Yeah, I probably would. To a point. If I had to include graphic sex or something that makes a person reading it think that I as the author have loose morals, I would not. (I have had plenty of chances to compromise my own standards in the past. If I had taken those opportunities I don't think I could live with myself. Money is beside the point when it comes to that kind of thing.) If it is the type of changes that do not compromise my personal integrity, but only my artistic integrity, then for that kind of money I'd do it.
I write because that is who I am and I will always write whether I'm published or not, but I also do not pretend to be altruistic. I have dreams of being able to help support my family through my writing. If compromise is what it takes, again, assuming that the compromises are within the limits I already stated, then compromise is okay with me.
Especially because, according to your hypothetical situation, I would then be somewhat of a big name. Once I had name recognition, I would feel that I had more ability to write what I wanted to write. People buy anything written by Stephen King or Dean Koontz. They can be pretty uneven sometimes. I've read some of what Dean Koontz said about his early writing career, and to a certain extent he did just what you are talking about. In his case, it paid off, and now he has a lot more freedom to write what he wants.
It seems to me that you view some of those items as bad for a book. Now if they are put in in a bad way...yes, it can destroy the story. If they are worked into the story and just add more scenes to the original, and it is done well, would that be so horrid?
I guess my point is that sometimes what someone else might want isn't what we might want. So there is always the choice of refusing, and not being published. Or doing as they wish, but in a way that works with the story. I would think that if someone was not published, and by altering their story to get it on the shelves, that would be a start. I've read a couple books that had semi-sex situations, and they did not cheapen the story. Harlaquin style...well, that would kill it for me.
It is a choice, but if the money is there as well as the marketing, couldn't there be a way to make it more what they wanted while still holding on to the main story?
Realisticly, I would believe a good author could work in things that may not be within the main objective and still keep the story a good one.
If you were to go at changes knowing that once your are done the story will probably will.
That's a tough nut. I'm not sure if I could compromise my own identity for money. Nor am I sure I could compromise the story's identity, of which I, the author, am the sole keeper and custodian. As long as neither are compromised (adding sex and whatnot may, after all, not be an entirely bad thing), I would go for it straight away. What good is cook if no one will eat his food? What good is a story if no one wants to hear it? But to violate the story, to change its identity and twist into something else only so that it may sell? That's anothetr thing. I'm not to sure I could do that. But then again, neither am I sure I could resist. Posts: 27 | Registered: Apr 2005
Because the only possible reason for the scenario you present is that I'm a celebrity of some kind, and one not regarded as a competent writer within the industry. As God is my witness, should I become a celebrity for reasons other than my writing, I will not publish anything using a conventional publisher.
If there's something really important that I have to write a book about, I may self-publish or sponsor/endorse a book that I feel says the same things my book would have said (but better). But I will not be part of the whoredom of publishers making money off of celebrity publishing. I believe that it's wrong and demeans the entire industry, serving only to pump up the already inflated vanity of those that have already become famous for reasons totally unrelated to their writing abilities.
There are a variety of reasons that I would have cause to believe that I had become a celebrity. And this is one of them, if a major publisher will pay me beaucoup bucks for a book when they don't think I'm competent to write one.
when i first saw the question and was thinking about it i was certain i wouldn't do it, but i just couldn't quite figure out what it was, but here it is. My thoughts are the same as Survivors, which is certainly not any kind of altruism, it is just a different form of egotism.
This is a difficult hypothetical to answer both because it is so completely unrealistic and because it so completely depends. A beginning writer will not make a quarter mil advance no matter how good the book is...well, unless you're already a celebrity for a different reason writing a first book. I am not.
Plus, I don't have a problem with sex. I don't write it into my books because unless you're writing romance it seems to make it less marketable. I'm trying to think about my current project...a murder mystery in which there is no doubt that the hero and heroine will have sex shorly after the close of the book but I never describe it. If the publisher needed it spelled out then why not? I will simply have to mark the book as NC-17 (which I didn't write it for anyway).
