In the thread where I introduced myself, I have been informed that I need to discover which is more my style - short stories or novel-length. So I would like to know how to determine which is best for me.
Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :
When I got my writing license, the options under Fiction - Length were Novel - Novella - Novelette- Short Story - Flash - All. I checked All, and that's been good enough for the border guards; they just glance at my license and wave me through. Maybe they changed the form since I applied, though.
Posted by I need a good user name (Member # 3812) on :
Haha, good one Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Story length should depend on the story you are telling, not on your style.
Some people get ideas that are focussed enough and short enough to be short stories.
Some people get more complicated ideas that require more words to tell them.
Some people get both, and they only find out when they've actually written the thing how long it needs to be.
Some people write what they think is a short story and find out (from their readers) that it's actually the first chapter in a novel (because the readers want "the rest of the story").
Write it and then decide.
Posted by Leigh (Member # 2901) on :
I've been writing for just over 13 months now, and I still don't know my style as I have not completely finished a novel or short story yet. All I work on is my weak areas.
Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
I haven't figured out my style yet, as everything I write tends to be novel length. One of these days I'll crank out a short story. I know I can do it, I know I can...
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Sit down and write something. When you reach the end, figure out how long it is---and that'll be your length, at least for that story.
I've been writing (without much luck) for thirty-one years---and, hell, I can't determine my style, or what length I prefer to write in. The last decade I mostly turned out short stories, here and there---then last month something grabbed me and I've shot past thirty-five thousand with the end nowhere in sight. What's my favorite length? Whatever I can persuade somebody to publish (and pay me for)...
(By the way, I commend you on your startlingly honest and original pseudonym.)