This is topic Wotf Critique Group -- 2011 Q01 in forum Hatrack Groups at Hatrack River Writers Workshop.

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Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
This was a critique group for writers that entered a story into the first quarter of 2011 in the Writers of the Future contest (28th year).

After the end of the quarter, entries submitted have been responded to as thus:

Silver Honorable Mention:
Jennifer Campbell-Hicks (JenniferHicks)

Honorable Mention:
Dan Smyth (WriterDan)
Louis Doggett (LDWriter2)
Trina Phillips (genevive42)
Grayson Morris
Donovan Darius (Dark Warrior)

Congratulations to everyone that submitted!

If you participated in the group and got some kind of award for this quarter, let me know and I'll add you to the list.

These are our Woo-hoos!

(Original posts from the quarter shown below)

[This message has been edited by WriterDan (edited June 08, 2011).]

Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Despite the madness at my "job". I'm in.



Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on :

Got three stories written for Q1 so far. I think picking the right one will be the hard part this time.

Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
Writer Dan
Posted by PB&Jenny (Member # 9200) on :
Even though I'm four days late, I'm in.

Writer Dan

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Well, I never actually got my story out for last quarter so I'll get it in this one. With it almost finished, I actually stand a chance of making the deadlines. Count me in.

Writer Dan


Posted by PB&Jenny (Member # 9200) on :
Dangit, I'm not going to be able to make the cut here. I'm having to move again in about two weeks and it'll be almost a month to get my internet service up again.

I apologize everybody.


Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on :
Next quarter for me. But good luck to everyone!
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Current group:

Writer Dan

Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
I'm not sure what possesses me to think I can do this, but I've got a story I like. (Problem is, of course, I like them all or I wouldn't write them.) So, I'm going to try this at least once.

Writer Dan

Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I'd like to participate as well. I've got a story with a first draft nearly complete.

Writer Dan

Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Look at all you awesome people with first drafts done/(almost done). I'm going to look like such the slacker this quarter. Then again, when don't I? Ah, the pleasantries of making good on your goals. I'll be starting my story for this quarter in about...three days. lol.

Happy to see you all signing up. Was worried there for a bit that our numbers for this quarter might be low. Woo-hoo!

Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
I'm in. I had almost finished my story for Q4, but realized I should hold for Q1 2011. Good luck to all who entered Q4.

Writer Dan

Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
So quick question, this is my first WoTF crit group participation. How does it work in terms of sending out the story draft? Do we just email everyone who signed up with a copy of the story on October 14th? Or do we break it down into smaller groups of people?
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Osiris - Welcome!

It sort of depends on how big the group gets. The last couple of quarters we've been breaking up into two groups. You send the first draft out to your primary group and then your second draft goes out to the other group. That way there are fresh eyes on your second draft.

Not sure if this group is going to get big enough to break up though. Since everyone sort of finishes in a staggered manner, you don't generally end up with too many crits to do at one time.

Either way, it's a good process but do be prepared for a wide range of opinion.


Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
Thanks for the welcome Genevieve
No worries, I'm just new to WoTF critique but I'm not new to critique in general. I have a very thick skin
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
So any thougts? Two groups of four or one group of eight? (Assuming no one else jumps in.)

It's fairly small this time around; could go either way.

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Not to mess up the even number of participants, but I'm in. I just don't know what I'm going to write yet.

Writer Dan

Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on :
Something awesome, Jennifer... something awesome.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
I'm always happy to split the groups.

I find I only need a few critiques the first time around to get an idea of what's up.

Then to have a new group of readers of the second draft is great. It helps motivate me to get done as people are waiting, and helps focus what I learned the first time around. i.e. not screwing it up.


Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
About 8-10 people is the breaking point for going to two groups. So, yeah, probably two.

I'll post the splits on the 14th.

Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :

I'd like to request moving my name to the bottom of the list so I can get in group two.

I keep sending OWASM my first drafts and I'd like him to be able to check out some of my more refined work. I don't want him to think, "damn, this dude writes some rough stuff."


[This message has been edited by axeminister (edited October 07, 2010).]

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
I'm ready.

This might be the only time you ever hear that from me.

Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I'm ready as well with a 1st draft.
Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
I'm still a few scenes away from a first draft, but I will put my name down to this group, perhaps splitting it.

Writer Dan



Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Ready any time.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Wow, do we ever have this many people ready to go on the start date? This is great!
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
So even though I'm only about halfway done with my current story (nearly complete re-write from last quarter...), I'm going to post up the groups for the first critique deadline tomorrow. Here they are.

Group 1:

Group 2:

Happy critting, people!

Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
So should we e-mail our manuscripts out to our group now? Or wait until tomorrow, the 14th?

[This message has been edited by Osiris (edited October 13, 2010).]

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
I've sent mine out. It's my day off and my computer access is easier. I also seem to be all atwitter with excitement. I hope y'all don't mind.

I can't wait to see what everyone's come up with.

Have fun all!

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Wow. I've already received stories from Axeminister, Osiris and Genevive. It'll be a few more days before I send out mine. I'm still writing.
Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
I received Owasm's and Meredith's. I apologize I got a little sidetracked, but should have mine out later today-early tomorrow.


Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on :
Received three and sent mine out today.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

This is a critique group for writers that will be entering a story into the first quarter of 2011 in the Writers of the Future contest (28th year), and do so on an early schedule.
Anyone is welcome to join. If you do though, please follow the directions for such. Currently, the group consists of me: WriterDan
If you want to join the group for this quarter, please re-post the current names list in a reply and then add your name to the bottom.

Tentative deadlines for this quarter are as follows:

Sept 1st: Start writing
Oct 14th: First drafts out for crits
Nov 7th: Second drafts out for crits
Nov 30th: Mail in final drafts

Sorry to use this thread for questions but I have a couple.
One is does anyone mind if we use a story already written or is this group for who need to write one from scratch?

Are there any groups for middle or last minute writers?

Last is I notice you have links to all types of helps except one thing. What type of stories does WotF like best, I read one comment by someone involved with the contest that they don't like stories that start with fighting. But so far that's all I have found.

I do have one story I think that could be good to enter but I have others that I'm not sure about.

Thanks for any answers.

Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :

Does anyone mind if we use a story already written or is this group for who need to write one from scratch?
--It's for everyone. All we expect is that if you want critiques on a story, you better be willing to give em back to everyone in your assigned group.

Are there any groups for middle or last minute writers?
--This is it. I've tried to have two groups, but usually that ends up with two very small groups that both end up being the same group in the end. So this is the only one we do.

What type of stories does WotF like best?
--They take fantasy, sci-fi, and horror. PG-13 levels of violence/profanity/sex. You pretty much have to have some kind of speculative element within the first page or your story will get tossed. Kathy has mentioned that she doesn't like in medias res beginnings. Other than that, you should read the recent anthologies to find out.

Want in?


Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
What type of stories does WotF like best?
--They take fantasy, sci-fi, and horror. PG-13 levels of violence/profanity/sex. You pretty much have to have some kind of speculative element within the first page or your story will get tossed. Kathy has mentioned that she doesn't like in medias res beginnings. Other than that, you should read the recent anthologies to find out.

Want in?

To answer your last question , Yes I need all the help I can get. Which probably means I should send in one of my stories in a day or so.

Second: Thank you for the quick answers.

Third: In response to the last question, I knew all that but yet as I mentioned I've read somewhere I think hints on their web site that there are certain types they don't want; like ones with a bunch of fighting which I assume means Space Opera. I think the stories that have reached HM have been of a certain type.

And reading the anthologies may not help, I have read some of their stories. I've read various magazines, including the best of the partially resurrected Universe, but didn't help trying to figure the best type of stories for each one.

Most of my latest stories are Urban Fantasy. For some strange unknown reason my inner muse has been stuck on UF. Must do have speculative elements on the first page.


Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
In that case, what most of the secondary judges want is hard science fiction, and what Kathy wants is amazingly cool ideas that get her thinking. So, if you're going to try urban fantasy, it'll be a hard row. Of course, I'm a fantasy kinda guy myself. I just figure that's gonna make me end up being loads better by the time I finally win this thing. Luck to you. And you can join group 1. Send your story off when it's ready.

Group 1 -- First Round Crits

Group 2 -- First Round Crits

[This message has been edited by WriterDan (edited October 16, 2010).]

Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
In that case, what most of the secondary judges want is hard science fiction, and what Kathy wants is amazingly cool ideas that get her thinking.

Probably because both Niven and Pournelle were part of the judging group this time.

But it makes me wonder - should I change stories and do the one I did for snapper's challenge recently? That was hard science fiction, and my current WIP is more soft science fiction.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

In that case, what most of the secondary judges want is hard science fiction, and what Kathy wants is amazingly cool ideas that get her thinking. So, if you're going to try urban fantasy, it'll be a hard row. Of course, I'm a fantasy kinda guy myself.

The say they want fantasy too but that's what I meant when I asked about specific types of stories. So it depends on whose judging that quarter?

But I do have a Science Fiction story that might get Kathy thinking, actually one or two of the UF might also, but the SF story has been debated-on another forum here at Hatrack- rather or not it should be hard SF or not. I think it's not. I think I do have it ready to go I think that's the only SF story I have that I haven't sent to WotF and that I am willing to have a go at.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

In that case, what most of the secondary judges want is hard science fiction, and what Kathy wants is amazingly cool ideas that get her thinking. So, if you're going to try urban fantasy, it'll be a hard row. Of course, I'm a fantasy kinda guy myself. I just figure that's gonna make me end up being loads better by the time I finally win this thing. Luck to you. And you can join group 1. Send your story off when it's ready.
Group 1 -- First Round Crits

Just double checking since I haven't been a member of a group in this Site before, I send the story to each of the members of the Group one and they send me theirs?


Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Rats, I forgot about two stories. One SF, one fantasy-not UF-both might inspire Kathy to think. The SF isn't really hard even though I think it has a touch. Maybe I go with the SF I did it differently than I usually write...there's always next quarter for the other story.


Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Three stories in - three critiques out. Who's next?
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I've received MS from all but Jennifer. Critted two, working on a third.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I'm still working on my story. Sorry for the delay. I have stories for everyone in my group and will do the critiques this week.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
I've gotten Owasm's and LDWriter's. Nobody else, yet.

Critiques of mine back already from Owasm and Brendan. Giving me some good ideas on how to make the story stronger.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I think I've just gotten one story and two crits for mine.

When you boiled it down both basically said the same thing.

Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
So I have three scenes left to do and the final two are completely scripted in my head. This one pivotal scene is just driving me up the wall and I'm having the hardest time trying to make myself write the last two and then come back to it, instead of waiting to write them straight through. Regardless, I'm hoping to have my story all out by the end of the week. Nothing new from my direction, I guess. I'm always freaking late when it comes to these dang self-imposed deadlines...

I hope all the critiquing is going well. I've finished two of the three I've received and am working on the last. Remember to give each one your best, guys. We're all working to help each other succeed in this thing. Best!

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

I've now gotten four crits, but still only one story.

But that was fast work with the crits even if they agree on one aspect which means I have a major decision to make.


Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
My stories coming LD,

Had to deal with a couple of things this week, but I'm on track now, I did mer's crit - I'm finishing owasm's crit - then I'll do yours.


Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
Sorry I'm running behind on my story, guys. I finished the final scene tonight, but it made me need two more scenes in the story, and to adjust a third scene, none of which I have started. I hope to finish it by the end of the weekend.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

My stories coming LD,
Had to deal with a couple of things this week, but I'm on track now, I did mer's crit - I'm finishing owasm's crit - then I'll do yours.


That's fine,
that goes for your crit also. I expect it will say the same thing--basically.

but did you say Stories????

Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
Only 1 LD. Sorry typo, and I just sent it to everyone.


Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I now have three stories. I sent one crit.

Two were on another E-mail address, it's my writing E-mail which I don't use a lot. I had forgotten I wrote it in as the E-mail address for this site.

I need to double check but I may have one more crit to receive.


Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I've received all my crits and sent all out as well. Thank you everyone for your feedback. I've already started the second draft
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I think I'm caught up. If you haven't received a crit from me for your work, let me know.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Ditto what Osiris said.
Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
Wow this is extremely helpful. I have two crits back and I feel I can really make a leap in a solid direction for draft two. I got a lot of great advice and learned a lot about how to properly crit also. Looking forward to the rest.

Though I think I need a quick lesson on the comment bubbles. I noticed on the two crits I got back that you were able to say in the comments 'Deleted', and other notes. How is that done? or is that a new feature? I'm using 2003 word.



Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Though I think I need a quick lesson on the comment bubbles. I noticed on the two crits I got back that you were able to say in the comments 'Deleted', and other notes. How is that done? or is that a new feature? I'm using 2003 word.

It's track changes. I'm using Word 2002, so it should be available for you, too. Easiest way: Select the Reviewing toolbar. That'll give you a button to Track Changes. When it's on, it automatically creates those clear bubbles with what's been deleted, etc., and puts a vertical line in the left margin where a change has been made. There are also buttons to let you jump from one change to the next.

Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
Ok, I finally got it out to you guys. That'll give you some Sunday afternoon reading to do.

walexander, I've yet to complete your crit. Otherwise, I'm up to date, just waiting on WriterDan.

LDWriter, I hope I got the email address that you want it in. If not, give me a yell here.

Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
Thanks mer,

That helps a lot,

and is a wonderful device for critiquing that I never knew about till now. Ah, so much still to learn.


[This message has been edited by walexander (edited October 24, 2010).]

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I have received four stories and sent out three crits.

Need to double check to make sure but I believe I just got the last crit for my story.

If I understand it right this one is in partial agreement with the other four. So among some differences, four and a half are in agreement. Hmmm.

Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
I just finished reading KD wentworths advice thread by dark warrior. Differently worth the read as I'm starting to workout draft two. Gave me a lot to focus on with the advice the crits have given me..

So question. On nov 7th do we send our second drafts to the other group or same group?

WD- still waiting on your masterpiece.

Bren- your crits coming you have a long story more than double everyone else so it will take a little time to do it right.

Mer- I have a more extensive crit coming your way. You should see it in your e-mail tomorrow early.


Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
Yes, WAlexander, you send your second draft to the other group.

Edited: I had the wrong name.

[This message has been edited by Owasm (edited October 25, 2010).]

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
If WD is writerdan I haven't gotten anything from him either. I got a crit from him but can't find a story.
Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
Yep Wd is writerdan,

WA is me if I write myself

So far each story has been pretty good. It's a shame we have to measure them by such an extremely high standard to make them competitive for wotf. I had to admit my first thought was to go easy and then I realized I wouldn't want that. I'd want the plain truth so I could push the story to the best it could possibly be. This is for competition after all, and the reasons we're working our butts off is to obviously to win. So it does no favor to have a so-so story, and I've appreciated so far everyone giving me the facts as they fell.


Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
Bren- your crits coming you have a long story more than double everyone else so it will take a little time to do it right.

No probs WA (just following your advice on your name ). I still have a thousand words up my sleave, so pity the next group that has to deal with the second draft.

Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Yes, alas, I'm still not done.

Haven't had any short story BICHOK time since my last post. Only lots of the research variety, I'm afraid. Going to try again to finish this week. What's my option? Quit? Whatever. I've received five stories and finished crits on three. The other two will be out asap. Sorry, peoples. This quarter is really dragging on me. Too much school, I guess. Horrible thing is, I don't see the pressure getting any lighter this side of graduation. Just...keep...swimming...

Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
No worries, WD,

Send it when you can,

It's not like I'm going anywhere yet,

But once I hit that podium and get my gold award it maybe to late.


Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
Over on the discussion page I did a double check on the rules for quotation sentences. For anyone I critiqued please verify your quotes with these rules, because I may have marked one or two of your quotes wrong, so please be aware of this mistake on my part.

I had one of the rules backwards, and don't want you dinged for it, the period- capital and comma-small letter rules for the second sentence in a quote.


Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Same with me WD. No worries, about your story.

[This message has been edited by LDWriter2 (edited October 26, 2010).]

Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
Just a question. We have one week before round two is to go out. My story was late out, having been sent only a week ago. I have received only one crit, but this has given me plenty of ideas to develop and places to improve. Should I revise on that basis, so I am able to send the revision to the group on time this time, or wait for more crits?
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Brendan, you can do it however you want. This is the first quarter I've seen with so many people on time for the schedule. If you send it out after the date, people will still crit for you. Whatever works for you is fine, we'll adjust.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :

My crit is on its way. The purpose of the group is to encourage early submission, but getting the story right is by far the most important thing you can do within this group.

If you're a week or two weeks late, it doesn't matter. I've been a member of this group for a number of WotF quarters and have submitted just before the deadline because my story wasn't quite right.

However, I have gotten in early as a result of the writing process being moved along.

- Owasm

Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
brenden mines coming. you should see it the end of today.


Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Got it!

Finally, I found the scene I was missing in my line-up. So that's four scenes left to write and no more hold-ups. Praise. This feels so good.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

Hey WD I hope your story is as good as you feel it and that you find good success with it.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
My story has been revised as much as I can and is waiting for the next round to start.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
I know I'm not officially a member of the group, but I'm having a problem getting readers for my WotF story for this quarter. I've gone as far as I can with it and am in desperate need of someone to give it one last look before I submit it.

For those of you who were in the 4th quarter group; This is the same story some of you critted for me. I wish I had the time to crit your stories this time around, but I just can't spare the time. My job takes up almost all of my free time and I have very little to spare for anything right now except my own writing projects. I hope I don't sound selfish, and I do intend to get involved with a group once my work load slows down. Maybe the next quarter, I hope.

Any takers? This is the one I posted in the "First 13" section and bombed out. The one about Jeram and the tribal council meeting that dooms Jeram's mentor, Toka.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Crystal I could go over it at the beginning of next month. That would only give you a couple of weeks to revise it. If that is enough time for you you could send it around the 29th... Of Nov. that is.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
Thanks LD. I'll try to remember to send it then. LOL

Nick T has agreed to read for me too .


Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Crystal, send it on my way. I'll take a look.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
My second draft has gone out to Group 1. Let me know if you didn't get it.
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I'm still working on my second draft, I expect to have it out sometime next week. First group folks are welcome to send me their second drafts any time.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
Thanks, Genevive for the offer to read my story. I've just sent it to you.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I'm also a bit behind on my rewrite. NaNo consumes all.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Got it Crystal. I'll get to it this week.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
I got genevive42's and sent mine out to Group 2.
Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
Got it gen -

Mine should go out tomorrow


[This message has been edited by walexander (edited November 07, 2010).]

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
genevive42 I just checked my E-mail, both of them, and I didn't get anything.

I'm about to send my story out to the second group. As soon as I finish checking the posts on this here forum.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Mine are all sent now.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Got genevive42's .

It was there all along but for some reason didn't list as a new E-mail.

Sounds like an interesting story from the opening.

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I finished my first draft this morning. Finally! I sent it out to the second group. If anyone from the first round (which I missed completely) has a burning desire to read it, let me know.
Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
I thought my second draft was finished but after reading notes from editors about what denotes amateur writing, I'm doing an edit to try and get rid of some of those bugs in my story. I'm hoping to get it out by Thursday now.


Posted by RoxyL (Member # 9096) on :
I don't really belong on this board, but I am considering giving WOTF a first try soon and had a question for Walexander.
Would you mind posting where you found what constituted 'amateur writing'. I've been googling it without much success, but it sounds like advice that would be very valuable.

Also, what's the timeline for the next round of submissions (is it Q2 of 2011?)?


Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I am going to shoot for the weekend to get mine out. I had a NaNo goal and now that I've met it, I can get back to toning up my WotF entry and more timely critting.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I have received two crits, one agreed with most of the first group.

And this weekend I will send out the crits for the stories I have received.


Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
You mean LD that you didn't revise it between sending it out to the second group?

[This message has been edited by Brendan (edited November 12, 2010).]

Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I hope to have the second draft out of my story for group one this weekend. I've received two stories from group one so far, I apologize in advance for the delay, I had to do crits for my in-person writers group meeting this weekend.
Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
but I am considering giving WOTF a first try soon and had a question for Walexander.

