There have been feral cats around our house for as long as I can remember. One problem we've always had is when they have kittens, the kittens tend to climb up into the engine compartment of the car (Or whatever it's called... The place with all the conveyer belts and the motor and stuff). We've had a couple die, and we've always tried to bang on the hood of the car, and do false starts in the car to scare them out so they won't get hurt.
I forgot. We hadn't seen kittens around, and I just got my drivers licence, so I started the car, heard thunking, and didn't think anything of it. I drove to the gas station and back, and then it dawned on me. I ran out to the car and popped the hood, and sure enough, there's a kitten caught in a conveyer belt STILL ALIVE.
I couldn't see a way to get it out, so I called my mom, and she was going to get home soon. We're dirt poor and can't afford a veternarion, so I just had to wait.
Well, the kitten limped out somehow, and now it's out of the car. There's a limp that's completely limp, but other than that, it's fine.
We took it to a neighbor who has a bunch of pets, and takes in sick animals and all that good stuff, and she said that the paw looked crushed, but the limb itself seemed fine. She said that she thought the kitten had severed some nerves, which is why the limb was so limp.
Well, she gave us pet pain pills, saline solution, and something to help healing, and we've been trying to keep the wound clean... You see, the limb is limp, but the skin and fur is stripped away and twisted in some places, and some of the muscle is exposed.
So, we checked today, and there were maggots all over the wound. There are pockets formed by the dead skin and fur, and the maggets and pooled in these 'pockets'.
We (my mom and I) got peroxide and cleaned out the wound, pulled out as many maggets as we could with tweezers (There are plenty left, believe me), and we now keep it inside in a cage that our neighbor lent us.
I don't know what else to do. We can't afford to 'put it down', or even take it to a vet. It's memorial day, nothing's open even if there was a place that would do it for free. I don't know any farmer or hunter country types with guns that could put it out of its misery. It could get better. But the leg is really infected, and I'm afraid it's going to die anyway.
Does anybody here have any clue what to do?
PS: This has happened over the course of two or three days. It didn't just happen or anything.
Posts: 438 | Registered: May 2006
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It sounds like you've been doing the best you can - cleaning and disinfecting the wound, making the kitten as comfortable as possible.
There's a good chance the kitten might not die - kittens are very resilient, and can recover from some pretty serious injuries (being stepped on by cows, run over, etc.). My cat was crushed in a recliner when she was very young, giving her a broken back (as in, part of it was at an angle to the rest of her body), and she recovered completely - she's now seven years old.
And CSI fans can correct me if I'm wrong, but maggots only eat dead tissue, right? So maybe the maggots aren't necessarily a sign that the kitten is going to die - if the kitten is strong enough to recover, they might actually help...
Posts: 5 | Registered: Apr 2007
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Take it to the animal shelter, like Zeugma said. Actually, if you email me your location, I will find a place to take it tonight* (if available) and pay myself if there is a charge.
Try me at goingtosteveston AT yahoo DOT ca (not!)
*sometimes there are 24hr animal rescue places at a university, for example
Posts: 14017 | Registered: May 2000
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Please call your local Kentucky Humane Society right away. The number is listed at the bottom of the page. If that one isn't located near you, you can call them to find that location. If they are anything like the one near me, they will come and get the animal or you can drop it off at their location, even after office hours or on holidays. Don't waste any time!
Posts: 2064 | Registered: Dec 2003
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There is an option for "an animal whose life is in immediate danger" (press "3" when you hear the message) at that Kentucky Humane Society phone number. (502) 366-3355
I'd say this qualifies. They should be able to help you find someone open.
Edited to add: I'm happy to make the calls for you if I know your town/city.
Posts: 14017 | Registered: May 2000
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quote:Originally posted by Alethea: And CSI fans can correct me if I'm wrong, but maggots only eat dead tissue, right? So maybe the maggots aren't necessarily a sign that the kitten is going to die - if the kitten is strong enough to recover, they might actually help...
I think it depends on the type of maggot. There are some that can be helpful (the dead-tissue kind) and some that are indiscriminatory (eat-everything kind). I seem to recall learning that from the Outlander books, so don't quote me.
(((kitten))) I'll be praying.
