I'd like to say that I highly recommend this movie. For horror fans, Danny Boyle fans, and well, anyone else that likes cool movies. I know there's been other threads, but i'm lazy.
I really wanted to see this movie when I first started seeing previews for it. First off, I really like Danny Boyle. Trainspotting is up there on my list of favorites movies. I thought the Beach was a good movie, that maybe could have been better and lost itself at points, but was overall a quality film. And I thourougly enjoyed both Shallow Grave and A Life Less Ordinary. That aside, I was intrigued by the look of the film. It was being billed as "the reinvention of the zombie movie". But what I saw in previews was far more disturbing. And that's the only way i could even describe it to people(Ask Leonide)...Disturbing.
While the movie was not exactly what I was expecting, it suprised me in many ways, and in certain areas delivered way more than I thought i was going to get.
The cinematography was great. That's one thing about Danny Boyle I've always liked and he's definitely raised the bar on this one. Great camera shots, great technique. The shots at the begining showing an empty London(ala Vanilla Sky and NYC), were just amazing. I'm sure some of it had to do with the limited budget, but they really made do with what they had. It's hard to describe but the camera work definitely serves to add to the atmosphere of the story. And just as he does in his previous films, the music seems to work perfectly with what you are seeing and the story that's being told.
Now to some things specific to this movie. It's very smart for a "zombie" movie. I don't even consider it a zombie movie. but more of an apocalyptic horror movie. For the most part the conversion to the zombies, the wiping out of the population, the reaction of the rest of the world, the after effects both phsyically to the evironment and mentally to the people struggling to stay alive is all very realistic. Or atleast realistic relative to the story.
The movie moves along some interesting lines dealing with the nature of man, and how we react under certain pressures. But don't get me wrong, there's plenty of things that'll scare the **** out of you. It's a slow progression. The beginning and middle part of the movie serve to introduce you into the environment, develop characters, make you wet yourself with fear(and like i said before...In a very disturbing way), and then the movie becomes disturbing on a whole different level.
The zombies themselves are extremely frightening. the sounds they make, the way they're always lurking around the corner, and really, the ease of being converted to one of them really makes you worry for the characters more. Because they have to be alert at ALL TIMES. And so do you.
Now of course, some of the characers at times do the obligatory "i'm in a horror movie so i better do soemthing exremely dumb that no person in their right mind would do in my situation". But this is kept to a minimum, and atleast scary stuff happens when they do it.
*START MAJOR SPOILERS* . . . I did like the way it ended. You don't see too many of these movies end on a happy note. There's one scene where one of the main female leads(a very strong willed tough character) is face to face with the male lead(who has just brutally killed someone, who deserved it mind you), and after proclaming earlier in the movie that she wouldn't hesitate a second and kill him if she thought he was infected, hesitates and doesn't kill him. this turns out to be a good move. Before this scene i thought the movie would end in a similar way, but after her hesitation it would turn out the he actually *was* infected and as he attacks her the movie ends.
I was wrong, and relatively pleased with it.
A question. When the army preacher(or whatever he was) talks about the rest of the world being fine while England is wiping itself out, do you think he's right? It makes sense. The movie states that there had been reports of infected in New York and (maybe)Paris before all communications went down, i.e. - television, radio...
So you are to assume the rest of the world is infected. But is it really? how would infected get all the way America, let alone even off of Great Britain without others knowing. I highly doubt it could've happened. And seriously, think about it. Wouldn't that be a great way to make sure the epidemic stayed in England. put out fake reports of it spreading, cut off all communications, and you've effectively just sealed it off. No one will try to escape, thus raising the possibility of bringing infected across, due to the fact they assume it's just as bad everywhere else.
Anyway, I assumed that was the case as soon as i saw the first jet fly overhead, but i was just confirming. . . . *END MAJOR SPOILERS*
All in all, as you can see by my lengthy ramble, it think this is a very cool movie, worth at the very least checking out. Good for an enjoyable frightening experience, with a little added food for thought as a bonus.
I love that you post this two weeks *after* you saw the movie and still remember things about it and your impressions like it was yesterday.
