This is topic Jericho (from Twilight of Tomorrow in forum Character Interviews at Hatrack River Writers Workshop.

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Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
Hi folks, my name is Jericho. No last name, just Jericho. I love doing things like this. Information is power as they say, and the more you know about me, the more I know about myself. So let's get started. I should start by saying that I am from the city of Jericho, originally at least. I got lost. Really lost. Whole other world lost. I've been living the past ten years or so in a small village in the desert. It's so small that it doesn't even have a name. The village is very close to the free city of Azaloff. It's a real nasty place, which is why I don't live there. But I do go into the city on a regular basis, for chemicals and supplies.

That's all I really feel like saying at the moment, but I'm sure you'll all have really fantastic questions for me, so fire away.

Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
You got lost and are now on a different world? What world are you from and how did you get lost?
Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
You've never heard of the city of Jericho? Well, I suppose I'll just tell you: I'm from ancient Earth. One day, I was out in the desert collecting samples for my experiments, like I did most days and when I returned to the city, I couldn't find it, it wasn't there. I was lost for days, at night I noticed that the stars were different. That was the first big clue that I "wasn't in Kansas any more." On the morning of the third day, close to death I was found by a local hunting party. Looking back I'm just glad they weren't hunting humans.

Oh, and the world that I live on now is called Terrinore.

[This message has been edited by bandgeek9723 (edited April 01, 2009).]

Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
So Jericho, what are you passionate about? What do you love? What do you hate? Is the glass half full or half empty?

Did you know Joshua from ancient Earth? I've heard he had some powerful trumpets.

What do you think made you jump worlds?

Oh, and how do you know about Kansas and The Wizard of OZ?

[This message has been edited by satate (edited April 02, 2009).]

Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
I'm passionate about alchemy, that is what I am, an alchemist. I love... well I love life and everything in it. It's an adventure, and well, lets just say that my little corner of the world is rather interesting.

I hate slavery. That was the human hunting that I mentioned earlier. In this part of the world, it's rampant. As far as I can tell, that's not so much the case further north, but I'm not there, so it doesn't affect me.

From what I've heard from some of the people who've crossed over, I'd have to say that the glass is always full. I think they called them adems.

I've heard of Joshua, yeah, but only through hearsay. I left a couple years before "the battle."

As best as I've been able to figure, I crossed over through a "thin spot" between universes. That incidentally is how I know about Kansas and Oz, you see I wasn't the first person to end up lost in this world, nor have I been the last. Some of them have pieces of literature with them, and I take them in trade for any services I can provide. No, before you ask, I haven't seen anyone actually from Oz, that's just a story after all.

Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
Oh and go say hi to Aden, he may seem like a sourpuss, but he's really just lonely. If you really want to get him riled up, call him "Sparky" <<walks off laughing>>

Oh, and don't tell him I told you to talk to him, I'll just deny it.

[This message has been edited by bandgeek9723 (edited April 02, 2009).]

Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
Hello? Anyone there? I'm still here you know!
[sits on a stool at the bar and looks petulant]
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
So you are lost, forgotten, wandering. You live in a town so small it has no name, playing with chemicals, as a common opiate.
Yet you wonder why we do not ask more of you? Is there any more to ask?

Do you have secrets, lost one? Do you hate, do you love, what do you do, or not do, that makes you interesting?

Why should we care about you?

What do you care about? What are you trying to do? What are you actively seeking?

Or do you just accept the lot you have been given, like a common dunce?


Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
Oh good, I was hoping you'd come over and say hi. You know, I've been watching you talk to my companions. I must say, you have a certain talent for picking at people's souls.

So I'm a "common opiate" am I? Is that really the best you can do? If you're going to try and push my buttons, you'll have to try harder than that.

Yes Soul Seeker, I have secrets, but why should I tell them to you? Have you earned my respect yet? You need that don't you? You need people to respect you.

What do I love? Didn't I already answer these questions? Now I know you can do better than that.

Maybe you shouldn't care about me, maybe I'm an awful person. I might even kill puppies. You don't know, I am an untapped well, full of knowledge and secrets of two worlds.

