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Author Topic: My Denomination (Is Bokonon Proselytizing??)
Member # 480

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No, I'm not, honest. Though I think Cat's Cradle should be required reading for everyone, as long as you heed all the warnings written in the book.


Anyway, some people here may know that I am a "lapsed" member of a Congregational church that in turn belongs to the UCC, United Church of Christ. We're an interesting church, from at least a sociological POV, in that most inerrantist churches pretty much believe that we are not Christian, and most non-religious eye us as though we're one step away from being the awful fundamentalist stereotype. However the church is small enough (a little over a million members), and has been around long enough, that nothing "official" is ever levied against us. We Puritans are untouchables [Smile]

That all said, it appears my church is following in the path of the LDS ("you tell two lies, oh brother, you're in trouble up to your ears!"), the UMC (which has a rather dry ad, even if the final images is impressive; sorry dkw), and apparently the ELCA (never seen the ads, they aren't much of a presence in the Northeast) in trying to use the TV to increase membership. I didn't realize this until last Saturday, during a break of SNL, an ad from my church came on. I was out in Western MA at my girlfriend's parents (for a Seder of all things; yes, Staurday night wasn't a Seder night, but the weekend in Passover is usually the one time the family can all come together), and apparently my church is using this area as one of 6 test markets for a national campaign to start next fall. The current ad can be viewed online, btw.

After watching it, I thought it was pretty darn good. It was a proper amount of serious kindness and winking humor that I appreciate. Even my girlfriend laughed. If people want me to, I can recount the ad, but I don't want to yet because it is likely to spark off a Standard Hatrack Christianity Debate(tm) (which I can really only delay I realize), and I want to talk about the presentation and any thoughts on how effective TV ads of this nature can be to a church, in general.

The link to view the ads is also a pretty good story (written by a church member, of course) explaining the problems and goals the ad campaign is intended to address, some of which are:

1) No name recognition: The UCC is essentially the oldest American Christian group in the US (Roman Catholics excepted), but due to the mergers, the UCC name itself is virtually unknown.
2) Misattributed recognition: Nearly half of the people surveyed (before the ads) who said they had heard of the UCC actually were thinking of the CoC (Churches of Christ), which is generally a much more conservative church, whose main claim to fame (that I know of) is that they had a major schism over whether instruments should be used in services.

So what do other people think about churches using TV ads to promote their denomination? For those "brave" enough to see the ad, outside of any theological objections, do you think that it is effective in creating a good feeling about the church? For the rest of you, I suppose I can (and dkw probably can too) answer some questions about the church as a layperson, though I'd prefer questions about church polity/structure than politics/theology.

I'm am cautiously optimistic. I think this ad remains pretty close to the general church spirit in things.


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Member # 5567

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I have recently seen ads both for LDS, and also for the Methodists.

Both were very nice ads. But not enough to make me go there.

But, then again, I'm not a "seeker" either.


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Member # 5003

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I'm reminded of my brother's monologue about how the Sith Lords represent Mormon missionaries. (Horns, dark suits, cycles). Just the two guys in black there. Though they were pretty attractive.
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Member # 480

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Does the LDS come out with new ads every so often? Or do they still run the old 80s "old lady and pizza" ad and the "what a tangled web we weave" song-and-dance ad? I would assume so [EDIT: assume the former, that is], I would guess that staying relevant is key to keeping a high profile.


[ April 13, 2004, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Bokonon ]

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Member # 1612

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I'm a Methodist and they had us watch our ad in church, which I thought was a bit bizarre... The pastor even had a sermon on it!

Having said that, I liked it.

I think I saw one for the LDS too, and I recall thinking it made them look a bit weird, although I don't remember what the details were.

[ April 13, 2004, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: Xaposert ]

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Storm Saxon
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LDS ads are the best.
"Be excellent to one another."
--this has been a message from the Church of Jesus Christ, LDS.

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peter the bookie
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I think that UCC was more prevalent than CoC where I grew up. It sounds so odd that people think they're the same group.
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Storm Saxon
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Bok, I'm really pleased the UCC has come to their senses and are proselytizing.
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Member # 480

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Storm, I assume that is for ideological reasons?

EDIT: Do you think ad is effective? Or more likely to confuse or breed distrust, particularly in people who have never heard of the church (that is, most people). C'mon lurkers, here's your chance to give a critique in a fairly harmless thread.

And no, I won't have your soul cast into a lake of fire if you think it stinks [Smile]


[ April 13, 2004, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Bokonon ]

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Storm Saxon
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Er...you do know I attend UCC local 151 at least once a month?

