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Posted by Smaug (Member # 2807) on :
Okay, here's my question: how much time do you spend doing each of these per day? And I kept critiquing separate from writing for a reason.

Working the regular job
Playing (including hobbies)
Personal grooming


Posted by Garp (Member # 2919) on :
I can't answer that question. But I can say this. I've cut back out all non-important activites to give myself more time to (A) spend with the wife and kids, (B) to read, and (C) to write. This doesn't mean that I don't watch some television or got to a movie every now and then, but that I any non-important activity has to prove itself to be important by showing me that I need it in some way. We all need leisure time, do we not?
Posted by Leigh (Member # 2901) on :
I don't do things in any specific order. I do thing's differently every single day. It's weird that I'm not in a routine but it's just the way I do it
Posted by rcorporon (Member # 2879) on :

I go to bed around 11:00 PM and wake up at 6:45 nearly every day.

Working the regular job

Leave the apartment at 7:30 and return home at 5:15 Monday - Friday.


Have to vaccuum and whatnot on weekends, maybe 1 or 2 hours.


I try to write about 1 - 2 hours every day.


I critique on Tuesdays for about 2 hours or so.


I read probably 2 - 3 hours each day.

Playing (including hobbies)

Too many hours to count

Personal grooming

5 minute shower each morning. That's it.


What's other?

Posted by Smaug (Member # 2807) on :
What's other?

If you can't think of anything I've missed, then you've included everything in the non-other categories . So, for you, there would be no "other". I just included it in case I forgot something. Which, knowing me, would not be out of the realm of possibility. Of course, I forgot to include accessing this site and other internet sites, which of course could come under the heading of "playing".


[This message has been edited by Smaug (edited March 06, 2006).]

Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
Other. You forgot getting the kids out of bed, keeping after the kids for an hour to get them dressed after they get out of bed, waiting for the school bus, taking the kids to piano practice, taking the kids to cub scouts, chasing the kids to bed, giving the kids a bath, mowing the lawn, cleaning the pool, chainging the oil on the cars, balancing the checkbook, filing taxes, driving to work, eating, cooking, doing laundry, walking the dogs, fixing the broken toilet, trimming the trees and bushes, dealing with a senile 86-year-old mother-in-law, paying bills, keeping an eye on the 401K, shopping for stupid things we don't need like a new rice cooker that we won't use but the wife wants anyway, recovering from computer crashes, taking the van to the body shop because some moron doesn't know how to put on his parking break when he gets out of his truck so it rolls down the hill into my garage, and walking to the mailbox.
Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
Oh, and the real time vacuum: Helping kids with homework.
Posted by Smaug (Member # 2807) on :
Ha ha! Now Spaceman, a lot of those things would go down as chores in my book. Then again, I have no young ones at home any more, but I did once, and I feel your pain!!

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