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Author Topic: Things that rationally annoy you
Member # 3833

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Belle, would you and your turned-in feet like to dance with me and my turned-in legs?
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Member # 6030

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People who say "that's a whole nuther thing"...


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Member # 2935

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Why is that so hard to equalize?
Actually, SW, I think they do it that way on purpose. They don't want you to miss their ads.

People who insist on using y'all, and then spell it ya'll. Makes no sense, I say.

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Member # 6030

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Howdy ya'll!

[Big Grin]

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Member # 2002

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Belle!! Yay! It's so nice to see you post!

I know Rayne won't remember a thing of this, and it's my hope that the experience will make her more indomitable (a wish I have no doubt I will suffer for as she gets older, but better a daughter with a will of her own than one with no will at all). She has definitely gained some serious "I can do it"ness.

For my rational annoyance of the moment: people who think that just because you didn't do exactly what they expect, it must mean you're mad at them. Sometimes we're just busy, or thinking of something else.

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Member # 2026

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BELLLLLLE!! [Wave] [Wave] [Wave]

*tackle hugs*

[Party] [Group Hug]

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Member # 5003

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[Wave] Sweet William [Wave]
now a thread will wander or derail from time to time. But from "rational annoyance" to luvfest is a little weird.

I am rationally annoyed by people who post in threads manifestly not for them. Like tom in that girl's room thread. Or all the arbitrary parameter threads. Now there's a singles thread. Of course, I've been making quite a pest of myself in the ROTK threads.

"But when I do it, it's cute"

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Member # 5818

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People who don't have any concept that other people in the world would like to move through the doorway/narrow hallway/turnstile/stairwell they've decided to stop in.

I had someone stop right at the bottom of the escalator in an airport once! [Embarrassed]


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Member # 586

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That was me. My bad.
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Member # 5832

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Coccinelle, many "daycare" teachers also have degrees. In early childhood development. And if they haven't yet earned their degree, they do have to have a certain number of credit hours completed.
I know many hard working, wonderful people that I went to college with who now work in as early childhood preK/ pre-school teachers and they really are teachers- I don't discount that- they are wonderful people and do an incredible job.

Please allow me to clarify my annoyance- it stems from one person in particular, who has only a high school diploma, and introduces herself as a "teacher." She works as an aide in a day care- it's a day care, not a school. What really annoys me is that she gets discounts for teachers on her housing, meals, office supplies, and other such things that are for teachers.

Jeniwren- I am so happy for your daughter that she is making progress!

[ December 18, 2003, 08:22 AM: Message edited by: Coccinelle ]

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Javert Hugo
Member # 3980

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Consultants who, KNOWING the proper way to write a manual, decide to write a screen by screen description of the program rather than a task-based manual.

So, if a user wants to do something, they have to thumb through the manual looking for a screen that looks familiar, rather than going to the page that tells them how to do something.

The screen description is much easier to write. It's also lazy, unhelpful, and arrogant. Programmers, your program is not so beautiful that users want a blow by blow description. It's a tool, dang it, and if they have to learn elvish to use it, it's a useless tool!

The task-based manual is hard to write, but it's actually useful.

And the consultant KNEW this. He kept saying the manual was for the help desk and may be "too technical" for end users. It's not "too technical", it's USELESS!!!! I get to "tweak it" for end users.

I'm not tweaking it, I'm rewriting it! And it has to be done by noon tomorrow. [Frown] And I have tickets for LOTR tonight, and I don't have time to do this. [Frown]

[ December 18, 2003, 05:27 PM: Message edited by: Javert Hugo ]

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Member # 350

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Craving Papa John's in full knowledge that even if someone were to mail you a pizza it would arrive all cold and gross...and probably green... [Mad]

People who don't lift a dainty finger to help complaining that the Christmas party decorations are lame. ("Man, that place is so pathetic! The walls are all, like, white. I thought we'd at least have some garland or something, it's gonna look retarded." Yes, we have white walls. What did you propose to hang on them? And with what? Why don't you find some nicer decorations? Oh - couldn't find garland? Imagine.) [Razz] I'm just going to assume he didn't know I was the one in charge of decorating. [Smile] (I mean honestly, everyone ELSE thought it was nice, and it was more than we've ever decorated before - *grumble*) [Big Grin]

People - er, same person as above - who refuse to take initiative in planning or executing anything. Not like I'm great at this, being fairly shy-violet and having run out of new ideas (uh, let's go to a movie) but planning activities is part of our JOB. It's a significant part of what we're here for. Last Wednesday I told A (my coworker who thinks my decorating was lame [Mad] ) that I wasn't planning a weekend activity but he should feel free to come up with something and I'd support it. A: "Well, I usually wait for you to announce something." I know. *sigh*

Arbitrary time limits. (Though for anyone interested, I think mine's going to be lifted within the next month...) *dances*

Stupid people.

