This is topic The Eye of Argon in forum Open Discussions About Writing at Hatrack River Writers Workshop.

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Posted by Hildy9595 (Member # 1489) on :
Has anyone here ever had the pleasure of reading, or attending a reading of, The Eye of Argon? An example of laugh-out-loud bad writing, this manuscript is supposedly the real deal...seriously submitted to publishers and now widely shared at conferences. Typically, there is a contest to see who can read the most pages before breaking down in hysterics. It is a marvelously bad sword-and-sorcery tale. Here is just one sample (misspellings and bizarre grammar just add to the fun):

"The staggering soldier clumsily reached towards the pommel of his dangling sword, but before his hands ever touched the oaken hilt a silvered flash was slicing the heavy air. The thews of the savages lashing right arm bulged from the glistening bronzed hide as his blade bit deeply into the soldiers neck, loping off the confused head of his senseless tormentor."

For a good time, check it out in its entirety at:


Posted by Rahl22 (Member # 1411) on :

Who wants a noble gas for an eye?

Posted by kwsni (Member # 970) on :
The mystery science theater version is even better:


Posted by DragynGide (Member # 1448) on :
And be sure to stay tuned for the next hour of: When Horrible Prose Attacks!


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 1563) on :
Who wants a noble gas for an eye?

Actually, I think that's preferable to reading the story.

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