I know poetry isn't allowed on Hatrack, but I've been trying my hand at writing, of all things, some cowboy poetry about my horse experiences and trail rides. I've received some good responses from my horse forum pals and just submitted to cowboypoetry.com. I decided why not? So I'm giving it a go.
And if any of you are interested in reading my submission, just let me know. I'll be more than happy to send it to you .
Posted by BenM (Member # 8329) on :
Good on you, Crystal. And "not allowed"? I didn't know that. Huh. I'll read it, on the proviso that you know I'm utterly uninformed when it comes to poetry
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Go for it. I did my share, way back when. Even got a few poems published in non-paying markets. (About the same level of thrill as a letter-to-the-editor, I figured.) Kept it up for, oh, about four years, until the pull of other things drove me away from it. But every so often, even unto these latter days, I turn out something-or-other that rhymes.
(I thought the rule was against posting poetry here, not talking about it...though without samples or examples it's kinda limiting. Kathleen?)
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
Thanks so much for the encouragement, guys. Much appreciated. And I'm not really looking for any kind of crit. If I send it to anyone, it will be strictly for the reader's enjoyment .
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Robert's right. Talking about poetry is fine. Asking for volunteers to read and possibly comment is also fine. The rule is against posting poetry because few poems are long enough for posting a part of them to not count as publishing.
I understand that cowboy poetry is very big in certain circles and I hope you do well with it, Crystal. Write on!
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I should have also added that this work in handling and writing poetry made me write my prose better...being more attuned to the careful choice of the right word, the rhythm of the paragraphs and sentences, and so on. I wouldn't say my writing got poetic, but the experience made me a better writer.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
Kathleen; The site I've submitted to doesn't pay the author anything or mind if the poem has been published somewhere else. I've already posted it on my favorite horse forum, which is open for public viewing. So do I have permission to post my poem for other Hatracker's reading pleasure in this thread?
Posted by Pyre Dynasty (Member # 1947) on :
How about a better idea, just give us a link to the thread in that other forum.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
Okay, here's the link, and I hope it works. I've never tried linking to another site before:
Well whadayaknow, it worked! I've edited this poem since I posted it, but it's still the same poem with just some minor tweeks .
[This message has been edited by Crystal Stevens (edited July 28, 2010).]
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
Just curious if anyone has enjoyed my poem .
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
It's all right, I guess.
I wouldn't recommend using archaic contractions like "o'er," thought...I mean, it fits the meter but it's kind of an odd thing to see when there's nothing else archaic about the poem...
Posted by Corky (Member # 2714) on :
I didn't even notice the "o'er" until I went back and looked for it.
I'm not all that poetic, but I'd recommend changing
quote:My mare was hot and damp with sweat, no reason should we stay.
quote:My mare was hot and damp with sweat, no reason we should stay.
Otherwise, I think it does very well (but, as I said, I'm not that great a judge).
[This message has been edited by Corky (edited August 09, 2010).]
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Noticing the "o'er" is just something I noticed---I wouldn't suggest it was a bad thing to do, just something that stood out from a read-through.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
It took ten weeks to get a reply, but my poem THE BLUFF has been accepted for publication on cowboypoetry.com . It isn't listed yet, and I don't know how long before it will be. Soon, I hope. It'd been so long that I'd heard anything that I began to think they weren't interested. I have a few other poems waiting in the wings, and one other that I think would fit in much like THE BLUFF. So I'll probably submit it too.
Like I said; I don't get paid for my poems, but I have enjoyed writing them. A friend of mine said she thinks I'm a better poet that a writer! LOL Buuuutt she hasn't read any of my newer stories either. I've improved a whole lot since the one story of mine she read, mostly due to you fine people right here on Hatrack. Thanks again to you folks for all the help and support. I couldn't do it without you.