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Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
I liked danquixote's idea, so I'm going to go with it. We seem to have about 10 people who have vocalized interest and possibly some lurking in the shadows. So I'm going to start a new thread to organize this thing.

PLEASE...If you are not interested in joining us, this isn't the place to tell us about it. Feel free to argue pros and cons on the other thread, if you like.

danquixote's idea was to take turns selecting the book of the month. I agree that this will probably result in a larger selection of books than a true democratic system. This will also greatly simplify the process. If it doesn't work out, we'll change it.

The only ground rule for selecting books is that if you go with a series, we have to stick with the FIRST book. I garuntee if you pick book 10 of the Wheel of Time Series no one can catch up their reading in time. Even if the first book has been discussed, let's not move on to book 2...there are many great authors and part of the point is to get some wide exposure to a lot of good writers, not stick with one writer through a series. We can finish the series on our own if we like it that much. Otherwise, no holds barred. Pick fantasy, scifi, romance, mystery, combinations of the above...not nonfiction, either, though....because we're really studying fiction writing here.

So, sign up. I'll take May 1st and volunteer to lead the first discussion. I already mentioned a suggestion for a book that could be read quickly in the three weeks we have, and I think I'll stick with it. So May's discussion will be on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Philosopher's Stone if you're in Britain...not sure why they had to change it. ) If you haven't read it...WHAT's WRONG WITH YOU? I mean, go ahead and get it and read it. If you have read it, might want to brush up on it. I hope that in the future we get to read many new books that we might not otherwise have run across, but I thought it might be best to ease our way in with an old favorite.

As for everyone else, you don't have to pick a month yet. Just reply and say you want to participate. I figure anyone at all can join in the discussion if they want, but we'll randomly choose the person who gets to pick the book from the list of those who have officially signed up here. (I'll choose names from a hat or something fair...first come first serve is rather unfair to those who don't spend all day lurking around here. )

So sign up please!

[This message has been edited by Christine (edited April 08, 2004).]

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
Count me in Christine - since I started writing my reading has shifted from what I love to a new love - how to WRITE - I find myself reading more of The Writer and Writer's Digest and books on writing than catching up on my stack of fiction. I have read Sorcerer's Stone a couple of times, so that work's for me


Posted by danquixote (Member # 1949) on :
I'm in. Sign me up.


Posted by Silver6 (Member # 1415) on :
I'm in too.
Posted by Lord Darkstorm (Member # 1610) on :
Sounds like fun...I'm in.


Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
I just realized that I misspelled "club" in the title of this forum....I don't suppose there's a way to fix that. How embarassing.
Posted by Gen (Member # 1868) on :
You know, I didn't even notice until you mentioned it.

Sign me up for the book club.

Posted by teddyrux (Member # 1595) on :
I'll gladly join the book clup.


Posted by danquixote (Member # 1949) on :
I like the idea of being in a "clup."
Posted by AeroB1033 (Member # 1956) on :
I'm in. I hadn't planned to reread the HP series until the next book was coming out, but now's as good a time as any, huh?
Posted by Khyber (Member # 1651) on :
Heh, mistakes/irregularities are the spice of life! Let's just keep calling it book clup, lol...

I'm in

Posted by Lullaby Lady (Member # 1840) on :
Me! Me!

Now I have to snag HP#1 from my 10 year old daughter! She comes out of her room, after reading for 15 minutes, to tell me all about what happened! (And yes, we've both read it several times! )

So what's the deadline for finishing? (And if you've already told us, I apologize-- I'll check your post again to make sure! )

Okay... I re-read your post, and now I get it! I guess my daughter and I can be HP-reading-airheads together!!

[This message has been edited by Lullaby Lady (edited April 08, 2004).]

Posted by cvgurau (Member # 1345) on :
Well, I've already read the entire HP series several times (save the last one, which seemed kind of sub-par* to me), but this club thing sounds like a good idea. As long as we don't go for those Great American Novels (call me dense, uncultured, or a dense, uncultured slob, but I read The Great Gatsby 4 or 5 years ago, and I still don't get why it's so great), I'll jump in feet first.