Posts: 2849 | Registered: Feb 2002
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Um, Nathan, please put a "severe grossness" warning. I can't read your first post - it's too... difficult for us overly sensitive types to read. I want to cry and spew at the same time.
I hope the little kitten doesn't suffer too much.
Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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When our dog got bit by another neighbor's dog in a fight (Because our neighbors don't put their dogs on a leash... <Sigh>), my aunt told me not to freak out about maggots because they'll clean out the dead skin. So we just cleaned it often and he was fine.
But there were just a bunch of the maggots, and quite honestly, although I know they're just flies, they are sooooo gross. My mother and I just kind of freaked out and tried to get rid of as many as we could, regardless of how 'helpful' they may have been.
Right now I'm going to clean it out and change the gauze around it. The guy for the emergency line of the Humane Society is gone until Wednesday, and the one 24-hour shelter charges a 62 dollar fee to check the kitten out, and more to actually *do* anything. It's also about an hour away.
I forgot to put all of that on my first post... But contacting the vets and animal shelters in the phone-book was one of the first things we did.
Also, the kitten's mom has been prowling around, so, eventually after letting the kitten out for a little while (While standing at a distance and watching), the mama came up and nursed it, and groomed it. I think that's a good sign.
The cats aren't completely wild... They kind of 'lurk' around, kind of used to us. We just can't walk around to quickly, or stare at them or anything.
As for the kitten, we just have dry cat food, so we softened it with water. Just in case the mama doesn't show up sometime.
So. Off I go. The leg actually does look better than the last time I saw it. I've got to clean it (Somebody who gave us the saline solution told me to do it 3 times a day.) out now.
Thanks for all the responses. I'll keep you posted. (And I'll warn appropriately)
Posts: 438 | Registered: May 2006
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I would have been happy to pay the $62+, but it isn't something I can force you to do (obviously).
Thanks for taking care of the kitten as best you can. Don't hesitate to let me know if I can help tomorrow. I'd also be happy to talk to your mother instead, given that it sounds like you are a minor.
Edited to add: You know, I'm pretty upset about this still.
[snipped out the unhelpful part]
I just can't stop thinking about this hurting creature. I also understand what it is like to be poor, as my own childhood was one of poverty. However, I do have resources now, and I would find a way to help you and the kitten. Like I said, I will cover costs. I can call wherever you would take the kitten and give my credit card number in advance to cover charges, even fax a signature if need be. Just let me know, and it will be taken care of.
Okay... First off... It's still the school year for me. I have to do school, and haven't been able to post, and both my parents work. I've checked on the kitten periodically (I'm homeschooled), and have cleaned the wound once already today, this morning before school.
Claudia, I will be emailing you as soon as I finish the post. As you can imagine, I'm relunctant to give out personal information without the permission of my parents, and have just now gotten said permission (My mom called about the kitten from work. She was at work, not the kitten. I didn't feel like rephrasing the sentence, sorry.)
The Update. Again, severe grossness (Receding grossness, but still gross):
Good signs: There is red tissue growing around the leg. This means there's fresh tissue, which is good. Also, I've found out from my Aunt (She's a nurse, which is why I've kept quoting her thus far), that maggots are a *Very* good thing. They will eat dead flesh *and* infection. They remove debris in a wound quickly too. So. It's like a vet may have clipped away dead skin to help it heal, and cleaned the wound out regularly. Maggots do the same thing, essentially.
The mama's still around, and licking the wound. This is also good, because it hasn't given up (Which I'm told they do sometimes, if the kitten is in great danger of dying), and the kitten also licks the wound. I've heard that there are enzymes and stuff in the cat's saliva that can help with cleaning as well as grooming. I don't know how true this is, but I'd rather believe the positive. At the very least, it doesn't hurt.
And the best two for last: The kitten has started moving it's leg. Its limb is no longer limp. The movement is jerky, and not sustained, but it's movement. That's very good! Also, the kitten is feisty. This could be bad, you know, it's in such pain that it lashes out at everybody and everything, but that doesn't hold true. It lets us pet it, and hold it, and it lets the mama groom it. It's just tired of being in the cage. It moves around constantly. It also resents being held in a way so that we can wash out the wound.
