I am running even later than normal. This note is a place to brag about your accomplishments, cry about your failures, and otherwise tell about what is going on in your writing, or your life.
I list most weeks what writing can be. In essence, if you have to ask if it is writing, the answer is yes.
As for me, I have had to work late every day this past week to get some really rushed work out. Having to do other things around the house once I got home late, has left no time for writing. I was lucky to get my 160 words written. I did rewrite a scene or two, but still. I am running late tonight because I worked late again tonight. the next two weeks WON'T be heavy overtime. I will love to be able to do stuff around the house and spend more time writing, but it won't look as good on the paycheck. This past week was paycheck time....
I did well on the story ideas. for last month, I actually posted 33 story ideas for a 31 day month. A couple of the very last ideas were half a page at most. I created 37 pages and 22495 words of total drivel. Hopefully someone will see something that will urge them to create a published story, or a novel and the ideas not go to waste. I don't have time today to do a count of the compost pile. I dug into them, but added to them too.
Despite last week being year-end at work and therefor crazy, I did write, and rather a lot. I am, as previously mentioned, in the middle of doing a NaNo for the final book in my Mirrors of Bershan trilogy, currently titled The Nine. I put in 23,530 this past week on that, giving me a current total of 45,525 words. Must keep going, still quite a bit of story to write. I'm going to miss these guys when I'm done...
I've also gotten all of the feedback from this round of test readers for the first book in the trilogy, Bound, and have been mulling and making notes for working on that when I finish The Nine (a good two or three weeks away, but preparation is good).
I had another new idea for a story this morning.
And a few blog posts. Actually, one of the blog posts this weekend involved the Lucky 7 meme that's currently floating around, so I posted an excerpt from Bound. That was fun, makes me want to do it again sometime.
Yes, I did. Mostly final revisions on FIRE AND EARTH (formerly known as SEVEN STARS). Also worked on the synopsis. Hoping to start querying this week.
I actually did, for once. Only 400 words and I have to do a bunch of other things before I get back to it, but I'm on top of the world right now.
Posts: 91 | Registered: Oct 2011
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Yes I did. 4th week in a row with major success. Didnt quite make up the 1,000 short from last week, but knew it would be tough as I only wrote 6 days. But yeah, I did.
Posts: 1168 | Registered: Mar 2008
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Finished outlining my next novel. No actual writing though. This week I am on holiday, so no writing other than a bit of blogging maybe.
Posts: 778 | Registered: Aug 2010
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I resumed writing on Wednesday...on Sunday, I managed to bring the first draft of my fanfic to a conclusion.
Now for revision---which, mercifully, doesn't have the same intensity as my regular work. No retyping and rewriting as I go; I just paste it in a new file and fiddle with it till I'm satisfied. A very casual procedure.
I'm undecided about which method of rewriting is better...
Posts: 8809 | Registered: Aug 2005
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Just five minutes ago, I finished cutting the nonsense and junk out of *The Keystone*, taking it down from 157K words to 104K almost on the dot. I started in August, and at last I have a presentable rough draft.
Now the question is whether it's any good.
Posts: 1459 | Registered: Dec 2010
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Well, since "rstegman" wasn't around this week to put a new one up, I might as well post here---though he did get the date wrong, I'm just noticing.
I did some minor revision work on my fanfic---involving posting it in a new file and fiddling with it here and there. That kind of revision usually runs slow, but it seemed to take off considerable this morning, getting through about a third of it.
It's a long way from being finished, though---I've got a lot of work on the rest of it, including finding a decent title for it---and, don't worry, once I do finish it and send it off, you'll hear no more from me about it here.
Posts: 8809 | Registered: Aug 2005
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Nope, not a word (ok 500 words ). I was on holiday and am now struggling to get going again as I have so much work to catch up on. And the veg patch beckons.
Posts: 778 | Registered: Aug 2010
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Well, I did revision work on my fanfic last week, every day but Monday---but it's not in the same league as even my usual five hundred words a day. A couple of times, it was only a couple of sentences here and there.
It's not even in the league of the revisions I've done lately on my original stories. Them I print out, then retype from beginning to end. This thing, I'm trying to duplicate the circumstances under which I used to write, which didn't involve that sort of intense revisionism.
I've got a fair amount of work to do---among other things, I have to come up with a decent title---and, once it's done, I'll send it out, though I don't know who's still actively putting up new stuff in that field these days...
Posts: 8809 | Registered: Aug 2005
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I guess after two weeks, I'll just post here too. I hope he's okay.
I finished the final book in my Mirrors trilogy, The Nine. I think It was about 40-45k that I wrote in those two weeks, but in any case, the final MS is almost 93k, so apparently I still have my writing brevity firmly in place.
That got finished on friday, so I spent the rest of the weekend working on another editing pass for the first book, Bound, doing some tinkering/adding based on some feedback I received from my test readers as I started The Nine.
I also did a bunch of blog posts, and had a few ideas jump me. I think one was trying to mug me, but she's decided to settle for having her story told. Crazy ideas, I'm telling you.
In the last ten days, I've written about 40,000 words for my latest novel and have tried three different stories for WotF with no luck. One of the ideas could spawn a novel.
Posts: 1608 | Registered: Feb 2009
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Started and stopped one story at work, revised another story--got a better than usual comment by one person Finished revising another story and it too got a better than usual comment.
I Wrote in Stone Within which might be changed to another title. revised a couple of chapters in Two Struggles which was retitled already. Broke out of that roadblock in chapter two. But found out I hadn't finished revising chapter one like I thought.
Posts here, e-mails there, a letter to the editor they didn't print.
Well, I finished my fanfic---which is to say I decided today to make one last bunch of minor fiddlings with it, then abandon it and ship it off---which I did, about twenty minutes ago, and unless something remarkable happens with it, you'll hear no more about that one from me.
I don't plan to do any more writing in the next couple of weeks---my impending vacation starts in a week and I'm preparing to go away. Usually I'm too busy to write, and, besides, right now, I don't have any ideas...well, maybe one. Either way, things usually shut down for me before I leave, and sometimes stay that way after I get back.
Aside from that, I got two stories back from market, the only two stories I had out at the moment, and on the same day, yet. I plan to package them up and send them out again, sometime in the next week before I go away.
Posts: 8809 | Registered: Aug 2005
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Wrote another 30,000 words on my novel. About ten to go and it goes into (HORRORS!!!!) edit mode.
Posts: 1608 | Registered: Feb 2009
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