I am ready for my recovery to be over and a sense of normality to return to my life.
I have lost thirty five pounds since November(I was only 185 then)
I have overcome two addictions(Pain meds and niccotine) since I have spent the last several months on pain medications. I finally quit smoking!
It seems that I have already accomplished the highest rated resolutions, but mine is to get back to writing. Being sick for so long has left me feeling nearly worthless. Time to get back on the horse.
Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
Congrats on your recovery, bent tree. I have to tell you, I have a street named Bent Tree near me and I smile when I think of "my writer friend's handle is Bent Tree." I'm glad that you're through the illness and that smoking is something of the past.
I'm with you on needing the new year to start now - I have utterly failed at my writerly resolutions for the year, except submitting two stories to market (but only two, when I really have about 6-8 ready for market...) Let's start fresh, shall we?
Posted by Bent Tree (Member # 7777) on :
Sounds good. Let's get motivated. WOTF winning entries don't write themselves do they? Happy writing KayTi. Thanks for the encouragement.
Posted by Tiergan (Member # 7852) on :
Glad to hear you are doing well, Bent Tree. Everytime I check this section I hope to see an update.
Posted by Patrick James (Member # 7847) on :
It sounds like losing all that weight was unhealthy. It would probably kill me. I weigh a hundred and ninety-five pounds but I am very tall.
Glad you beat smoking--if that is what you wanted to do--hope you get back to writing, myself and others have missed you.
Posted by philocinemas (Member # 8108) on :
Welcome back, Bent Tree. I hope this means you've gotten your Internet back along with your health.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Hey BT!
Did you put on weight after I saw you last? You didn't look a buck eighty-five then.
Now quit your whinning and excuses, start writing, and sell something already! Like you really need a spleen or pancreas to write anyway.
And send me what you finish first.
Posted by Sherpa7 (Member # 8321) on :
You've quit smoking. Great. But remember what Mark Twain said: "Quitting smoking is easy...I've done it thousands of times."
Now pick up that pencil and write something.
Posted by Bent Tree (Member # 7777) on :
Yeah, I am down to a measly 149. I am not all that tall but I haven't weighed less than 160 since eighth grade.
Your right Snapper, no excuses! I am going to start on my WOTF entry tonight. I also have a bunch of stuff to clean up and re submit.
As for the internet, someone in my neighborhood has wirless which I can hijack so I am good.Sometimes I have to go climb on the hood of my car
Posted by Patrick James (Member # 7847) on :
Don't wax the car. Been there done that--don't ask...