So let's forget sex for a moment. I think I know why you picked it, because there is an assumption that "moral" people will not want to write about it because it goes against an ideal, a standard. (That we should all be chaste? <eg> ) I'd like to think I have standards, but I will write about sex. In fact, I have even written erotica and I found it quite enjoyable. (All right, to be honest I don't plan to sell it and I haven't shown it to anyone but my husband. )
Anyway, why don't we move on to the heart of the matter? The real thing you want to ask? You want to know, I assume, what we would do if a publisher offered us an advance and a contract that would launch our careers but expected certain changes from the book, perhaps even changes that go against a certain moral foundation, but definitely changes that cut into the heart of the book.
For me, that might be things like turning my main character into a 22-year-old hot little flirt instead of the 38-year-old mother getting over a divorce. Among other things, this would require an entire rewrite because it is a different character. Also, I have difficulty writing flirts. Finally, it undermines a couple of major themes.
I don't know....from what I've heard I still find this hard to believe. It seems to me that if a publisher wants such sweeping changes they wouldn't have contacted you about your book. They would buy another book. They get lots and lots of books. The way I understood it, there is room to compromise with a publisher of a novel, that you will be expected to make changes but that you can make them in you own way and you can even say no.
I'm sorry, I guess I'm still stuck on that unbelievability factor. Even when I cut the advance down to a reasonable rate it's still not something I expect will happen.
sure, it's hard to believe, for all the reasons the others have mentioned. plus, I don't believe any publishing company would look at something I wrote and think it was worth the time and energy to dumb it down and crap it up - if that's what they want, there are thousands of Dan Browns just dying for the chance to publish exactly what the publisher is looking for.
But if they wanted me to do that, sure, I'd trade that for a lifetime of security.
Now if you asked if I'd be willing to write like that for the rest of my life in exchange for that payoff? No. Or would I be willing to write like that for the hope of that kind of payoff? No. But trash one book? Sure.
Yeah, after thinking about this a little more I'm pretty sure that I'd make many changes to a book to sell it. Obviously, without the requested changes right in front of me it's hard to sweep the board with this answer, but basically, I'd do it. It's not me, it's just a book, and I think one of the problems that some authors has is the inability to separate themselves from their work. I had this problem until recently, and I think I know why.
I have a project....THE PROJECT....that I have been working on (off and on) for almost 17 years. It has grown with me, developing as and changing I learned to write. It is currently a planned (but not written) trilogy. THAT book is my baby. That is the one about which I make this mistake.
But I'm not making that my first sale. No matter what happens, I will sell something else first. If I have to write a dozen other books that take six months to a year and only suck a small portion of my soul, then I will do it before I sell my baby. The reason is simple: by the time I'm ready to sell that project it *will* be mine and no bones about it.
I felt like a yo-yo on this one. The money would be great, but in the end I decided that I just couldn't do it. I couldn't put my name onto something that I felt was trash. I wouldn't do that to myself or to my writing.
Besides, if that publisher thought it was good enough to consider if only I made a few changes, there's probably someone else out there who will think it's good enough to consider without those changes, or with ones that I feel comfortable with. So I'd know that I could get it published, as soon as I found the right publisher. Obviously, though, that one wasn't it.
[This message has been edited by Jaina (edited April 11, 2005).]
If the changes the publishers ask would turn your writing into second rate crap I would not do it. I would take the offer to my agent and have him present the book to several other houses. If they are willing to offer that money they know the book would sell WITHOUT the changes. And if one publisher would publish so would another. Especially if you offered to cut the advance down to 200k and not have the additions. I know of several writers who did this (although way less money about 10 to 20k advance) who just by letting their agents work protected their writing and were paid.
Why wouldn't I do it- because it would be a career suicide. Just think of the different authors you know who went the way of pandering and after a year or so of mediocre pop crap they are now nobodies.
I'm with Jaina and JBSkaggs. If this house is willing to pay that much money for a bastardized, pimped out version of the story, I'm sure I could find a market that would pay me close to that for the version I can live with. It might mean less of an advance, but if the book gets the marketing behind it, eventually the royalties would end up netting me the same profit anyways.
