequence. The reader (viewer) should not have been forced to read (watch) every segment that went before just to understand what's going on. I think it's cheating the reader (viewer) to have a long story arc throughout the series that never gets properly resolved, no matter how many books you buy (episodes you watch).
Posted by Varishta (Member # 2789) on :
I think I got stuck somewhere in "Lord of Chaos" (book six). My husband, a long-time Jordan fan, has even admitted that the only reason he reads the new WOT books is because he has a sort of grim determination to do so, like someone who unwittingly signed up for a mountain hike and didn't read in the fine print that the mountain happened to be Mount Everest.

It was this series that finally made me think, "I could do so much better than this!" -- yet several chapters into my own fantasy novel, I have a lot more respect for Jordan or anyone who tries to attempt to create a whole world for their characters to inhabit.


Posted by babycakesjase (Member # 2868) on :
Yeah, the growing frustration with the Waste of Time is certainly widespread. Sometimes I wonder if I'm grimly going ahead to validate the countless hours I've spent reading and re-reading the books in the past.

That said, I can really appreciate the enormity of the task that RJ has set himself (and his readers).

On a more lighthearted note, I do have listed in my "100 things to do before I die" that I need to get a letter written and included with my will and other documents to be sent to Robert Jordan in the event that I die before he finishes the series.

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Sidebar thought on never-ending series: "Harry Potter" has been widely advertized as a seven-book series, coming to a definite end at the end of the seventh book. (I've read somewhere that Rowling has already written the final paragraph, at least.)

How would fans react to suddenly learn, when Book Seven is published, that there will be a Book Eight (and / or Book Nine, Ten, and so on), with no end in sight?

Posted by thexmedic (Member # 2844) on :
I would love that so damn much.
Posted by Varishta (Member # 2789) on :

"WOT" = "Waste of Time" *lol*

That made my morning.

Posted by rcorporon (Member # 2879) on :
I read the first 6 or 7, but lost interest. Tolkien told one of the greatest fantasy stories of all time, and he only needed 4 books (including The Hobbit).

Jordan's story doesn't need to be 11 books long. No story needs to be 11 books long.

I'll finish the stories when Jordan is done writing it (which means never I think).


Posted by AstroStewart (Member # 2597) on :
Honestly one of the things I like about the Harry Potter series is exactly the fact that there are only going to be 7 and that's it. I like knowing that I'm starting a series that will end at a set time, not just go on and on forever and ever. It will give a nice sense of closure.
Posted by Leaf II (Member # 2924) on :
Ahhhh.hhhhhh.... I'll Kill this book. I hated it. Couldn't read past page 150 or something. I dunno..... Maybe I hated the characters, or where the story was going, or all those stupid references to whatever distant threat everyone was talking...
Oh well, to each is own right? Its not that I hate long series, cuz Sword of Truth is top 3 favorite, and in the end there will be 13. So I dunno. I hated the first book and never made it past 1/4.

Posted by Gnomeinclaychair (Member # 2926) on :
Actually, I kinda like the books. I think the characters are good, I think the plot is interesting, and the world well-made. It's tricky to remember everything going on, but I don't mind having to work a bit.

I've never seen any author attempt a scope of that size before either. I'm kinda curious how (or if) he'll wrap it all up. I can't judge it til it's over, I guess.

Posted by pantros (Member # 3237) on :
Jordan created a lot of great characters, Elaine, Egwene, Avhienda, Perrin, Faile, Mat, Ninaeve, Min(?)

And his creativity is unquestionable grand.

He can't tell a story.

The last two books ended with less plot progression than I could normally find in a three paragraph short story.

Rand is by far the worst main character ever. We never see anything from the guy in terms of development, but he magically pulls his uber-magic out of his...Well, since the sword battle in the Great Hunt, the character has been flatter than a DVD.

Not once do we ever see a reason why Elaine, Min, Egwene and Aviendha are in love rand. They just are.

He loses track of his character development and can go whole books without mentioning characters that should be active.

Jordan is killing the writers market by 1)publishing ungodly long books. 2)redfining what a series should be. 3)changing expectations of a good story to just be a lot of words with no story instead of a well written tale.


Posted by Leaf II (Member # 2924) on :
/\ Agreed, Man!!!!!