*--an off-topic question: how come it's good to be sub-par in golf, where the word "par" originated (I think; I've done absolutely no research on the topic ), but it's not good in every day life? Just wondering. **

**--I noticed Christine used a lot of happy faces in her first post (which I have no problem with, BTW. I'm glad you're so happy ), so I thought I'd try to keep up.

There. Should be enough. Just in case, though....

[This message has been edited by cvgurau (edited April 08, 2004).]

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Ooooh...yuk...yes, I think we should ban the Great Gatsby from the book list.

Seriously, though, if someone wants to read one of those great american novels on their month it's their choice....but if no one plans to read a novel for a given month they might let the month's facilitator know in advance so they can pick something else. For example, I have no intention of ever reading the Great Gatsby again either. On the other hand, there are some classics I would read, like Twain.

All smiles!

OK, we now have 11 members. More are welcome to sign up (or just read and discuss), but as we have almost a year's worth of book selectors, here's the list (randomly picked using a pseudo-random number generator with a time stamp seed).

May: Christine (HPATSS)
June: Gen
July: AeroB1033
August: danquixote
September: Lord Darkstorm
October: Silver6
November: punahougirl84
December: Khyber
January: Lullaby Lady
February: cvgurau
March: teddyrux

Anyone else who signs up will get tacked on to the end of the list...may or may not last that long but we'll see how it works out.

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
Thanks Christine, for everything.

I assume (oops!) that we announce the next book a month before that discussion starts. So on May 1st, when we start doing HPATSS, Gen will announce the book for June 1st, and so on?


Posted by TheoPhileo (Member # 1914) on :
I'll be in the book clup
Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Yes, punahougirl84, that was precisely my intention. So Gen has about three weeks here to come up with a title, that way everyone has a month to acquire/read the next month's book.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Fixed the title for you, Christine. (Hope all of those who signed up for a Book Clup will forgive me for doing that.)

Do you want a separate forum for your book discussions, or shall I change the title of the Discussing Published Hooks forum? (I could change it to Discussing Published Books, but then where would the Hooks discussion go?)

Posted by Rahl22 (Member # 1411) on :
I am free for the summer and very well may jump in on these conversations, but don't count on me for anytime after that!
Posted by Ergoface (Member # 1429) on :
I'm in!
Posted by Lord Darkstorm (Member # 1610) on :
How about changing the title to "Discussing Published Books & Hooks?”

Christine, can we come up with a book earlier? I know that when I visit a used book store I walk out with a stack of books. The problem for me is that I don't get to go to one that often, not a good one anyway.

I just thought I would ask.


Posted by cvgurau (Member # 1345) on :
February, huh? I guess that gives me a good long time to think of something. It'll probably be an OSC novel, though, because let's face it, the man knows his way wit' da words.




All smiles!

That's cute. Really.

PPS--I was wondering (and feel free to say no), can we change from one month to...say 2 weeks? Or even 3?

It's just that 4 weeks seems like an awfully long time to go through one book. I can probably breeze through HP&TSS in a couple of days. Again.

Just a thought.


Posted by TheoPhileo (Member # 1914) on :
I'm much the same way, cvgarau, but I know also that I would like to have plenty of time to read other stuff of my choice, and I bet quite a few others here are the same way. Just my thinking...
Posted by teddyrux (Member # 1595) on :
PPS--I was wondering (and feel free to say no), can we change from one month to...say 2 weeks? Or even 3?

It's just that 4 weeks seems like an awfully long time to go through one book. I can probably breeze through HP&TSS in a couple of days. Again.

The only problem that I have with 2 or 3 weeks is that while I can read a book in less than a month, it would be easier to have the extra time to. Life has a habit of getting in the way.



Posted by Eljay (Member # 1941) on :
Me too, me too!

