I'm a sporadic Hatrack poster, but a big OSC fan. For a few years, I've had a Perl script which parses the infrequently-updated TOR website for their list of forthcoming books. This doesn't seem to be a feature of their updated website, but I found a list through Locus Magazine which has a monthly-updated, multi-publisher list of upcoming books.
Anyhow, the "OSC Library" link above lists Bully and the Beast and the ever-present Rasputin as "Works in Progress." The Locus page, however, lists two different forthcoming books for this year:
September 2007: Card, Orson Scott, & Aaron Johnson Invasive Procedures (Tor, hc)
November 2007: Card, Orson Scott War of Gifts (Tor, hc)
Invasive Procedures is an SF/Thriller novel based on Scott's story Malpractice. He and Aaron Johnston did a great job of turning it into a novel. War of Gifts is a story based in Battleschool at Christmas time.
Posts: 780 | Registered: Jul 1999
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Great, thanks for the info! I remember reading "Malpractice" in Maps in a Mirror and also hearing about the Battle School Christmas story. As usual, I can't wait. I'm guessing that your information is accurate.
Any chance of seeing Bully or (cough) Rasputin any time soon? I know that OSC is very busy with "other" projects these days, but I'm always anxious for my next "fix" of the written page. There are only so many times that I can reread the older stuff until I start quoting bits from memory, and my wife tends to get annoyed with that.
At least I have Harry Potter to get me through July...
Thanks again, Don
Posts: 108 | Registered: Jan 2003
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What I'd like to see is "Wives of Israel"(?) the promised continuation of "Rachel and Leah" which stopped in the middle of the story. I do know what comes next, of course, in outline, but I'd sure like to read his take on the story, for example, the idea that I picked up from Bible Review that Rachel and her sons collected a curse from her having stolen her father's household gods, then sitting on them when Laban ran them down to reclaim them, and Jacob's calling a curse on "whoever" had them. I don't care so much about the series on the women from the Book of Mormon, but that would also be interesting, and newer to me than the Bible ones, which I've thought about all my life.
Posts: 69 | Registered: Jan 2007
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Is Rasputin supposed to be the next book the Mayflower series? Because that's the one I'm looking forward to the most.
Posts: 6026 | Registered: Dec 2004
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will War of Gifts be a short story? I can't seem to imagine a whole novel about Battle school at Christmas time.
Posts: 8 | Registered: Feb 2007
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that battle school at christmas time sounds like the old pweb Aprils fools joke of "Ender's Puppy"
When can we expect...
Space Boy? (subterranean press) The Dabel Brothers Enderverse project? The Great Snape Debate? What about Wives of Israel? Master Alvin? The additional Ender books?
I've long since given up on Rasputin or Pastwatch.
Posts: 128 | Registered: Aug 2006
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Anyone care to refresh the story Malpractice for me? I dig his stand alone books and books based on the Maps stories.
Posts: 1042 | Registered: Jan 2001
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The Great Snape Debate will be available only at Borders and Waldenbooks. It's not out yet, but can be pre-ordered at Borders.com
Posts: 780 | Registered: Jul 1999
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quote:Originally posted by kacard: The Great Snape Debate will be available only at Borders and Waldenbooks. It's not out yet, but can be pre-ordered at Borders.com
Do you know when it will be published? ... I'm presuming before the last book comes out, of course.
I went to Borders and couldn't find it. What am I doing wrong?
Posts: 1522 | Registered: Nov 2005
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I don't know when it will be out -- it can only be pre-ordered now. I'm sorry I don't have a publication date. Yes, definately before the final book comes out You might be able to order it at your local Borders, but definately at Borders.com.
Posts: 780 | Registered: Jul 1999
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the timeline is pretty damned phenomenal and awesome. the amount of investigative research and scholary writing this series has prompted is just incredible.
Posts: 128 | Registered: Aug 2006
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