Prophesies...hmph!I suppose an oracle somewhere has forseen this very conversation!Our Dark Lady has seen my demise. I can sense she is witholding this to serve her own purposes. Yes, even the mighty Krevlain, the osteomancer is a puppet. Yet I know, as she does that while the past is certain, the future is fluid as the blood which spills from every living thing. It can be shaped.
"Beware the Nimble hand and the snake!" she warns. Beware the osteomancer, Nericima, my lady. I will chew their bones and draw from them the power I need to destroy you. And I shall be a puppet no more.
But yes, The boy does interest me deeply. A child hero--a prophet-- such a heart moving notion. But, he is the child of one familiar to me. I wear what is left of his skeleton around my neck. Its--his power has served me well. If this child has even a fraction of the magic as his Sire, well what a trophy that would be.
I will visit the blind man and see for myself your prophesy. Take me for a fool, mistress and it could be your end.
[This message has been edited by Bent Tree (edited November 26, 2008).]