So I am frustrated with my girlfreind and I wanted to know if I am overeacting.
About a week and a half ago she tells me her mother is going to be the manager of a local karoake club and on friday(Tonight) her mom wanted her to come with her to just go their as patrons and see what its like. She asked me to go. I work nights usually, 6-7 days a week depending because I serve legal documents. Well she calls me like three times between then and now double checking that I can go. I make sure I get the time off and everything so that I can do it. About three days ago she calls and asks if I want to hang out before hand aswell so I say ok. Now today I had to go serve businesses during the day becuase I am not working tonight. Because she said she wanted to hang out earlier aswell I bust my butt to try to get back by five. At four o'clock I call her to just see how things are going. She proceeds to tell me that her mom decided to just not do the thing tonight and she went to the mall and we can still hang out if I want to at like seven when she gets back. I first got the time off and then drove around like a madman for the entire afternoon so I am pretty pissed off. I didn't yell or get angry at her I yelled at the car and punched the car door a couple times after I got off the phone with her. So I still want to hang out with her but I am mad still. Should I be or am I just overeacting. Honostly? Posts: 832 | Registered: Jan 2005
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But in general, I'd say it was her responsibility to call you as soon as she found out that the thing would not be happening.
Also, does she know your schedule and that you would have to work different hours today in order to be able to hang out with her beforehand? If so, I'd say she was being very unthoughtful and you should let her know that that was very uncool.
Posts: 8741 | Registered: Apr 2001
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Ya weve been dating for five months and like I said I didn't yell at her or plan too I am just upset but I have found writing that made me feel better. SOme of why I am upset is stuff like this has happened before. Not really mad know that I wrote that down. Still going to bring it up but more as a, this made me upset, than a IM MAD AT YOU! Thanks
Posts: 832 | Registered: Jan 2005
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Yeh, I wouldn't say your over-reacting, as long as you don't blow up at her. It's good to get your anger out, but not good to take it out on her. I know it sounds obvious, but it's important. Just sit down and explain everything to her. I would say that's the most important thing, talking.
Posts: 283 | Registered: Jan 2003
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