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Posted by Dirk Hairychest (Member # 10105) on :
I am new to Hatrack and I am intrigued by everyone's choice of user name. As an etymology fan, I am interested in hearing the history and meaning behind some of your user names.
Posted by Dirk Hairychest (Member # 10105) on :
Dirk Hairychest is my homage to the old Sesame Street game show host Guy Smiley. Every time I heard his name, it made me crack up. I wanted a name that sounded overly confident and silly like my hero Guy, so I became Dirk.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
When I was a kid, my brothers and I always had names for our pretend world where we would act out stories. Mine was Crystal Stevens. I sometimes thought it'd make a great pen name if I ever got anything published, but for some reason I've used my real name (Ginger Karns) when submitting.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
My user name is my name---I can't be bothered making something up just to post things, and, besides, it's my brand name as well.

One problem I've had with those who post here is figuring out what it is when they actually break through and publis---I know them by one name and they publish under another. Using my own name I avoid that.
Posted by Dirk Hairychest (Member # 10105) on :
You know Robert, I thought about that. I guess I just followed tradition when I signed up. My name is Matt Leon. As soon as I get published I will make sure everyone knows. I guess until then, I am just Dirk.
Posted by MAP (Member # 8631) on :
I've always thought of starting a thread like this. [Smile]

MAP is my initials. I know, not very exciting.

ETA: Crystal, I love your real name. You should keep using it.
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
I don't know. <shrug> Sounded good at the time? Disclaimer? Eh, make something up and let me know later.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Marshal Tito (real name Josip Broz) said he chose the name he became famous under because it occurred to him at the time.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
Originally posted by MAP:
I've always thought of starting a thread like this. [Smile]

MAP is my initials. I know, not very exciting.

ETA: Crystal, I love your real name. You should keep using it.

I intend to whenever I get back into writing again. Right now my interests have turned to other things. Also, I think I needed a break from writing. I'll keep in touch here on Hatrack and, hopefully, I'll be writing again in the future.
Posted by tesknota (Member # 10041) on :
Tesknota is a Polish word that has no direct English translation. I think it means something like a deep, nostalgic longing. According to extrinsic, it means a "nostalgic yearning".
Posted by rcmann (Member # 9757) on :
Pulled mine out of my arse.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Mine came about as a private joke on another forum. Way too private as it turned out.

Dean Wesley Smith originally had a forum on his site. When I joined at the beginning of the forum I decided to make say that I was the second best writer there--second to Dean. I wasn't by far but I figured it could be worth something to say it. But no on ever commented on it or asked who I was second to. Way later I discovered that you could take it to mean that I was a writer too.

LD are my initials.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
One slight caveat (to steal a word from another post): I am blessed with / cursed by a last name that's considerably more distinctive than "Smith." So, say, with some odd exceptions, if someone does an internet search of my name what pops up will refer to me.
Posted by Pyre Dynasty (Member # 1947) on :
Mine is a reference to a story I wrote as a kid. I plan to return to it soon. The restoration of the monarchy by a prince named Pyro founded a new dynasty. Also it just sounded cool when my account on a different site got corrupted.

I've been fighting with myself over whether I should start anew with my real name (Vernon Ray Jackson) for branding reasons, but Pyre has a history that I'd rather not discard.
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
I got mine my sophomore year in high school. I was in the School musical, and the guy playing my husband couldn't remember my name (Sheena).
So he started yelling out random syllables that sound like my name, "Shenica, Sherisa, Shimiqua come over here."

It made me laugh, so for the rest of the day he started calling me by that nickname.

And so, to make him laugh, I made it my email moniker. He didn't notice. When I specifically emailed him a week after, he didn't remember who I was. That tiny moment that 15 years later I still remember, didn't register for him.

It's probably silly that I've kept using it, but there's a large part of me who wants to remember that girl who was forgotten, and made to laugh, and then forgotten again. That's the girl I write for, and I think a large part of me will never grow up out of that person.

So that's why it's my name.
Posted by EVOC (Member # 9381) on :
EVOC has been a moniker I've used since I was a in High School. It stands for Emergency Vehicle Operations Course.

I used to Volunteer with the local police, and one time while driving some other volunteers they said, "Damn, you already drive like a cop."

So I now use EVOC, or EVOCdriver, or some variation on most of the online world.
Posted by kmsf (Member # 9905) on :
turns out I am a radio station west of the Mississippi.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Do they play good music, kmsf? (That name alone doesn't lead to a good nickname. Unlike Robert, I tend to need two names to remember a person. If I were around enough, I'd probably start calling you "Radio".)