And please, please don't ever make me read The Great Gatsby again! I had to read is THREE TIMES between middle school and high school. (I changed schools twice during high school, so there were several repeats. I didn't really mind doing Twain more than once.)

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Wow, been busy overnight....ok, let's set about addressing all these concerns:

Kathleen, I was considering using the Discussion of Published Hooks forum, and I still think it would work. Although I don't want to encroach on anyone who wants to discuss a published hook, I have noticed that that particular section had kind of lost energy anyway. And I think that if someone still wants to discuss a published hook, it would clearly fall under a discussion of published "books" as well.

Rahl22, you're welcome to join in but I didn't give you a month. If I put you on the list it wouldn't be until NEXT summer anyway.

Lord Darkstorm "Discussion of Published Books and Hooks"...sounds great to me.

And ABSOLUTELY...come up with a book earlier! I was thinking about making the suggestion but I thought, one step at a time. But yes, people who scan for books at used books stores might well want to pick up next December's book if someone already knows what it is. So anytime someone's ready, just post your book and your month and I'll occassionally post the entire list to keep everyone up to speed. (I have it on an excel spreadsheet.)

cvgurau, I also considered more often than every month. And you're right, we don't need a month to discuss a book, and this month we don't even really need a month to read the book in question. But unlike many of the threads here, this is more work. We actually have to acquire and read a book that we potentially never heard of before. But who knows? Let's get our feet wet and then consider changing the rules once we see how it all works.

Eljay, I am sooooo sorry, you poor, poor troubled soul. BTW, at one point I considered the Great Gatsby to be the WORST book I had EVER read. I have coped with this by completely forgetting everything about it, so I might have read worse by this point, but I'm not going to drudge up old nightmares to figure it out.

[This message has been edited by Christine (edited April 09, 2004).]

Posted by Gen (Member # 1868) on :
Yep... I can get the June title out earlier, since there's really only one book I'm thinking of. Just give me a little longer to check out some stuff on the different versions and get my links in order.
Posted by Silver6 (Member # 1415) on :
I can also get the October book ready earlier (roughly in a week's time so I can check on availability).

Posted by Lord Darkstorm (Member # 1610) on :
Yes, I think availabilty should be a priority. I have several hundreds of books I could come up with...but half my library is out of print.

But I'll find one that is still available.


Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
I had my book chosen about a second after I read I got to choose for November... and while the author's site says it is out of print, it has gone back into print, and is also available digitally! Plus lots of cheap used copies...

I am going to think on this a bit more, but I have several good reasons for the one I'd like to use.

Should we actually tell as soon as we have chosen, so people can arrange getting the book?

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Sure should....put it right up here and show us!
Posted by sassenach (Member # 1725) on :
I'd like to participate. For those of us who live in the sticks and have to order books online, it would be helpful to have several month's worth of selections ready.


Posted by Gen (Member # 1868) on :
After about thirty seconds of very deep, reflective thought into the matter, I realized that my choice for the June book had to be Deep Secret
, by Diana Wynne Jones.

After those thirty seconds, I went back and worked out some reasons why I liked this choice:

There's couple different versions of the book. The one linked to from the word "Deep" in the book title was a YA release, and apparently some of the dialogue has been bowlderized. The one linked to from "Secret" is the mass-market general release. (Both of them seem to have used copies available through Amazon, as well.) If you're looking at offline bookstores, it may be in the YA section, although I think it was originally intended for an older audience, or at least an audience who didn't mind salty dialogue.

And a and a and a , just for good measure. I like fitting in.

Posted by Silver6 (Member # 1415) on :
After some perusing of Amazon, it appears the book I wanted to suggest is actually still in print (a miracle...)
So my suggestion for October is (which should give everyone plenty of time to track a copy down...):
The Book of Atrix Wolfe, by Patricia McKillip.
Technically I think it's a juvenile (at least in the UK), but I think it's for everyone really, and she writes so well...
Posted by teddyrux (Member # 1595) on :
I'm thinking of "War and Peace" for my March selection.