This next development could be good or bad. On one of the wounds there's a thick goopy substance that's formed over it, essentially closing it. This could be bad if it's a sign of infection, but I don't think it is. Thing for a moment. It could be the wound healing itself, or it could be pus. Pus may not be considered a good sign, but it is. Pus is the aftermath of a fight between leukecytes (Excuse my spelling) and infection, whether it be bacteria or a virus. If there are leukecytes, there's blood, and if there's blood, there's fresh tissue, which means that the wound is healing, and then fighting infection whenever it comes across it. Sorry for all the pronouns, by the way.
The only bad sign, which has been developing ever since the kitten first got hurt, is that all of the paw is dead. It has been for a while, and it's just now started to hang limp. The bone is fine, but now the skin that formed the paw is off and hanging by the connection at the base of the ankle, near the back of the leg. Our neighbor, the one who gave us the saline solution and pain pills, told us that there was no help for the paw, even if we did come up with money to take it to the vet.
So. There's an update, and I'll update again this afternoon. But things are looking considerably better than yesterday.
I've also called an animal shelter (I couldn't before. Of all the times for this to happen, it happens over memorial weekend!) and they said while they have rudimentary skills, they can't work miracles, and it's just as likely that they would put the kitten to sleep. But if it's something as simple as consistently cleaning the wound, they could handle it.
So, after my mom gets home from work we should be able to clean out the wound again, and take it to the animal shelter. I'll have to double check about a charge, but it sounded as though it was free.
I'll update again soon.
*This was edited for grammatical errors and such*
Posts: 438 | Registered: May 2006
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I work in a 24-hour emergency vet hospital, so here is my professional opinion:
Crushed paw + exposed tissue + maggots = badness. That kitten needs to be seen by a vet ASAP.
If the kitten is truly suffering and you can't afford any sort of treatment, euthanasia should be free (it is at my clinic, and I would hope it is everywhere else).
Luck to the little guy.
Posts: 3 | Registered: Jul 2005
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Okay. There's not much more to say about the kitten. It's drinking fluids regularly, and it takes pain pills (For animals. A neighbor lent us some... Well, gave us some.), and the mama does prowl around the house, waiting for us to take the cage outside so she can check on her kitty.
The kitten has started to climb out of its cage, so now we have to actually use the lid.
And that's about it.
PS: I'll go check email first thing.
Posts: 438 | Registered: May 2006
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Sorry to intrude on a serious thread, but I just wanted to express my relief that this wasn't onanism-related.
Posts: 433 | Registered: Feb 2005
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I don't know what onanism means. But, I'm glad you're relieved. (Gosh. I feel so dumb sometimes.)
Okay. My mom is *completely* opposed to taking the kitten to the shelter to be put down. She's convinced it's getting better...
It might be. I just hate the idea of going at this blind and finding out it was all for nothing, and that the kitten may have been suffering.
Anyway, the maggots have all dropped out. A nurse friend said they'd do that when there was nothing left to eat, so, aparently the dead flesh is gone. It's all pink now, and skin is starting to grow back.
We're having problems with both the kitten and it's mama licking the wound too much, and making it bleed (Cat's have really rough tongues.). We have to wait for the peroxide and anti-bacterial ointment to dry before we bandage it, or else it sticks. In the meantime though, the kitten and mama effectively clean off a lot of what we put on the wound, and make it bleed.
The paw is still hanging off, and neither my mother or I are going to cut it off. That's just a bit much for either of us. The bone that formed the paw is still visible, and I don't know what will happen to it. I think that bones rot... But if it does, will it stop when it hits 'healthy' bone? Or will it just procede to go up the leg. This is by far the most serious problem I think we've faced as of yet. We can keep the wound and skin clean, but what do you do about bone?
But the kitten still seems to be doing better in terms of its being active, prowling around the cage, actively chasing after it's mama when she's around, and still climbing the cage every so often.
Oh yeah. The Humane Society lady on the phone told me about a non-profit organization... A funny one-liner about atheism has just popped into my head. Atheism is a non-prophet organization... Sorry... (By the way, I meant that in a completely harmless way, and in no way meant to offend or mock any kind of belief system... Or lack thereof.)
