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Posted by Ina The Blue Sorceress (Member # 1521) on :
Hi, I'm new to this forum - after lurking beneath the corner for a few months, I decided to join. I'm a molecular-biology geek, at the same time trying my luck with writing fantasy and sf stories. To be more specific, trying it since I was six years old and I don't mean to stop...lately I've even managed to publish one of my stories in print, they want more, so this is a really good beginning.
The thing is I won't probably put any of my works here online, because they Polish. My English is quite good, but not good enough to translate fiction.
(if anyone on this forum is also Polish, or of Polish origin, knows English better than I do, and could translate one of these, it would be greeeeat!!!)
So I have a question - is it possible for a young foreign author to find a way and publish in US? I know it must be hard...
Posted by Rahl22 (Member # 1411) on :
Ina, it's great to have you here.

I'm of the, possibly naive, notion that anyone with any talent can get published--here or elsewhere. You being foreign will be required to work a little harder, though. You see, as a writer you know that in order to tell an effective story, you must first have a firm grasp of the language itself. Since you're foreign, I'd suggest working on your command of the English language before you tried to publish anything in it.

As for the translations, I find that the only worthy translations are those stories that are so good, it can handle a little mutation. But typically, meaning and beauty is lost when a piece of fiction is converted. Simple subtlties go unnoticed, puns and quips unappreciated.

So keep at it: keep writing and keep learning.


[edit: stupid misplaced modifiers!]

[This message has been edited by Rahl22 (edited September 22, 2002).]

Posted by tamalynn (Member # 1304) on :
Are there any legal restrictions barring/restricting a non-US citizen from publication in the US? Someone please appease my ignorance...
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
Hell no!

There are practical difficulties, of course, and copyright issues can become a bit complicated when you are trying to publish a book in another country, particularly if you are also trying to publish the same book in your own country (and if you are using two publishers, based in different countries, but with overlapping distributions, then things can get a bit arcane), but there is no legal restriction on anyone publishing in the U.S. simply based on citizenship (unless, of course, you try to simplify your publishing woes by living here illegally ).

Posted by Doc Brown (Member # 1118) on :
Welcome Ina!

I am an American, though my father's parents both came from Poland. Sadly, I do not speak Polish.

I think I have some good advice for you. It comes in two parts:

1) Translate your stories yourself. Don't worry about whether the translation is publication quality or not, just do your best.

2) Join a writer's group, either here (if there is a suitable group) or elsewhere on the Web. I believe that the Web has plenty of writers groups who would welcome a published writer like yourself. The group's advice could help you to improve your translations, and your advice could help them get published.

Good luck!

Posted by JK (Member # 654) on :
To the best of my knowledge, 'home town' publishing groups will consider your work for foreign publication if it does well at home, and if they think it will do well abroad. If they decide America will love it, then they make all the necessary arrangements, including translation. Some agents also push for foreign publishing, I believe, and ensure that any pertinent rights remain with the author and not with the publisher.

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