With a quarter mil. at stake I would definitely have an agent negotiate some things for me and might even go with that house at a lower advance if it means protecting my interests as a writer.
Also, at that level, I probably could get at least one or two other houses bidding for the story which could help get the house to back down on their demand for the particular revisions.
I'm going to clarify a couple of things here. First, as anyone that really knows me very well already understands, I'm not really easily swayed by monetary considerations that aren't measured in trillions of dollars. Even then, if somebody were offering me that kind of money to publish my book, I'd definitely run the other way.
Secondly, I don't care whether the changes are really offensive to me. They could be completely neutral changes like making my character Irish rather than Spanish or setting it in Seattle rather than Norfolk. The key point is that they want this hypothetical book that badly and don't want the one I've actually written at all. That tells me that they don't have my best interests at heart.
If we were talking about a modest but nice advance and inoffensive changes that didn't seem really necessary to me personally, then I'd be suspicious enough to ask elsewhere. But a quarter million and changes obviously designed to $#!*can my writing? No. Absolutely not. What kind of gullible moron would accept that?
And don't tell me that "newbies" are getting these kinds of advances in exchange for these kinds of consessions. It just isn't happening. Writers that have only broken out in the last couple of years may be "new" (as in "hot, fresh, new"), but they aren't newbies. And they're still fools if their whoring themselves at that point, even more so then the people that wonder if they'll ever be published at all.
Besides, JB is right. There are other publishers in the world.
So, ignoring practical mitigating factors and answering the asked question:
At first, I thought I wouldn't do it. However, I soon noticed that I would really REALLY love to wake up one morning and find myself faced with a quandry like I guess my answer would be yes, after all.
I've been lurking here for quite some time, but haven't gotten around to registering. Until now, that is. It seems to me that everyone is missing the easy answer here and it lured me out.
Faced with that situation, I'd give a hearty 'yes'... and publish under a pseudonym if I felt the the work ended up being well below what I would be comfortable having associated with my name. Financial reality tends to trump all else in the long run and a lot of authors bolster their income by works presented under other names.
I'd also have to accept the possibility that my original work may just not have been strong enough to stand as-is and move on to the next project. Of course, I like the above ideas of shopping the novel around first to see if it would sell as it stood at another house.
I wouldn't sell my personal integrity for an instant writing career (which is what I'd expect from such a huge contract), but I would sell my artistic integrity.
That is, I'd let my work be turned into pap (so I could later get people to read GOOD work), but not propaganda for evil.
In a way, this is what people who ghost write for celebrities do (without overtly compromising their identities, and without making as much money as Josh indicated would be part of the deal).
So maybe the question would be easier to answer if it involved a ghost writing opportunity.
Of course, as Survivor points out, only a celebrity would get a deal like that (and most of the money would go to the celebrity, not the ghost writer).
By the way, by amending the question to be a ghost writing opportunity, I mean that it would be changed to ask something along these lines:
Would you be willing to make the changes, and then let a celebrity name go on the results (so that it would sell as predicted), as long as you got a really good percentage (better than most ghost writers)?
For me, if someone thought my writing was good enough to be published...yes, I'd mutilate it to whatever was necessary. I would of course try and keep it good writing. I guess having a pretty good job and not being finanically burdened makes it easier to be less concerned with advances.
Ghost writing, hmmm, ok, if the money was good and I could at least use it as a reference...I could deal with that as well.
At the moment, publishing isn't a great concern. Although I would like to think my stories are good enough...I still have more things to learn.
I can relate to this concept very easily since I have over the past several years had to mutilate my programs to make clients happy. The hardest part was getting over the fact that as long as the result works, the details become less important. I'm getting paid, and I can still be proud of the overall success...if not all the details.
When it comes to money, and publishers, I think I would believe a major publisher would only ask for changes that would make the story better. It is the business they are in. Of course I could be wrong.
I'd be ok with certain levels of Flash and maybe even pop cultural nonsensical stuff, but sex... well... the two key characters in my present story are 11 and 12... if they asked for more sex, I'd find it to be my parental duty to cause them some serious problems...
