This is topic Plot for thriller written(/being written) by media personality Glenn Beck in forum Discussing Published Hooks & Books at Hatrack River Writers Workshop.

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Posted by WraithOfBlake (Member # 9027) on :
Posted by rich (Member # 8140) on :
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Despite what some of you might think of my political beliefs, I can't stand Glenn Beck. I don't buy his books, I switch to some other channel when his show is on (when I'm up at that hour), and I try to avoid his appearances elsewhere.
Posted by WraithOfBlake (Member # 9027) on :
I've only heard about an hour total of Beck's radio or TV shows (from clips on line) but have read a ton about him. (I'm a media junky and am intrigued by him.)

Apparently Beck sometimes reads novels, often thrillers, to relax and also Beck has interviewed a number of thriller writers on his shows.

My own taste runs to autobiographical fiction and, although I haven't read it, Beck's only published fiction to date, THE CHRISTMAS SWEATER, is of this genre. Also, Beck is a live comedian (via broadcast and stage shows) and I find it of interest to wonder about the writing style of those who have honed their story telling craft through live performances. (For example, I read a number of pages of one of another of Howard Stern's books and marveled at its transcript-like, em, sorta stacatto.)

* * *

With regard to political opinions and being a writer, I think there are two poles on a continuum--with one side being for us (writers) to be THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR-ish or the website MEDIA-ITE -ish and try to remain as stringently neutral as possible (in appearance, if not reality), and the other side being for us to be like British journalists in general or like American editorial page writers and to put our own beliefs and opinions out there. There are strengths and drawbacks to each pole. Sometimes a person can lose having hi/r ideas considered if s/he blurts out some position on a controversial issue, so tact is useful for that reason. The other advantage of striving for as much even-handedness as possible is that it helps a person to try to THINK in as open-minded manner as possible. Then, one of the great advantages of putting a person's opinions on whatever issue out there is that it enables minority viewpoints to become more acceptable (lol, if such minority viewpoints are of value, I guess); and also, by disclosing a person's views, s/he at least allows hi/r readers to understand what biases s/he might be bringing to bear.

I both try to be as even-handed as possible and also try to disclose my opinions, as much as reasonably possible. That is my personal take on these "poles."

So, with that in mind: I happen to be to the left of Obama. There, I said it.

(However, there are always drawbacks to putting such beliefs out there. Unless a person is a polical commentator, such as Orson Scott Card, perhaps it is wise to be careful about putting hi/rself out there politically, in order to avoid occasionally suffering professional fallout for some of hi/r stands.

[This message has been edited by WraithOfBlake (edited May 12, 2010).]

Posted by WraithOfBlake (Member # 9027) on :
BTW, whereas my sensibilities are such that I think e/g FDR's New Deal/LBJ's Great Society/&c are plently great, in the interest of fairness, here is a 30April piece from Pajamas Media, "Defending Glenn Beck."-->

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
By the way, several players at Fox News besides Beck have published novels...Bill O'Reilly and Lise Wiehl (spelling of the latter name uncertain) come to mind, and I think there are a couple of others. (A lot of 'em have books out, usually non-fiction.)

I don't know if this is as prevalent at other media outlets...

Posted by WraithOfBlake (Member # 9027) on :
Wow! cool, Robert. Here they are!-->
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
One advantage for writers in reading and researching enough to be able to understand the opposing point of view, whatever it may be, is that it can help make antagonistic characters more rounded and believable, and therefore, more effective in stories as they come into conflict with the protagonist.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
Hey, Wraith. I bet we could have one heck of a debate since I'm your opposite. LOL

Personally, I'm surprised a book like what Beck's writing (has wrote?) hasn't already come into public view. I even thought about taking a whack at it. Though I don't think there will ever be another full fledged revolt in the U.S., we have never had a president this far to the left. It doesn't take much imagination from a conservative writer's point of view to take the next step.

I'm not fond of Glenn Beck either, believe it or not. There are times when I find it hard to follow some of his discussions on talk radio, but when I can understand him, he makes a ton of sense. Woops! Sorry about that. I'm getting too close to political controversy.

By the way, I thought "The Obama Nation" one of the best non-fiction books I've ever read. Great reading if one truly wants to understand where our current president comes from. Nuff said.

Posted by andersonmcdonald (Member # 8641) on :
Whether or not someone "likes" Glen Beck, what is important is "Are the things he's speaking about true?" Who cares about personal likes or dislikes? All too often too much emphasis is put on indidviduals. This country is what matters. Be it Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, or whatever, wrong is wrong. If any group crosses the line and tries to subvert the Constitution, it's up to the people to stand up. If Glen Beck is telling the truth, I want to know it. If he's making stuff up to push his own agenda, I want to know it. Personal opinions about the man himself just cloud the issue.
Posted by WraithOfBlake (Member # 9027) on :
Nice thought, Kathleen.

