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Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
My name is Samuel David Kent. I live in a place called Reagans's Game and possibly in Reagan's Redemption, although my maker can't seem to make up her mind on that one. My greatest pet peeve is probably being outshone. I don't like to admit it but anytime I'm in a situation where a person seems to have an edge on me, ie: more intelligent, funnier, more attractive (which isn't nec. a difficult thing to do), etc, I go into an attack mode, where I kinda assult people with wordy sarcasm. I'd tell you I'm laid back, that nothing really bothers me, but that's just so someone doesn't seem more easy going than me. Really, I can't stand a show-off who are showing off more than me. I'm not really close to anyone. I live in isolation. I get a single birthday card every year, but it isn't even on my birthday and its always signed something like "I hope you die". The guards here are alright, except for Greer, but I'm not close to them. The only person I carry on a conversation with is Dr. Sheila Marksberry, 30 min a week, every Wednesday. And she'd say I was a confused murderer probably throw some psycho-babble at you about my mental condition. She probably couldn't even come up with three sentances. Reagan is the only person who really knows me, and he doesn't technically exist. My earliest memory would be laying on the bed in my Grandmother's back bedroom during the middle of summer vacation. I had an 8 pm sharp bedtime and she was too thrifty to run AC, so the windows were always open. I remember laying there in my boxer shorts, slick with sweat, staring at the ceiling, listening to the other kids outside catching lightning bugs or getting together a pick-up game of HORSE while I had to be in bed. Talk about sucking. That's really when I started to make up stories that took me on adventures that were cooler than any those other kids were out there having. So, really, I could blame everything on Granny if I wanted to. My greatest insecurity... Don't really have one. I'm over worrying about zits or love handles. Multi-millions and an isolation cell will do that to a guy. My greatest strength... well, isn't that obvious?

My greatest strength is my imagination.

Posted by ? (Member # 8177) on :
So Samuel, can I call you Sam?

How long have you been in prison? What would you do if you ever got out? Who would you go see?

(hope I'm doing this right)

Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
I'm not getting out. Two back-to-backs. There's nobody left for me out there, anyway.
Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
And I've been in this hell-hole for eight years. Did I mention I was framed? Doesn't matter. You probably don't believe me. Nobody else does.
Posted by ? (Member # 8177) on :
Tell me about Reagan. Is he like an imaginary friend that's always there, or just a character in the stories you make up?


Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
Reagan. Are you sure you want to crack that nut? Reagan DuSaint is my Best Seller. He's the bad guy all the ladies love, I guess. I wrote four novels, and my theory -- Although Sheila calls this part my delusion -- is that the weekend of the release of my fourth novel in the Redemption series, my readership was at this chart-topping high. I had some good marks too, even had one of the chicks on that morning talk show with the oversized coffee mugs all freaked out by my boy Reagan. Enough people were reading him, and for just a half hour, or however long it was they were there in those pages, they were believing it. And somehow, Reagan heard. They believed he was real, and I guess it wore off. It opened a sort of door, I don't know. I'm the one in the nuthouse, so you don't have to tell me I'm crazy. I've got the papers somewhere to tell me that. Just remember ?, you write, right? Just remember not to get too into your characters, and if you do, Either play nice with them or don't arm them too well. Whatever you do, don't let a town lynch the love of their life. Just a little friendly advice.

You know, better safe than locked up in a nuthouse with 140 years left to go.

Posted by ? (Member # 8177) on :
Oh that Reagan! Sorry I never got around to reading your books. I plan to one day. My girlfriend has been bugging me to read them for a while so she has someone to talk to about them.

So back to you. You have to admit your theory does sound pretty crazy. I mean, I think about my characters all the time, but that won't somehow make them real all of a sudden. Did your Granny drop you on the head a lot as a child or something like that?

How do you spend your time all alone in your cell? Do you still make up stories?

Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
Hey, I'm not arguing it sounds crazy. But that's life, man. Life is crazy.

I write. Every day. I lay on these cold concrete slabs and write with my looney-bin sanctioned writing apparatice -- a yellow crayon most of the time. And its working, my friend. Because every day, I'm closer to his world, and your world, its losing its lucidity. I heard one of the guards talking about this chick selling her virginity online, right? That world he's talking about, it's been so long since I've been there that it isn't real for me, man. Reagan is real. That's where I spend all of my time. I'm getting close. The scales are tipping. Make fun if you want to, but in the end, that isn't what I'm gonna lose sleep over.

Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
How did you get this way? I mean i am a little scared you could crawl out of my screen and kill me as i type this, but what made you go crazy? Where you born this way?

Do the people you kill deserve it, or are they just a nuisance in front of you?

Is there anyone you won't kill?

~Sheena, hoping that answer is me.

Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
Look lady, Don't be scared of me. I'm cuffed to this chair and wearing leg irons, for pete's sake. I mean, you could do more to me than I can do to you.

I'm telling you...

Isn't that what this is about? You're just like Sheila. She asks questions but never listens to the answers. I didn't KILL anyone! Not really. I mean, Reagan was supposed to be fictional. I can't help that stuff. But here, in our world, my hands are clean. Swear it on my dad's grave.

I didn't kill anyone and I wouldn't kill anyone. Sometimes I may seem like a punk, but I'm not a murderer.

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
*grabs chair and drags it across the floor, scrapping loudly. Turns chair around and sits on it so arms are on the back rest*

"Nice padded cell, Sam. Tell me, what checkers taste better? The red or black?"


*Rubs back of head where KDW smacked with a rolled-up newspaper*

"Okay, I may not be best for this but I know someone that is and could use the exersize to add to his depth."

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
*A man in a light suit walks in*

Hello Mr Kent. My name is Dr Andrew Halifast. Snapper sent me but I can assure you, despite my association with him I am a serious practioner in psychology.
I have been a psychiatrist for 15 years. I specialize in matters involving family's. Although criminal behavior is out of my line of work, I believe we can develop a working relationship that we can both benefit from.

Now enlighten me, Sam.
An investigation was done and a jury unanimously found you guilty. You haven't said why you are innocent. Care to explain how everyone else got it wrong?
Also, the penitentiary is full of people claiming to be innocent. Claiming that wouldn't put you in hospital for the criminally disturbed. Why do you think you're here?

Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
Okay DOCK-tor Hellfast, I'll play with another shrink. Although, I don't see what in the h@!! I can help you with. I'm not even allowed shoe laces.

So, how does this work? You're gonna play Clarice, and we'll do a little quid pro quo about lambs?

Whatever. I guess I can clear my schedule.

Now, I'll go over the innocent part for you. In-no-cent. That means I didn't do it. Everyone else got the innocent wrong, because they all said guilty. The reason I'm not sharing a cell with the rest of the murderers, the reason I'm special and get the nice dixie cup full of happy pills is because people are so stupid and fat and happy that they are too scared to stop and look around ask a question or two. Those people on the jury, they believe that insurance will cover their a$$e$ and that the world is made up of Tivo and Starbucks and American Idol. They think that's real, and while they drive through and pick up their #2 Combo to make it home in time to see who's getting eliminated, their imaginations and minds are rotting away. The jury thinks that in order for something to be real, it has to fit into this neat pre-fab box. But I know there's something outside of the box. There's Reagan, and he's as real to me as your iPhone is to you.

Reagan killed those people. Reagan DuSaint got in a hissy over his girl getting hung in my last novel and he hopped realites, put a gun in my face and told me to write her back to life. If Ronnie hadn't been such a jealous girlfriend, she might have got to keep her head. But Ronnie didn't believe I was there with Reagan, she thought it was another woman. She got in the way, and Reagan got justice for his girl. A neck for a neck sort of thing. Only I did what he said, I brought his girl back. Mines gone for good. And I'm here because as soon as I finished writing, as soon as I printed those pages, Reagan had to go back and live them. So when the cops show up and my only living witness is in a coma, they didn't buy the whole "My Imaginary Friend Did It" plea. They said I was crazy.

But they are wrong.

So, now, tell me again... How are we supposed to help each other out? Hey... you don't believe me, do you?

[This message has been edited by Reagansgame (edited August 30, 2008).]

[This message has been edited by Reagansgame (edited August 30, 2008).]