Sorry Rox, I was away from the forum for a couple of days. Feel free to e-mail me questions if I don't respond within a day or so.

I started my search here with these two

one post from LD about Tarl Roger Kudrick

the other from dark warrior about KD wentworth,

Then I started first searching editor names then searching for posts under those names or topics relating to them.

I also did a goggle search under - 'notes from the editor to beginning writers' This yielded a lot of tips from editors. Many things lead to others.

Hope this helps,


Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Public service announcement from KDW:

Read your electronic file all the way through before submitting it, especially if you've translated it from another file type. I'm seeing a whole host of formatting errors, including pieces that start out double-spaced, but then lapse into single spacing after the first page, and one curious manuscript that started subsituting "h" for quotation marks about page 6 and on to the end.

(Hope none of those stories came from our Q4 group.)

Posted by RoxyL (Member # 9096) on :
Thanks so much Walexander!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

Public service announcement from KDW:
Read your electronic file all the way through before submitting it...

JenniferHicks, I saw that tonight. But I have one question. What if the problem is with computer to computer translation not program to program? You should of course double check things that should go without saying but we all, most of us, need it said. But sometimes you can double check and the problem pops up afterwards.

[This message has been edited by LDWriter2 (edited November 15, 2010).]

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I had the same thought. Just this round of critiquing, two people e-mailed to tell me my .rtf file came through either with a font I hadn't used or as completely unreadable. I suppose that if you want to avoid the possibility of something going wrong, the safe bet is to print a paper copy and mail it off the old-fashion way.
Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
(Lurker butting in....) You could also try e-mailing yourself a copy of the file you plan to submit electronically. A clean file is no guarantee, but at least if you see weirdness there, you have a chance to fix it before submitting.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
@RoxyL: Next quarter will be for Q02 2011. That group will be started up on Dec 1st, 2010 (two weeks from now). Watch for it. We'll be here.

On a happy note, I finished the main plot line for my Q02 entry yesterday while lying abed with the sickness. I think I need to stop formulating stories and start writing them instead...

Well, at the very least I need to start writing again.

Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
Sorry to hear that you are ill, Dan. Hope you get well soon.
Posted by RoxyL (Member # 9096) on :
Thanks, Dan. I've got a story, but nothing written since Nano has completely consumed my life.

And best wishes on a speedy recovery, as long as it doesn't interfere too much with your plotting

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Hope you're better Dan

I am almost done with my second Crit but that's all the stories I have. Two, or is it three now, haven't sent anything.

I need to double check but I think I need one more crit back.

This last one was a little different but repeated some of the same criticisms.

And for those smart alecks here, and I know them because I are one, I did revise some of the story but not the basic didn't help. I failed with this story even if it had some good sections.


Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Most definitely feeling better. At like 60% recovered now, so it's time to get back up and get going again.

As such, I hit the BICHOK hard tonight and I can happily report that I now only have one scene left to write for my entry this quarter, and the length is sitting at about 10k. Oh, happy day.

Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
Just sent my revision to group 1, feel free to send me your manuscripts if you haven't already.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Success! It's out! Miracle? Just about...
Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
Ok, I'm locking myself away this weekend with a supply of coffee and munchies, and doing all my crits. So they should be all out by end of sunday.

As for my 2nd draft - It's become a problem child that I can't seem to get under control. It's in a rewrite because I felt it was lacking of my 'A' game an fell short of wotf, but I haven't given up and still hope after finishing crits this weekend. To give it one last strong push to get rid of the bugs. Nano's messing with my mojo and I feel its pulling me away from actual goal of being published - I hate worrying about something I really don't care about. Time to stop playing with Nano, and get my focus back.


Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
WD, did you send it out?
I'd say even if it's draft 1 to first group, send to me as well.

This way no catastrophe (hopefully) can befall me before getting to your story.


Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I've decided, after going through a round of critiques, that my story needs some serious work to get it into shape, and I don't have the excitement over this particular tale to put that level of work into it right now.

So I'm going to switch gears and throw out a different story for consideration: a 4,700-word fantasy. I would be grateful if anyone in the group would be willing to critique it. I'll do the same for any volunteers, if they have another story in the works that needs a look. Thanks!

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Jennifer, send it my way.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
I can read it.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Thanks. You guys are great. I'll send it out tonight after doing a last read-through.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I still owe a few crits and I am woefully behind for my second draft due to NaNo. I'll be working in it during the upcoming looong weekend.
Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
You can send it to me jenn I owe you one anyways. I was just about finished with your first one, so send me the new one.


Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
That reminds I still have two stories to do...better get to 'em.


Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Make that three, but I don't remember where that third story came from.
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I sent mine out to your group a few days ago, could be mine LD.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Got one out tonight, but the other two probably be after Thanksgiving.

Maybe I can do both on Friday, we shall see how much time I have.

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Not to rush anyone, but I thnk I'm still waiting for two crits; from Writer Dan and walexander. If I'm mistaken, let me know. I just want to make sure I'm straight on my files. Thanks.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I will have time Friday if my wife doesn't have me busy, with getting new wipers for her car and taking down Thanksgiving lights. I want to do at least 2,000 words on my Nano novel. But I need to do those crits too.
Posted by eyegore242 (Member # 9317) on :
Slightly off the current train in this thread but does any know if the e-submissions for WotF can only been in .doc .docx and .rtf? just curious to know.


Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
I haven't checked the e-submission, but I would never send .docx. There are a lot of systems that can't open those. As far as I know, .rtf is always a safe bet.
Posted by eyegore242 (Member # 9317) on :
The only reason i mentioned docx is because on the esub form down at the bottom where you attach your file it lists the three formats i mentioned.
thing is i dont care for microsoft and even though i use windows (most programs i want are pretty much windows only) i didn't feed the machine more by buying office suite.
i actually use Open Office. when i save the file as RTF it loses the header with page and title and often messes up format. I was actually thinking of submitting in pdf format easy to print from and pretty much everyone can open it.
I have been searching the forums on WotF but cant find anything as of yet. still waiting for them to activate my account so i can ask directly on there.


Posted by DavidS (Member # 9303) on :
Open Office allows you to save in .doc format as well. From memory it's listed as "Microsoft Word 97/2000/2003" in the Save As filetype selections. On general principles I wouldn't send in a format other than that listed.

If you want you can download a free viewer from Microsoft - google "Microsoft Word Viewer" for the download. This would at least let you see that your Open Office created files still look correct in Word.

Posted by eyegore242 (Member # 9317) on :
thanks for the tip about the word viewer david

on a side note i finished a story i want to sub for this quarter, i joined these forums a bit late for this group go round but if anyone would like to take a look i popped the first 13 up in the short story forum.


Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
I have three crits that I'm currently working on. Thanksgiving and getting sick twice in the interim has made my already behind-schedule schedule...uh...behind. Going to try and get those crits out tonight if possible. It'll be Wednesday otherwise.

Also, I'm planning on having my second-draft story out for crits by the end of the week. Next Monday at the latest.

The days are just packed...and moving faster than ever. Luck, peoples.

Posted by RoxyL (Member # 9096) on :
Hope you don't mind if I barge in one more time on your party...
Is there a sweet spot as far as story length goes for WOTF? I know the official min and max, but never having entered, is there a range (say 8-10k or 4-6k or something) that tends to do better than another?
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
My general impression is that longer stories (10k or more) tend to win more often than shorter ones. But, as always, the best course of action is to write the best story you can, whether that's 4k or 15k, send it in and hope for the best.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I have one more crit to do tonight. Unless WD is sending his to the first group. I forget after all this time.

But I decided that I need to send another story for Q1. Most of the crits it got said it needed too many changes for WotF. That story needs a look over to see if I finished with the crits it got from another site and a couple of hatrakers. But I can do that now.


Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I'm just about done with the last critique I have from group 1.

If anyone from group 2 (my initial group) would like to exchange critiques on their second draft feel free to email me.

Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
Missed the Nov submission date. Rats.

However after a few frank crits that mirrored each other, the wait will be good as I work to restructure my story and tighten, tighten, tighten.

Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
@LDW2: I sent my first draft off to Group 1 (which includes you) a while ago. Did you not get it? I sent it to the email listed in your Hatrack profile. Let me know.

@RoxyL: I've seen more stories that are long win, but I've seen a few shorter stories win too. Listen to Jennifer though. Write the story however long it needs to be and don't worry about the length (unless it's more than 17k words or 68 pages. Then you can worry )

Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Missed the Nov submission date. Rats.

I won't make that goal, either. But my story is improving, so that's okay.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

Dan is that the [xxxxx] devil story? Or was it [xxxx] demon? I don't have it where I am right now double check that.

If so I'm half way done with the crit. Should be out tonight.

If not I should have sent out all the other crits I did but I can double check to make sure.

Note from Kathleen: edited key words out as per Dan's request until such time as LDW2 can do it.

[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited November 30, 2010).]

Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I am not making the November goal either, and I might let my story lapse into the next quarter if it means I'll be submitting a better story.
For Q4 2010, I let the deadline dictate the revision process, but I think this time I'll just let the deadline pass if I don't think the story is ready.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
That's the one, LDW2. Though, if you could edit the story's name (key words) out of your last post, I'd appreciate it. Connections between a story and a particular individual (online or otherwise) can earn a DQ. Thanks.

Only crit I have left to write is for Osiris. That'll be out by Wednesday night.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

Looks like Kathleen beat me to it, which is good since it took me so long to get back here.

Sorry about that, I must have missed something somewhere.

But I just sent your crit five minutes ago. I think that's my last one.

But I might send a PS tomorrow night, nothing big but I forgot something about that unmentionable name.


Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :
Sorry everyone I got really behind. Work is gone through the roof and giving me no time but a minute here or there to even breath. It's starting to finally let up so I apologize if you haven't received your crit from me.


Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I ditched my WotF story (I'll use it another time) and pulled out another old story. I've tightened it up a bit, but need some other eyes.

Is anyone up to reading another? If you have Anoria in your crit queue, read this new one instead.