Anyway, the non-profit organization is called alleycat advocates, and their around specifically for strays and feral cats. So. I've yet to hear back from them yet, but maybe they will be able to help.
quote:Originally posted by Nathan2006: Okay. My mom is *completely* opposed to taking the kitten to the shelter to be put down. She's convinced it's getting better... ... The paw is still hanging off, and neither my mother or I are going to cut it off. That's just a bit much for either of us. The bone that formed the paw is still visible, and I don't know what will happen to it. I think that bones rot... But if it does, will it stop when it hits 'healthy' bone? Or will it just procede to go up the leg.
Having rotting dead flesh hanging off one's limb is, indeed, a risk for infection. Think about it.
I cannot continue to be involved in this thread, and I will not be checking the yahoo account you have been using, Nathan2006. Having offered to pay for either shelter or clinic, having actually called both the veterinary clinic and the shelter myself and given them my phone and credit card numbers so that you wouldn't have to pay a single dime, and having watching this drag out for days and days -- enough.
I think this is absymal. I have tried to be as supportive as possible and bite my tongue, but I cannot bear this any more. I can't believe you and your mother are so blase about this -- sure, you may be too squeamish to deal with the dead paw yourself, but all you'd have had to do is walk through a veterinary clinic door with the kitten and the dead paw would have been taken care of for you.
Theere is no excuse for that. Enough.
If I knew more details, I would report this to the Animal Cruelty unit. As it is, I can't even bear to talk with you anymore.
For that kitten's sake, I hope it doesn't end up living with your family, if it does survive.
Edited to add: All I can imagine is that you did not start this thread for help, but merely for attention. Nothing else explains this. And since I can't drive down there and take that kitten out of your hands myself, well, you've had enough attention from me.
Posts: 14017 | Registered: May 2000
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quote:Originally posted by Nathan2006: The paw is still hanging off, and neither my mother or I are going to cut it off. That's just a bit much for either of us. The bone that formed the paw is still visible, and I don't know what will happen to it. I think that bones rot... But if it does, will it stop when it hits 'healthy' bone? Or will it just procede to go up the leg. This is by far the most serious problem I think we've faced as of yet. We can keep the wound and skin clean, but what do you do about bone?
Jebus. Get a f***ing clue. You're being incredibly stupid at this moment. Stop it. Stop posting here if you're going to do and say things so significantly ignorant. The kitten is going to die.Posts: 4753 | Registered: May 2002
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Agreed. If it has an open wound, exposed bone, and a paw that's hanging off, it's only a matter of time before it dies. It needs real help immediately. But from the description, I'd guess that it's too late for that and that it needs to be euthanized.
Posts: 9945 | Registered: Sep 2002
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It may well squeak through. Sometimes critters are more resiliant than we expect. [It sure would be nice to have a professional opinion about what it's going through and what it's odds are.]
That doesn't change the fact that it will still have gone through a lot of needless suffering.
(Okay, I am out now. I won't be checking again. It just drives me crazy for no good purpose whatsoever.)
Posts: 14017 | Registered: May 2000
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I suggest taking this kitten to the vet immediatly... I wouldn't mess with such things, especially after the hideous m word thing...
Posts: 9942 | Registered: Mar 2003
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Jeez, it's just a stray kitten. I think some people are getting a litte too upset about this. I'm impressed by Nathan's resillience in trying to care for the kitten. Attacking him for trying to do what he can and accusing him of having alterior motives seems like overreacting to me. Some cats suffer, some don't, but blaming Nathan for not trying to alieve the pain the same way that you would is pointless. Nathan and his mom are very adverse to having the kitten put to sleep, which I agree is almost a sure thing with a stray in that condition. They believe they can help it back to health and avoid it's death by their own personal care. I think that's honorable. If it ends up dying anyway, well, there's lots of other injured strays out there. Heck, I'd bet there's half a dozen within two blocks of my house. Anyone volunteering to pay for all of them to go to the vet too?
Vonk, if Nathan had found a young girl dying in his yard, and someone offered to pay for her medical care, would you still applaud him for trying to nurse her back to health even after her arm had rotted down to the bone?
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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Golly, no. If a pregnant teenage girl gave birth in a cardboard box in your home and one of her quintuplets died very soon after would you bury it in a shoebox?
ETA: Cats and humans are different and to expect equal compassion for the suffering of each is, IMO, ridiculous.
Posts: 2596 | Registered: Jan 2006
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quote:Originally posted by vonk: Cats and humans are different and to expect equal compassion for the suffering of each is, IMO, ridiculous.