Rude people.

People. [Big Grin]

additional edit: Not to imply that I have a huge problem with my coworker. He's a great guy. I was just thinking about those two things tonight and this thread was sitting here just begging to be posted on... *grin* (and no. we didn't have an activity last weekend.) [Smile]

[ December 18, 2003, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: Lissande ]

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The Rabbit
Member # 671

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Car drivers who drive in your blind spot for miles. This morning on my way to the hospital there was this guy following along in the left lane right of my bumper. I signaled to move over and then sped up to get further in front of him. He sped up to cut me off. Then I slowed down to let him pass and he slowed down to cut me off. Finally, I just forced my way in and honked at me. [Grumble]

Service desks that tell you they aren't authorized to provide any services.

Students who complain that 90% is only an A- and not an A.

Science journalists and reporters who not only get the science wrong but get it stupidly wrong.

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Member # 2145

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People who say "hot water heater" when they mean simply "water heater" (there is no need to heat hot water).

George Carlin

Outstanding reference Farmgirl.

"Flammable...Inflammable...and Non-Inflammable. Why are there three? I mean either the thing flams or it doesnt flam."

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Eaquae Legit
Member # 3063

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Anyone - ANYONE - who does something deliberate that ends with me having to plunge a toilet, or in any way, shape or form remove something from said toilet.

Kids who nock arrows and point them at each other on the archery range.

People who use "retard" as an insult. Man, does that ever piss me off like nothing else.

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Member # 2145

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People who post links without any description or quote whatsoever.
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Black Mage
Member # 5800

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People who spell "yeah" yea or *shudder* yah. Yea is pronounced yay, people!

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Member # 2145

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the typed word L33T
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Member # 2972

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People who feel that unless people are behaving in exactly the way they would like them to those people are wrong and must be changed.

People who first tell you that a guy almost raped them, and then later say that actually, what the guy did was perfectly understandable in the context of the situation and that he stopped the minute she asked him to. And don't seem to see any hypocrisy between the two at all.

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Member # 4311

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My sister haughtily telling me that if I eat the way I do, I'll be fat soon. [Mad]

Cars that speed up when you put your blinker on when you're in an exit only lane. [Mad]

People who tailgate. [Mad]

My dad. Last night he tried to tell me that I choose to dislike school. [ROFL]

School in any shape or form. Hate it. Always have, always will. [Mad]

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Member # 2233

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Belle! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] it's great to see you! and my roommate has been complaining about the exact same thing radio-wise since...November.


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Member # 5567

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I HAD to resurrect this thread because I found yet another ANNOYANCE yesterday that I had forgotten to mention....

My son and I love to read sci-fi, and since we have a limited budget, we often check them out from the library instead of purchasing them.

However, our big city library must have a moron in charge of ordering books for the sci-fi section.

Looking at a certain Sci-Fi series yesterday, we could see they had Book 1 of the series, and then Book Four and Book Five. I went to their catalog computer to see if Book 2 and Book 3 were checked out or at a different branch -- and they DON'T EVEN HAVE THEM!! Now what library moron would order Book 1, Book 4 and 5, but not the ones in between?

All their series' books are out of order on the shelves, always. Once I sat on the floor myself and totally re-arranged the Orson Scott Card section.

Robert Jordan's Wheel in Time, they have book 1 through Book 3, then they had put book 5 in storage (what they do when they have too many to shelve them all) but then had book 6 up.

I HATE it when they break up a series.


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Member # 1115

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Yeah, I hate that too FarmGirl. Luckily, you can always turn to interlibrary loan.

On a related note, something that annoys me is when your interlibrary loan orders vanish from the library's computer system, or when your name on the reserve list for a book disappears. It's so irritating, and I've had it happen in a number of different library systems, so I don't think it's just a particular library employee who has decided to peck at me every time they get a chance.

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PSI Teleport
Member # 5545

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I'm reviving this old thread because I didn't want to start a new one.

My most recent best annoyance:

Websites that have the word "com" or "net", etc IN the website name, ie: www.azstarnet.com, and bible.gospelcom.net. What is the point?

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