Let me know if you'd like to read this one. I need some help especially on getting the back story straight and I'm too close to it.

Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Sure, send it on.
Posted by walexander (Member # 9151) on :

Go ahead and send it. I'm reading all weekend, I have time for it.



Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Every time I see this thread I think I gotta do the final work on the story I'll be sending in and get it formatted right but than get busy on my WIPs and house decorating and forget again.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Whew! I just finished going through the final critique on my story. Among other things, I have managed to take a story that was slightly under 6k words and turn it into a story that's slightly less than 10k words.

Hopefully, a much better story. At least, I think it is. Thank you, one and all.

Now, I'm going to let it rest a bit and allow my eyes to uncross. Then I'm going to give it a final read through to make sure there are no stupid little errors in there, left over from my edits. Then I have to make sure the format's right, take a deep breath, and press send.

Anybody have any feelings on whether the electronic submission or regular old snail mail is better?

[This message has been edited by Meredith (edited December 07, 2010).]

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Deed is done: I just submitted my Q1 entry online. Now the finger-crossing begins. (The hair-pulling and nail-biting don't start until later.)
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Just sent out my second draft (for this quarter) of the story. If anyone in group two doesn't get it, let me know and I'll resend. Thanks, everyone.

Now it's time to get started on next quarter's story. I was all set to write this sci-fi one, but tonight I got some more inspiration for a new fantasy one, and now I don't know which one to pick. WotF wants sci-fi, but I love writing fantasy. Grumble, grumble, grumble...

Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I just figured out there might be a potential DQ issue with my story, so I'm trying to track down an answer from Joni. Hope I can get an answer before the deadline comes up.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Okay, I took a deep breath and hit submit.

Yikes. I've sent novel queries that didn't make me this nervous. Well, maybe that first one or two.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

I got to find the time to do a bit of adding to the story I finally decided to send. But what I add will make it longer and hopefully better.

I will have to think about it but right now I'm tempted to say the heck with looking for SF and next quarter send in a romantic Fantasy I wrote a while back. Unless a new idea hits me hard enough I want to take time off of my novels to write. That is possible but I'm eager to get that NaNo novel redone soonest.

Love that word Soonest.

Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Well, it doesn't look like I'm going to finish in time for the quarter end. Although I'm not too worried about it because I hadn't planned to enter next Q, thus nothing will get bumped. I am however disgruntled about the extra three months I'll have to wait to learn my results.

See you in the Q2 forums in around five months.



Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I'll make the deadline, but it'll probably be like last quarter, within days of the deadline.
Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
It doesn't look like I will make the deadline for my original story. But I do have a backup, and haven't used my second round slot yet. Will there be time for a review of the backup story?
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Sure. Send it on. I'll look even if I'm not in your second round group. Writer Dan is ahead of you but I should be able to get both of yours done by the end of the week.
Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
I'm not officially a member of this group, but I'm submitting my first WotF story this scene in particular was a bear to write, and I just had to "YESSSS!!!" somewhere about the fact I've finally gotten the final draft finished. It bears another read-through for last niggles, but I've got a story to submit!

(ooh, aah, ooh, aah, dance dance dance)

Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
Okay, so here are the paranoid, over-obsessive detail-niggles of a first-time submitter....looking for input from previous submitters:

How do you format the first page of the story? Just the same as you would for any other submission -- begin halfway down with title and byline and 13 lines of story, only with "By XXXX" instead of "By Your Name"?


Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
I would skip the Byline entirely. Anyway, that's not really going to have an impact. Don't worry about it.
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
Grayson, Brad Torgerson posted a nice guide to formatting for WoTF here:

with a paper manuscript example here:

Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
Thanks, Osiris and genevive42. I know, I'm over-obsessing. :-) The links are very helpful - obviously his first-page formatting worked fine, so I'll copy it!
Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
Filled out the form, pressed submit...lots of butterflies swarming around in here.

Now on to the five-month wait for results. (I hope!)


Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
Now on to the five-month wait for results.

Don't wait! Go write some more

[This message has been edited by Osiris (edited December 17, 2010).]

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

Okay this is a stupid question but it has me wondering.

I was ready to try the E-filing method when I cam across this rule

"Entries submitted electronically must be double-spaced and must include the title and page number on each page, but not the author's name. Electronic submissions will separately include the author's legal name, pen name if applicable, address, telephone number, email address and approximate word count."

How do we separately include our name etc.? I'm probably missing something obvious but it's late.

Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
I entered my story last quarter on-line. It's simple - in your attachment, don't put your name. All the information that you usually put in as a detachable front page (name, pen name etc.) are entered in at their website - there is no need anymore to put them in your document at all.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Pretty sure this means to not include a cover page as part of the electronic submission file. All the stuff that's on the cover page will be entered in as part of the electronic submission process. Essentially, they don't want to have to go in and delete all the cover pages from the electronic files that are submitted, but still want to have access to the information.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

Yeah, I figured they didn't want a cover page in the document. But I must have missed it where they explained they add the info when you fill out the registration form.

Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
Woo Hoo! Q1 is on its way! (Late, Late, Late)

I threw away my Anoria story. She's devastated, but that's life.

This one is an old WIP. Probably too cliche to do any good. Now on to Q2!

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I sent my story to Q1 too. Not the one everyone critted though. I decided that one wasn't for WotF after the vast majority of those who critted it thought it needed a complete remake. But thanks anyway, you suggestions may help another market buy it.

I suspect the one I sent may not be what they want either-it's my writing- but it may get closer than the first story would have.

so now I seat back and no no.

As someone just said time to work on Q2

Not to mention my novels and I want to write some more short stories sometime. It's been five or more months since I've written one.

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
I just sent my Q01 story. After significant consideration, I didn't end up sending the story you all were so kind enough to crit for me. It requires too much rework that I'm going to have to tackle another time. I ended up polishing and sending a piece that has gotten personal rejection from a couple of pro pubs. It might not have been right for them, but it might work for WotF.

Thanks to everyone who did look at my entry. It may end up a future entry once I use all of your comments to beat it into shape.

Good luck everyone!

Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I've decided to let my story for this quarter slide to the next one as well. I just want to give it a little more time to make it the best it can be, and I won't be able to do that in four days.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
The one I was originally going to send in is totally out for WotF. The work it evidently needs that would make acceptable to WotF would change the story into another tale.

Of course some of what was suggested I can still use to make it better.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

When I formatted my submission I made sure my name wasn't any where on the file but while pursing (Hopefully I got the right spelling there) KDWs posts I noticed something about the file header and/or the E-mail header.. A couple days after reading that phrase popped into my mind and it hit me, I said Oops. I have no idea how to redo the file header and I didn't think about the E-mail header.

Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Ended up getting my entry in on the 30th. Glad for that to finally be done. See you all in the next group!
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
I snuck in an electronic entry on the evening of Dec 31st myself. Do they normally send some kind of confirmation email to let you know that you are entered in the quarter in question? If so when does it usually come?
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

I don't know about electronically since this is my first time trying it that way but with the hard copy method I usually get a notice the first week or three after the deadline. Which is about now.

It would be nice if they sent an E-mail saying I was in for sure. I did receive an E-mail saying they got by story but from what they have stated that doesn't mean I'm entered.

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I've entered electronically twice now. Both times I received the confirmation e-mail about 30 seconds after submitting the story. (But considering how many problems the e-submission system was having, I'll probably send my Q2 entry by snail mail.)
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
So Jennifer was that the only confirmation you got?

As I recall it wasn't much, one short sentence. The postcard said you were definitely entered.

I may go back to the old way too. There's less chance of mistakes with leaving your name on something.

I did that once. I deleted my name from the header but forgot it under the title. When I got the first page back there was a name size sticker over it. Oops.

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Yes, that was the only confirmation I got.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
I never got any kind of confirmation email. Should I be concerned? How can I find out if I'm entered? Is an email to Joni warranted or not?
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
If it's a choice between agonizing for months until results come out or shooting a short query to Joni ... I would e-mail Joni. However, if for some reason your story did not go through for Q1, it's too late now to fix it.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

I must say that lately a good portion of the times, when I check my E-mail, I expect to see a rejection.

[This message has been edited by LDWriter2 (edited January 24, 2011).]

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I think it's way too early to be looking for responses yet. KDW just finished with the semi critiques for Q4. I would expect to start seeing results, at the earliest, by the end of February.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I meant that as a feeling not as a rational thought.

But the last two times I entered I received the rejections very soon after the deadline. She most have taken just one glance at my stories.

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Update from KDW on Q1 (which indicates, I think, that it might be a few more weeks before we get any results):

I've been plugging away, all the while also editing the stories, bios, and articles for the new volume to be released in May. Oh, and there's this book I'm supposed to be writing. Busy, busy, busy!

Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Yeah, was a pretty vague response to my question, but wanted to shoot one over the bow and see if I could get anything. Will probably be another month or so, would be my guess.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Thanks for trying, Dan. I for one was starting to check KDW's message board and the WotF board for updates way too often. Now I think I can cool it for three or four more weeks.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
I was told I was a finalist about ten days ago, even got the results...

I'm going to be in the next issue! Ain't that something? Been working and working to win this contest and it finally paid off. Yep, can't wait to see the next issue of On The Premises.

Yeah, On The Premises. What publication did you think I was talking about?

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Maybe this wasn't the right place to announce that sale. Where is that publication and review forum again?


Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Jolly joke snapper

But even though I keep reading their premises I've only tried twice..maybe thrice.

But as to WotF I wonder if it will take another month before they start sending out rejections. Maybe before they make phone calls and/or post the lists but not the rejecting.

Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Truth. I'm thinking announcements by end of March.
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
word is that Q1 HM notifications are going out tonight.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Sorry Meredith.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Does that mean that they get sent via email (for electronic submissions) or that lists will start to be posted?
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Got my HM notification just a few minutes ago. Nothing is up on the blog yet though.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
both. HM's are announced
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Nice job Writer Dan!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I got my HM announcement today too. Sometime between lunch and around 8.

I got my rejection from Fantasy Mag before lunch.

I think that makes my fifth or sixth.

HM that is.... probably about my 20th to 30th rejection from FMag.