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Well, Mr Kent. The reason why I think we can help each other is that at least one person, that can make such a decision, believes that you don't believe that Reagan commited the murder. That you convinced people that you believed that to keep you out of the State penitentiary and possibly the electric chair. It is an opinion that you are more intelligent than you claim and your delusions are just an act.
To be honest, Mr Kent, a few of the names involved, Ronnie - Reagan, have a very curious association. My colleague would have made a uncalled for crack like Nancy - Bonzo or asked if you made an appointment with Doctor Al Z Heimer.
Sam, I have had plenty of clients that had trouble seperating reality from fantasy. A lot of them that did some bad things, child abuse, incest, and worse, never really believed that did anything wrong. Illegal maybe, but not really wrong. Given time, I could usually get them to see the light, so to speak.
My colleague would like me to analyze whether you believe what you say, whether this is an elborate hoax that is keeping you out of the general prison population, or if indeed what you are saying is true.
Now let me give you a simple test, a riddle. Answer it as honestly as you can.

Sue met a man at her mothers funeral. She conversed with him for a time and felt a special connection. After the funeral she concluded that he was the soulmate in her life, that once in a lifetime meeting of that special someone she waited for. However, she never got his name or phonenumber.
Two days after her mothers funeral, Sue murdered her sister. Why?

Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
I'll humor you, Freud.

Sue killed her mom. The man was a detective. Her sister uncovered it, so she capped her, too.

I'm going with the killer theme since that seems to be where you are already. But, since you asked for honesty, I have now freaking clue, man. Sue could've been on the clock and didn't get the guys number because her pimp would've gone upside her head. It could have been as simple as her sister was in her stash or they got in a car accident and it was ruled homicide.

You got it all figured out, now?

That's good. Submit it to a medical journal. Crack the Sam Kent Case. Go on Opera and tell her how you touched the mind of the monster. I don't care.

I've had extensive, in depth work-ups. They all say I'm cracked, my friend. But, I will agree with you on the one thing. I shouldn't be in here with these drooly diaper wearing freaks. I'm no loon.

Now, my turn to ask a question.

{unbuttons top two buttons of jumper and pulls at white undershirt collar}

Do you see this? This scar came from something close to a .41 Rimfire bullet. Fired at close range from one of a pair of derringers that my scion carries. Do you see the scar, Dr. Helifast? Just making sure that you saw it. I don't want you to come back later on and say you don't believe that I believe that I showed you where Reagan shot me when I really didn't believe in him. You're right about that, too by the way. You got your dollars worth at that Dr. college of yours. I don't believe Reagan did anything. I know it. I saw it.

I've got plenty of people pointing their fingers at me saying "Lookie! That's that crazy Storybook Murderer guy!" you don't have to wear a fancy suit and talk all smug and use analogies shaped into riddles to do that. You just have to get in line.

[This message has been edited by Reagansgame (edited August 31, 2008).]

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Interesting answer, Mr Kent.

You are quite the writer and you are correct. You do have quite the imagination. The riddle didn't have all the info that you needed so you added your own. That suggests that you have a calculating mind.

I see that scar, from my limited knowledge of tramatic wounds, that could have been caused by a few different methods. Even if it was a gunshot wound, what would make me believe that it wasn't self-inflicted?

Okay, Sam. Here's a few more.

1) You are a writer. Reagan is your creation, therefore in your head. Even if he 'came to life' as you suggest, wouldn't that make you partially responsible for the murder?

2) I haven't heard any remorse for Ronnie's death. In fact it sounded as if she had it coming, from your brief recollection of the event. Do you not feel a little responsible for her murder?

3) If Reagan is real, why haven't you been able to show anyone that he exist? Why can't you bring him to life as you claimed you have before? If not to prove your innocence, for at least to see that he see justice for Ronnie's murder?


Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
You don't think I don't feel guilty for my share of what happened? I do. I know I'm pretty much to blame for it. I didn't pull the trigger -- or rather, the razor wire -- but I killed my girlfriend. In a way. That's what makes me crazy, though, because you can hook me up to one of those lie detecting tests, and I'll tell you, yes, Philosophically speaking, I am partially to blame, but in the most literal sense (and I think I'd know literal) I didn't.