Posted by Gen (Member # 1868) on :
And I can't tell you how hard it was to drag myself away from _The Great Gatsby_. What did the spectacles among the ashes *truly* mean?

I guess we'll never know.


Posted by Kickle (Member # 1934) on :
Sign me up,this is a great idea.
Posted by sassenach (Member # 1725) on :
I've heard of Wynee Jones, but never read any of her work. I just visited her official Web site [] and I'm eager to read "Deep Secret."
Posted by mogservant (Member # 1739) on :
I'd love to join in. I've been looking for some new reading for a while. Will we discuss these here?
Posted by cvgurau (Member # 1345) on :
A(nother) question: Would it be impossible to set up a live chat forum? I mean, some don't get to come here for days at a time, and as popular an idea this seems to be, it's likely that those unfortunate few will be overwhelmed by the undoubtedly long and multiple responses sure to ensue.

Just wonderin'

Posted by sassenach (Member # 1725) on :
Boy, I hate when make typos in posts. <b>Wynne</> Jones.

As to the specs in Gatsby...symbol of the all-knowing eyes of God. [As best I can remember].

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
I think a live chat would be incredibly difficult to organize (in terms of time, not technology). I do, however, have a suggestion for how the discussion will run. I will try it for May, at least, and if it doesn't work we'll try something else.

Starting May 1st, I'm going to start a *series* of threads in the Discussion of Published Hooks forum. Each will begin with the title "May:" and will include a brief topic description after the semicolon. At the moment, I am planning such topics as opening hook, climax, characterization, etc. This way our discussion will be spread out over several threads because otherwise no one would ever get their say about anything because the topic would change too radically and too often. By splitting the discussion up into multiple threads, we can hopefully stay relatively on topic and thus give those who do not post as often a chance to have their say. Also, after I get the ball rolling any new threads would be welcome. So if you want to, you can just start your own thread and then get your word in that way.

Does that make sense?

I think there will be plenty of room for even those who post rather seldom to be involved. But live chats...when do you have them? Some people work days, others nights, some weekends, then there's family time...I just don't think it would work.

Posted by Lord Darkstorm (Member # 1610) on :
Ok, I've figured out what my selection witll be.

The Forever War
by Joe Haldeman

It is scifi, but this one is on my favorite list. I tossed in a link to amazon...but you can get it at most bookstores.



Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
Oh, that's the one about the dupled soldiers, right? Interesting idea, and better yet, it managed to be a story.
Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Updated Member/book list

Christine May Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Gen June Deep Secret by Diana Wynne Jones
AeroB1033 July
danquixote August
Lord Darkstorm September The Forever War by Joe Haldeman
Silver6 October The Book of Atrix Wolfe by Patricia McKillip
punahougirl84 November
Khyber December
Lullaby Lady January
cvgurau February
teddyrux March
TheoPhileo April
Ergoface May
Eljay June
sassenach July
Kickle August
mogservant September


Posted by SiliGurl (Member # 922) on :
Count me in... as time permits with AF.


Posted by Pyre Dynasty (Member # 1947) on :
I can't see too far into the future. But I'd love to join. My list of books to read has shrunk a bit and I'd love to add to it.
I'll participate when I can.

And Just for the record the book I'd choose is: The Siege of Mt. Nevermind by Fergus Ryan. It's in the Dragonlance Saga, but it explains it's setting and races well enough to stand alone. It is also in a series, in fact the last of the series, BUT the series doesn't follow any line, in fact I think they all take place at the same time, just different places. So, as I said it stands alone, and is wondefull in it's comedy and the villain char is quite interesting.

Posted by danquixote (Member # 1949) on :
Okay, Christine, I've got my book lined up:

In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O'Brien.

Here's an Amazon link:

Posted by teddyrux (Member # 1595) on :
I have a question for everyone's that has selected their book or has one in mind. Is the book you've picked, in your opinion, a good book or a bad book?