Absolutely agreed. However, given that someone else has not only volunteered to pay for the cat to get professional medical attention, but actually MADE THE FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS with two local shelters, I cannot understand why you are defending what amounts to torturing a defenseless animal.
Posts: 32919 | Registered: Mar 2003
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From what I gathered based on Nathan's posts, both he and his mother will do anything to keep the kitten from dying (not my priorities, but more power to 'em), and bringing the kitten to the vet or a shelter is tantamount to killing the kitten.
Also, cats and kittens aren't really defenseless. Their defenses aren't great, but still, there's a difference.
Posts: 2596 | Registered: Jan 2006
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vonk: Nobody is arguing that human beings and cats are the same in all respects.
But in ONE respect they are IDENTICAL. They both experience pain in a physiological and psychological manner.
So in regards to allowing a sentient being to experience pain, it IS the same thing as finding an injured girl and doing what Tom described.
People are indignant about the needlessly prologned suffering that the cat is being made to experience, nothing else.
Posts: 14316 | Registered: Jul 2005
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quote:Originally posted by vonk: From what I gathered based on Nathan's posts, both he and his mother will do anything to keep the kitten from dying (not my priorities, but more power to 'em), and bringing the kitten to the vet or a shelter is tantamount to killing the kitten.
If the kitten can be saved, a vet (and most shelters) is a FAR better option than two well-meaning but untrained people. And if it cannot, then having it put down is far more merciful. (And that is because it IS a cat, and not a person. I absolutely do not believe in euthanasia for people.)
quote:Originally posted by vonk: Also, cats and kittens aren't really defenseless.
Against what is being done to it, this kitten is absolutely defenseless. What is it supposed to do, limp to the shelter by itself?
Posts: 32919 | Registered: Mar 2003
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quote:Originally posted by vonk: From what I gathered based on Nathan's posts, both he and his mother will do anything to keep the kitten from dying (not my priorities, but more power to 'em), and bringing the kitten to the vet or a shelter is tantamount to killing the kitten.
Also, cats and kittens aren't really defenseless. Their defenses aren't great, but still, there's a difference.
Theres trying to keep a cat alive and then theres torture. First of all I assume these people have no traing in dealing with animal injuries. Secondly, the kittens paw is hanging off and the bone is showning. So unless Im mistaken this kitten is walking around on a bandaged stump.
I dont mean this post to sound condecending its just I love all animals and Im disgusted at the way these people are so ignorant about the fact that this kitten needs serious medical attention.
Posts: 243 | Registered: Aug 2005
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quote:But in ONE respect they are IDENTICAL. They both experience pain in a physiological and psychological manner.
So in regards to allowing a sentient being to experience pain, it IS the same thing as finding an injured girl and doing what Tom described.
Sure both experience pain physiologically and psychologically, but that they experience them in the same way, or to the same degree is unproven to my knowledge and incorrect in my opinion. I just can't see how abandoning a little girl in your front yard to die alone is the same as what Nathan's doing.
rivka - Maybe there is another option that would be better, but that's a judgement call. Other options would have been to leave the cat where it was. Let it limp back to its mother and it'd go the way all cats go. Another option would have been fill a bucket of water and put it out of it's misery. I probably would have left it alone, but then, I'm a monster. I think Nathan and his mom made a pretty nice decision.
Damien - I don't think I'm reading Nathan's descriptions of what's going on the same way as you are. It seems to me like the kitten is active, playing with its mother and eating. Its wounds are clean and taken care of and it has pain pills to keep the pain at a minimum. Kittens that are being tortured by pain don't act like what Nathan is describing.
Posts: 2596 | Registered: Jan 2006
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vonk: Whether pain for cats is identical to the pain that human's feel is not something that can be asbolutely proven. Nobody can crawl into the skin of a cat, and find out.
But we can scientifically prove they feel pain, and their response to it is very similar, if not identical to ours. The most reasonable conclusion is then that they feel pain, and have an aversion to it more or less as strong as us.
Anybody who has stepped on a cat can attest to violence of the response.
Also anybody who has owned a cat and paid reasonable attention to it can tell you that a cat in pain is one of the most miserable and depressing sights that can be conjured up.
