Seren’s shadow stretched out across the sand towards the open sea, as she trudged along the hard packed shore. She squinted at the twin suns hanging just above the horizon, and then turned to look ahead at the cliff rising steeply out of the orange sand. Several rivulets of water streamed down its sides. She licked her dry lips, turned her attention back to the sea, which was flat, tranquil, only small wavelets lapping on the shore. She resisted the urge to wade into the water and soothe her aching feet. She knew that the sea was a dangerous place. In the wilderness, no place was safe. Seren snorted to herself. Not that she could ever forget that fact since Cian was forever reminding her. No wonder he always carried his stone-thrower in his hand.
Seren’s shadow stretched out across the sand towards the open sea, as she trudged along the hard packed shore. She squinted at the twin suns hanging just above the horizon, and then turned to look ahead at the cliff rising steeply out of the orange sand.
The first sentence works, I like it, it sets a picture. The second sentence is good too, but I start to wonder if there is going to be any conflict anytime soon. I feel the bold could be changed. Rather than using Steeply, perhaps you could find a verb that fit the description better.
Several rivulets of water streamed down its sides. She licked her dry lips, turned her attention back to the sea, which was flat, tranquil, only small wavelets lapping on the shore.
At this point I'm really starting to get worried. The description as I've said, is great, and paints a good picture. The problem is that I've yet to be given a hook, or conflict. Wanting to find the conflict, my eyes start to wander in search for it, and leave the descriptions behind unseen.
She resisted the urge to wade into the water and soothe her aching feet. She knew that the sea was a dangerous place. In the wilderness, no place was safe.
Seren snorted to herself.
Not that she could ever forget that fact since Cian was forever reminding her. No wonder he always carried his stone-thrower in his hand.
This last part confuses me. The bold words caused me to reread the sentence. Upon first reading it, I didnt know what Cian was reminding her of. Because I was confused about what he was reminding her, the last sentence made little sense to me.
I encourage you to keep working at it. Your descriptions are awesome, and really paint a picture.
[This message has been edited by honu (edited January 09, 2009).]
For the opening line you could clean it up a bit with something like "As Seren trudged along the hard packed sand her shadow stretched out toward the open sea." -- this eliminates the sand/shore repetition.
There are a few other places where words could be removed to make it read a little smoother. For instance you could cut out "She knew" that the sea was a dangerous place. Just state it, or modify it a little and italicize to make it a thought.
Similarly cutting "ever" from the second last sentence could improve it.
Aside from some of the wording, I agree that it needs some conflict or tension. Maybe you can play up the way Seren is afraid of the ocean or something.
rivulets an wavelets both seemed like odd words, probably the lets, so two in such a close proximity caught me.
As far as the sentences with she, yes there were a lot and could easily be broken up. I might suggest starting with the , she licked, try, "Licking her dry lips, she turned her attention back to the tranquil sea, resisting the urge to wade in the calm waters and soothe her aching feet. The sea was a dangerous place. In the wilderness, no place was safe. She snorted. Not that ..." elimiating flat, makes tranquil stand out more. I apologise about suggest so much, I think the basis is there, just that you might need to vary your sentence structure, and I thought a different pov might give you some ideas.
Good luck.
[This message has been edited by annepin (edited January 10, 2009).]
I may be picky, though.
What's the first thing to happen, that causes everything else to happen? If it's not in the next page, preferably next paragraph, you may need to skip forward again.