This is a brief update on the worldbuilding exercise that various of us Hatrackers started up.
We are finally getting somewhere. We have 9 members so far, spread out from 'Texas to Tasmania'! (isn't there a song by that name?)
The greatest challenge was in setting up the forums to make sense to most people, and they are now set up as follows:
quote:Administrative Welcome, polls, discussions relating to how to move forward.
Resources A place for links to resources of all kinds to assist us: software, worldbuilding sites, articles, etc.
Codex Discussions A place to discuss the Codex we will create, but this is NOT the Codex itself.
Universe, Star System and Planetary Level Universe level topics. Basic physical constants, physics that allow wormholes, etc. A god exists, or doesn't. And so on. Solar system and aspects of the universe as viewed from this solar system. eg visible planets, stars, galaxies, comets. Planetary Level Topics Major features of the planet that affect all other aspects. Is is flat? Round? An oblate spheroid like Earth? Planetary tilt, orbits, moons, etc. Note: This is NOT the same as World level.
World and Environment Level World Level Topics Essentially all macro physical aspects of the world as seen from orbit. Continents, tectonics, oceans and oceanic currents. Deserts, major climatic zones, atmospherics. Environment Level Topics At this level we are working in specific environments. For example: - The temperate forests of the x continent - The north polar cap - shallow marine coral reef complex along the east side of the y continent
Sentients, Magic, Technology and Cultures Level Sentients Level Physical and emotional characteristics of sentient species, animal, plant, machine or otherwise, EXCEPT god level. Magic On the basics of what makes magic click in our world. Where does the power come from? Who suffers? Who doesn't? Is it god-based, whereby a cleric must ask for divine intervention? Is it the psionic manipulation of 'stuff'? Must we 'swish and flick'? This is where we set the basic rules and work out the mechanics. Keep in mind that the Universe level rules might affect the magical system, also. Technology Cultures Cultures that occupy this universe. Includes psycho-social features, religions, politics, etc.
Reference Characters and Timeline Level Reference character creation. Characters created here 1) never figure as central characters, 2) and are principally referred to, in stories. A god can be a reference character, or a famous historian, or a revered athletic figure, etc. Shared History Timeline Shared events in history, that will NOT be amended, added to, etc in stories. These may include physical events, cultural events, celestial events, etc. For example: - asteroid strike in year 2,000,000 BP - ice ages, etc.
There have been 299 posts in 24 topics!
We finally have the start of a world, although only 1 hemisphere is really started [see ], we are focusing on fantasy so far, although most of us also want to take a stab at a sci-fi world at some point. We are getting to the point where we will soon start writing drafts to the Codex (the sum of all agreed-to knowledge). We had a problem trying to come up with a world name, and have tabled that matter while we temporarily use "NĂ Saolta" (a translation from the Gaelic for "not of this earth", pronounced 'knee-sooltha' by some) until inspiration strikes. Uchiha Itachi is our temporary 'Master of the Codex', although we all have to keep cheat sheets on our monitors just to remember how to spell his name.
The most involved discussions have revolved around the creation of a magic system(s), probably followed by discussions on sentient races.
As always, you are invited to participate to whatever extent you wish. Send me an email asking for access, and after I provide it, go to and click on <Forums> at the bottom of the page. Just be sure to turn off the computer sound before doing so, if you are not alone or can be overheard.
Oh, mighty K D-W, if this post is not sufficiently pleasing to you, your most humble servant requests that you ditch it.