Several hatrack members have apparently received e-mails from me reading something like this:
quote:Hey there, as a frequent poster in hatrack we would l like to give you a couple executive abilities there. I will send you a list of the after it is completed, but first I need you to send me the email and password on the account to verify <fake e-mail address>.
Send it here so my email doesn't get clogged. But also don't mention this around we don't need anyone getting upset at not being chosen. Hope to see you soon, PJ
I didn't send any such message to anyone. There are a couple reasons someone could be doing this, but I can't think of any positive ones. Please don't reply to any such messages you have received. If I send a message to you I will use my hatrack e-mail, and would not give a different address for replies.
Nobody is getting any "executive" abilities (whatever those might be), so this isn't just because I mistakenly sent an e-mail to the wrong person. *smile*
I, for one, have been enjoying the heck out of my executive abilities. Like the one which makes me put in my debit card number and full social security number just to log in to the site!
I just wish I would have been informed that the executive iteration of the site has a completely different URL that's all numbers and stuff... That kinda weirded me out... and there's no content or forums there...