Emily stared at the door. Placing her hand on the transparent square the door opened. He was waiting for her.
“Come in Emily. My name is Paul”, the assistant said.
She glared at him. He was smiling and pointing at the examination table. She obeyed reluctantly.
Emily hated the medical assistants. Male or female made no difference. They were not human (only made to look like one); their artificial emotions angered her. Though the Series Five Medical Analysis Assistant was programmed to act as a doctor but with more compassion, it could not fully duplicate the idiosyncrasies of a human doctor nor could it duplicate a human touch. Emily hated their touch. ‘They feel like cold plastic. Phony doctors. Machines playing make believe.’
[This message has been edited by Medusa (edited June 19, 2011).]
[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited June 20, 2011).]
“Come in Emily. My name is Paul”, it said.
Emily hated the medical assistant. It wasn't human; only made to look like one.
It was smiling and pointing at the examination table. Though the Series Five Medical Analysis Assistant was programmed to act as a doctor but with more compassion, it could not fully duplicate the idiosyncrasies of a human doctor. She glared at it as she obeyed.
“How are you feeling Emily”, the assistant asked with a look of false concern as it touched her wrist. She hated its cold, plastic touch. Phony doctors. Machines playing make believe.
“Fine,” Emily said as she pulled her wrist away.
[This message has been edited by NoTimeToThink (edited June 19, 2011).]
I like the idea suggested above about using "it".
The description of her dislike for these Medical Assistants gets a bit wordy for me. I think putting in "Series Five medical Analysis Assistant" slows down the entire pace of the entry. Unless there is some reason we need to know it is a Series Five Medical Analysis Assistant, there really is no reason for the formal title here. You have already made the point that these are robots by phrases such as "They were not human (only made to look tike one)" and "programed to act".
But, I would start it off with something like this:
"Come in Emily. Please take off your cloths. You can put on the robe that has been provided."
Emily hated medical examinations especially with a Series Five Medical Analysis Assistant - the latest and greatest in cold touches and plastic pokes. ...
IMHO, if you want the machine to have a name - let Emily give it one. (If you want "Paul" - you can make it an acronym for something like "Physicians Assistant Unit Laboratory")
[This message has been edited by redapollo9 (edited June 24, 2011).]