And as far as Ron goes. O'course I loved her. You wanna talk about a woman in her prime --- shame. I'm not tryin to sound cold. I'm not saying she deserved to die. She shouldn't have. Especially not like that. Ha! She would have died if she knew how she died, she was so nit picky about her face, you know. Anyway, no, man. It shouldn't have gone down like that... but if she could have put a lid on the petulant jealousy and caught my drift, instead of immediately jumping to the conclusion that I was lying about the "someone else" I was with, then she would've made her Saturday spa appointment. I used the one chance I had to call for help on her, and she thought I was with another woman! I should have listened to the whispers, but I really didn't think she was THAT dumb.

And as for the last... I'm working on it. Reagan came to me last time, I didn't summon him. I didn't even know he was real or I would've said No-effin-way when Word asked if I wanted to save him. I know now, though. So, I'm working on it. I figure, I get him pissed off enough... he'll come back (In the sequel by R. Safley) and then it's on. Because next time, I won't have another girlfriend with detachable head laying around. Next time, I won't have anything else to lose. Then, it will be a different game, all together.

Oooh, is it my turn? I get to ask now...

So, doc, tell me --- actually, I can't think of a single thing about you that could possibly be interesting. I mean, you probably have an entire walk-in closet that's dedicated to your tie rack, don't you? You do, admit it. I bet on Friday nights, you go tie shopping. How much did you spend on that one? Why would you -- or anyone --- want to be a shrink? I'll tell you what "I want to be a psychologist" means -- "I don't want to deal with my own problems, so let me see if I can't find someone else who sucks worse than me." So what's in your closet that you have buried so well, that people think you're the expert on stable mentality? Let Sam play shrink, now, and tell me all about it.

Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
Sam, I am sorry that I mispoke before. I was reading what Reagan had been saying about you and got the wrong idea. You could really use your publicist on here. You could use some good P.R.
Is there anyway the publisist for your book could help you out of prison? It seems as though they are just using your situation to sell your book. Maybe it is time to hire a new firm. I don't know of a publisit who won't believe what you are saying, as long as the right kind of money is involved.
How did you meet Ronnie? What were you like before you started writing? If you could meet Reagan again, what would you like to do? Do you believe in God?
Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
My publicist helps himself, my friend. How about that for an agent? He wrote a biography called The inside story on the Storybook Murders. And from what I hear, he's gotten pretty fat offa the whole thing. Unfortunately, my vast fortunes are locked up in a kind of Federal Escrow. Uncle Sam is only slightly less greedy than my agent was. You think this place is a hostel or something? I have to pay for my stay and since I'm too dangerous to make licence plates, I come out of pocket. And you can not dispute the bill when it is coming from the government. Even if I could get someone to believe me, and even if I got a retrial, I can't get a refund for eight years room and board. They charge like this place is the da#m Ritz, too.

Before I started writing I was the same. Just broke. I worked at Blockbuster-- or was it Burger King? and was trying to save up enough to move out of my grandma's house.

I met Veronica at a booksigning. She'd had a strawberry daquri with a girlfriend at lunch then tottered over to the book store to buy a Business Taxes for Dummies book and she bumped into my table. It was love at first desperate need. I'd never -- uhm--- never you know -- been on a second date before, and she needed help taking her Salons from red to black. It morphed into something more. But, that's how it started. Everyone says we were using eachother for one reason or another, but that wasn't exactly true, and besides, even it was, so what? It just helped that she was pretty hot and the only girl who wasn't creeped out by me, who could look beyond some of my physical shortcomings and respect me for my expansive understanding of Gross Value. I guess, if I could do anything differnt with Ron, I wouldn't have called her that night. He said I could call so nobody would wonder where I was and he said not to call the cops, but I should've just said nah. And I would have told her I loved her.

And as for that last question... Oh yes, I definately believe in God. I was raised Southern Baptist, baby. There was a time when your's truly was a decent enough tenor in the choir. I still believe in Him, only now, I'm very much scared of Him.


Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Well, Mr Kent. I usually don't reveal any intimate details of my life to my clients, but you're really not a client are you?

