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Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
Did You write? 07-14-08

It is that time of the week again. Brag about your accomplishments, cry about your failures, and otherwise tell about your life.

I consider anything new that you write, as writing. I also consider any editing, even if it is someone else's work, as writing. Poetry is also writing. What else is writing is really up to you, but I also consider articles, blogging, writing assignments, world building if something goes on paper, E-mails if they are long and pertain to writing. Just about anything that involves a lot of words could pass as writing if that is what you consider writing.

I have to say that I did no writing. I am falling behind on my story ideas. This note is going to be short compared to most of these notes I post. I have a good excuse.
While carving the handle of the beer stein I am making, I was not wearing my carving glove. During one cut, the index finger of my left hand, The hand I held the work with, stuck out from behind the work. The knife slipped off, something that does not happen much any more. The knife thwacked my finger, which bled instantly. My mom suggested we go to the emergency room.
After twelve hours in the hospital (had to wait to digest breakfast before anesthesia) I had two tendons on my finger repaired. My left hand is useless for typing. I am typing slowly but fairly well in my word processor (spell correct flags help) one handed.
I worked today with little problem. I do computer aided drafting. My problem was in two handed commands where the "cast" hit something it was not supposed to.
My mind works to fast for single handed typing, even if I know where the keys are.
I think this may be a while.

Did you write?

Posted by Jericho (Member # 8073) on :
I didn’t know about this tradition, but I like it.

Rstegman, my condolences and wishes for a healthy recovery.

I wrote a lot. I rewrote even more. I’m have two full chapters of my Zombie Vampire Monster Things novel set aside and three more that are more or less sketched and the rest of the novel outlined.

I have not had this much fun writing in a very long time. Nor has anything wanted to be written by me in a very long time. It just flows and orders and reorders itself.

I have also been enjoying the general ability to communicate with other writers. There have been some great conversations this last week. They made me think and I hope gave me a chance to contribute.

I hope everyone else has had good writing weeks.


Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
NO! I did not write, and I REALLY want to. Just getting onto Hatrack for a few minutes usually involves keeping someone waiting. Sometimes I sneak onto the computer after I tell the kids it's time to get in the car, just to have ONE moment of quiet.

I have the whole first 13 lines of a new novel in my head, and I tweak the words while I'm standing in the kiddy pool watching my kid's swimming lessons. I also get to know my characters that way. One of these days they'll make it onto the computer.

I'm so sorry about your hand! Take it easy, and you'll be back to writing and carving before you know it.


Posted by Bent Tree (Member # 7777) on :
rstegman, I nominate you for the perseverance award. I don't guess I have ever expressed my appreciation for you, and for posting this thread every week.

I wish you the speediest recovery. Look up any ARP therapist in your area. Whenever a tendon is involved electric therapy is the best rout to go once the cast come off. I had a severed achilles, and ARP therapy is the only reason I walk as well as I do. If you can't find one in your area shoot me an email and I can give you a link to a company that leases the machines short term.

It might be the time to break out the notebook and pencil, and if you are crafty enough you might get caught up on your stories, using your injured card. Wish you the best.

But, yes, I did write alot. I did alot of critiqueing this week also.

Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Yes, I wrote. Ever since beginning this novel, the writing has been painfully slow--averaging 1 page a day right now--becuase every time I double check a fact, it turns out I have to re-write what is done. I think I've breached the wall now, though, but now busy season has overtaken me. Of course, I don't plan for a six-hundred pager, I'm shooting for the bullseye (100,000 words).

And, rstegman, I too hope you have a speedy recovery. Maybe you should have some bionics attached now, while they're cheap--never mind that they're still experimental--so you have extra protection.

Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
Lol unwritten I love that about telling the kids to get in the car and then staying inside! I know what you mean. I love the feeling of the kids strapped into their car seats (with the air conditioning on of course) while I'm free to finish things up in the parking lot.

Thanks Bent Tree and Jericho for helping with my chapter. It still needs a lot of work, though this week I've been working on other parts of the story. I haven't touched the beginning in quite a while. I'm thinking about changing the whole beginning again for the fourth time. I've been writing every night this week since the book I'm currently reading has gotten very slow and the plot is going at a snails pace. So now I have very little competition for my free time.


Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :

rstegman, stay strong and heal well. I'm sure it cannot be easy to type, but all of us here appreciate and give thanx to you for continuing this thread.

My young adult novel creeps closer to completion. Thanx, Bent Tree, for reading through the first scene for me!

I looked at my accomplishment chart, and noticed I haven't worked on much else this last week. Normally, I'd see this pattern, and would instantly call myself a slacker. This time around, though, I'm accusing myself of something entirely different: psyched about completing this story that I've seem to gotten a crush on all over again.

Not all accusations are negative.



Posted by Rhaythe (Member # 7857) on :
I didn't write at first this past week, having read through 3 novels in 4 days. But now that I'm past that reading spurt, I've started picking up my last work again. Managed to hack out about 700 words last night. Unfortunately, I'm out of practice on writing every day (I blame a vacation to the beach... aaahh, the beach), so I have to work to get back into it.
Posted by JeanneT (Member # 5709) on :
I edited a novel but I don['t consider that to count. It was the first week in a long time I produced absolutely nothing new. That's very depressing.
Posted by Tiergan (Member # 7852) on :
Sorry about the hand, I as well have been tied down, me with a sinus infection which left my head reeling no matter how much meds I took. But Sunday the anitbods kicked in and the muse was there as well. I edited the 2 climatic chapters in my novel, edited, hah! seems like I rewrote all the major battle scenes. Orignally had 4 waves of calvary get killed in 4 sentences, but expanded it to a page, so jumping from summary to detail fight secenes as the MC's got involved was less jarring.

Anyways, Hope your hand heals.

Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I worked some on the revision of one story...then another emerged and I wrote a couple thousand words worth of notes...the thing was about to burst into narrative...

...but the the whole thing crashed today as I spent the bulk of it trying to deal with the installation of new security software. Still haven't worked out all the bugs...

Posted by CABaize (Member # 8032) on :
Well, about 200 words of actual story come out this week (wow, I know), but I did make some revisions to my note-keeping to help me keep my novel's storyline in order. I've changed it so much lately that I'm having trouble keeping it all straight!

rstegman, I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
I was easily distracted last week. I'm still organizing my move across country, which includes socializing with people I won't see again for years.

For two novels, I added a page to each outline and about three pages to each story draft. For another novel, I briefly worked on world building and added a lone page to a scene(while another scene remained trapped in my head).

My biggest achievement: I wrote, edited, and re-edited a flash fiction piece, approx. 900 words, of urban fantasy. This was my first attempt at short short fiction not assigned for schoolwork. The two people I gave the story to enjoyed it. Now I'm trying to decide whether to submit it for review here before submitting it to Flash Fiction Online.

rstegman, I hope you heal quickly. Hand injuries are frustrating. I put my hands at risk in martial arts training, so I practice handwriting with my left hand in case I injure my right.

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