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Posted by Netstorm2k (Member # 2279) on :
Here's an interesting link to an article by Andrew Sullivan, a columnist turned blogger.

If you don't know much about blogging, like I don't (but intend to change) you ought to read this article.
Perhaps I'm the slow one, since this isn't entirely new, but I don't spend hours one the Internet either. But I'm curious about what you guys and gals think. Anyone here have a blog? Are you getting paid?

[This message has been edited by Netstorm2k (edited May 05, 2006).]

Posted by wbriggs (Member # 2267) on :
Here are a couple of previous threads on this. One inspired me to take up bloggin' ( Minister, Eric Stone, Mike Munsil, and those evil robot monkeys are also bloggin'.

Posted by Jammrock (Member # 3293) on :
bah humbug!

I have my own web site, forums, domain name, and several other fun custom online toys ... but I don't blog. I have a blog mind you (, but I still don't blog. This is like MySpace for me. Both are uber popular among people who are slightly older and slightly younger than me, but people who are very near my age just don't care (at least the people I know).

I don't know why this is, it just is. If I'm going to spend my time writing a review or an opinion, I will to call it an article and put it on my website (or someone else's). If I want to write a serialized story, my website can accommodate my needs. Pictures ... yeah, I can do that. Chatting with friends and comments on my writing ... got that too. Blogging just doesn't do it for me. Maybe someday it will, but just not now.


Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
Meanwhile, I'm working on developing a convincing Spanish accent and faking up a Hispanic ancestry so that Antonio Banderas can play me in the movie version of my astonishingly dull life.

But maybe not. Because my wife says that if that happens, she's playing herself.

I just wanted to post that somewhere, for the sake of being redundant, and this thread seemed the most appropriate of those currently active. We have a couple of different "Quotes" threads, but they're all inactive right now.

Posted by Minister (Member # 2213) on :
And that quote was so good it just had to go somewhere. I loved it too.
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
The great thing is that it works for anyone. Um, who has a wife...or at least a girlfriend.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Survivor, did you hide the name of the author of that quote somewhere?

I happen to know that it is Orson Scott Card, but others may not have read his lastest review and might not recognize it.

Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
It was hidden, now that you mention it. I hadn't thought it was, but I can see that it would take some effort to figure out the source of the quote from my post.

I suppose I have a ways to go yet. At least I didn't attribute it to Winston Churchill

Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
I'm refreshing this old post, rather than starting a new one. I've finally started a blog. Yes, I know, took me long enough. Anyway, I'm having fun, and if anyone wants to drop by you can find me at

I've been very much enjoying reading other blogs over the past few months. I'm trying to work my way through my author friends blogs now, and I'm addicted to the blogs of several agents and editors, thanks to people on Hatrack posting links. I love the medium and while I understand it won't work for everyone, I think blogging is a good fit for me personally.

I'm fully aware that it will take a long time for my blog to have built up to the point where I get any visitors, but that's okay too. Even if no one comes by at first, I'll enjoy the experience of an online journal.

Posted by mikemunsil (Member # 2109) on :
Added you to our blogroll, autumnmuse. I dropeed the personal blog in favor of one for Liberty Hall:
Posted by franc li (Member # 3850) on :
Antonio Banderas would be so awesome as Churchill!

"I may be drunk, Madam, but tomorrow I will be sober, whereas you will still be ugly."

"Now that we have established what you are, I am merely negotiating price."

P.S. I've contemplated a blog on actual content before, more like a column than a livejournal. Maybe after this Nanowrimo I would consider it again.

[This message has been edited by franc li (edited October 24, 2006).]

Posted by Christine (Member # 1646) on :
I have a blog:

but it's just for fun and for putting some interesting content on my website that might draw people to it and convince them to buy my book.

Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
FL, I'm absolutely certain that Oscar Wilde would have loved the thought of being played by Antonio Banderas, but I'm not so sure that I would say Antonio Banderas would be awesome as Wilde.
Posted by Lynda (Member # 3574) on :
I have a blog I also have a website that's under construction for the writing stuff ( - there's no real content there yet). I'll probably start a blog with a different name (or change the name of the existing one from "abraxan") once the website is ready to go, so they'll "go together" sensibly.

I've met some interesting people blogging, although I don't spend a lot of time on it. I figure it's a journal of sorts, showing my journey through the world of writing and publishing novels. I know some folks get paid a good bit for blogs, but mine is just going to be about whatever interests me.

If you'd like to share blog links, I'd be happy to do that with you guys.


Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
Me too. Mostly use it for writing related news.

Posted by autumnmuse (Member # 2136) on :
Mike, thanks for adding me to the blogroll. Mighty big of you.

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