Yes, I do have a tie rack, after all I wear a suit everyday (part of the uniform, you know). As far as why I wanted to be a shrink, it's because I wanted to help others, families especially. I have lived a very steady life and had a great up bringing, but I seen so many around me that grew up with so much stress. It seemed so unnecessary to me, so I trained to be a pshycologogist that specialized in helping families. And I'm damn good at it. I have had lots of success, only one client I had I would consider unreachable (he's a little too engrossed in his religion to deal with reality).

Now, enough about me. Sam, you're a lot smarter than you claimed at the beginning of this, but I am finding a lot of holes in your story.
Let's say what your saying is true. If Reagan is a product of your writing, why not undo him? Write a new novel and kill him off. Have you ever considered that?

Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
Awww... but I like talking about you, Shrink . I mean, you're no Jodi Foster, but you're smarter than the resident quack, here. Every single week with the same questions! How many times does a guy have to tell the same story, you know? It's like he!l for me - twilight zone he!l. The man who loves to tell great, wild stories is forced to tell the same, unembellished recounting every. single. week. for the rest of my life.

Thats part of why I don't just write Reagan off. If I do that, I've gotta spend the rest of my life in here by myself. I'll kill him before I die, but it'll be on my deathbed if I can help it. He's either gonna do whatever he did to get over here in the first place so I can say "Hey, look -- here's the guy" or he's going to suffer along with me.

The other reason why I don't, well, why I can't kill him off... you probably wouldn't get it, but when you write a story it may be make-believe, but you set up rules for your fantasy world and you have to obey those rules at all costs for the duration of that story. If you have a story about your girl who shot her sister, and you explain that she can read minds but never on Tuesdays or Thursdays after midnight from the very beginning, than 500,000 words later, you better not suddenly have her reading minds at 1 am on a Thursday. I know, it sounds like more of my crazy talk, but that's just the way it is. The only way I could bring Reagan's girl back for him was to obey the rules I've been laying down all along. So, there's that, I made Reagan and his girl pretty much immortal. I can't just up and kill him. Not as simple as that. The story won't allow it.

So, what's a nice head doctor like you doing in a Snapper story? Are you here with another inmate? That religious freak, he on this ward? I know there's the guy who thinks he's a preist for some god named Bud. Is that your client? And if you deal primarily with families, does that mean you have a family of your own? Do you talk to your kids with understanding sock puppets? Okay, I've always wondered this, so you have to induldge, were you allowed to use crayon on your exit exams? Sheila - my doctor here - she's always telling me that I made Reagan up. Well, doc, explain to me how my imaginary friend is any different than your profession. After all, you make your living offa things that are all in everyone else's heads. You survive by seeing things that don't phsyically exist - mental conditions.

[This message has been edited by Reagansgame (edited September 03, 2008).]

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
No, that religious freak is not committed. He was instructed to get pyschological help because he won't stop stalking his ex. For the last five months he's been telling me that every bad thing that happens on Earth (natural disasters, diseases) are the results of God's Wrath. You know, the Earthquake in California is because of gay marriage, that sort of nonsense.
Ironically, Mr Kent, the idea of a deity fits into your problem. You mentioned rules, you created the rules why not uncreate them? In a sense, you are Reagans god. Why not taking control of your universe?
You know, Shelia is correct, even by your own admission Reagan is in your head, at least he started there. Why is it so important that he remains in here with you? Have you considered that you won't be alone if you excise him from your life for good?
And yes, I have used a sock puppet for my daughter before. The difference between my job and yours is your characters, or delusions, as you have alluded to, are meant to entertain others. I receive no enjoyment in others delusions, but I do enjoy it when my clients excise there delusions. Put them to rest would be the best way for me to put it. I believe it may help your predictament if you found a way to put yours to rest.
I used a number two pencilon my exit exam, by the way.
Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
Oh, you again. Doc, the whole idea of isolation, is --- isolation! I'll be alone. I just wish people would stop trying to fix me. I ain't hurtin nobody in here. Savin me wouldn't be worth the gas. I won't go on to lead a productive life. So, go on, help your stalker friend figure out why the hurricaines keep picking on New Orleans, okay? You seem like a good enough person, but I've got something to do and it's a little too crazy for your breed to stick around and watch.
Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
So what is it that you've got to do? I have some experience with my characters crossing over into other worlds. None of them have been killers yet, but we'll see.

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