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Posted by WBSchmidt (Member # 8533) on :
Welcome to this week's Novel Support Group (NSG). Anyone can join. If you're new, tell us a bit about who you are and what project you are working on. Although we can report on any number of things, here is a list of suggestions (suggestions welcomed).

Here is a list of things that you can do each week as we work on our novels (suggestions welcomed).


Last Week's Goals

Nothing this week at all. I don't think I even visited Hatrack this week. This programming project had me much busier than I had expected.

My goals for next week:

Since this project will keep me busy for the next week I will try to do something with my writing but it looks doubtful at this point.

What did I learn this week?

Nothing with respect to writing, anyway.

I wish everyone MUCH better luck this week than I have had so far.


Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Last Week's Goals:

DREAMER'S ROSE: Finish up the new section at the beginning and start work on the revisions.
At least I'm working on it again. A little over 1000 new words. But that leaves a chapter plus a little still to go.

THE SHAMAN'S CURSE: Let it rest a little before trying to cut some more.
Easy goal.

THE IGNORED PROPHECY: Make new revisions as the critiques come back.

BLOOD WILL TELL: Send out three queries.
I sent two. That's probably a more reasonable goal for snail mail queries.

SEVEN STARS: Let it rest. Keep making notes as things occur to me.
Another easy goal.

Update my blog and try to keep it updated at least once a week.
Finish my new short story "The Wrong Lion". Revise "The Bard's Gift" as appropriate and send it back out.
Yes. Yes. And yes.

Next Week's Goals:

The same goal as last week (and the week before and . . . ).
Finish up the new section at the beginning and start work on the revisions. I really want to get this one ready for a reader, but it fights me. Since I've now got most of the distractions out of the way, maybe I can make some real headway this week.

Let it rest before trying to cut some more.

I've got a chapter exchange going on this one. Make new revisions as the critiques come back.

Nothing this week. I've got eight queries out that I haven't heard back on.

Let it rest. Keep making notes as things occur to me.

Update my blog and try to keep it updated at least once a week.
Submit my new short story "Becoming Lioness" (formerly "The Wrong Lion").


Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :

Mainstream novel: The first four chapters are flowing well together. I told myself not to move out of my chair until I made considerable progress. Apparently, I actually listened.

Science fiction novel: Hate to say this, but I’ve not written a single new word for this story in months. But, I think about the story and the characters constantly. Oh...and I’m still reading up on related topics.

Science fiction short story number one: I split one scene into three smaller scenes. You will thank me for this. There are still a few logistical issues for me to work out, but the fact that this story is still in my starting lineup should hint that I still like what I have to say with it. By the way...I'm keeping the title a secret for now because I plan on entering it in the Writers of the Future contest.

Science fiction short story number two: This is a brand new story. I have no main character. I have no supporting cast. But, I do have a concept. Oh...and I know what planet it will take place on. By the way...I’m keeping the title a secret for now because---uh---I don’t have a title for it yet.

Mainstream novel: The aforementioned first four chapters aren't 100% complete (95%, I'd say), but it’s a simple matter of cleaning up a few stray words here and there before I’m ready to offer it up for critiques. Anyone looking to do a chapter swap?

Science fiction novel: Cannot say that I'll actually resume the writing phase this time around either, but I've still got plenty of research I could be doing.

Science fiction short story number one: business as usual.

Science fiction short story number two: character building.

WHAT I LEARNED THIS WEEK: Some of the story ideas I jot down during the breaks in playoff hockey games are actually fairly good...



Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on :
Well, my goal last time was nice and vague- sit on projects before going back to editing and contemplate what I want to do next. A pretty hard one not to succeed at.

A short story idea I have is really holding on to me, and I have had a lot of ideas towards that, character building, etc. Less world building because it is basically England under Henry 8- which I like because of the political and religious uncertainty, which does affect my characters. Oh, and magic is real, but if anyone finds out you do it, off with your head.

I have also gotten a bunch of great crits back from the WOTF group and those ideas have been sitting and growing and I think I am ready to start tackling revisions of that story. I have one great idea for a scene that will answer several questions people have had, plus there is some stuff I want to sprinkle in throughout that should help a lot.

So, for this week, I think I am going to focus on rewrites and developing my short story. I have a hard time switching back and forth between projects still. And then next week, after a nice break, I might go back to editing. I think the time off is going to help, plus been reading a lot of good blogs on writing that I think will help in the editing stages.

TamesonYip/ formerly sholar

[This message has been edited by TamesonYip (edited April 23, 2010).]

Posted by Kitti (Member # 7277) on :
Well, it's official, the latest revised draft of TGS is out to my trusted beta reader for the final thumbs up, thumbs down on whether it's query-ready! Eeps!

Plugging away at Mudlarks, 200 (and sometimes more) words a day for 23 days and counting now. Almost didn't make it yesterday, because I got all distracted playing around on an online database of physicians and "irregular" medical practitioners. But this is okay because I needed solace after finding evidence that my current descriptions of the streets around Temple grounds might not be accurate. Grrr....

Goals for this week:
1) 200 more words a day on Mudlarks
2) construct a map of Farringdon Without
3) finish editing my WotF submission
4) decide if my S&S25 candidate is salvageable or not

Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :

I just finished the dratted chapter in DREAMER'S ROSE that's been holding me up for weeks. Woo hoo!

It's pretty rough, but, hey, that's what first drafts are for. What's important is that I'm finally past it. One more chapter to go (maybe two) before I can start revising the earlier material and hopefully get this thing ready for a reader.

Got to celebrate the small victories.

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Amen to celebrating little victories.

This series of topics is really great for that, and I want to add my thanks to WBSchmidt for his efforts in keeping this up.

Way to go, everyone!

Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
This week, I've been traveling and when I do that my goal is just not to fall too far behind! LOL. I did managed to get my WoTF story out to my subgroup yesterday. That seems to be a theme in here this week.

Next week, I'll be home and back to the grindstone.
I'm 50% through revision 4 of San Francisco and realize that I am missing a critical scene early on to add an early plot turn. It was just too fuzzily implied, not crisp so I am adding that and plan to get 75% through revision 4 by week's end.

I've also been back at work on plotting my next novel, a YA SciFi. Plotting seems to be better suited to travel. And have about 3/4 of that laid out. I won't start writing that until draft 4 of SF is complete.

I critted several shorts and one novel this week and that was very helpful to point out where my work was soft. I hope it was helpful for others too.

Congratulations Meredith! It's wonderful when that happens! Here's to all our little and big victories next week!


Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
My WotF is eating my time like a T-Rex. =(

Written / Projected - on a week by week basis
171 / 250
177 / 250
180 / 250
185 / 250
188 / 250
190 / 250


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