My friend/DM is retsarting the campaign since were getting some new players but this time hes said that my character cannot hav anything to do with dragons whatsoever.
This to me sounds odd as I'm a sorceror wh are according to the PHB quite alot to do with Dragons, I can understand not wanting me to be a half dragon as there's fairly alot of confusing and contradictory writing on it, one has it as a ECL+3 template another has it as a race ECL+1 blargh.
So alright, Human Sorceror with my bonus feat I can take draconic heritage, and then draconic wings giving me a +10 jump and glide. Sucks that I cant have a tail as both are feats that must be taken at level 1 so its one or the other as I need draconic heritage for them, these are clearly listed within the "Races of the Dragon".
He wants to say no to it because eventually being able to fly might "screw over stories".
Last I checked any action taken by the players could potentially screw the story so steps are taken to allow for improvmization and and alternate story paths.
What do more experienced D&D'ers think, is it too much to ask to use draconic feats? Nothing else just feats?
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I had several DM's who would say "Sure." then have some being rip the wings off my back during the 1st adventure.
Posts: 11895 | Registered: Apr 2002
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quote:I had several DM's who would say "Sure." then have some being rip the wings off my back during the 1st adventure.
Yeah, that'd be my approach. Or have the wings prevent him from moving in close quarters while a 1st level thief back-stabs him.
Posts: 3735 | Registered: Mar 2002
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Is your DM also disallowing the fly spell? Cause you'll probably get it around the same time you would have had wings, and your spell will eventually hit the whole party.
I think the real question is, what kind of DM is your friend? Does he change the rules on you often? Is he hard to get along with because his story always has to be the center of attention?
If he manages to keep the game fun, I say forget the wings. Finding a guy who keeps it fun is far more rare than a neat feat stack.
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Blayne Bradley
hes rather inexperienced, he started our firs campaign controlling a half giant dopplganger ecl+15billion thingy then we scrapped that campaign because half our players werent there, then we had a second campaign where he had a dromite psion as a npc player chaarcter of his. A problem is a rather lack of research as alot of our characters were rushed so we never had time to get say iron rations for travel or heck even spell componants.
And he fudges rolls once in a while msotly to keep our characters from dying in one hit but when I used a breath weapon in our original campaign he rolled a critical hit remarking that he didn't even have to fudge the roll. since dms can 'will critcal hits'. That part annoyed me. It seems like we keep fighting things that we realy shouldbt be fighting like harpies at lvl 3.
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Maybe he shouldn't be playing as NPCs in addition to being a DM... that is bad. As well, you shouldn't find things that are too far beyond you. Either don't fight em, or start at level 6 or something.
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In general: 1) It's fine for a DM to choose which sourcebooks to allow or not allow in a campaign. If the setting doesn't have part-dragon humans then he shouldn't allow PCs to have draconic heritage feats. Just like most people wouldn't allow guns in a medieval setting. 2) If the DM isn't going to allow something, it's best to make those guidelines clear right off the bat. Like if he didn't tell you "no wings" until after the game had started and you'd already taken the prerequisite feats, that's poor form.
In more specific, based on what you've mentioned about gaming with this group: 1) I think it'd do you, your DM, and the other players a world of good to play a game with only the core races and classes in the PHB, starting at level 1 or maybe 2, using level-appropriate pre-made adventures and no "in the party" NPCs. He needs to learn balance, you need to learn it's a fun game without being weird half-whatevers. 2) Level appropriate stuff should eliminate constant roll-fudging or "willing critical hits" BS. Worst thing that happens is you all die and make new characters. It's more fun than winning all the time just 'cuz the DM decided you did. 3) If he can't handle storytelling when characters can do things like fly, turn invisible, teleport, scry, etc, then D&D is really the wrong game for him.
Being half-dragon sounds like it's drifting into munchkin territory, depending on the DM's idea of where the campaign is going to go.
As a player, apart from the occasional justified rules lawyering, you should be working WITH the DM towards the goal of everyone having a fun, productive adventure. I would suggest coming up with a compromise where both you and the DM are happy, rather than trying to push him for as much as you can get away with.
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