Mine is an obscure reference to my maiden name.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I'm with Robert in that my name is ... my name. Actually, a shortened version of it. I publish under my full name, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks, which is unique enough that a Google search only pulls up links that refer to me.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
<---- Yeah. Nuff said.
Posted by Dirk Hairychest (Member # 10105) on :
Actually Axe, your name is the most frightening one out there. So murderously creepy with weird religious overtones.
Posted by Dirk Hairychest (Member # 10105) on :
And I love it!
Posted by Treamayne (Member # 9700) on :
Mine is from teh first story I wrote when I was 8. I don;t even recall where or how I heard the name Tremayne - but I recall that I didn;t know how to spell it and came up with Treamayne (not too far off for being 8 at the time). Since it's such an unusual spelling I've been able to use it nearly everywhere on the internet, so I do. I intend to use it as my Pen Name when/if I ever get published.

The character's name was Aiden Treamayne - but I've since learned that is a characted in a novel series already so I switched to Alek a long time ago (always liked the name Alek) and will probably use that, or just A. Treamayne.
Posted by History (Member # 9213) on :
Originally posted by Dirk Hairychest:
I am new to Hatrack and I am intrigued by everyone's choice of user name. As an etymology fan, I am interested in hearing the history and meaning behind some of your user names.

Post 9-11, I developed a greater interest in modern-day Islam and the Muslim world than even that I had during the brief First Gulf War (during which I served).

On a slow afternoon at work, I joined my first on-line Forum. It was hosted by (now defunct) where the Middle-East, Israel, Muslims, Christians, and Jews were often talked about. I joined because the misinformation, as well as outright bigotry and hatred, being posted about Jews and the history of Israel was so appallingly incorrect and defamatory . The Username I chose was History and I was History on many other religious and ethics as well as ethno-cultural Forums--like Ken's Religion and Ethics BBS which was created when MSNBC closed their Forums (I still visit Ken's R&E on occasion);, a British-based Muslim Forum from which I was ultimately banned by a Moderator for "being a Zionist" though I retained a good relationship with the site administrator. Subsequently and surprisingly I was asked to be a Moderator on Islam (now sadly defunct). I also posted on a scattering of others Forums/Message Boards from multifaith forums (e.g. a little on, and very briefly on a "Traditional" Catholic web forum (these are Catholics who reject Vatican II and they are perhaps even less Jew-friendly than many of the Muslim posters on

Anyway, on all these sites, I kept the Username {b]History[/b]. The provision of accurate and well-sourced historical information to refute untrue, misleading or hateful posts was my forte.

Hatrack, however, was my first writers' forum, which I joined in 2010 after completing my first novel (i.e. my first fiction writing in over 30 years). By habit, I registered under the same Username of History--well, I must have written hundreds of thousands of words posting as History for 7 years.

But I soon felt that it wasn't appropriate for my Hatrack persona, or subsequently on the WOTF Forum or others' writing blogs, so I sign my posts "Dr. Bob".

While I understand a few here choose to remain anonymous, I find sharing manuscripts for critique, listing our publications, and having our names appear (hopefully) in the quarterly list of Finalists and Winners in the Writers of the Future Contest results makes any attempt at anonymity nonsensical. So "Bob's" my name, and I happen to be a "Dr."

Also, as writers, is not one of our goals name recognition?
Most of the books by "Anonymous" have lurid covers and are placed in brown paper bags high out of the reach of children. [Wink]

Dr. Bob
Posted by extrinsic (Member # 8019) on :
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." (Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet) Answer to the question also raised in Romeo and Juliet "What's in a name?"

"extrinsic" means not a part of, from the outside, and not belonging to. Exoteric has similar connotations. This is me: a perennial outsider on the periphery of society. As a publisher and editor as well as a passionately determined writer, I come up against headwinds from writers as if that's a natural condition of writing culture, hence, also extrinsic to writing culture. I came across the word while studying Alfred Hitchcock's term MacGuffin, which is a motif not intrinsic to a plot. Intrinsic is the denotative antonym of extrinsic.

I maintain several online identities in order to protect my privacy. Unfortunately, malevolent writers have in the past tracked me down and harrassed me. I don't long to have knuckleheads with murder in their hearts banging on my door.

I figure my writing voice is distinctive enough that anyone genuinely interested will recognize my writing. I don't care to sing my own praises or ring my own bell. Fame, fortune, and acclaim, if and when they come, will be because of the writing, not because of my name. I have pseudonyms in the wings for particular purposes so that any genre I publish in remains compartmentalized, like prose, poetry, publishing, editing, or criticism. I believe in preparing for success. My strategies, including identity strategies, pave the way. Isn't there artful mystique expressed in identity alter-egos, too?

