We do this for each genre on another site I frequent, so I thought a sci-fi/horror/fantasy would do nicely here. Here's the rules:
1) Each post must include an entry.
2) You must be able to hook your reader and have them identify the genre from the first sentence.
3) No unnecessary run-on sentences.
4) You can use vulgarity, as long it's self-censored: @$$hole, f***, sh!t, etc.
Entry: I shouldn't have eaten the chili from that wheelworld freightliner-stop, it always gives me the anti-matter squirts, but this trip it gave me a parasite.
Gazing out across an invasion force of venomous monster rabbits, Chuck said, "Rabbits...why'd it have to be rabbits?"
[This message has been edited by InarticulateBabbler (edited April 20, 2009).]
"I do so love a challenge," Master Sciomancer Albert Higgens said, thumping a large and rather dusty folio volume down on top of his desk.
Posts: 715 | Registered: Nov 2007
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I only teleport out of necessity, because everytime I do my skin always feels like it's on fire. Posts: 3687 | Registered: Jan 2007
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The child looked like he was just drawing pictures in the dust on my truck, until I saw the tires through a smiley face in the quarter panel. Posts: 3687 | Registered: Jan 2007
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Humans always assumed anyone not of earth must be a genius; it never occured to them that Vorg crash-landed because she was too busy gerping with the frazping map and hit a solpuffing satellite.
Posts: 3687 | Registered: Jan 2007
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I looked up in awe at the ruined Temple of Golden Arches, and knew my dream spoke true when the God of Potatoes demanded another sacrifice.
Posts: 3687 | Registered: Jan 2007
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I felt like a turd being squeezed out of the space-time continuum and decided, right then and there, that I would build a transport and ride inside the turd.
Posts: 3687 | Registered: Jan 2007
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As Reiger passed through the sector field, the billboard he feared most floated in front of him: No rest stops for 4,000 par-secs. Posts: 3687 | Registered: Jan 2007
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Reginald suspected his evening had taken a turn for the worse when he arrived home from work to find Vincent Van Gogh sitting on his couch, wearing a bright orange life vest and eating a falafel. Posts: 159 | Registered: Feb 2008
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"That," Walks With a Limp said calmly, slipping his Claws down into a ready grip, "is a kalthan."
Posts: 620 | Registered: Mar 2009
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My last thought as a living, breathing, person had been an increduluous reasoning that the cold steel of the knife against my throat felt eerily like Hans, my barber, starting his first swipe with the razor-- except this went strides beyond what could be considered "a close shave."
Posts: 303 | Registered: Oct 2007
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Binkie knew the minute he cut through his tether and started to drift from the ship, that he made a rookie EVA mistake.
Posts: 1608 | Registered: Feb 2009
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Lord Graffilio, heartbroken by the death of Jovella, jumped from the precipice before realizing it was Jovella's voice yelling at him to stop.
Posts: 1608 | Registered: Feb 2009
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Punkwhistle took the arm he had ripped out of his victim and squeezed the extra blood out... he liked his body parts slightly dry.
Posts: 1608 | Registered: Feb 2009
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Senance laughed as her one year old jumped, fluttered her wings, and half fell, half floated onto the grass.
Posts: 968 | Registered: Jul 2008
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I looked out of the window of the school bus and saw a castle floating in the air where my house should be.
Posts: 1608 | Registered: Feb 2009
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I could recognize my own body, bleeding on the wet concrete as I was being drawn up, away from the scene of the accident.
Posts: 1608 | Registered: Feb 2009
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The first time I realized I could glean information from a corpse was in 6th grade, when Rudy Price beat me beat me up and stuffed my face into a dead woodchuck. Posts: 3687 | Registered: Jan 2007
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After hours in my father's occult library, the book he died reading open on the table before me, I found the common thread to all religions was demons. Posts: 3687 | Registered: Jan 2007
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For the first time, Diego noticed that everyone was starting at him, and he wondered if it was because no one else had wings.
Posts: 50 | Registered: Apr 2009
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Feet first, Darren rammed his legs against the airlocke, and tried to hold in his breath. He had thirty, or so, seconds before the darkness surrounded him, and Darren well knew what would happen then.
The Volure's would come to feast. Go, he thought, pressing again at the airlock bar. The lungs ached in his chest and he could hear scratching on the holo door. They were coming. His vision felt grainy, and he expelled his breath and floated on his back to face the monsters.
There was no way was he going to survive this. Again.
Sorry, I know this is more than one line. I just wrote the first line, and then had to continue. That's all I got. ~Sheena
Thundering hoofs of the devil horse pounded the forest floor, stopping where my friends and I had taken refuge. Posts: 1608 | Registered: Feb 2009
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My first thought: dream, then I realized I was truly brought spelled and naked to the Wizard's Council not knowing what in hell I had done.
Posts: 1608 | Registered: Feb 2009
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Weighing in at close to 400 pounds, Maria was not on the list of people you would expect to save the world.
Posts: 938 | Registered: May 2008
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Lane picked the largest rock she could see and threw it at the head of the blind woman; the witch deserved it.
Posts: 968 | Registered: Jul 2008
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Now remind me, just exactly how do I shake hands with an alien that looks like a beachball and floats five feet above my head?
Posts: 1608 | Registered: Feb 2009
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After standing placidly in the Henderson's front yard for the past 200 years, the mighty oak tree decided this morning the right time had finally come. Posts: 159 | Registered: Feb 2008
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Marcia flipped on the kitchen radio, but instead of the seven o'clock news, she heard a voice repeating "attention all planets of the solar federation -- we have assumed control."