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Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
My name is Ryel. I don't know what to tell you about myself, I'm honestly rather nondescript. I suppose you could call me a wandering minstrel.

kill them all, none of them shall survive the coming storm.

Forgive me, I-I-I'm afraid I can't stay for long, it's not safe, not safe any more.

So long, so many deaths...

I need to rest, I need peace...


[This message has been edited by bandgeek9723 (edited April 04, 2009).]

Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
Why do you call yourself nondescript and then spurt stuff about people dying and not being safe?
Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
I've tried to lead a normal, boring life, I have for over a hundred years, but I admit that I'm not. I can... do things. Strange, wonderful, terrible things. I can't control him, not for long. The id always comes out, always kills. That's why it's not safe. Not safe for you.
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
How do you kill?

Why do you stop yourself?

Do you ever think about not stopping yourself, not pretending to be normal, but accept the evil inside you? Maybe find a way to enjoy killing?

Do you seek out people who deserve to die?

What do you do with your ability, other than fight against it?

You call you ability a he, does he have a name?

You seem to have a lot of guilt, do you do anything to punish yourself? Or do you take it out on those around you?


Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
[draws a gleaming rapier from the scabbard at his waist]
I have killed in more ways than I'd care to count, but most often it is done with this. It has been with me for as long as I can remember.

Not fight it? If I didn't fight it, there would be no one left in the world. How could someone enjoy killing people? You make me sound like a monster. I'm not the monster, he is.

There is no rhyme or reason to the killing, it could be someone who means me harm, or it could just be some person who is there at the wrong time.

What I can do with my ability is only limited by my imagination.

He is the voice that whispers to me in the night, haunting my dreams. He is the one who kills without reason. If He has a name, then it is not known to me other than the id.

I only punish myself by keeping away from civilization as much as possible. But even a wanderer has need for some money. When I become desperate enough I come to a city of village and play songs for the tavern. If I stay too long, or if something happens, The id comes out, and people die.

Posted by Collin (Member # 8522) on :
Are you alright? It sounds like you might have scitsaphrinia or something. Like someone is inside of you.......
Posted by Natej11 (Member # 8547) on :
Does your mad id aid you in your composing of songs and music as well? If so perhaps you should consider abandoning the lute and finding yourself a good smithy where you can pound iron for fourteen hours a day.

Or have I misjudged you, minstrel?

Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
I shall answer collin's questions first.

It is spelled schizophrenia you buffoon.

No, you stay away. They're asking questions of me, not you.

but why would they want to ask you questions? You have nothing interesting to say.

I am not a figment of this child's imagination, I am Brameer. I seek only to punish the ones who trapped me on this insignificant world. Though you could say that I am inside this boy's mind, he is long dead. Anything left of him is only what I choose for there to be. My time with this one grows close to its end though, and I will require someone new to take his place. Are there any volunteers?

Is he gone? Is everyone okay? Gods, I just wish this hell would end. [places his head in his hands and weeps]

Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
No Nate, as far as I know, the id does not aid me in my music. The only reason I can say this is that over the years I've gotten better at it.

Abandon the lute... find a smithy [a far off look crosses his face]

There was a blacksmith once, early on. I think he was the first, I killed him, he was someone to me, my father? No, not my father. There is only one thing that comes clearly to me from that time, the time before the killing, a burning village, my home I think. I was standing in the light of the fire, looking as I do now, young, a child. I was laughing, the village burned and I laughed... maybe I am the monster...

Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
My questions are for Brameer.

//I seek only to punish the ones who trapped me on this insignificant world.//

Ahh. Fascinating. Speak to me of these ones. Did you deserve the punishment? How could they overpower you? Those you will punish for being mightier than you. How did you not seem them coming?

Was your vision blocked as mine is.

Is only your soul locked? What happened to your former body?

Why do you long to leave, when there is an insignificant world here you could rule? Have you not looked around? There is much you could take, beyond lives.

Why do you not use this boy to surround you with riches, diamonds, rubies?

Why would you long to return to your former world where there are those stronger than you, when now you are surrounded with lessers you could rule? You could own this whole world with might like yours, what is stopping you from obtaining more strength? Double your strength and then return and show those weaklings who sent you here.

//Though you could say that I am inside this boy's mind, he is long dead. Anything left of him is only what I choose for there to be. My time with this one grows close to its end though, and I will require someone new to take his place.
Are there any volunteers?//

Are you really the kind of man who waits for volunteers? If you want a new life, than take one.

