The "To Hell in a Handbasket" reminded me of a web-page I am developing to organize my thougts on Peak Oil.
About a month ago I was FORCED to listen to Mat Savinar talk about Peak oil on Art Bell. It was interesting, fascinating, and filled with Doom and Gloom.
I decided to investigate. I am not sure what I think. A lot of the sites seem very convincing, but a lot of sites seem very Anti-American. I happen to be a big fan of America. ASPO and Matt Simmons seem to be the two most quoted sources advocating a peak oil crisis by 2014.
I started a web page to organize what I found. I am using a wiki-format--for ease of editing as I go. When it is fleshed out, I will transfer it to a real website with more artistic control.
Hatrack is filled with people I respect and I eventually want a non-biased presentation. I know you can help. Can anyone look at my site and offer suggestions? Can anyone help me understand if Colin Campbell (Founder of ASPO) and Matt Simmons are credible sources?
Any input here or on my wiki-site would be greatly appreciated.