It has taken me this long to figure out what my goals are.
1. Outline at least half of my fairy novel. 2. Revise and submit at least one short story or flash. 3. Participate in the Liberty Hall flash challenges. 4. Participate in at least one Notebored challenge. 5. Critique at least one story per week (not counting challenge critiques).
[This message has been edited by MCameron (edited July 08, 2005).]
Give Rique a stern talking to, then get him in shape to send. And find my next project. Exersize. Get organized on my real project. Posts: 1895 | Registered: Mar 2004
Just thought I'd give this a bump. We're just past the halfway mark, so how's everyone doing?
So far I've managed to get one of my flashes critiqued, now I just have to get it ready to go. I'll probably also submit it to a little challenge over at NoteBored.
I thought I would re-work one of my Re-write Challenge pieces, but the story I was thinking of doing is more of a juvenille story and most juvenille markets I've found want flash-fiction. Unless I can cut it in half (which isn't really feasible) I probably won't find a market. So I'm going to leave off on that one.
I still need to participate in a flash challenge this month, so I better get cracking.
And fortunately/unfortunately I don't have any rejected stories to re-send...yet. However, I have several that should be receiving responses by the end of August, so I can always carry that one forward to next month.
[This message has been edited by Robyn_Hood (edited July 18, 2005).]
Yeah, but unfortunately, I want to live in a small house, fix people's hands for a living, and leave only children, books, and fond memories for posterity.
Not the part about being screwed, but about living in a small house. Well at least if that small house is in a small town.
I don't know how it is down in your neck of the woods, but in Alberta there is a real shortage of doctors who want to work in rural communitees and towns. My understanding is the government was looking for ways to offer in incentives for doctors to work in small towns. If that is your goal, that is something to write about.
I figured I would bring this thread back to the top to say:
1. To get either the first chapter or at least one other chapter completed on the 1st person book (as yet unnamed)
Done! August 2, 2005 9:56pm! To specify, I finaly wrapped up that nagging prologue! Word count: 511 Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 5.50 Flesch Reading Ease Score: 78.42
Now I can start on chapter 1. Of course that won't be until tomorrow, because it's 4 min to bedtime. Silly 8-6 job stuff... grumble... grumble...
[This message has been edited by JmariC (edited August 02, 2005).]
Jeraliey, I've worked in advertising for about 30 years, and I've lost count of the people I've interviewed who can't answer the basic question of "what is it that you do and why do you do it?" I've learned some techniques for extracting information out of folks.
Two things are important: 1) Do NOT allow yourself to go into Editor mode while writing. 2) Don't talk about your job, talk about your PASSION. Why do hands fascinate you? What experience do you want your patients to walk away with? What excites you most about this field?
Try an experiment: sit down and just type. Don't edit. Don't worry about how this will fit into your final writing. Type the half-sentences, bits and pieces, clumpy thoughts, ephemeral phrases; don't let the editor fuss with it til the next day, or maybe even the day after that. If you can keep your inner-editor at bay, you'll be surprised at how much useful stuff you can come up with. You can edit into intelligent sentences later. The trick is to capture the feeling, the passion of your work.
Whether it's for a school/work essay or an advertising campaign, it's difficult for folks to talk enthusiastically about themselves and their motives. You aren't alone!
JmariC, That's great! Glad to see you made that one. Getting started is one of the hardest things to do at times.
quote:By the end of July, I will...
- revise, rewrite or otherwise re-work one of my flash challenge stories
- submit said rewrite to a market
I started this process but haven't actually finished the re-write...perhaps this week . I've also put all submissions on hold until September unless they are on-line subs.
quote:- revise, rewrite or otherwise re-work one of my re-write challenge stories
- submit said re-write to a market
I thought I had a potential market for my Pied Piper re-write, but the word count just won't work.
quote:- research new markets and quickly re-submit any rejected stories
While I have been looking into potential markets, I have put submissions on hold for the next month or so. I am planning to move and wouldn't want to miss getting a rejection .
quote:- participate in at least two flash challenges
Sort of...I critiqued stories a few weeks ago and wrote one a couple of weeks ago, so that sort of works out.
Posts: 1473 | Registered: Jul 2004