And leave this worthless boy alone. His life will suffer much greater if you let him live.

Or are you as weak as I am beginning to suspect? You only kill to prove your might, but why not be stronger? Those who are truely strong do not need to prove it by shedding the blood of the worthless.

The world would bow to a man that strong. As I would.

[This message has been edited by shimiqua (edited April 08, 2009).]

Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
Ah, an individual of intelligence. The ones who banished me are the gods of this world. They created me, and cast me aside like garbage. Then, when I had returned after they had created their precious Terrinore, I showed them their true nature. I waged war upon them with the corrupted ones at my side. I lost, for I underestimated their strength. I and my allies were imprisoned on the surface of Terrinore. So great was my power though, that the four gods of creation, those first four, sacrificed their power in order to keep me imprisoned. It was only after the foolish humans discovered the gems of creation and decided to use their power for their own selfish goals, that I was able to escape to a certain extent. Now I can walk the world in the body of another while I search for the gems so that I may return to deliver justice to the gods.

Before the fool god Aphragar first created fire, the planes have been in constant chaos. Why would I want to rule over chaos? When I have conquered the gods, I will destroy this insignificant world and all of creation. I will have peace.

Riches? What do I care for riches?

I do not wait for volunteers no, but if I can find someone willing, it makes things all the easier.

I do not seek to cause the boy grief, that is merely my nature. Even if I wanted to let the boy live, I could not. I take a host, live through him or her for a hundred years and move on, leaving another corpse behind me.

Yes you would make a fine queen for me, if I were interested in such things. I don't want the world to bow, I want the world to burn.

Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
You presume too much Brameer. What makes you think I would be willing to have you? What could you offer a woman besides the chatter of "burn, burn?"

What makes you think you are entitled to this world? You seek for peace, but why who told you such a thing was neccesary? There is such beauty in chaos. As there is in fire.

I think it would be an honor to be a host. Certainly it would be the safest spot to watch the world die. There is one on your world named Jericho. He is content to sit and to watch. Perhaps he could be your host. I will tell you where he is, if you be interested.


Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
You are an interesting one. I have never taken a god as a host before, never even tried. I wonder if I could.

Jericho huh? He's not the one who was crying for attention by the bar earlier was he? No, I don't think he would do well for me. Besides, living with the pink hair for a century would grow old quickly.

You presume that I'd want you to be a willing partner in the relationship.

[This message has been edited by bandgeek9723 (edited April 09, 2009).]

Posted by Natej11 (Member # 8547) on :
I have encountered men who fought to destroy the gods and men who called themselves gods, but never an actual god who sought no more than to destroy all, himself as well.

Can any thinking being who has lived inside his own mind (let alone inside countless others!) truly wish only oblivion?

And if it is destruction you crave, why settle for a single terrible end, when with your power you could do as Clara suggested and take over the world, forcing the mortals to slay each other in your name? Or perhaps even create worlds of your own and have them make war upon one another, for your amusement?

Self-destruction is a cry for help spoken by those who can see no other life but the miserable one they lead.

Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
Who told you that I was a god? I said that the gods created me, I said nothing about my being a god myself.

You assume that when creation is destroyed that there will be nothing, that I will in fact be destroying myself. That is not true. Before creation, there was the Plane. The Plane was a place of peace and serenity. The beings who dwelt there later became the gods of this world.

Thoughts of creating other worlds to rule in wearies me. Why would I want another world to rule when I will just have to destroy it later.

I will say this though, aside from my ultimate goal of destroying my persecutors, my goals do change with the flavor of each host. We shall see what comes to me.

Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
[Ryel wakes up]
Huh? Wuh? How long have I been out?
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
Ryel, I did not know you were a child. Is there anything I could do to give you comfort? Perhaps I could stay by your side and warn those who you could kill. Do not worry for me. Though I am weak, and I am young, I am strong. You're "Id" could not find his way to my soul. I doubt he could find it.

You sound as a child who could use a hug. I would hug you young one, if I could. Be strong. Find joy in the music, and await the peace of death. Have hope.

Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
Can someone still be a child after killing so many?
Posted by bandgeek9723 (Member # 7886) on :
Time has passed in this universe. All of the main characters have met each other and the first book is finished and my planned second book is about to start

He's gone. I'm free.

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