[ August 26, 2013, 12:23 PM: Message edited by: extrinsic ]
Posted by extrinsic (Member # 8019) on :
Originally posted by LDWriter2:
Mine came about as a private joke on another forum. Way too private as it turned out.

Dean Wesley Smith originally had a forum on his site. When I joined at the beginning of the forum I decided to make say that I was the second best writer there--second to Dean. I wasn't by far but I figured it could be worth something to say it. But no on ever commented on it or asked who I was second to. Way later I discovered that you could take it to mean that I was a writer too.

LD are my initials.

I've thought that LD might be an abbreviation of Latter Day, hence Latter Day Writer too!?
Posted by arriki (Member # 3079) on :
"Arriki" was the title of my first sale to Asimov's. It's a deer like creature. Actually, more a gazelle. I've never had a deer, but living in the Middle East I did own a gazelle. Long time ago. And arrikis appear in all my other lysiscan novels. Sadly, unpublished.
Posted by History (Member # 9213) on :
Originally posted by arriki:
"Arriki" was the title of my first sale to Asimov's. It's a deer like creature. Actually, more a gazelle. I've never had a deer, but living in the Middle East I did own a gazelle. Long time ago. And arrikis appear in all my other lysiscan novels. Sadly, unpublished.

There's always e-publication. Have you considered this, arriki?
Mazel Tov on the pro sale to Asimov's.
I have all the initial years of IASFM but only through MAR 1983. Must have just missed your issue.

Dr. Bob
Posted by KellyTharp (Member # 9997) on :
I'm feeling really left out of having a cool on-line name. When I joined I didn't think about making up a moniker and just signed in using my real name. But, my emailing name is MrsDVader as my first short story published in a Fanzine was on Darth Vader (soon after the first 3 movies came out), so my on-line friends all call me MrsD. Kinda like Mrs C on "Happy Days". Sorry I didn't get creative here. KT
Posted by extrinsic (Member # 8019) on :
"KellyTharp" is a delightful name. Gaelic "Kelly" means strife, originally Gaelic Ceallach, prounounced Kelly. Anglo Saxon Tharp came from thorp meaning village. Hi Mrs. Strife Village. Exquisite. Maybe you didn't create your name but it is a space of creatively personal identity expression and ownership.

My statutory name means First of Moonlight Hunters. I won't bother to give the Anglo version, out of privacy concerns.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Near as I can tell, it wasn't in the magazine proper but in one of those anthologies Asimov's (and also Analog) published around that time---about the size of the magazine, about twice as thick, and found on newsstands with the magazines, when you found them on newsstands at all.

And, curse the luck, it would be the one anthology I don't have a copy of, or at least one I can't find a copy of...
Posted by jayazman (Member # 2818) on :
My name is not that interesting either.
JAY is my initials, I live in Arizona, and I'm male.

Kind of like a short biography all wrapped up in a user name.
Posted by legolasgalactica (Member # 10087) on :
This has been most interesting. My guesses were mostly all wrong (except the obvious).

If no one will be offended I'll give my first impression of some of the usernames here:

Jayazman--I first read as Jasmine and have thought you a female ever since. lol.

LDWriter2--I thought with extrinsic that it meant Latter Day Writer too...

MAP--always liked that one.

Dirk Hairychest-- I first read it as Dirty Hairychest and that's what comes to mind even after I read it right.

kmsf--I did think radio station

History--combined with Dr. Bob gave the impression of a thoughtful, trustworthy and well educated person (which has held up so far).

Tesknota--I should have known better, given that I speak Russian, which has a similar word/meaning. But when I read it, I always think of Nikolai Tesla.

As for me, mine is from my 1st and still used email address (spam away, lol). I was a fan of fantasy and science fiction--hence the name but ironically my favorites are yes, LOTR, but Star Wars not Battlestar Galactica. I have to confess I've never read or watched anything from that series. But galactica rolled off the tongue much smother than anything I could come up with from Star Wars.

Somehow I can't picture my name on anything--and I'm not sure I'd want it to. I'll probably use a pen name. Other than from close family and friends, fame and recognition would annoy me terribly.

I wouldn't mind being someone of power or great responsibility, but only if I have anonymity.
Posted by tesknota (Member # 10041) on :
I do not mind at all if my username evokes thoughts of Nikolai Tesla. He's one swell guy. =)
Posted by Dirk Hairychest (Member # 10105) on :
How about LegolasKenobi? Or LegolasVader? LegolasTheHutt?
As for me, I am having some sadness that I didn't pick Dirty Hairychest, but I would have even more problems with the mail filters than I already have.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I didn't wanna say before, but...well, Dirk Hairychest, your name does make me think it should belong to a character in some porno sword-and-sorcery movie...and it's not the only name 'round here that makes me think "porno," either...

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