Posted by Gen (Member # 1868) on :
_Deep Secret_ is, in my opinion, a good book. It's also a book I found highly enjoyable. Although I'm sure someone has a different opinion... It's an online forum, after all.

Were you thinking "bad book" in terms of the "read slush to discover the slushpile errors and avoid them yourself" school of learning to write?

[This message has been edited by Gen (edited April 14, 2004).]

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
If you don't mind, I'd like to keep book club selections to those books which, in your opinion, or examples of very good quality work. There are several reasons for this:

1. I want everyone to continue reading the bookse each month and if we keep asking them to read crap, who's going to participate. Heck, I'll drop it. That's like saying...this tastes awful, here have a bite!

2. Just because you think a book is good does not mean that there are not bad elements to learn the "not to's" from. No book is perfect. In fact, I highly suspect that each month there will be dissenters.

3. As useful as it is to learn what not to do, it is at least as important, if not more important, to see many clear examples of what TO do. There are an infinite number of ways of not doing things, in the end without seeing some correct methods they will never eliminate all the mistakes you could possibly make.

Posted by Lord Darkstorm (Member # 1610) on :
The Forever War is a good book. Sci fi/war story, but I have read it three times. Enjoyed it all three times.


It won an award.

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
For November I have chosen:

Restoree, by Anne McCaffrey

- There are plenty of cheap used copies available, plus new ones, plus it is available for download!

- I was in my dental office, and it turns out my hygienist is a sf fan. She mentioned OSC, Greg Bear, and some others. I finally asked if she had read any Anne McCaffrey. She replied, "Oh, doesn't she write mostly fantasy?" Oh my! So I had to correct her, letting her know that McCaffrey actually writes mostly sf, some romance, some combined, and that the confusion comes because one her most famous and beloved series of books has dragons...


- genetically engineered dragons, created by people who showed up on space ships and had to counter a menace coming from space! It has been described as science fantasy, and that works because of the level of civilization you start learning about, but as you progress with them to solve their problems, they learn of their extrastellar origins... not an elf or sorcerer in sight!


So I thought it would be great for us to look at Restoree, which was McCaffrey's first published novel. According to her, she wrote it in response to the ridiculous way women were portrayed in sf in the 50's and 60's. But she did not write a "butch, butt-kicking girl" or a "weak damsel-in-distress" story - the protagonist is someone you feel could be very real, someone you know. What I find is that this book, unlike some others from the time period, holds up well and doesn't feel dated. I've read it several times over many years, and it still works for me. We'll benefit from looking at a successful author's first book, which happens to be a really good story, well-written - I still wish she would write a sequel.


Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :

Christine May Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Gen June Deep Secret by Diana Wynne Jones
AeroB1033 July
danquixote August In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O'Brien
Lord Darkstorm September The Forever War by Joe Haldeman
Silver6 October The Book of Atrix Wolfe by Patricia McKillip
punahougirl84 November Restoree, by Anne McCaffrey
Khyber December
Lullaby Lady January
cvgurau February
teddyrux March
TheoPhileo April
Ergoface May
Eljay June
sassenach July
Kickle August
mogservant September
SiliGurl October
Pyre Dynasty November The Siege of Mt. Nevermind by Fergus Ryan

I'm happy to say that we've got most of our selections for the next half year. AeroB1033 is the only delinquent one. (Don't worry...plenty of time.) We've even got a couple selections for next year!

One thing, if anyone feels the need to withdraw from this group at any time...PLEASE just let me know so I can adjust the month assignments.

Posted by teddyrux (Member # 1595) on :
Thanks for the clarification Christine. I was going to pick "Starship Troopers" as my book, but since it's caused such debate lately, I've decided to switch it.

"Stranger in a Strange Land" will be my March pick.

