This is topic Kyle Lawson, aka Paragon in forum Character Interviews at Hatrack River Writers Workshop.

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Posted by CaptJay76 (Member # 8769) on :
(A superhero looks around somewhat nervously, and sits down.)Um, hi. Sorry, I'm a little nervous. This is my first interview. I usually introduce myself as Paragon when I'm in this outfit, but Red Raven says I can trust you, so call me Kyle, ok?

You like the outfit? Tek designed it, he said it would work with my body chemistry, except he used a lot bigger words than that. Basically, it's as invulnerable as I am. Which is good, because I used to have to change outfits a couple times a month. They kept getting burnt, or shot up. You know how it is. I kinda like it, myself. I like the black with purple trim. Tek put purple in it to match my glowing purple eyes. (Pointing at his chest) I like this octagon with the "P" in it. Cliched, I know. But it still looks cool. I really didn't want the cape, but Raven insisted. She said it would look great when I flew. Except I can't fly. I keep telling her that, and she justs winks and smiles. I hate that. She always acts like she knows something I don't.

Sorry. I ramble when I'm nervous. You have some questions for me, I guess?

[This message has been edited by CaptJay76 (edited September 13, 2009).]

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
If you can't fly, then what are your superhero powers? And how do you use them?
Posted by Lionhunter (Member # 8766) on :
What's your biggest nemesis?Is it someone like you,young?
Posted by CaptJay76 (Member # 8769) on :
OK, genevive42 first. My powers are...kind of hard to explain. First off, I'm very strong. Not like "Hulk" strong or anything, I don't know, "Spider-man" strong, I guess? You DO read comics don't you? So you get what I'm saying? OK, cool. What else? Oh, I'm invulnerable. Big time invulnerable. Nothing can hurt me. Actually, Tek says that my body has changed so radically, I don't even need to sleep, eat, or breathe. I'm also immune to all poisons, viruses, radiation, you get the idea. The tests Tek put me through sucked!
I can run pretty fast, too. Under baseline conditions, I topped out at 91 mph.
My biggest power though, is that I can absorb, alter, and redirect energy. All KINDS of energy. Even kinetic. which is cool. That means bullets don't bounce off my chest, they just touch me, lose all their kinetic energy, and simply fall to the ground. Meanwhile, my body absorbs that energy, and I get stronger, faster, etc. I can also just shoot the energy out, also. Tek says that, in theory, I'm almost infinitely powerful, there seems to be no limit to how much energy I can take in. So although I'm only, y'know, "Spidey" strong normally, if i take a bunch of punches, or bullets, or a bomb goes off or whatever, I can get up to "Superman" levels. That's also why my eyes glow purple. Not the most manly color, but it's kinda growing on me. Plus, Destiny says she loves my eyes. So, I got that going for me too!

Anyway, did that make any kind of sense? I don't even understand my powers myself most of the time. But I do seem to be able to use them pretty well.

Posted by CaptJay76 (Member # 8769) on :
Lionhunter. Wicked name. Are you a Cape too? Could be, with that name. I haven't met everyone yet, that's why I ask. So a nemesis? Like, Lex Luthor or something? (Chuckles.) Nah, not really. Wouldn't that be AWESOME, though? Not that there aren't a couple bad guys around. Raven calls them "Cowls". I fought a Cowl named Kobalt the other day. He was pretty tough. He's got this kind of like "liquid metal" skin. You can't hardly do anything to him. It was my first real fight. Stellar was with me, but he's not really all that powerful anymore, so it was really just me. Took me a while to take Kobalt down. My punches aren't really effective, because my body just absorbs the force back into itself. So I had really no offense. But I finally figured out how to supercharge my fist with energy. That pretty much knocked Kobalt on his ass! Err..butt. Sorry about my language.

Anyway, he's just a thug. Normally he just hits banks and stuff, I guess. But this was at a big time lab. Raven thinks someone is secretly controlling all of the Cowls. So, I dunno. Maybe there is a Lex Luthor out there. How cool.

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Kyle, you say your body has changed. How did you acquire your powers?

Who is Destiny? Are you sweet on her?

