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Uncle Orson's Restaurant Guide

Since I enjoy finding good restaurants and bringing friends with me to dine, I thought it might be worthwhile to share some of my recommendations (and an occasional warning!) with friends and acquaintances here in Hatrack River. Restaurants will be grouped by city.

Of course, these reviews reflect my own peculiar tastes in dining. I don't enjoy dark restaurants — I prefer to see my food, and my favorite decor is bright, airy, and open. Outdoors, where the climate permits it. As for service, I am annoyed by snooty waiters who treat you as if you're very lucky to be dining at their establishment tonight. But I'm just as annoyed by overly friendly waiters, especially when they become intrusive with constant interruptions of the conversation at our table with inane questions such as "Everything all right?" My feeling is that if they wish to ask such a question, they should wait for a break in the conversation. The best waiters, however, simply see a need and fill it. (And it hardly needs to be said that since I don't drink, I can't tell you a thing about these restaurants' wine lists!)

Most important to me is the food, and there my tastes are my own. There are highly praised restaurants that bore me; there are chain restaurants among those at which I feel comfortable and enjoy the food. I'm not the least bit interested in whether anyone is "impressed" by my choices. I simply offer the places where I enjoy eating, in hopes that some of you might enjoy them as well.

Your comments, responses, and further recommendations are welcome in the "Books, Films, Food, and American Culture" topic.