Hi, I'm Swift, at least that's what they called me when I was a kid and kept running away from everyone. My father was a thief but he must not have been very good because he got caught. Then they hanged him. My mother was already dead. Teak took compassion on me and let me stay with the theives. Somedays I wish he hadn't. Not that I mind the stealing, that part's fun. Being the only grown girl in a group of thieves is not so fun.
Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
Hey Swift. Are you sure it was compassion that Teak took on you? If he hadn't taken you in with the theives, what do you think life would've been like? You said you are the only grown girl, how old are you?
Posted by micmcd (Member # 7977) on :
Have you ever considered what kinds of things a girl can steal that a boy can't? There must be some advantages.
Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
Teak took me in when I was four years old. I don't know why he would want a winny brat following him around unless it was compassion. Not that he did any of the work, Bartholomew, his right hand man, raised me. I made it difficult though. I'm seventeen now, a grown woman. If Teak hadn't of taken me then I suppose I would have been a street kid and begged. I probably would of ended up as a prostitute then. I'm much happier being a thief and Teak looks the other way if I have to knife another thief who thinks I'm there as a prostitute. Honestly though, it is getting old. I'm tired of fending off unwanted attention.
There's lots of advantages of being one of the only girl thieves. Mostly everyone underestimates me. I get away with more and no one suspects it was me. Especially other men, I batt my eyelashes a little and they know I'm innocent. Which is helpful since the authority is all male.
[This message has been edited by satate (edited November 14, 2008).]
Posted by micmcd (Member # 7977) on :
You sound more as if you want to leave a group where you're the only girl than you want to leave the lifestyle you've grown accustomed to. Have you considered finding other girls who might be similarly minded?
Posted by jnicoll (Member # 8257) on :
Jerome here:
Hey Swift, I just finally got a good look at you. Want to join up with me in joining The Quest (TM)? I'm sure they could use a good thief. Plus, when I'm king, you know, I'll need people like you. It's important to have spies, and thieves hear all sorts of things.
You look like you're really in good, um, shape, so I bet you'd be great on the team. What do you say? I'm leaving tomorrow night. Oh, if you do decide to come nick some food while you're at it, I haven't quite rounded up what I'll need for the journey.
Posted by jnicoll (Member # 8257) on :
Has anyone put you under their protection, or have they left you alone because of your fierceness? I can see a young woman having the confidence and skill to ward off would-be amorous or violent attackers, but how about when you were younger? As the only girl in a somewhat unsavory group of men used to taking what they want whenever they want, how'd you make it as a pre-teen/early teenager. Was there some strictly enforced code that forbid, or was Bartholomew ferocious and protective? Someone must have had some (real) affection for you, or some personal interest in keeping you safe, and they must have had it for many years.
Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
micmcd - I've never considered finding like minded girls, though I think I'd like that. It would just be hard. I've only met one other female theif in my whole life and I hang out with theives.
Ok Jerome, so your a nice delusional pig farmer. I don't know about this quest thing. What's in it for me? We find a princess and she what, thumbs her nose up at us and waltzes back into her castle. I hate snobby nobility they're only good for stealing from. That's fun though. How about you find the princess and I'll rob her blind? No one will ever suspect.
Bartholomew has been the closest thing to a father I've ever had. He's very protective, but not always there. So the protection was kind of hit and miss, but I was fast and I learned to climb trees really well. I once stayed up a tree for two whole days. Then Bartholomew found me and drove off the men. They couldn't climb as high as I could. I also learned to stay out of sight. But it wasn't like I got out of everything. There were some times when there was no protection and I couldn't get away, but I managed to live through it.
Posted by micmcd (Member # 7977) on :
Have you ever considered recruiting girls who, though they might not be thieves at the moment, are suitably pliable? Also, you said you knew one other girl thief - two girls make for a better gang than one. There are plenty of things that two people can pull off in concert that would be difficult by yourself.