Even with older characters, I don't think I could really add much sex... about what OSC got into in "Shadow Puppets" would be a fair estimate of what my limits would be... but frankly, I wouldn't really know for sure because there's never really been any sex in anything I've written before. I tend to be aimed more towards action...
Yea... I kinda figured that the money amount was intended as a Hypothetical generalization. My answer stands no matter what the possible income may be...
Posts: 183 | Registered: Jan 2005
If it's ghostwriting or something like that, then I'm okay with it. I still be suspicious, and I'd still assume that people who really cared would find out (including everyone that I cared whether or not they found out).
And I'm not calling anyone here a gullible moron unless a) this has already happened to you personally and b) you cheerfully accepted without misgivings. If a publisher makes any of you this kind of offer, and you don't feel any qualms and decide to accept, then feel free to post back here about it and I'll freely call you an idiot (I will try to make the "I told you so" as nice as possible after you discover the codicil, though).
I'll ask this, though. How many of you have gotten those emails from oh so desperate Africans looking for the assistance of a trustworthy American to help them move their enormous assets out of their variously destabilized economies. How many of you have actually bought into such a scheme? To be sensitive, I won't call you a gullible moron without first saying that I'm very sorry that something like that happened to you.
Anyway, my answer stands right on down the line, till we get to the land of standard advances for a new writer and ordinary copy editing changes. If someone's offering too much and asking too much in return, I get suspicious. Everyone should, there would be a lot less sorrow in the world if we were less willing to believe that there is such a thing as a lunch that costs you nothing but your dignity or integrity (okay, I'll believe in a lunch).
oh, there you go, thinking about the real world. Of course your points are completely valid for the real world. but I think the point of the hypothetical question was: would you sell out? for how much? and me, I am not a Precious Artist, and would sell out in a second for a lifetime of security. Do I think I'll ever be in a position to make that decision? hahahahaha no.
I'm somewhere between Survivor and Beth on this. If this scenario popped up in real life, I'd first get an agent and a lawyer and go over everything with a fine-tooth comb. A scenario like that is likely to be a scam of some sort, in real life.
In hypothetical land, where everything is exactly as presented, heck yeah I'd take the money. It's not like it's the only book I'll ever write. Sorry, if that's disillusioning for some, but I make my living selling my creative work as a designer and have had to make changes that I thought were awful. I have walked away from design gigs before, but only twice and it's usually some combo of the grief is not worth the money. I write because I love telling stories, I try to get published because I want to make money doing something I enjoy.
Well, if we're all in fairly land, you know what I'd do. I'd hold out for several trillion. Sure, we all have our price, mine is just higher than yours Posts: 8322 | Registered: Aug 1999
And I just gave you my "extreme" answer. I have a price, it's simply a lot higher than a quarter million dollars.
Look, I don't know what I said to get you all offended. I said that anyone that would unquestioningly accept a deal like that was a gullible moron. But I could just as easily have gotten on a moral high horse about how you were an immoral whoreson for even asking the question.
Oh...wait, I get it. You wanted to start an argument over whether or not "selling out" was immoral. Duh! And you're all upset because you don't get to pose as being all cool and rational for being willing to sell yourself cheaply. It's like that story, "we've already established what you are, now we're just haggling over the price."
I hate for this to be my first post on these forums, but I feel I have no choice. Joshua is a friend of mine and someone I've worked with, so maybe I am biased. However after reading this thread and a few others, it appears that while Joshua could have chosen not to respond at all, which may have been the better course, he was clearly provoked. We all have our limits and I can see how Survivors posts could push someone beyond. Joshua is not given to such outbursts, nor am I, but in this case I understand his reaction.
“But I could just as easily have gotten on a moral high horse about how you were an immoral whoreson for even asking the question.” -Does anyone really believe this was not meant to insult?
“And you're all upset because you don't get to pose as being all cool and rational for being willing to sell yourself cheaply. It's like that story, "we've already established what you are, now we're just haggling over the price."
These are just from the one response. They seem quite brutal enough to warrent anger from anyone. Now that I've talked Joshua down from the belltower - as he has done for me once or twice - I am ending my involvement with this subject. Back to the peace of just watching.