Posted by CaptJay76 (Member # 8769) on :
I'm actually not sure how I got my powers, Genevive. I woke up one morning with these goofy purple eyes, and all the other changes. My body was fit, (not that I was fat or anything)my hair was darker and longer, my skin had cleared up. And the abilities, of course. But I can't remember the night BEFORE I changed. I remember going out to the woods behind our house. There's a tree there that I like to climb, and read when I get up there. Then, nothing. I don't even know how I got back to my house, or in bed. I kind of remember a flash of purple light, but that feels more like a dream than anything. Tek hasn't found any explanation for it. Liberty even did the telepathic thing, poked inside my head. Nothing. I hope I find out, though!

Destiny're not gonna say anything, right? Anyway, yeah, she's a Cape too. She's kind of a sorceress. She can manipulate the elements. You know, the whole "earth, air, fire, water" thing. And she's REALLY pretty. She's 15, same as me. Liberty took her in when she was a kid. She doesn't talk about her past much, like she's scared of something. And she's really pretty. I said that already, didn't I? Crap. I'm no good when it comes to girls. Anyway, we get along really well, but we're not, y'know, like "together" or anything. I don't even know if she likes me like that. Man, now I'm embarrased. Seriously, don't tell her. Don't tell Raven either, 'cause she'll rip on me forever.

Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
I like you Kyle, you seem interesting. A few questions if you don't mind...

Is it common knowledge on your world that a few people have powers? Do you have to keep it secret? Would you like to tell people? Do you feel pain? What do your parents think about all of this? Do you have siblings? Friends who know your abilities?

Will you grow old, eventually die of old age? Can you have children?

Are you the same as a regular human on a molecular level? Are you a new species?

What limits you in your access to power? Not to your powers, (allthough you can answer that too), but say robbing a bank, or little old ladies.

Are you a hero or a villian?

[This message has been edited by shimiqua (edited September 14, 2009).]

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
If your biggest power is the ability to use energy, what is your weakness?

If you were locked up in a concrete box would you be able to get out or would the lack of external energy weaken you?

Can you use solar energy? What about the energy from a standard incandescent light?

By the way, if Destiny says she loves your eyes, it sound like she may like you too. You should ask her out.

Posted by CaptJay76 (Member # 8769) on :
Shimiqua- Of course I'm a hero! I've been reading comic books my whole life. So, when I got these powers, that's the first thing I did. I became a superhero. Right now, only a few people outside the Capes know that there are people with special powers. Some people in government, or some kind of agency. I'm not really sure. Ask Raven. But the regular people don't know. And the only people who know about me outside of the Capes are my dad and Pops, my grandpa.
I don't know if I can grow old or have kids. You're kinda freaking me out. I am basically human, though. My body just gets and uses energy differently than yours.
Posted by CaptJay76 (Member # 8769) on :
Genevive- I don't have a weakness, y'know, like Kryptonite or anything. But Tek says that my body can only absorb energy at a certain rate. If I get struck with too much at one time, there's a chance my body won't absorb it all. So, like a REALLY strong bad guy could punch me, and I could get hurt. Kobalt got a few good punches in, that's for sure. But my body heals pretty quickly, too. So, I think I'm in good shape. Hopefully there's not anything out there that can hurt me too bad.

Ok, just trying to explain my powers makes my head hurt. I wish Tek was here. I'll give it a shot though. First, yeah, I can absorb solar energy, the heat from a light bulb, or even just the warmth in the air. And my body stores the energy until I use it. So if I was trapped in a cement box or whatever, I could probably punch my way out. And remember, my body, even without absorbing any energy, is still stronger than a Normal. Remember I said I was "Spider-man" strong? That's without absorbing anything.

I don't think I'm explaining this very well. I'm sorry. And Destiny, well, I talked to Raven about her. Raven smiled, but she said I needed to be really careful with Destiny. I have no idea what that means. Raven never explains herself.

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Can you be overloaded with energy or do you just stop absorbing it? What happens if you overload?

Could you survive flying up to the sun?

Posted by CaptJay76 (Member # 8769) on :
Tek seems to think there's no limit on how much energy I can absorb. There's just a limit on how much at one time.

Flying to the sun. Wow. How cool would that be? Um, anyway, I don't know. The sun's a pretty big energy source. I have no idea what would happen if I flew into it. So I think maybe I'll avoid that.

Posted by CaptJay76 (Member # 8769) on :
Sorry, but I gotta go. Liberty wants us all back at The Peak, some kind of meeting. It was nice talking to all of you!

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