I'm not able to view the video from here.

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Member # 480

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No, I did not. That memo must not have gotten to me. Plus I've always been told that those Local 151 folks are rascals anyway [Wink]

Which "stream" of the UCC are at Storm? Congregationalist, German Reformed, one of the other two I forget?


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Storm Saxon
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Durned if I know. I just put on the black robes and chant around the sacrificial virgin like everyone else.
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PSI Teleport
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I'm I the only one that thinks ads shown specifically to introduce people to who Christ is would be much better than an ad for a particular church? Wouldn't having people be saved be a higher priority than having them at YOUR church?

How about: Christ is God's son and died for your sins, instead of: Come to our church, we'll have a BBQ!

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Storm Saxon
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Er...I go to a UU church. Not UCC. My bad. I didn't click on your link and I just assumed from your conversation.... Never mind.
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Member # 480

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Well, the ad in question is targetted toward people who may be against the church due to past experiences or misconceptions, as well as some people who would have problems joining other churches.

Here is the UCC on joining churches (in the context of baptism:

We believe that all of the baptized ‘belong body and soul to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.’ No matter who . . . No matter what . . . No matter where we are on life’s journey, notwithstanding race, gender, sexual orientation, class or creed, we all belong to God and to one worldwide community of faith. All persons baptized – past, present and future – are connected to each other and to God through the sacrament of baptism. We baptize during worship when the community is present because baptism includes the community’s promise of ‘love, support, and care’ for the baptized . . . and we promise that we won’t take it back – no matter where your journey leads you.
The church's belief is that the UCC will not expect you to stay in the UCC for life, but that it is here now, waiting with open arms to help you on your way, when you need it (and if you need to backtrack).

The UCC is not a pushy type of church, that I've seen/heard.


[ April 13, 2004, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: Bokonon ]

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Primal Curve
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Bok, I worked for a UCC camp this past summer.

I did notice one thing... some UCC churches are about as far to the left as you can get just coming short of Unitarian Universalist-type churches. Others, however, border on scary fundamentalist conservativism you see in the realm of Jerry Falwell. It all depends upon what church you go to.

The local UCC church is kind of weird. One of my friends does worship there and he just kind of plays a bunch of trance music he made and shows a bunch of images in a multimedia presentation-type dealio. I guess some people really get something out of it though.

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PSI Teleport
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Ok, Bok, but my point is that, so what if they're against the church today? Getting right with God is more important and would probably straighten the rest of it out on it's own.
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Member # 480

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PSI, one reason is that to non-believers and former believers, your statement would turn them off as pushing your beliefs on them explicitly; it sounds to them, I would imagine, like "you've been bad, so join up or else". This ISN'T what is meant, but that is what is heard. So this ad, I think is trying to say, "The UCC is different than maybe what you thought a christian church looked like, and we're happy to have you, no matter who you are." Of course, the ad goes a little bit further, by basically saying, even if you are an openly homosexual couple (for instance), you are welcome somewhere (not everywhere) in the UCC.

I think it's a subtle distinction. Probably to subtle for most viewers to get in 30 seconds, but maybe they don't expect a church to say, in today's vernacular (which comes across less demanding than using scripture directly), "We're here, we'll accept you. When you are ready."


EDIT: PC, yeah, it's really amazing the diversity of the church. it's really more of an organizational structure than an authoritative structure. I grew up in a very liberal church.

[ April 13, 2004, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: Bokonon ]

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Member # 480

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PSI, I think I understand your question more. These people know about Christianity, and left the church due to their earlier experiences with a denomination, they may even be nominal/non-practicing types themselves. They may not go to church due to bad experiences. The UCC is trying to reach these folks, I think, and saying check us out, you may find it isn't like your old church.

It's trying to get people who have rejected small-c church out of hand, while still being receptive to big-c Christianity.


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Member # 5003

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Didn't they let in the two women that were together, though? I think there was a bit emphasis on people of race not being accepted. I think that tends to be more a product of congregations falling along socioeconomic lines. But who doesn't let folks with wheelchairs come to their church?
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Member # 480

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Yeah, I don't know, that was a bit silly.


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Member # 2972

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Those were two sisters, they were part of a family.

I think it would be better if some of the people who had been turned away were focused on in the end. As it was the people focused on seemed to be mostly the people who had been let in originally.

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Member # 6320

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Dang, we must not have any good advertising people. The last time the CoC ran an ad campaign (the One Nation Under God thing) the Onion (or some satirical publication) gave us a Green Weenie award.

How do you people do it?

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