Posted by punahougirl84 (Member # 1731) on :
Gee, teddyrux, too bad! Debate is part of what will make this work, but I understand your choice. I've read SIASL, but not Starship Troopers (though we have it) - now I have another excuse not to read it (I've read my quota of bad-bug books). I don't mind rereading SIASL - I actually pulled some quotes from it for a class I'm taking.

I started rereading HPATSS too soon - am almost done again - didn't realize how much I had forgotten (you know, all the stuff in the book that is not in the movie!).

Posted by Lullaby Lady (Member # 1840) on :
Christine, I have my pick for January. Since we will be reading in the busy month of December for our Jan. discussion, I decided to pick something short and easy, but (IMHO) VERY good.

(drumroll, please...) "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle

Let me know if that's satisfactory!


Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
OOooohhhh!! I used to love that book when I was a girl...wouldn't mind reading it again at all.
Posted by Lullaby Lady (Member # 1840) on :
Great! And thanks for starting us on this adventure, Christine!


Posted by Jsteg1210 (Member # 1993) on :
Is it too late for a newcomer to join in?
Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Of course not! Welcome!

I must warn you, though, that your month to pick a book won't come up utnil December of 2005. But still, read the books for each month, join in the discussions, and if things are still going in a year and a half, pick a book too.

Posted by cvgurau (Member # 1345) on :
Wait. Are we reading HP&TSS now, or are we waiting until next month?

Just wondering.


Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
If you want to start discussing the book by May 1st, I'd suggest reading it now. The months listed are the months we will discuss the book, they should have been read in advance.

punahougirl84, there is a lot of stuff missing from the movie. In fact, one of the threads I plan to start is a discussion of whether the movie did justice to the book.

Posted by Gwalchmai (Member # 1807) on :
Er, if it's still going by then you can put me down for Jan 2006 if you like.

I've been away for a bit so missed this thread going up. Sounds like a great idea though and I'll try to get in on the discussions.

Posted by sassenach (Member # 1725) on :
Book and RL, have a tendency to fall apart. I have a good feeling about this one. Planning--that's the key. ")
Posted by Alias (Member # 1645) on :
If there's any more room ... I'm interested.
Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Well, I don't nkow....if it was someone else maybe...

Just kidding! The more the merrier! I've got you signed up to pick a book in February 2006. I'm very much looking forward to our first discussion...only a week and a half away! (I might start a few days early if I get really itchy fingers.)

Posted by Kolona (Member # 1438) on :
Starship I have another excuse not to read it (I've read my quota of bad-bug books).

Puna, the bugs are a very minor part of it. I recommend the book, even if no one chooses it.
Posted by teddyrux (Member # 1595) on :
Thinking out loud------"I wonder if I should start reading the selection for May?"



"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want." Zig Ziglar

[This message has been edited by teddyrux (edited April 23, 2004).]

Posted by AeroB1033 (Member # 1956) on :
I'm happy to say that we've got most of our selections for the next half year. AeroB1033 is the only delinquent one. (Don't worry...plenty of time.) We've even got a couple selections for next year!

I'm thinking on it, no worries. *chuckle* I'll have a selection soon.

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
All right, I'm getting itchy fingers. Besides, I have much less time to post on the weekend than on a weekday so getting started on a Saturday (which is actually the first of the month) isn't going to work for me. Therefore, I am going to start on a Monday (today). If you head over to "Discussion of Published Hooks" I will have started our May book discussion. (Unless you're right on top of this message, in which case give me fifteen minutes already! ) See you over there.
Posted by Rosalind (Member # 2003) on :
Is it too late to join in? I've read SS a few times and would love to discuss it.
Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
Come on over and start yapping! And that's true for anyone who wants to start joining our discussions. Even if you don't want to come in every month, if you see we're doing a book that you've read and would like to discuss it, come on over.
Posted by Jsteg1210 (Member # 1993) on :
I know it's WAY in advance, but I just thought of the prefect book for my selection and wanted to get it down while I'm still lucid. "The Bean Trees" by Barbara Kingsolver. Great description and narrative.

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