Posted by W. G. Tryndale (Member # 2979) on :
I must unfortunetly say that i was really enjoying this series until book 8, but i just keep reading to see what happens. perhaps i am curst to somehow to always have to know how a story ends. So i have stuck with the series and i agree with most of what you all say but i still enjoy the characters, perhaps that is the only redeming part of the book. I care about what happens to them although i wonder sometimes as to IF it will ever happen but still. In the end its almost sad for me, Jorden was the second series i started on perhaps it "kept" me reading at all. The only thing that made me disapointed was after he finished book 9 or 10 (crossroads of twilight) he went back before the first book in sort of a prequil. THAT SUCKED. I have been waiting forever and he went and wrote a book that had nothing to do with anything that i cared about. I would say thats when i lost faith in Mr. Robert Jordan. However I do know that there will only be 12 books in the series. (not counting his stupid prequil)
Posted by rcorporon (Member # 2879) on :
Only 12 books? Considering how much he has going at once, it will take one hullava novel to wrap it up now (didn't #11 just come out? Or was that #234?)


Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
perhaps i am curst to somehow to always have to know how a story ends.

OK. I used to suffer from this affliction. I treated books like vegetables on my dinner plate... I'd keep slogging through til the end, even if I didn't care for them. Cause you just don't leave it unfinished, do you?

Well, when I finally figured out that I simply can't live long enough to read all the GREAT and well-written books I want to read, that gave me freedom! Books are NOT vegetables! They are dessert! And why bother finishing a bad one, when you could be reading a good one??

I now apply this philosophy to movies, too. I once turned a movie off when there was only about 10 minutes left of it, because I decided I had wasted enough of my life with it and it wasn't worth even one second more of my valuable time.

You have my permission to wash your hands of the Wheel of Time series.

(Edited because it's too late and I actually spelled dessert "desert." I think it's time I went to bed and got some sleep.)

[This message has been edited by Elan (edited November 10, 2005).]

Posted by W. G. Tryndale (Member # 2979) on :
Yes it is in fact a horrid affliction (isn't horrid a marvolous word) to be cursed with. However if you had infact read the 11th book, which i have, you would know that he ties up nearly all of his louse ends and the last book is going to be a splendid conflaguration of destruction and rebirth. I might infact be "upset" at Jordan for the prequil which wasted valueable time that he could have used to finish the damn series already. However in the end it doesn't matter i read the story because i happen to enjoy it. And i wish to know how this story will end. I never worry about anything and its not a waste if i remember the parts i don't like and make sure i dont do that if i ever infact manage to create a story worth telling.

my two and a half cents
~WG Tryndale

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I can relate to that. There's hardly a book or story or online fanfic I haven't actually finished all the way to the end once I've started, even though I disliked it heartily early on. Even that "dislike" is a rare thing, 'cause I usually get something out of it even then.

The only two book that come to mind in the "never finishing" category are "War and Peace" and "Finnegan's Wake." I attempted both in high school, and failed to finish more than a few pages. I couldn't get past the translation and cultural barrier with "War and Peace," and "Finnegan's Wake" is written in something that's only superficially English.

I've thought of coming back to them, what with their status and high recommendations, and with a vast storehouse of experience and information in my brain than I had as a high schooler...but I haven't yet.

Of course, there are lots and lots of books I haven't even gotten past the covers and jacket copy..."Wheel of Time" books among them.

Posted by Heresy (Member # 1629) on :
Oh, the prequel was an even worse case than him going off and writing another book instead of continuing the series. It was originally a novella published in the first Legends Anthology. So far as I can tell (and I say that because I refused to read a recycled book like this), he simply expanded on the original novella and expected everyone to pay full hardcover price for it. I resent the heck out of that.

And yes, I did like the series initially. However, I have grown less enthusiastic with every passing book (I started reading when book 6 came out), and now I completely refuse to buy the new one, Knife of dreams, at least until it comes out in paperback, and I'm pissed enough at what I feel is a betrayl of me as a reader that I may not buy it at all.

Btw, this is an amusing thread, I'm glad to have found it.

Posted by eclectic skeptic (Member # 3046) on :
Okay, there are a lot of opinions being bandied about, so I thought I would throw mine in for the fun of it.