Posts: 14316 | Registered: Jul 2005
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CT has offered better options for the kitten. It sounds like Nathan is viewing this as a science experiment. He asked for help in the thread title and has been ignoring all the help he has been given. The only reasons I can see for not taking the kitten for professional help are ego or curiousity.
Posts: 11187 | Registered: Sep 2005
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I agree with vonk. Nathan's clearly trying to do the right thing here. I'm not sure what the point of berating him is. CT's offer is incredibly kind, but I (as an adult) would feel extremely uncomfortable with an internet stranger paying a vet bill. As a minor, the discomfort level would increase dramatically.
Posts: 1947 | Registered: Aug 2002
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Based on Nathan's desription, the cat is not acting in any of the ways that would indicate extreme pain or torture.
quote:In recent years, however, maggot therapy has regained some credibility and is sometimes employed to great effect in cases of chronic tissue necrosis.
source Gangrene very well may not be a problem. If they didn't eat the other tissue, blood must be flowing.
Nathan did not ignore the help offered, he responded politely and with reasons why he did not take a particular piece of advice, or why he couldn't. Just because you can't see any good reasons for the actions he's taken, doesn't mean they aren't there. I can see them.
Jeez, the guy's mom refuses to take the kitten to the shelter, for reasons I quite understand, and he gets attacked for what? Not sneaking out of his house and doing something some strangers on the internet told him to?
Posts: 2596 | Registered: Jan 2006
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While I might be uncomfortable with an internet stranger paying the vet bill, I'd be far more uncomfortable with not getting it any professional attention and simply waiting to see what happened.
The disconnect I don't understand in this whole thing is that professional attention = death sentence. I can understand it being a concern with a county animal shelter, but there are many other options - private vet clinics, no kill shelters, etc. Just because a pet is in less than perfect health does not automatically mean it will be killed. I have never personally experienced a vet advising me to simply put an animal down (much less forcing me to do so) - even with very ill pets (ones that the vets themselves admitted they did not expect to survive). It is certainly an option, but not one that is automatically forced.
Posts: 5879 | Registered: Apr 2001
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This is not a random stray that he found wounded in his yard. This is a kitten that he (accidentally) wounded himself. He has a responsibility to right that wrong, if he can. ClaudiaTherese made it possible.
Posts: 159 | Registered: Jun 2006
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He has asked his mother, and she won't take the kitten to the vet. What do you suggest a 15-year-old boy do, given that stricture?
Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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His mom is opposed to getting the kitten put down. He didn't say anything about whether she is opposed to it getting medical attention.
Posts: 159 | Registered: Jun 2006
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And if his mother doesn't want to deal with the situation, isn't there a neighbor who would perhaps be willing to take the cat in?
There are so many options here, and I'm just not seeing how "waiting and hoping for the best" is the optimal one.
Posts: 3516 | Registered: Sep 2002
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No, he didn't address that directly. Given they had the conversation about taking the kitten somehwere, however, I have hard time believing that taking the kitten to the vet hasn't come up or that it hasn't occurred to his mother and been rejected for some reason.
I completely agree that the kitten should be taken a vet immediately, but don't rag on Nathan for what his mother won't do.
Posts: 26077 | Registered: Mar 2000
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quote:And if his mother doesn't want to deal with the situation, isn't there a neighbor who would perhaps be willing to take the cat in?
There are so many options here, and I'm just not seeing how "waiting and hoping for the best" is the optimal one.
That's not what's happening. They are giving it the best medical treatment they can including disinfectants and pain medication. They are taking care of the kitten and it is getting better. With time, they may well have a healthy cat with a limp on their hands. It's not like they put it in a glass box and are sitting around eating popcorn.
Posts: 2596 | Registered: Jan 2006
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quote:Originally posted by katharina: He has asked his mother, and she won't take the kitten to the vet. What do you suggest a 15-year-old boy do, given that stricture?
Let's see - he just got his driver's license, so maybe take the cat to the vet himself. Since, after all, it was his carelessness that hurt it to begin with.
(out of curiosity, what state(s) still give licenses at 15?)
Posts: 409 | Registered: Apr 2002
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She's "completely opposed" to it, not she doesn't feel like doing it herself. If he were to take it, it would be going against the wishes of his mother.