I've read most of the posts here. I hope I'm not being redundant. But I've not seen anyone bring up this point yet:
If I sell my soul just to get published, what would be expected of me in the future? My reader base would expect more of the same and would be disappointed when I published my next, loftier novel. My publisher, having once manipulated me, would expect to be able to do so again, and again, and again. Other publishers, who would (if they are worth their salt) decide whether to publish me based on my previous work, would also expect the same of me.
No. I don't think I'd do it.
Maybe, as has been suggested, as a ghost writer or under a pseudonym. Just for the money.
But really, where does that get you? You'd still be judged by your previous work when you seek out another publishing opportunity. The interview goes like this:
"Yeah, I wrote "Heart Torn in Two" under a pen name," you say. "Oh! That sold quite well, didn't it?" the publisher/editor says. "Well, yes. But I was really hoping to be able to publish something quite different..." "I see. And what did you have in mind?" "I've been sitting on this manuscript for a couple of years. It's about a man who is beaten down by life. He finds some thread of strength deep within his soul..." "So, it's nothing like "Heart Torn in Two?"" "No. Not really." "Hmm. Well, Mr. Leone. I'll have to talk this over with my partners. Why don't you call back in a month or so."
I think I got them all. Here's the scoop for any one who may be a bit confused about all my erased posts.
It comes down to this. I screwed up. I let myself get personal and cruel and no matter what my reasons were, or how justified I may have felt at the time, there was no excuse for it. I was going to just leave it at an appology for dragging the rest of you into what had become a personal issue with another poster, but I just could not leave my post up. It bothered me too much that I had lost it like that. That is not like me normally, it was entirely wrong of me, and I am sorry to everyone who saw it. I hope this thread will be deleted, but if it is not, I understand that as well.
We all have our bad days.... don't worry about it. For me, I offend on daily basis without intending it. Meantime, as consolation, I encourage you to join my club, Josh. You can be a registered offendee with special status. Posts: 1520 | Registered: Jun 2004
If it were a real situation, I would not only turn it down, I would mark it as a potential scam.
But if the question is whether or not I would sell out, my answer is "no". I was going to explain why, but then I saw Dakota had already done a fine job for me. Thanks, Dakota.
I should apologize too, but you all know me too well. I'm just impersonally cruel. I used to struggle with it, but at this point in my life I'm willing to accept it.
Anyway, back to the topic, I think that my answer for "ghostwriting" should probably be clarified a bit. If I'm doing something that is going to be presented as being representative of another entity, then it's not my business to get all fartsy about my "art". Of course, I have to deal with the repercussions of being associated with the project in question, so I wouldn't ghost-write for Nazis or anything like that. If somebody asks me to paint a house and I ask what color to paint it and the customer chooses forest green with imperial red trim, it's not my place to insist that it should be egg white with colonial blue trim when it's not my house.
And I don't disbelieve in doing work for money. It's true that I don't usually need money, and I work mainly for other considerations most of the time, but I'm a big proponent of money as a means of regularizing economic exchange, and I don't make any artificial distinction between goods and services.
That isn't "selling out", it's just selling. The difference is that you aren't selling something that is an integral part of yourself the way a kidney or lung isn't. You can take one of those, put them in someone else, and it doesn't depend on you (nor you on it) anymore. There are bits of us that are somewhat less interchangable than that. Which bits tends to vary somewhat from person to person. I'd sell out on being a writer for enough money, just like I'd give up being a writer if there were no such things as keyboards. With a few trillion dollars, I could go and do something else which I'd find personally fulfilling and all.
I think the question of whether you'd prostitute yourself and your writing and for how much has been discussed.
I have to confess that I tend to dislike such topics, mainly because I would rather not spend forum space on topics that encourage people to think about how low they will go. I'd prefer discussions on how they can grow and reach and climb as high as they can.
So I'd like to turn this discussion into something that Dakota touched on, and that has come up recently in other topics: can you avoid painting yourself into a writing corner? However, I will do that by closing this topic and starting another one.