First, Jordan was the second Author I ever really read and enjoyed, the first being Terry Brooks. I started reading Jordan in the sixth grade when one of my older brothers gave me a falling apart copy of Eye of the World. At first I beleived it to be a stand-alone book. Then I finished it and realized it had to have a sequel. So I found the Great Hunt. I thought that the Great Hunt would be the only sequeal. It wasn't until about the last 50 to a 100 pages did I realize that no way was he going to finish the whole plotline in just two books. So then I found the next one, and the next one, and the next one, all the way till the Fires of Heaven. By this time I was probably thirteen or fourteen. And then I had caught up with the current book. And it has been a waiting game ever since. For going on ten years now I have been waiting for this guy to finish his series. I practically grew up with his characters, not that I didn't have friends, but that Jordan writes his characters so masterfully that you begin to think of them as real people. People you can know better than any other person, because you can't know what a real person is thinking, but with a character in a book you can.

I admit that I was taken in at a young age, and my bias is deep, probably more so than most. I agree that he has had some serious problems with his recent books from Lord of Chaos on. But his latest book Knife of Dreams, actually didn't turn out so bad. He might actually finish with his next book, but I also agree that he should have been done years ago. My writing style is consequently quite a bit like his, and I don't see that as a bad thing, because despite his problems in not wrapping up his overly long story, he still is one of the most widely known authors, and is making more money than anyone who posts on this website. He can't be doing too many things wrong.

I think OSC is actually a better author, but I wouldn't mind having half the talent either of them have.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Posted by rcorporon (Member # 2879) on :
I don't think that Jordan is overly talented as a writer. His first books were great, but mostly borrowed from other books (you know its true).

After that he tried to strike out on his own, and we have the train wrecks that make up books 7 - 10.

Posted by in_defiance22 (Member # 2344) on :
The wheel of time could definately be much better than it is. Personally when I read them, I need to skim quite a bit, skipping over the extranneous details. Like how nynaeve keeps pulling her damn braid, every time she talks. But all in all the characters are fun, the mileu is definately interesting and well thought out. The plot is interesting, if over-kill. But I would say most people enjoy the first five or six books, wade through the seventh, and try to survive through the rest.

[This message has been edited by in_defiance22 (edited December 22, 2005).]

Posted by Matt Lust (Member # 3031) on :
I just started reading the books 2 months ago; only through the first three so far.

The biggest complaint I have is the way RJ beats the reader over the head with redundant character development.

The incessant whining of the characters not wanting to be what they are becoming gets old really fast.

Then there's the constant brow beating the three boys get from the various women around them. This isn't say the boys aren't idiots but do we really need every scene to be centered on how stupid men are and how smart women are? I got it in the first 100 pages or so of the first book. I don't need the next 10000(hyperbole) pages telling me the same thing.

Edit forgot the word reader

[This message has been edited by Matt Lust (edited December 24, 2005).]

Posted by kaukusaki (Member # 3217) on :
I played the game based on the series (yes, a PC game exsists!) and thought since the game was interesting, why not the novels? So I hunted them down and tried (see here, emphasis on tried) to read them. Talk about stuffy! This guy is long winded and the characters are so 2-d. Also, he treats the reader like they don't get it and has to spell out everything in great painful detail. Argh, I'd just stick to the game version of WOT. I got the story in under 20 hours.

[This message has been edited by kaukusaki (edited February 05, 2006).]

Posted by pjp (Member # 3211) on :
I was hooked from book one, and am still interested. My only gripe is the time it is taking to end the series.

There have been a couple of spots in a few books that I thought were hard to get through, but it was mostly because I was interested in another plotline, and couldn't wait to get back to it.

I haven't read Crossroads of Twilight (#10) yet, but that's because I'm just coming out of a period where I haven't wanted to read. I read a lot (for me anyway) in the first 3/4ths of last year or so, and have only recently wanted to read again.

I haven't looked into the rumors, but I'd heard he was pressured into extending the series. Perhaps that is why some aren't as interested. Or, maybe he just doesn't know how to end it himself. I do have a feeling the end will be disappointing after that many words though.


Posted by rcorporon (Member # 2879) on :
Matt, he's now written 11 books, and we STILL hear about how much smarter women are.

Nynaeve still pulls her braid.

The women still sniff, all the time.

And the only character that is interesting is still Matt.

If we could all be as lucky as RJ and be married to our editors.

Posted by Jammrock (Member # 3293) on :
Stopped two chapters into book 5. My wife got so fed up with the series after book 10 that she quit reading it.

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