But now I can send the WotF story to Lightspeed maybe it will partially work for JJA.


Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
And Meredith, Too bad---but I'm surprised your story didn't do better. Do send it out again, someone will love it.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
It's already on its way to IGMS.
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
Awesome Meredith! Im sure it will find a home somewhere. Congrats WD and LD.

[This message has been edited by Dark Warrior (edited March 03, 2011).]

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

It's already on its way to IGMS.


I may send it there after Lightspeed and F&SF. Well, if they send back the story I have there now by then.

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
I got my Honorable Mention today, but it wasn't for the story you all critted which I determined was not ready. It was for a funky little 3000 word story that I wrote from the viewpoint of a fish. My boyfriend encouraged me to send it in and I figured I had nothing to lose. Coolness.
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
congrats Genevive...your story almost sounds like a tag line I once read in writing challenge
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Congratulations to all the HMs.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
The little fish/God story?


Grats to WD and LD as well!

I'm sure I read them all as I had participated in this quarter but didn't end up submitting. I think this was the WD story I actually read. =)


Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Congratulations HM-ers

I don't see the list on the WotF blog... am I looking in the wrong place?

Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
It's not published yet, though JenniferHicks might round up a news feed soon. So far its word of mouth from those that have recieved rejections and HM notifications.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
This is news to me. They haven't been posting the HMs on the news-release wires for several quarters now. So we'll probably have to wait for Joni to update the blog to see the whole list.

Edited to add: Congrats to the HM winners!

And: I'm checking my e-mail every five minutes now.

[This message has been edited by JenniferHicks (edited March 03, 2011).]

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Can I just say how much I dislike having to wait to hear results on my story after so many other entrants have gotten their e-mail? Last time this happened to me, I agonized for quite awhile before the rejection came in.

Anyone else in the same boat?

Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on :
I haven't received news yet either. Still waiting.

Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
not to get your hopes up Jennifer but maybe, just maybe, it might be that its a semi or finalist
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Thanks DW, I'm thinking no. The majority of the responses that come back after the blast of HM e-mails are rejections, so that's what I'm expecting. Or it is possible that the electronic submission system ate my story.

Now previous silver HM winner Thomas might have a shot.

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
I've yet to hear anythign myself, which means absolutely nothing. I've gotten most of my rejections and honorable mentions in the last group sent out. I have no idea why.

I'm betting KDW isn't even finished reading all the submissions as of yet. Maybe she sent back a file to Joni because she was half-way done.

Congrats Trina, Lou and Dan (and anyone else I missed)

[This message has been edited by snapper (edited March 03, 2011).]

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Maybe, Snapper. I hope so. Last quarter, all of the HMs went out at once. In either case, you're probably right that it's too soon to be jumping to conclusions.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
No news of any kind here either Jennifer.

I never got a confirmation email for my electronic submission though. Joni checked in January and said my file looks fine. I have to assume that I'll have to query for my rejection (or whatever it ends up being), but I can't stop compulsively checking my email either!

Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
I haven't heard yet, either. This is my first entry, but I've been obsessively reading "back issues" of the WotF forum threads for each quarter, and it would seem very early for KDW to be finished reading the entire quarter. Of course, that doesn't mean it can't happen.

My expectations have been such a roller coaster since yesterday...auauauauaughhh.

ETA: Jennifer, thanks for asking for a status update on the WotF blog! Now, to survive until KDW answers....

[This message has been edited by Grayson Morris (edited March 04, 2011).]

Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
KDW's answer to Jennifer's question:
No, I'm not anywhere done yet [sic]. Lots more to come

[This message has been edited by Ethereon (edited March 04, 2011).]

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
It's great that she's so quick on her responses. And ... back to waiting.
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on :
I wish she would send out all the results at once. That way the anticipation and agony would be over in an instant like ripping a band-aid off a skinned knee.

Oh well.

And this quarter's story was one you all haven't seen. I had been sending it out and got really close at Clarkesworld and Apex, so I decided it might do well at the contest. Same with next quarter (though the markets were Asimov's and Analog in that case).

Who knows. I've come to the conclusion it's pointless to have expectations on your story since even if it's the greatest story ever, it has to fit the readers tastes. Plus, I've heard from so many former winners how their winning stories were ones they didn't think had a chance.

Anyway, good luck to all those still in it!


Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
Seriously, the percentage of HM, Semi, Finalist, and Winners that this group produces is really amazing, especially when you look at how few are in the crit groups...12-15 a quarter with 25%-50% getting HM or higher out of hundreds and maybe close to 1000 submitting.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
And this time I will be getting a certificate. I think I got one once before but if I recall correctly and I'm not sure it was a certificate, I put it down somewhere and never picked it up again so it might be buried under a pile.

This one will be put away some where easier to remember.

Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
oops...posted this in the wrong quarter.

I am guessing the Q1 HM/SHM results will be published April 11. Good luck to all those still waiting to hear something.

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
That is a very specific prediction. As one of those who hasn't heard yet, I hope we aren't waiting another month.
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
Agreed, Jennifer. I hope your good news comes much sooner than that.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Update tonight from KDW: She says not to tell anyone, but she's almost done with the first reading.

So ... shh. Don't tell.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
well, I don't have anyone to tell anyway, so it would be no fun to tell.

Everyone who I would tell are here. I could announce it on my blog but only a couple of people would read it. And one might just say Huh? So that's no fun either.

[This message has been edited by LDWriter2 (edited March 15, 2011).]

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I see Duotrope is listing rejections that came in today. Maybe those who haven't heard yet will hear something soon.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Very slueth-ful of you Ms. Hicks!
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
It won't show on Duotrope, but I got a second rejection letter from Joni for the same story today. Very confused.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
You're not the only one, Meredith. Some people on the WotF forum were saying the same thing happened to them. Very strange, and not very nice to get rejected twice.
Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
Duotrope shows responses for submissions sent as recently as Jan can that be? Hmmm.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
I guess it's only as accurate as the people who are using it... maybe that particular user entered Dec 8th?
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
This morning, duotrope listed an 18-day rejection for WotF. Either that particular user is very confused or the electronic submissions/response system is malfuctioning.
Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
Maybe someone with an entry in both active quarters who mistakenly closed out the newer one, instead of the older one, then corrected it later.
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
I'm afraid that I am partly to blame for all this. I am, or was (sigh), a NYT best selling author 7 times over. I was disheartened that some of the stories I read and critiqued were rejected so I went back in time and changed a few things. Some of those will still be rejections, but if everything goes as planned some of you should be getting some good news shortly.

Of course, an unfortunate turn of events eliminated all of my previous success and now that I have returned I find that I have now never been published and must start over from scratch.

I was also surprised that President Clinton is no longer in office. Seems something I did caused her to lose out on her parties nomination.

Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Sure thing Donavan Darius.

If that's even your real name...


Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
You did what?!?!? I have been having this overwhelming feeling of deja vue that I won the contest, first place - gold award - multiple bestsellers - movie deals....all gone.

I swear if I find out you're responsible for messing all that up for me I'm going to go back in time and see to it all your academy awards and syndication deals for Detroit 187 never happen.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Hey Dark W. Maybe that is what happened to me a few years ago. My writing was doing good and getting better than it slipped backwards. Maybe you put my writing in a time loop.

So you need to go back and do that all again but this time double check everything detail. You leave your iPod or iPad on while going back in time. Those extra electronic pulses could have leaked out into the time flux throwing everything out of wrack. You know how sensitive those time fluxes are. Enough of that and nature could think its the ice age again.

Boy, I remember when I didn't get rid of the static electricity on my person boy talk about a pain, I had to....but this isn't the time for that story.


Posted by dtn (Member # 9174) on :
Well Dark Warrior, at least you won't have any trouble coming up with accurate portrayals of the future as you write your stories... that's a plus, I'd say.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
dtn remember DW changed the future so it would be how the future used to be.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
No joy. IGMS didn't want "Heart of Oak" either.

However, I am definitely coming up in the world. It was a personalized rejection, including comments about what they liked and didn't like about the story.

They thought it was slow and disjointed? But they liked my characters and my writing.

And encouraged me to send them something else. Now, if I just had another story half as good . . .

Oh well, on to the next market: Daily Science Fiction. Long shot, probably, at this length. But I had another story get to the second round there, so worth a try.

Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
Meredith, wow! What a rejection! I hope you're glowing....they liked your writing, and they want you to send more! Congrats.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Thanks. It'd be nice if I had anything else to send them. I just don't right now. (At least not that they haven't already rejected.)
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
From KDW tonight:

I sent the Quarter one results in yesterday. Be listening for the phone!

Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
Huh... I got my rejection email two weeks ago.
Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
Final results are coming in -- I got my HM e-mail last night (just saw it this morning, Amsterdam time). I hope the lack of other result postings means the rest of the Hatrack crew are finalists who must keep mum.... :-)
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I haven't heard anything. Either the results are going out piecemeal, or the e-sub system ate my entry.

And congrats Grayson!

[This message has been edited by JenniferHicks (edited April 01, 2011).]

Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
Yeah, it seems weird...there was a flurry of HMs and rejections at the beginning of March, then nothing, now a trickle of HMs (at least, Duotrope shows only 4 responses, one of which is mine, and on the WotF forum, there's only one other person who's reported hearing in this recent round).

Since KDW said she'd sent the results back, and last quarter they all seemed to go out as mass e-mails (aside from the finalist calls, of course), I assumed everyone was hearing results last night. Huh.


Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
So, for those of us who may have had our submissions eaten by the e-sub system, when is it appropriate to query?
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I'd give it a few more days. From what I've read on the WotF forum and here about a lack of responses so far, I don't think Joni is done sending out the results.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
I am crushed.

Got a call from Joni last night, telling me I'm a finalist. In the middle of our conversation my elation was cut short when Joni noticed the title on my cover page didn't match the title of the finalist piece. Long story short, she called me a little while ago apologizing for the mistake.

It seems there was a problem with the mail in submissions this quarter, which was ironic because I chose to mail my entry in because of all the frustrations my fellow writers were having with the online submission process. Anyway, an apparent mix up happened.

