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Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
March 21, 2011 Did You Write?

Another day, another week, another deadline. For those who do not write regularly, did you write this week? Tell us about it whether you did or not.

We all know that new words is writing. Editing is also writing, even if it is someone else's work. Critiquing is also writing as it is a form of editing. Also as writing is technical writing, blogging, writing assignments, world and character creation, poetry, even E-mails can be writing if they are wordy and pertain to story or writing. If you have to ask if it is writing, the answer is always yes.

How much writing is unimportant. If you wrote one word and then removed it, it will count. At least you looked at your work. It is better to actually have production.
Editing has a tendency of sometimes cutting words. Removing a couple thousand words needed to fit into a publication counts as much, or even more than increasing your word count.

As for me, added about a thousand words to my third waxy story and don't like the plot at all after a certain point. I will work through it.
I got my first waxy story back from the editor and have to make some major changes to make the story work. We will worry about word count later. Because I am removing comments as I go, I have no idea what my word count is I cannot use that as a measure. Right now I am working through a scene that cannot be walked through. I have a tendency of having my characters walk through dangerous scenes as if they are an innocent observer. I have to make the scenes very dangerous.

On the story idea front, I had a period where ideas were not coming. I have dug into my compost pile, though still right off the top. Today, including the idea I am to post tonight, I have 43 story ideas on the compost pile. That includes three ideas I came up with today. It won't be long before I will start picking and choosing ideas rather than just grabbing one to write.

On the woodworking front, I finished my rain fairy carving. it came out pretty good. I have just a little bit of finishing to do on the cannon before it is done.
I finished carving the body for the second fairy and started painting her. If things really go well, I could well have her scene assembled this weekend. That leaves basically the face vase to finish for my art show.
I got an idea for a tool and spend quite a bit of time this weekend working with my new metal lathe on making the tool. My brother fixed the motor and it is now one really sweet machine.
As soon as this art show is over, I plan to be making all sorts of tools and equipment, both in metal and in wood. It is getting fun.

As to the question of the week,
I can honestly say,



Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I had a pretty good week, though press of business and family prevented me from writing yesterday and today. (Sunday and Monday.) Worked on revising an older story.

If all goes well, I expect to be done with it in a couple of weeks...on the other hand, I don't know what to do with it, as it's not SF or fantasy...

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I wrote about 2,000 words. Not great, but better than nothing.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
I wrote a new first chapter for BLOOD WILL TELL and started some revisions.

Plus two blog posts.

Posted by Josephine Kait (Member # 8157) on :
I wrote, but not much. <hangs head>
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Around 5000 words, I think. Not keeping exact track lately.
Posted by Tiergan (Member # 7852) on :
yeah. Not much, slowest week of the year. Work had me fried couldnt concentrate. I find my groove back on Sunday though. Did get a submission packet out so, that is good. And edited two shorts for submission tonight. But most work fell on Sunday.
Posted by BenM (Member # 8329) on :
Slow week here, just shy of 7k. The outline is a bit sketchier at this point so my writing sessions require a little more thought. I also reduced my wordcount goals for Sundays, I just can't keep up the 2k word target with everything else going on. I suppose, like anything, being flexible helps keep the show on the road.
Posted by Raker (Member # 9449) on :
I recently gave up on a story that just wasn't working, and went back to my list of ideas I've been keeping. I found a promising one, and while I didn't actually write any of the story yet, I did a lot of brainstorming this week and figuring out the background and context of the story.
Posted by Wordcaster (Member # 9183) on :
I knocked out two more chapters in my middle grade fantasy rewrite (20% complete now). I also wrote about 1000 words in my next quarter's WOTF entry (half of which I'll have to scratch -- it's too much flashback). And like Meredith, I updated my (fledgling) blog.
Posted by elilyn (Member # 9426) on :
I'm branching out a little bit into SF. I wrote about 1/3 of a short story. I really like the premise, hopefully everything will pan out well with it.
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
Yay, I wrote .

Finished revising a fantasy story and sent the sucker out. Outlined and started writing a science fiction novelette. At least, I want it to be a novelette, but it is threatening to be longer.

Did a couple blog posts, and critiqued a chapter from my other writing group. All in all, a good week .

Gook luck, everyone!


Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

Yeah, I wrote.

Finished the first revision of my space opera story. It might show up here some time, well the first 13 lines that is. I need to drag it from my laptop to my desk computer.

I also started my next story. Sort of. It's the not open with someone waking up thing. My MC comes alive at the beginning so waking up fits. I'm trying for something awhile after he woke... becomes sentient and aware that is. It's a UF story so sentient may not be the bright word.

I wrote some blog posts and redid the blog. I started a page to describe the worlds I am working on but probably won't get to it for a few days.

I worked on each novel...writing on two and revising the one. Am on chapter four of the revision-"Bright Lights And Chaos". Just started chapter six of "New Mage On The Block". Tomorrow or the next day I will be starting chapter 14 of "Storm Born". I think there will be 15 chapters so that means I will start running it down or turning the corner toward the end.

I wrote various posts here and on a couple of blogs. And a couple of crits.

Oh yes an E-mail to Laura Resnick. She responded quickly. She has series out--a humorous UF-- and the first novel listed contented a proloque that described an earlier adventure of the MC. Turns out the book I am reading is the second one. The first came out five years ago at least. It was a bad publishing you can find more details on her web site, but she has a new publisher now and the series is off and running.

[This message has been edited by LDWriter2 (edited March 21, 2011).]

Posted by Lissa (Member # 9206) on :
Yes, yes, YES!

I am writing 5-700 words per day.


[This message has been edited by Lissa (edited March 22, 2011).]

Posted by Heresy (Member # 1629) on :
Yup, third week running too. I made my goal of 5k, despite a very slow start to the week. I'd actually wondered if I was going to make that, as I only wrong about 700 during the week. But Friday I sat down ad wrong almost 1k, followed by a good Saturday and a fabulous Sunday. Keeping the goal at 5k for this week though, since I only barely made it, and probably do the same the week after. It's a fairly good pace, really, if I'm happy with what hits the screen. I've had times in the past where I could do 5k in a night (I'd been writing for a month or two straight at that point) but when I reread what I had written, I wasn't that happy with it. I'm happy with where Elemental is right now, though I will admit that I haven't gone back and reread a lot of it yet. I'm focusing on the journey forward for now. 20k words and climbing.

-Julie T.

Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :

A little over 3K new words spanning four projects. Editing work on two projects. One new science fiction short story for sale (with 95% of the effort being put into writing the blurbs). One new Bloggathah post.

I wrote.



Posted by pdblake (Member # 9218) on :
9k, a bit of blogging, some world building and a bit of plotting.

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