* * *

To Crystal: OK, I'm not much of a debater but I'm game.

I know you're not big on Beck, Crystal, but still I'll go ahead use as my springboard a link to Beck's latest setpiece to be mentioned at the even-handed media commentary site Mediaite.-->

[...Ah, rich liberals! lol. Reminds me of Willaim Randolf Hearst. This is where he lived in California,--> in Hearst Castle. Called himself a populist. He (and Theodore Roosevelt) had supported jingoism (see "yellow journalism"). One of the few media guys bucking against cultural anti-Semiticism enough to call a spade a spade in the face of the Nazis' mega-progrom against the Jews in 1938. All in all, a pretty cool dude--in the liberal wing of the Democratic Party & critical of many of the excesses of capitalism. (Until 1935, when he became more conservative)....]

* * *

[Edited: Redacted to remove statement of my left wing views.]

[This message has been edited by WraithOfBlake (edited May 12, 2010).]

Posted by rich (Member # 8140) on :
Don't make me come in here, and start talking politics. I'll make everybody cry.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Rather than discuss politics, I'll pull the subject away from it by put up one of my pet peeves...that "celebrities" can get some book, marketed as a regular book, accepted and published, while real writers like us linger for years without sales. It's not as intense as my "son of" peeve, but it's there...

(But a slight foray back into politics...I buy a lot of books about politics, but they tend to be on one side...I get enough of that without having to pay for it.)

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Please, no political platforms, even if they are rhetorical.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Thanks, Robert, for the nonpolitical rant.

What frustrates me about books that are supposedly by celebrities (after I get frustrated along with Robert about how easily they can get published), is that instead of being reliably worthless reads, once in a while there may actually be something worth reading--but how is anyone going to know about it when most of them are just drek that sells because of the celebrity connection?

Posted by WraithOfBlake (Member # 9027) on :
Crystal, I haven't read Corsi [...does he do such things as to put some of Barack Obama's former associations out there?; I myself am hoping Professor Ayers has reformed....] As for the linked-to outline of Glenn Beck's thriller, even if such quasi-socialism as my own might shade into stuff he obviously is hypervigiliant about, I honestly do respect Beck's (and other conservatives such as yourself's) political conceptions--and esepecially your respect for a law abiding society with members who are careful about and respect what contracts they enter into, and for the importance that should be given to basic principles found in the United States's Founding Document.

Posted by WraithOfBlake (Member # 9027) on :
Kathleen: An observation I will make is the lack of animosity and overwrought heat within comments on this site. I've heard tell of slight feuds having broken out but even then, from what I gather, they actually essentially have been very tame. Maybe such a culture of courtesy is fairly common at writers sites? I dunno; this being the first one I've really hung around at much. But I'd bet a large measure of its cause is basically that the core people here tend consistently to exemplify such courtesy, making it easier to maintain.

Coincidentally--or maybe not--the following is a recent snip from Beck himself. He's quoting from and commenting on Martin Luther King's pledge of nonviolence.

"'Observe with both friend and foe the ordinary rules of courtesy.' Boy, how we would all change if we did that. Work on that one, too."

[This message has been edited by WraithOfBlake (edited May 05, 2010).]

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
WraithOfBlake, thank you for your observation.

I have to say that it is due more to the maturity and willingness to get along on the part of the participants than it is due to me.

To paraphrase a great man, I try to teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves.

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Also some of the political books I read are kinda dry and dull, when you get right down to it. Nothing you'd read for its entertainment value, just info and supporting the cause and more info. There are some fine writers out there, but there are some guys who would be better off sticking to legal briefs...
Posted by WraithOfBlake (Member # 9027) on :
The first in depth biography of Beck HIMSELF is now out, by Alexander Zaitchik...COMMON NONSENSE: GLENN BECK AND THE TRIUMPH OF IGNORANCE. (Unfortunately, O. Khannah-Brown, an advance copy reviewer on Amazon, complains about the book's apparent tone of anti-Mormon "bigotry"--a tendency I'd noticed and commented on myself, previously, with concern to Zaitchik's two installments about Beck in SALON in 2009).

