Okay, you all seem to like Rupert. Here's your chance to ask questions of him! I don't know, maybe this could be the new Strongbad.
Posts: 71 | Registered: Apr 2005
Jaina asks: All right, Rupert, where in HADES did you learn to swordfight with a butcher knife?
Rupert's reply (I must type for him, the flippers and all):
"Well Jaina, if you knew ANYTHING about the fine art of Penguin Fencing, you would know that the "butcher knife" is really an amazingly well crafted, perfectly balanced weapon of mass-fowl-destruction. I was taught the art by the illustrious Pen-do-Ken, the highest master of the art; under his guidance I learned how to kill in a myriad of ways, some of which you may be experiencing if I discover any further impertinence! Good day!"
Well, Rupert since you've already explained exactly what a lovely knife you're wielding, where does your magic lantern come from? And pray do tell why is it magic?
*Hides so she doesn't find out personally and waits for answer*
Elylith asks: "Well, Rupert since you've already explained exactly what a lovely knife you're wielding, where does your magic lantern come from? And pray do tell why is it magic?"
I unfortunately must admit that my magic lantern is a sham. It lights my way and no more.
HSO Asks: Does Rupert explode if he sits on a television set? You know: 'There's a penguin on the telly!'
And does he explode if he's thrown, like the penguins in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness?
These are the burning quesons... "
I must admit I am terribly miffed and offended by your question HSO. Not only must I suffer the degredation of speaking through my dear friend Kazander, due to the sorely lacking technology in flipper friendly keyboard ergonomics, I must be addressed though him, as though I could not read! You do not need to ask Kazander if I explode if I sit on the telly, you could ask me yourself thank you very much. Maybe someone with such POV problems should not be judging others, hmm? The real burning question is whether I explode when provoked by such infuriating stupidity, and the answer is YES!! Now begone before I unleash the terrible wrath of my magic lantern!!! Err, scratch that, but there will be a reckoning, oh yes, a reckoning indeed.
Apparently, somebody has not read the previous posts (Keeley) or is exceedingly thick-skulled. I would ask that in the future I be referred to directly (in the second person) rather than in the third person. I say Kaz, these writers cannot even inflect. There is no inflection whatsoever! Kazander, what say you? (No comments from the typist). Oh blast and bother, no help from this chap. Blah blah blah! I'm a stupid penguin! Oh very funny you sod! Oh how mature! Just because I am physically incapable of typing does not mean I should be exposed to such textual abuse. Moving along to Keeley's misworded question:
Is Rupert related to the penguin in "The Wrong Trousers"? And, if so, does he share his relative's love of light, happy music?
Do I seem like the lover of light happy music? DO I REALLY? If so, I think I must CRACK SOME SKULLS to repair my reputation. No no, not you Kaz. NO, don't type that! Stop it. Stop it! Oh dear, enough of this, I'm off for a drink and a mackerel.
Rupert, I suggest toning it down or you're going to offend every poster on the board, and then Kazander won't be too keen to type for you anymore because they'll all be upset with him, and then you will lose your form of communication with us, which would be sad, since I, for one, feel that I have benefited greatly from your nuggets of penguin wisdom.
*cowers under Jerry the Teddy Bear for protection from Rupert's awesome wrath*
Rupert, if you were being stalked by two idiots who for some reason are extreamly lucky what would be the best way to make them explode?
-From a Cousin(Who is working through one of those idiots, No Pyre don't think about what you are typingifdhjfopi harughsxgfivhfnvh u9xogjgh c, tgyhsamnkj yuioui.)
Hmmph!! Rupert hasn't answered *my* question yet! Ignored by a penguin... Will I ever live it down?!?
What say you, Rupert? Just who IS Kazander42?? Your creator and god? Your friend and companion? Your slave? Perhaps but one of your multiple personalities? (Can we get your psychiatrist's statement on that last one?)
*ducks and runs lest Rupert's anger manifests itself physically against her!
quote: What say you, Rupert? Just who IS Kazander42?? Your creator and god? Your friend and companion? Your slave? Perhaps but one of your multiple personalities? (Can we get your psychiatrist's statement on that last one?)
I (Kaz) will field this question actually. I am simply a regular person, who happens to have a penguin. He is a rather loud and obnoxious one, and demaned first that I write a story regarding him, and then that I write this infernal topic. I say, I don't believe that Mr. Popper had such attitude problems with his troupe! And the little bugger has been hinting towards a spin off novel, where his ill gotten dragon gains help him to become *gasp* King Rupert! Ooh, here he comes, gotta slide!
And may I add that any chances for me to answer questions as Rupert allow me to further hone his character for use in my story, so in essence you are helping me revise my story. And hopefully it is fun for you! Just a thought.
[This message has been edited by Kazander42 (edited April 25, 2005).]