I just found out today my hardrive died. :'( So I am officially complaining everywhere possible. Luckily I backed up my files about 3 weeks ago.
Just remember, death is always around the corner. You never know when it may occur. So back up your files.
Posted by Aalanya (Member # 3263) on :
Ooooh, good point. I haven't done that in a while.
Posted by Leigh (Member # 2901) on :
May it Rest in Peace Mine's about to die as well, so I'm starting to save all my stories onto floppy disks, thought I'm running short on workable disks as well Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I try never to keep anything essential on my computer. I've got a lot there (right now, mostly a whole mess of songs downloaded off my CD collection). I keep my works-in-progress on disks of one variety or another. Losing my hard drive would be severely inconvenient---costly, too---but it wouldn't be catastrophic.
Posted by apeiron (Member # 2565) on :
My condolences on your loss. At least you had a recent update. I had to pick through a bunch of old cds recently when my harddrive got wiped. Tragic.
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
I had a hard disk die on me once...it was a 10 MG drive that I'd opened and coated with WD-40. Okay, so that probably sounds a lot more like I brutally murdered my drive rather than having it die on me. And I was deliberately removing the data from any possibility of being recovered.
Posted by Leigh (Member # 2901) on :
Survivor, why'd you do that? Sounds fun doing it to an enemies hard drive, but why your own?
Posted by apeiron (Member # 2565) on :
Clearly Survivor's trying to build his/her mystique by implying s/he was involved in something secret and/or shady that required drastic measures to destroy evidence.
Either that or s/he had an old compy and wanted to experiment with electronic torture.
Posted by Leigh (Member # 2901) on :
Electronic Torture? Sounds good. I'll take then.
Well, my computer died on me. Everything inside of died. Power won't work, motherboard is screwed up, my hard drive might be salvageable. My sound card, graphics card and CD drives are hopefully ok... I don't have the money to replace the parts either, which sucks even worse for me and my dad won't let me spend 6 hours a day on his computer to write that makes my situation worse as well...
But my computer did serve me well in the 5 years I had it, it had no issues and only broke down because of overuse as of late. RIP my machine, you made me happy.
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
Destroying a hard drive isn't a drastic measure. It was a 10 meg piece of crap.
It probably did suffer, but that wasn't the point of the exercise either
Posted by etherfire (Member # 3162) on :
Alright! I'm back up and running with a new hardrive! Poor baby, missed me all weekend...
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
Oh, and on the theory that raw fear is part of the reason machines usually cooperate with me, I also pried all the components apart with a screwdriver and soldering iron. Keep working hard, little machines