* * *

Actually, THIS quote doesn't bother me:

Like so much else that baffles people about Beck, his approach to public tears has been shaped in the crucible of his adopted faith. It was the lachrymose Latter-Day Saints who turned an amateur crybaby pro.
© 2010 by Alexander Zaitchik

--although I had to look up LACHRYMOSE. ("Weepy.") According to Dr. Joanna Brooks's belief (herself practicing LDS),

Beck’s oft-ridiculed penchant for punctuating his tirades with tears is the hallmark of a distinctly Mormon mode of masculinity. As sociologist David Knowlton has written, “Mormonism praises the man who is able to shed tears as a manifestation of spirituality.” Crying and choking up are understood by Mormons as manifestations of the Holy Spirit. For men at every rank of Mormon culture and visibility, appropriately-timed displays of tender emotion are displays of power.
### lt_glenn_beck?page=2

[This message has been edited by WraithOfBlake (edited May 11, 2010).]

Posted by rich (Member # 8140) on :
Though, I appreciate the rants against Beck, and I can more than espouse on a few things about the guy, I wonder if we really should continue this thread?

I, the local, liberal, Communist Pinko, do not want to see threads on political personalities, no matter how much they may have entered into the fiction world. My reasoning is that we may be going down the potato chip path: once you have one, you gotta have another.

I love debating politics and personalities, but this board's scope is pretty well-defined I stated above.

If I'm the only one that feels this way, then I'll go sulk by myself. I mean, if everyone else is okay with it, then so be it. I just won't participate, and I'll keep all my genius political opinions to myself.


Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Good point, rich. Even though this is an area for discussing published work and authors, it isn't a place for politics.

So I would say that as long as the discussion limits itself to the subject of a book's text and to the author's writings and stays away with whether or not anyone agrees or disagrees with the author's message, this topic can continue.

If you want to talk about how successfully or unsuccessfully an author argues/presents his or her case in the writing, that's okay. But no evaluations of the case presented, okay?

[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited May 11, 2010).]

Posted by WraithOfBlake (Member # 9027) on :
Note: I've now redacted two of my posts above, with apologies (removing (A) my left-of-center critique of "tribalism as patriotism" (B) my rhetorically proposed platform for quasi-socialism).
Posted by rich (Member # 8140) on :
No need to apologize, Wraith. I'm the kind of guy who's sorely tempted to jump in on political discussions, and I just wanted to make note before I started making an ass of myself. (And for those that already think I'm making an ass of myself, well...I can't argue with the facts now, can I?)
Posted by WraithOfBlake (Member # 9027) on :
N/p, Rich. Btw, two books written by a reporter[/celebrated present-day muckraker]and best-selling author which I of course HIGHLY recommend, btw, are those of David Cay Johnston.

[This message has been edited by WraithOfBlake (edited May 13, 2010).]

Posted by Violent Harvest (Member # 9038) on :
No one is asking for your political opinions in this thread. The title of it is not "Post your political tirade for and/or against the Obama administration. It is not "Which political party are you a member of?"

The thread is an inquiry in to the recent, skyrocketing success of one of the most influential media personalities in the United States for the past couple of years running.

I am apathetic to the ability of our human nature to cater to society unselfishly, and I think anyone who places blind faith in a media figure, politician, or leader in the community is asking to get burned.

Glenn Beck has an ability to appeal to the kindred connection between human beings while simultaneously challenging the authorities in Washington by keeping a direct phone line on his desk at all times. When he asks a menacing question that goes unanswered by the politicians, he places the phone to his ear and asks Obama or someone from the White House to give him a phone call. Ultimately, the phone never rings, and his points are cemented further ---- and this is actually a stroke of genius on his part. I don't agree with the man all the way, and I lean a little more conservative than liberal, but he's using new techniques that talk show hosts and news anchors haven't employed before, and I think he is heavily criticized because is a breath of fresh air in the media, even if you loathe his existence.

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Sometimes being on the same side politically doesn't mean you can stand the guy...and Glenn Beck isn't the only one who sits in the same area of the spectrum as I do that I don't care for.

There are plenty of guys on the left who are interesting. Frederik Pohl has an interesting blog, , that delves (sometimes) into politics---we'll never see eye to eye on most political matters but that doesn't stop it from all being interesting. Check it out, for the SF-related content if nothing else...right now he's running interesting stuff on Heinlein...

(I've neglected to mention the set of alternate history SF books written by Newt Gingrich and William R. Forstchen...I've read some but not all...Gingrich is a sometimes-commentator on Fox News...)

Posted by rich (Member # 8140) on :
No one is asking for your political opinions in this thread.

Then why did you give yours?

It's going to be hard to separate the "man" from the "work". I mean, I don't post Obama's books in here because he's a political figure so one cannot give a critique of the book without getting into a political discussion.

