I had really gotten into spending some time everyday writing for a couple of weeks. Apparently, though, I pushed something else important to the side. Basically, it came back to bite me in the butt. Now I feel guilty setting aside time for writing. I guess I'll try to quit for a while. Except I don't want to. Maybe I should have some specific times of the week that I write.
Posts: 334 | Registered: Sep 2003
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I have the same problem. I write in sort of an "all or nothing" mode. Right now it's "nothing" as my real-life has been filled with too much to do and not enough time to do it in.
It's a matter of priorities. Right now my priority is to get a freelance graphic design job out the door so I can eat and pay my mortgage. Hopefully, soon, I can ease back and give that time slot of 5:30-8:30AM back to writing.
I have a great system now. I have a friend that I email with what I write each day. He doesn't read it -- well, maybe he does, but that's not the agreement. It's just that if I don't produce the text, somebody else knows it.
Posts: 2830 | Registered: Dec 2004
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Oh, on a good day when I don't have other conflicts, I can easily write from 6-6:30AM to about 1PM.
Early morning before noon is when I'm mentally most alert and my synapses are all firing the same direction. By mid-late afternoon I go into an energy slump and need to nap. By evening my eyes are going buggy at the computer and after about 6:30PM my brain shuts down. By 9PM I'm only good for solitare and mahjongg.
I've never really bought the "writers write every day" approach (although it works for many people). I have a more than full time job, kids, and a farm to run (yes, that is different from the job). When I get to write varies greatly. Depending on what else is going on in my life, sometimes I write every day and sometimes months will go by before I can get back to putting the story down on paper (or a computer screen as the case may be). I found that I get alot of writing done waiting for my case to be called by the judge.
To prioritize writing, I let something else fall further down the list. It's all about finding balance with the stuff you have to do to survive, the stuff you have to do for others, and the stuff you want to do. I also am highly sleep deprived since I don't generally get to write until about 11 pm.
If there are people around you who are feeling short changed, talk to them about what you need and what you can agree on so tht they don't feel ignored. If writing at a given time works for you, go with it. I'm not sure I could write on a schedule (i.e. it's 3pm, I have an hour to write. Okay, brain let's be creative!) but many people do.
Yeah, it's kind of a matter of what I devote my "quality time" to. Quality time for me tends to be earlier in the morning or else late at night, though not usually on the same days.
Posts: 334 | Registered: Sep 2003
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I don’t know that there is a “balance” to anything. If my garden looks great it’s because my house is a wreck, if my house is clean my grass is two feet tall, and if I’ve had a productive week writing both my garden and house have fallen apart. Right now my house is immaculate, my gardens are tidy, and this is the most I’ve written in a week. Then again maybe that is my balance? Maybe I balance using the “big picture”.
Posts: 58 | Registered: May 2006
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We have a family reunion this weekend at our house this weekend (if someone can explain why I agreed to host, stop me from agreeing again!). So a horse farm is, well, not the most manicured of places. I've spent since April planting flower beds and gardens. I made the decision not to worry about how trash the house became as a result. I planned on pushing the outside stuff to the back burner for the last two weekends and cleaning the house.
T -4 days and counting, all the beds have flowers or veggies growing, we mostly have a lawn, the barn's been repainted, and about 1/2 the house is cleaned. What I haven't done is write any significant amount or horse back ride. Once this weekend is over, I can redirect the time again.
Whether you call it balance or prioritization, you have to make choices. If something is important to you, you will find the time somewhere.