Poor Joni felt so bad for the mistake, offering to send my a free copy of the last anthology for my trouble. What's worse is she believes she sent out a 'non-winner' letter, weeks ago, to the real author and she isn't all that sure who it is. She said she has some hunting to do and said the author could be one of 'dozens'. All she has to go on is a title to go on.

Oh well, a most unique rejection to say the least.

Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
Oh my gosh, snapper, how absolutely devastating. I'm so, so sorry this happened to you. I hope you turn out a semi-finalist, then.

Edited to add: Wait, this isn't an April Fool's joke, is it?

[This message has been edited by Grayson Morris (edited April 01, 2011).]

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Snapper, that is horrible. I cannot even imagine going through that.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
I wish I could tell you it wasn't, Grayson. On the bright side someone who received a rejection has a new reason to hope.
Posted by Wordcaster (Member # 9183) on :
Ugh, Snapper - that's the worst April fools joke I've heard yet. Sorry for the mixup on that. What a bummer.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Wow, Snapps... That's rough.

I'll keep that in mind should I ever receive a call from her. I'll be like, "can you confirm?" before I get all excited.



Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on :
Yikes, snapper. That's a rough one. :/
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Thank you everyone. So heartwarming that you would care so much for a jerk like me. Time to bring this to an end...

Wait, this isn't an April Fool's joke, is it?

Grayson almost put my little holiday gag to an end early. Good thing I had the ole double negative at my disposal.

I wish I could tell you it wasn't, Grayson.

Thought for sure someone would spot that little confession.

So yes, this is an April Fool's joke! So good news, as far as I know, Joni hasn't called anyone as of yet. So you can keep close to your phone.

Sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way, but we can't let the entire day go by without at least one attempt to pull a fast one.

Thanks for being good sports.

[This message has been edited by snapper (edited April 01, 2011).]

Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
I did catch that, snapper, and wasn't sure if you were just typing fast or winking at me. :-)

I asked because I posted about it over at the WotF forum ("someone on another board said..."), because there was a piddly trickle of HMs and lots of folks still have heard nothing. Then, after I posted, I realized it was April 1.

I'm only sorry to hear that the first part, you getting the finalist call, isn't true, either.

I would actually be stunned if Joni hasn't made the finalist calls yet; judging from past quarters (you can look this stuff up in WotF forum threads, if you're obsessive like me ;-) ), she starts making finalist calls the day she gets the results from KDW, and all the finalists have been notified within three days. But hey, maybe this quarter's different.

Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on :

I bow to your gag. You had me completely hoodwinked.


Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
Oh, man, Snapper... I was feeling SO bad for you, too. I think I almost cried, imagining what they would be like. You totally got me! Evil, evil! (and of course, being a mom with 50 things pulling at my attention at once, I did NOT catch the double negative issue!)


Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
It appears (from reading the WotF board) that more results are trickling out. Izanobu got a silver HM. Yeah! Anyone else heard anything?
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Has anyone received their certificate yet?

Or do they send those out after all the judging is done?

Joni said soon but how soon is soon

I believe there were two others who got HMs and now its three others.

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Haven't gotten my certificate and I'm in LA. I'll post when I get it.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Um, is this normal?

Q1 was my first ever entry in WotF.

So far, I've gotten two identical e-mails from Joni notifying me that my story did NOT win in Q1.

Okay. So today in the mail there's an invitation to the awards ceremony.

Is that normal?

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
The invitations go out to most everyone who submits to the contest, no matter their result. I got one a few days ago.

Some people get two responses. Other people get none. As much as I appreciate this contest and the work that Joni and KDW do, it sure can be frustrating at times.

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Meredith, when Joni saw I was local, she extended me the invite to the awards ceremony. I think it's just because of where we live.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
It just felt really strange when my story was rejected.

[This message has been edited by Meredith (edited April 05, 2011).]

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Maybe they just want butts in seats to make the event look good.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Well, I'd feel even stranger actually going after my story was rejected. That is assuming I even owned anything even remotely "black tie" or could afford it.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
I e-mailed Joni about that. Only the people on stage are truly black tie. The people attending can be 'business casual' as I understand it.

And don't worry about being rejected. You can bet that the winners went through their fair number of rejections before they won as well. Even the famous judges had to go through their share of rejections at the beginning of their careers. In that sense, we're all in the same boat.

I haven't decided whether I'm going or not. Even at less than black tie, I'd have to buy some nice clothes and so would my boyfriend. But it would be funny pulling up in my '72 Nova, though I don't fancy having it valet parked. Maybe I'll park it myself in the lot across the street at Mann's Chinese.

Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
Remember, it will potentially give you the opportunity to meet fellow Hatracker, BenM. If he is going, that is.

[This message has been edited by Brendan (edited April 06, 2011).]

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Good point. Another hash mark in the pro's column.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I would go if it weren't halfway across the country. A lot of pros and former winners show up, and it would be fantastic to meet some of those people.

In other news, my long wait is over: Silver honorable mention. In nine quarters of entering, it's my best finish ever.

Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Congratulations, JenniferHicks!!!!!
Posted by Wordcaster (Member # 9183) on :
That's great, Jennifer! I just entered for the first time, so I have a ways to go (and judging my wip, I think I'll be heading backwards)
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
Jennifer that is awesome!!! I love the showing that our little group puts on in the contest.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Way to go Jennifer!!!!!
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on :
Grats Jennifer!

Still waiting to hear my results. *sigh*

Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Awesome Jennifer!
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
Good goin', Jennifer!
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Thanks, everyone.

Thomas, I hope you hear soon. I bet you'll do well.

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Congrats Jennifer!

Still waiting myself...

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Just read it so congrats Jennifer Niiice.


Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Speaking of the wards ceremony: The first time I heard about was after the second or third HM. They sent me three invitations. One via E-mail , one via snail mail and a phone call. I thought they must really want me there... I figured they wanted bodies. But I did want to go anyway. However its has always, up 'till this year, been during me and my wife's anniversary month and we go to the mountains for a weekend. That first year it was in a city that was closer than this year too.

I still want to go, I don't know how many of the judges will be there but even if half are I would like to meet some like OSC. If he can travel now.

I would like to meet Dean Wesley Smith too but he may not try this year. He had a mishap with the hot weather last year, it's all on his blog, and even though May should be cooler than August I don't know.

It might be worth it this year, especially if one or more of you guys go, even though I would have to go by myself probably.

Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Well, I just signed up for SCBWI's Agents Day the day before. Both in one weekend, even if I had the proper attire for WotF, might overload my introverted circuits.
Posted by Wordcaster (Member # 9183) on :
Meredith --

That looks pretty cool. I'm wondering if I would be interested in something like that in a couple of years.

Are you going to get a synopsis/10-page critique?

Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Are you going to get a synopsis/10-page critique?

Sent it. We'll see if I was in time or not. That's first come, first served. Seems like too good an opportunity to waste.

Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
Jennifer, congratulations! That's awesome!
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Hey, just seeing how everyone in this group is doing, and I'm glad to have stopped in. Congratulations, Jennifer! I was wondering when you would move up but figured the answer was Soon.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Still too early to query?

The reason I'm eager to is because I subbed electronically and never got a conirmation email. I emailed Joni about it in January and this was her reply:

I just checked your name. Your file appears to be fine but I'm going to have the tech guys check to make sure your story pulls up.

That's the last I've heard about it, so I still wonder if I'm even entered. If I'm not even entered I'd really like to know!

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
If you're concerned, e-mail Joni. I don't think it's too early for that.

In other news, my silver HM story just garnered the fastest rejection ever from Beneath Ceaseless Skies: less than 24 hours. Ouch. Too many contemporary elements, the editor said. Onward with Strange Horizons.

Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
Jennifer, At least you got a personalized rejection...could have been worse!
Good luck!


[This message has been edited by mrmeadors (edited April 08, 2011).]

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I haven't given my Congrats yet so here they are.

But if it got that close I would think some editor will like it. At least enough to send a personal note. I mean for those who don't usual send such notes.

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
In other news, my silver HM story just garnered the fastest rejection ever from Beneath Ceaseless Skies: less than 24 hours.

This is from the perspective of another former silver HMer but the silver tag may be a curse. My Sci-fi Q2 from last year can't find a home either. It's gotten personal rejections with clear reasons why it wasn't accepted as well. I am interested to hear how other silver HM honors (I believe Izanobu and Tom Carpenter have received one as well) did with there stories.

On another note...

I have yet to hear a thing for my Q1 piece. Maybe it's time to start a list of those waiting. Me first.

Left in the Dark: Q1 list


copy and attach your name to the list. We can keep track and update when we get word from WotF.

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
My semi-final winner got the lowest form rejection from Analog and a standard form rejection from Asimov's (whom I've gotten personal from before on another story). It's now out at F&SF.

My HM had been out to several pro pubs before it went to WotF and it received a few personal rejections from pro pubs.

On another forum, I've heard it said by a number of people with significant success at WotF, that their WotF stories don't sell nearly as well as others they have. It was also not recommended to say in the cover letter that this story got to X level in WotF unless it was a finalist.

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Of my 5 HMs, two have sold (one just last week). Of my three rejects, one has sold. My other three sales to date have been stories I never entered in WotF -- two flash pieces and one weird West story.

I get the feeling that the quick rejection on my silver HM wasn't because of quality or taste issues. I simply sent them a story that didn't fit the market.

Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Left in the Dark: Q1 list


Good idea snapper

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
None of my HMs have sold and only one got a personal comment. Obviously they needed some work, but I was hoping that one would get more comments, at least, but nothing. Or some of the others would get comments.

Well, this last one has only been sent out to a couple of markets so it could still get something.

And I didn't list any as HMs in the cover letters.

Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
For everyone still waiting to hear, here's hoping you win!
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
WotF is a unique market. A full-time author who has sold, to date, about fifty short stories and novels once said that none of her entries in the WotF contest did well. She was grateful when she no longer qualified so she could stop wondering if the contest winners were better writers than she was.

What impresses KDW might impress no one else, and vice versa.

Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on :
I'm still in the dark, even though I didn't trade crits with you all this quarter. Sent an email to Joni on Sunday, just to see what was going on. Seems like something strange is happening with the entries. Or maybe that's just my imagination.

Anyway, good luck to those that remain!

Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on :
I am interested to hear how other silver HM honors (I believe Izanobu and Tom Carpenter have received one as well) did with there stories.

My silver HM had received a personal rejection from Asimov's before I sent it to the contest. I've received nothing but form rejections since and it's currently out at F&SF.

Who knows? It all depends on editors tastes.


Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I hope those of you who are still waiting hear from Joni soon. I wonder what the holdup is. It seems the trickle of results is more trickle-ly than usual.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
aspirit is correct of course but you could say that about any editor.

But if one editor even half way likes it there could very well be a bigger chance others may like it also. Or so we hope.

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Left in the Dark: Q1 list


Still waiting. Knowing Tom's history in tha contest, and having read Ethereon's works, I can say that I am in some very good company. I have theories why we haven't heard anything, from bad to better.

1) Web gremlins ate our scripts.
Likelihood: 6%

This is the first quarter WotF is trying electronic submissions so this is a distinctive possibilty. I did get a confirmation from Joni that my script was received so I am doubting this happened to me. For the other two? Maybe...

2) They're sitting in an unread file, unsent file, or lonely attachment in an email.
Likelihood: 12%

Oh what a shame that would be. I can see Joni sending batches - 20 at a time - to KDW's computer. How easy it would it be for She Who Must Be Impressed to miss that? I am betting the dynamic duo have made safeguards to prevent that type of mistake, but mistakes do happen. I read of an author whose mailed in script ws lost and they found it 2 years after he sent it in the contests office (They judged it then and gave him a Quarter Finalist honor (what they called HM's before)), so they have made mistakes in the past.

3) Joni has been just too busy to pass out the remaining HM's and rejections.
Likelihood: 73%

Let's see, she has an award ceremony to set up. Plane tickets for the winners and hotels to reserve. Then there are the judges to worry about, hall, events... AAAAHHHH!!! Who has time to worry about sending bad news? They'll get it sooner or later. The problem with this is previously rejected authors got notified a second time (more salt for that wound please...). Still, if there is a reason why we're still in the dark, this is it.

4) We are in the last group of scripts that KDW liked but didn't get passed up.
Likelihood: 8%

This would be higher because for some reason, with the exception of one quarter, every entry I ever sent I heard in the last group. Can't explain the rejects that fell in that group but the contest apparently knows I have patience. The biggest problem with this is semi-finalists and silver Hm'ers (congrats Jennifer Hicks again) have already been notified, weeks ago.

5) We are all finalist, they just haven't told us because writers with good news have loose lips.
Likelihood: >1%

Oh but wouldn't that be great. The only reason why I am entertaining this at all is because of the company I am in. I could live with this reason...

[This message has been edited by snapper (edited April 16, 2011).]

Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
How awesome would that be if all three of you were finalists, though... Here's to hoping for the best!!

You seriously have to keep it quiet if you are a finalist?

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
The finalists are usually the first to be informed of their status, but little about how this quarter's results are going out has been normal. Snapper, I think you're right that the most probable reason you, Thomas and Ethereon haven't heard is because Joni is ultra-busy getting everything ready for the workshop and ceremony. But knowing that certainly does not make the wait any easier. I would be pulling my hair out by now if I were you.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Not really. Like I said, it seems like I'm always the last to hear how I did. It's fun speculating why I haven't.

Usually word leaks out that a friend of a friend heard of someone that got a call, which would make my last reason plausible. However, I know of one other person who is waiting, which makes it all that more unlikely of my best case scenario.

Hmmm, maybe Joni caught word of my april fools prank and is now punishing me.

You seriously have to keep it quiet if you are a finalist?

Yep. The reason is they don't want the judges to know who wrote what. Me shouting "My story was a finalist! Pick Me! Pick Me is one of the top 8! For those who read it, it was the one about the trolls stealing the prince..." and a potential judge happens to see the post. Unlikely but still a disqualification.

[This message has been edited by snapper (edited April 16, 2011).]

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
So it's possible that one to three of you know already but have been forbidden to say anything. Hmmm, the other two haven't said much lately and I wouldn't put it past you, snapper, to go through all this even though you know.

I forget all of the levels at the moment but is it possible to have reached the level below finalist and not be told yet because she be busy? But what is just below finalist, silver HM?

I kinda know the frustration of having orders not to tell. I was a HM in another contest and we couldn't say anything 'till the official announcement was given. It was burning in me to say something, to final get that far. I know of a couple of people who sort of, kinda, in a way hinted at it. One admitted to it afterwards.

Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
I'm sure glad I queried. I got this response from Joni today:
Wow, this is really wild. You were sent an e-mail like everyone else that you were an Honorable Mention in the 1st quarter. This was 3 weeks ago.

I didn't recieve any confirmation email either. Wierd, eh?
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Congrats! Nothing for me. I'm going to wait and see if my name appears on the congratulatory roll they post later.
Posted by dtn (Member # 9174) on :
You say some people got two notifications while others didn't receive theirs. Perhaps one batch got repeated and one left out. The numbers would still match up on their end...
Just a thought. I don't know.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Congratulations, Ethereon. I'm glad you got a response, even if it was three weeks late.
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on :
I'd love to say I was keeping it a secret, but I still don't know anything.

I also queried Joni last week since I'd received a confirmation back in October when I sent in my entry the electronic way, but she hasn't replied yet. But I'm going with the "too busy" theory. Honestly, it's been so long, I'm past anxious.

And I like your list, Snapper. I've thought about those options as well. The nagging thought that's been running through my head is that for the illustrators last quarter, they didn't let them know they were finalists and just surprised them with their wins.

Honestly, even if this isn't what's happening and it's the more likely scenario that Joni is busy, they probably should go to that system. There are too many of us that are going to workshops put on by the judges (Dean Smith, Kris Rusch, Dave Wolverton, etc.)

Even though I'm sure those judges would never break the rules, an inadvertent slip by someone or even a friend who has knowledge of the story could DQ someone on accident and that would be a bummer.

Anyway, nothing to do but keep waiting and decide which story I'm going to send into Q3.



Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
My congrats to Ethereon also.


Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on :
Got my reply from Joni. Was a straight rejection and she said I should have received it three weeks ago. I'd probably fire off a query, Snapper.

As for the story, I thought this one might do well since it got close at both Apex and Clarkesworld. *shrug*

And grats all you that got good results, belated or not.

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Sorry to hear that, Tom. Even good writers get rejected sometimes. At least now you know.
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
Well, Tom, at least now your story is free to send off to someone who will appreciate it (LOL That's what I tell myself every time I receive a rejection, anyway...). Good Luck with it!


Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
That really sucks Tom. Not just for you but for me too. Your previous post raised an eyebrow from my end. Hearing you're not a finalist (I know how good you are) sunk my last vessel of hope.

Let's see...I can whine continiously and keep this thread alive for a very long time that I'm still waiting or bug Joni instead. Flip a coin.

Email it is.

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Good luck, snapper. FYI, a person on the WotF board posted today that Joni indicated in an e-mail that all the results for Q1 had been sent.
Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
Snapper, have you checked your spam folder. That is where I found my reject when it came. Alternatively, maybe it will be a double submission for the next quarter, and you have twice the chance to win.

Ethereon, was your HM story the one that won the challenge here?

[This message has been edited by Brendan (edited April 20, 2011).]

Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
There are too many of us that are going to workshops put on by the judges (Dean Smith, Kris Rusch, Dave Wolverton, etc.)

Even though I'm sure those judges would never break the rules, an inadvertent slip by someone or even a friend who has knowledge of the story could DQ someone on accident and that would be a bummer.

This raises an interesting point. What if a judge had input into the story at one of these workshops, and then later had to judge it at WOTF? A DQ would be poor form. A non-judgment would unfairly bias the votes against the story winning. The judge keeping it to themselves would unfairly bias the votes towards the story winning. So what do they do?

Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on :
Yeah Brendan, that's the one. Awfully short for WotF, but I sent it anyway.

[This message has been edited by Ethereon (edited April 20, 2011).]

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
A judge may have input into a story, but the author is still the one who does any rewrites based on that input.

I would suspect that on the chance of such a think coming up, potential judges would not give specific input, just general suggestions.

I also think that if a judge recognized a story from a workshop, the judge would let KDW know, and that judge might not vote on the story (making it necessary for KDW to pro-rate (sort of) the votes of the other judges).

It wouldn't hurt to ask though. Please share any answer you get?

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I was wondering something along the same lines. Dean has read around 30 of my stories and even though that was years ago, I've wondered if he could recognize my writing, especially with the comma and grammar mistakes I keep making.

After reading so many different writers' works, when he was an editor, he probably won't but I would think there would be a chance. But I would imagine that has come up before.

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
I always check my spam. You have to if you submit to magazines. 10% of the responses I receive I'll find in there (including an acceptance).

Like I said, I always seem to be the last person to find out how I did every quarter. I suspect the KDW twins are behind it somehow. It's a conspiracy. :\

[This message has been edited by snapper (edited April 20, 2011).]

Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Finalists and semi-finalists are up on the WotF blog.

Kat Otis used to be in our group, a while back. Don't recognize any others.

Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Well, congratulations to Kat.


Posted by dtn (Member # 9174) on :
Wow - two quarters in a row as a semi-finalist for Gwendolyn Clare, whoever she is.
She must be doing something right... and then again, just not quite right enough...
Probably happy and frustrated at the same time. I wouldn't know.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I don't know Gwendolyn personally, but I know of her. She has been a semi-finalist four or five times, I think. One of her semi-finalist stories was published by Clarkesworld last month. She's about to pro out of the contest.

I hope we also get to see the full HM list soon.

Posted by Grayson Morris (Member # 9285) on :
Gwendolyn Clare has been a semifinialst the past four quarters (plus 5 HMs before that). It sounds great, but I'm sure it's very frustrating for her at this point: so close, but never breaking into the finalist ring.

It certainly isn't the quality of her writing; she had a piece in Clarkesworld last month.