Same with Beck. He may have written a "thriller" (and I use 'written' very loosely), but the plot is political. If he wrote a book about hobbits and dwarves looking for gold, and killing a dragon in the process, then, sure, post away.

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
If I didn't separate the man from the work, I probably wouldn't be (re)reading Asimov, or Fred Pohl, or several dozen SF writers all known to be on one end of the political spectrum...if I add personal disapproval of disgusting things done in choice-of-lifestyles, I wouldn't listen to a lot of music, including that by all four Beatles, alone or together. There's a good chance even Heinlein would fall into that category.

That being said, there have been times when I haven't bought something put out by someone because of something they've done. I can't think of any SF stuff that falls into this category offhand, but there are a lot of CDs I passed on because of things the musicians said, and not always politically. There is no reason to encourage someone who's said or done something you disapprove of by buying something of theirs and thereby financing them. I name no names.

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I can think of a couple of things to say about the literary Barack Obama, but I'll stick with two. (1) The first one, Dreams For My Father (I think---I haven't read it), came out way before he was a political figure outside of Chicago. And (2) there are certain reservations in some quarters about whether he really wrote it, whether a ghostwriter was used even at this early stage of Obama's career.

Don't think this just points one way for me. The abovementioned Gingrich / Forstchen collaboration...I see a collaborator's name with a well-known political figure on a work of fiction, and I automatically wonder just who wrote what of it, and how much. (This extends into other areas, too, like, say, William Shatner's TekWar and Star Trek books...)

This is an awfully political discussion, though...but one thing leads to another, and what it leads to is often political. I can't help it, at least till Kathleen locks us out of it...

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Well, so far, it seems that there's more light than heat, so I'm willing to let it ride.
Posted by WraithOfBlake (Member # 9027) on :
I don't know who wrote THE OVERTON WINDOW but apparently Lewis Grossberger, for one, sez it's well-, um, "writ."-->]

</wink, wink/end spoofery>

"I’ve got to tell you, I’m not a big fan of Glenn Beck but when I got hold of 'The Overton Window,' Glenn’s first adult novel, I couldn’t put it down. This is a must-read, folks, a keeper, a wild ride."
Lol. Note that, in reality, its protagonist is Noah Gardner: "Smart, single, handsome and insulated from the world’s problems by the wealth and power of his father"--who meets Molly Ross: "A woman who is consumed by the knowledge that the America we know is about to be lost forever."-->

[This message has been edited by WraithOfBlake (edited June 08, 2010).]

Posted by WraithOfBlake (Member # 9027) on :
With regard authorship, Beck's unauthorized biographer Alexander Zaitchik has said ( )

"To his [B's] credit, he’s very up-front about this. Orson Welles, one of Beck’s heroes, used to deny his ghost writers credits, but Beck doesn’t. I think "Arguing with Idiots" had something like nine authors listed.[...]Clearly, he hired some of his friends in the patriotic thriller business—and he surely had favors coming, after what Beck has done for them—to ghost his new novel, The Overton Window."

Pre-'The Overton Window's' publication, Beck has posted reviews by four of, ahem, B's FELLOW thriller writers: Nelson DeMille, Vince Flynn, James Rollins, & Brad Meltzer. However, the book DOESN'T list any co-authors. Per Zaitchik's speculation/investigation, are any of these authors ghosting its Ayn Randian plot?

Btw, on this page is a link to a sample from its, I think, 1st Ch.--narr. by Jas. Daniels.-->

[This message has been edited by WraithOfBlake (edited June 08, 2010).]

Posted by WraithOfBlake (Member # 9027) on :

According to USA TODAY:

On the title page, Beck shares credit with three contributors. He calls the conspiracy novel "my story," but he says Jack Henderson, one of his contributors, "went in and he put the words down."

Henderson is apparently THIS author.-->

--and ''Overton's'' title page, it's said, credits assists also from Kevin Balfe, who's Beck's VP for publishing, along with Emily Bestler, who's an editor at Pocket Books.
It's been panned by the WaPo.--> _review.html

Here's a review from TIME magazine.-->,8599,1996882,00.html?xid=rss-topstories
"Real Time with Bill Maher" writer Chris Kelly...

...asserts in the HuffPo similarities between Beck/Henderson/et al's THE O.W.... Henderson/dp/B003A02VVI/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1276706819&sr=8-13

...and computer programmer Henderson's maiden novel, CIRCUMFERENCE OF DARKNESS, independently published in 2005 and later picked up by Bantam Dell in 2007 and published as ''Maximum Impact,'' in the UK in 2008.

[This message has been edited by WraithOfBlake (edited June 16, 2010).]

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