I, like all alchemists, am seeking a way to transmute base metals into gold. I have yet to succeed at this, but my experiments have achieved some interesting results. [runs hand through his pink hair]

I wouldn't say that I accept my lot in life, but right here seems like a good place to learn a lot about the universe. So until something better comes along, I will wait and I will observe my surroundings.

Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
//So I'm a "common opiate" am I? Is that really the best you can do?//


Soul seeker, huh? Not the worst of my names, I grant you that.
I care little for the respect of others. If I cared what people think I would not ask the questions I do. My author shrinks when I speak so freely, because she desires respect, though I care little for the common man. Men in particular. There are other Gods perhaps who would best serve you. The Mountain God for example. Perhaps you should lend your prayers to him.

You did answer those questions, though perhaps you didn't answer those questions well enough. I care about my work. Boring, trivial, common. I love life, well and good, better than the alternitive I suppose. Yet everyone alive loves life, even a lizard perfers life to death. Common. What makes you interesting?

I hate slavery. Commendable, yet not enticing. Do you do anything with that hate? Do you free slaves? Do you seek a way to end that you hate? And the evil of the free city of Azaloff, what makes it so nasty? It is a free city, I gather no slaves lives there. Perhaps you are hypocrite. Perhaps the place would be better if you were the master. Cleaner perhaps, more orderly if those slaves knew their place.

You say your corner of the world is interesting, yet I have seen nothing so far that makes it so from you.

//Maybe you shouldn't care about me, maybe I'm an awful person. I might even kill puppies. You don't know, I am an untapped well, full of knowledge and secrets of two worlds.//

Maybe your right, maybe I shouldn't care about you. For one who says you like to talk about yourself, you have not given much away.

Spider, you wait, you watch. The real men will be along to do.

Was that better?

Now that I have been as you expected, I will ask true questions.

Before you left your world, were you a religious man?

Are the gods of this world different than your former?

Do you feel alone, lonely?

You wear a friendly face, is that face a mask?

Did you leave a family behind? Does a wife or woman haunt your thoughts?

If there were no consequences in this world or the next, what would you do this hour?

Do you have any hope to go home, and if you could would you want to?

Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
Ah, excellent, here are the deep probing questions that I wanted.

I hate the slavery of this world yes, but there is little I can do to effectively fight it, for I am a scientist, not a politician. I do what I can though. Mainly, I try and find any of the people who come into this world from being captured by slavers. I have developed a special weapon to aid me in this venture. The people I got the design from, who came from another world, called it a gun. The trick came when I had to develop the propellant. I believe that I have created a suitable compound. I call it Devil's Snuff.
[Pulls a crude gun from a leather holster on his hip]
I know that it doesn't look like much, but it is effective enough.
[Cocks back the hammer, points the barrel at the ceiling and pulls the trigger]

What wouldn't be interesting about a place where people from countless different worlds interact?

For me to give something away, you have to ask the right questions. Something which you are very good at, I might add.

Spider huh? Not a bad nickname, but you could probably do better.

Oh yes, it was much better, thank you.

Oh good, here comes the good stuff.

I was, and am, a man of science.

Well, the Egyptians had more gods than stars in the sky, and Mesopotamians had their gods. Then there is of course The one God worshiped by the sons of David.

As for the gods of this world, I hear that there are many of them as well, and that they are as real as you or I, but I haven't met any of them.

I do feel lonely sometimes, when I look at the desert during the sunset, I think of the home that I lost, but I have friends here as well, so those moments never last.

I don't know, let me see.
[Pulls hard on his ears, trying to pull his "friendly face" off]
Nope, it seems like it's real enough.

I had no family in Jericho, nor did I have a wife. But if there is one person that I regret leaving behind, it is Maeala. If there is one regret I have about coming here, it is that I didn't get to say goodbye to her...

Running naked through the city square sounds like it'd be fun.

I was always an outsider there, so there would be very little for me to back to.

[This message has been edited by bandgeek9723 (edited April 09, 2009).]

Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
Time has passed in this universe. All of the main characters have met each other and the first book is finished and my planned second book is about to start

Hello everyone. You all mentioned about me not doing anything, and just sitting around watching the injustices around me. Well you were right. I've met these amazing people recently though. They call themselves the "Shadow Guild" Kind of a ridiculous name I know but it fits. Anyways, if you have anymore questions for me I'd love to try and find you some answers.

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