I wrote the flash stories for the National Space Society's 2009 space calander. They accepted ALL of my interpretations of the twelve monthly pics. That's 12 flash fictions up and for sale for the next couple of months. Hehe, 12 in one go isn't bad.
I didn't make anything from it, but hopefully it'll help to get my name out there. Check out the press release for the art contest that was held for the calander here:
They are just 100 word flashes, but I'm one small baby step towards a bigger publish. My next step is to get my short story Blood Pull published. I'm only going to put half of it on my blog, since I've been told by the very helpful and smart people here at Hatrack that putting the whole thing would ruin the sale value. Then I'm going straight for "Realms of Fantasy!" Woo, going for the big guys. Now if only real life would get out of my way and let me write.