Edited to add: Jennifer, great minds. ;-)

[This message has been edited by Grayson Morris (edited April 21, 2011).]

Posted by Kitti (Member # 7277) on :
I'm still around - sorta. I've been trying to cut down on the internet-procrastinating but I do come to lurk every once in a while and see what I'm missing. :-)

Re: a question raised a little earlier - at one point OSC suggested I send my bootcamp story in to WotF and didn't seem to think it would be any problem that he'd already read/commented on it. Of course, he claimed that was because he was so uber-forgetful, but I suspect they also have a mechanism in place if one of the judges recognizes the story.

Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
Congratulations Kitti-Kat! Nicely done.

When i was in Dave Farlands Death Camp last November he told the class that he wouldnt look over any potential WOTF entries from class members because he didnt want to have to recuse himself from judging if he saw an entry he knew. Mostly because the anonymity of it would be compromised.

Also at OSC's workshop last year he said that he hasnt judged WOTF in years.

[This message has been edited by Dark Warrior (edited April 21, 2011).]

Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :

Great to see you. I miss reading some of your stories. Thanks for the info - I was thinking of your experience when I asked the question.


Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
Like I said, I always seem to be the last person to find out how I did every quarter. I suspect the KDW twins are behind it somehow. It's a conspiracy. :\

I am wondering, maybe they have been stopped by the FBI. Something about some bribery case...


Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Congrats, Kitti. Glad to see someone I kind of know doing very well this quarter.

Gotta go. Feds are knocking on my door.

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Sent a query, nothing. I'm all alone in the dark here...
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
I am finally in the light!!!

These things come in three's but the 3 are usually different. So let's see...Ethereon got an HM, Tom Carpenter got a reject. We know I'm not a semi or finalist, si what's left?

I don't usually share private correspondences but I'm going to make an exception. Here is part of my email from Joni on the state of my lost Q1 entry...

Dear Frank,

I just checked it out. I have a big question for you.

Did you click on the "Submit" button just below the place
where you upload your story? Your story is sitting there nicely in
our computer but it remained in "drafts" !!!!!! (instead of submitted)

palm to forehead moment there. Could have sworn I did. She said she sent an email to me informing it was still sitting in 'draft' but alas, my files show no email made it to me.
You think Joni may be getting a little frustrated with the new submission process? I'm not sure what she thinks of it but this might be a clue...

This computerization is doing my nut. I can't wait until every kink is ironed out.
Hopefully that will happen before I die. AHhhhhhhhhhh...........................................
(that's the sound of me jumping off a cliff)


Posted by BenM (Member # 8329) on :
Ouch, snapper. Glad it's sorted, but the outcome is nevertheless disappointing.
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
Sorry to hear that Snapper.

On the bright side, you only have to go in and click submit and your entry for this quarter is done!

Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Yeah, hey, free quarter.

I still haven't heard back about my entry I sent in last September. I wonder how long I should wait before querying on my query...


Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

For those of us who can't go, I would have to miss work the next day, WotF is going to show it on the internet. A live stream I believe.

Boy, with all of those names there I want to go, maybe if some day I can get further up the ladder I can talk myself into going...nice dream. Probably by stuck on the first step (HM) for a longer time.


Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
Update from Joni and WOTF.


We'll be very busy through the 18th of May and I ask you to
refrain from writing to the contest from now until that time.
You will not be answered until after the 18th of May. Just giving you warning, not that we've gone away or don't care about you anymore, we just have our hands full!!!! Launching more careers!"

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I saw that and I noticed that last sentence.

But she also stated the certificates are late but they have new, even better ones.

With their artwork lately-wish I could get a copy of their snail mail invite-- they might be very nice to look at. If they are I might do something with mine besides putting it away.

But there goes my thought to ask if they were going to include a bookmark with the certificate.


Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
I just RSVP'd. Looks like I'm going to the awards ceremony.

I actually bought a dress yesterday - yikes! I haven't worn a dress in over two decades.

Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
I haven't worn a dress in over two decades.

its been nearly that long for me too

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
DW, I'm concerned about finding fancy shoes in a women's size 11 (men's 9). Any suggestions?
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :


I just RSVP'd. Looks like I'm going to the awards ceremony.
I actually bought a dress yesterday - yikes! I haven't worn a dress in over two decades.

Dressed or not I'm glad someone from here is going.

But what color dress? In case I get to watch the feed.

At least I would be able to see some of my favorite writers even though it looks like Dean isn't going to be there...and see You of course.

But out of curiosity are you staying at a hotel that night?

I would have to if I went so that means not only missing a day's pay but a hotel room too and my wife doesn't want to me to drive all that way by myself.... hey, I'm not that bad of a driver even though it's possible I could get lost once or twice there.


Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
I live in Gardena and work in West Hollywood. It's spitting distance for me, so no hotel. I'm just leery of letting the valet drive my '72 Nova. I may self park.

My dress is primarily black with large purple (almost Hawaiian-ish) flowers; and I'll have a short black jacket.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Rats, must have deleted the E-mail with the list of all of the writers who were going to be there. But say hi to Kris Rusch for me and if Dean does show up, him for sure. And gush over a few of the others for me too.

I don't know if any editors-such as JJA, Sheila Williams etc.. --will show up but of any do say hi for me. They should know my name by now.

Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Let us know how it goes.

Who knows, maybe I'll go next year if I get another invitation.

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Meredith, I think they'll let just about anyone who's interested go. When I asked about bringing someone, she said, 'sure, bring as many people as you want'.

LD I have to apologize, it goes against every professional instinct I have to gush. I've framed nude photos of an Academy Award Winner. After that, well, there's not much left to see. Oh wait, I'm in West Hollywood, I'm sure they'll come up with something. No wait, I've seen that too.

edited for poor typing

[This message has been edited by genevive42 (edited May 07, 2011).]

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

Meredith, I think they'll let just about anyone who's interested go. When I asked about bringing someone, she said, 'sure, bring as many people as you want'.
LD I have to apologize, it goes against every professional instinct I have to gush.

Oh, well, maybe next year I can do that myself. Of course I'm not sure if I would get so excited that I would babble or just stare while I try to think of something cool to say. More than likely I would try to say something and my mouth would trip over itself.

Of course a couple of the newer writers I love aren't going to be there but about half of those older ones I would love to meet. Actually, some of the names I don't recall seeing before.

Anyway, if you do get a chance-I realize you may not- please say hi to those I mentioned.

[This message has been edited by LDWriter2 (edited May 07, 2011).]

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
LD, I'll certainly give them a 'howdy-do' from you if I get the chance.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
And the WotF workshop is on.

Some nice pictures of the event. I didn't see in the E-mails anywhere the pics are online but I could have missed something.

But they show KD's sister, Joni and the winners of both contests. Including some lady-illustrator I think- with long red hair. I don't mean Irish red or a carrot top.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

So that is what Brad looks like.

.And tux fitting?? WotF Takes care of all that?

Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Wish I was going. I want to check out genevive's 72 Nova.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
It still needs half a really good paint job, but I'm not letting the valets touch it. I'll park in the structure across the street.


Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Honorable mentions list for Q1 is now posted on the blog.

Sorry, Donavan, but you don't get to hide your success anymore. Anyone else who was previously unannounced?

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Awesome Donovan! Way to go!!!!
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
Thanks Genevive and Jennifer, just a step as you two are well aware. I would have tagged you both on FB but you are smart enough to avoid that social trap. I think it would be great if all of us were winners in the same year. What a fun ceremony that would be.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Whoops ... move on. Posted in the wrong topic.

[This message has been edited by JenniferHicks (edited June 07, 2011).]

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
So did Joni and/or WotF abandoned the other blog that is still up?
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
The old blog was abandoned quite awhile ago. Several months.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Most have forgotten to take it down then.

But I can recall notes, over at the Newsgroup, commenting on her taking so long to post on the blog. Seems like basically the answer was that she was busy. I didn't read every post so I might have missed any that said they switched blogs.

Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I got my silver HM certificate today. It's huge - twice the size of one for a regular HM. I wasn't expecting that and don't know what to do with it.

In other news, the quarter is officially, totally, 100 percent closed because the winners have been announced:

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
If anyone decides to frame their certificates, even if you go out and buy a ready-made frame, don't put cardboard behind them. This is inevitably what pre-made frames come with because it's cheap, but it will ruin your certificate with acid burn. This goes for any cardboard-like substance, including poster tubes (if you choose to store it that way.

If you frame it, go to a real framer, or a reputable art store and ask them for archival mat board to back your certificate with. Even just foam core is far better than cardboard. It would also be best to have plexiglass on the front, especially if you don't use a mat around it. And note that acid free does not always mean it's archival - there's a little cheater trick in semantics that let's manufacturer's say 'acid free' when it's not really.

Any other questions about framing, contact me. I've been doing it for twenty years.

Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
$400 buck for my poster frame. Im going to go a bit cheaper on the ones I frame for my nephews. Not sure if I will frame the HM or not...probably store it and any others until I win, then think about framing them. Nice that they are improved though
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
The whole framing thing reminds me of my younger brother's rant about the differences between "ice cream" and "frozen dairy dessert". He's a food guy.

Thanks a bundle for the info, Trina. Really nice to have experts around when you need them. I like the new homepage art by the way. Stylin.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Still haven't gotten my certificate.

Last E-mail on it, Joni said they were nicer looking than before

Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
Same here
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Got my certificate..

Wife wants to frame it and wants to know where the other one is.

I got one probably three years ago and I'm not sure what I did with it.

The new one is nice looking.

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Got my certificate, though the post office did a number on it. That's okay, it's just going in my files. Having been a framer for twenty years I have no wall space.

Remember, if you frame it, no cardboard and it's better if you use plexiglass. You can check out my earlier post or e-mail me if you have questions.

Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
got mine today. Mayflowerbaby wants me to frame but it will probably end up with a thumbtack in it before I file it.
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on :
PS I think its cool that they include the name of the story on it
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
That's cool that the certificates have the story title on them. My Q1 certificate didn't have that, but I got it several weeks ago. Congrats again to everyone who got one!

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