And that army guy wasn't a preacher, he was just very spiritual -- we were led to assume that as a result of the confinement and ostracision from society -- where the others reverted to their more baser instincts -- he went the opposite way and fiercely clung onto the higher moral ground....not attacking the girls, trying to help them out, etc.
and we've discussed all the other bits'n', anyone else have thoughts? Posts: 3516 | Registered: Sep 2002
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I have a great memory for song lyrics and movie dialogue. not so much for "atmospheric" details, which is what i would consider "the sounds the infected make"
When you mentioned it I of course remembered it immediately, but sometimes i don't remember that i remember. or remember to remember. or something. I was just so terrified and on edge for so much of that movie i'm surprised i remember their names!
Or...wait...i don't. John. that's all i got.
edit: Celina? Celeste? gah! and the little girl...mother of pearl! I can't *believe* i don't remember their names!!!
double edit: And it's not even John! It's Jim! And Selena (go me!) and HANNAH. fer cryin out loud....
this thread just confirms my suspicion that no one in the world saw the movie.
which is sad.
perhaps you should change the title of the thread to "28 Days Later...(hot chicks inside thread)" i bet that would drum up some business.
Posts: 3516 | Registered: Sep 2002
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during his dream? indeed. very atmospheric, i was convinced that when he woke up the second time that the rest of the movie was going to be a dream as well....thank goodness that wasn't the case. it's a very played-out plot contrivance.
and, of course, i didn't remember flowers until you mentioned them Posts: 3516 | Registered: Sep 2002
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Actually, the flowers I was refering to were during the car trip from London to Manchester (was it?).
During the "dream" at the end there was a shot of a field with "Hell" spelled out. Only seeing it once, I assume it was their sign laid out before they finished and added the "O" to make "Hello." I thought that was particulary well done. A longer shot of "Hell" would have been a little too blatant and heavy-handed, but showing just a flash made it much more subtle. Of course, there may have been flowers in that field too, but I didn't notice them...
Posts: 1295 | Registered: Jan 2003
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Actually a good amount of people saw the movie. As it was made for like 8 million dollars and has made upwards of 22 or 23 mil now, and after only a couple weeks and not the largest theatrical release either.
But yes, I was hoping for some other feedback or comments...Thanks Godric.
This thread was becoming sad with no outsider involvement.
The field wasn't during a dream if i remember correctly. it was in a driving sequence. Wasn't it? i can't remember exactly when it took place but i remember thinking it sort of signified a change in the movie. Like an important part had just passed and they were moving on. And this was the vessle they used to show that.
Posts: 8741 | Registered: Apr 2001
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and the sign said "Hell" and half of the "o" (if i'm remembering correctly so that it looked like help. but it was meant to signify Hell as well, i'm sure.
I was referring to the fact that no one *I* know saw the movie. I'm sure normal people actually did Posts: 3516 | Registered: Sep 2002
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I'm sure the final sign said "Hello." I forgot about that earlier dream altogether, and I'm pretty sure it was just "Hell" and no half "O" -- dang it! -- I'm gonna have to go see it again now.
Also, do you have any idea about Danny Boyle's religious perspective? I thought this film had some very "Christian" undertones, although that could just be me reading my own theology/philosophy into it. I know A Life Less Ordinary had plenty of Christian iconography, if, at least, played for laughs. I don't remember much about Trainspotting. It's been a long time since I've seen that -- can't say that it really stood out to me. I've never seen The Beach because I avoid DiCaprio like the plague...
Edit: I saw this Monday night and the theater was about 3/4's full...
While I really enjoyed the movie I was annoyed by the main characters inability to pick up a gun at the end of the movie. I know that's what I would have done. I always feel safer with a nice big automatic rifle.
I found some of the shots to be really irritating. Like when he was standing next to that wall covered with notes and letters and the camera wouldn't sit still long enough to get much of a feel for what was being said. And there were too many bouncing/spinning/cut-riddled shots. I understand why they were used, but they still frustrated me.
And I didn't like the ending. I mean, I liked it, but I didn't like how the arrived at it. I felt kinda cheated.
All that said, it was a good movie I haven't been scared like that for a long time.
Posts: 3243 | Registered: Apr 2002
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I didn't like how Jim went from being an every-man to Rambo. He took on a dozen guys with assault rifles bare-handed without a speck of fear or even danger.
Anyway, I liked the casting. Hannah was cool, and Selena was a fox. Jim started out being somewhat alien to me, until he shaved and cut his hair. Don't ask me why.
I wondered about that too John (the not eating but only attacking uninfected). I would just assume the infected kill everyone, including eachother. I guess you can't analyze too much, or a virus with a ten second incubation which completely changes your brain would seem awfully silly . I was also wondering why nobody seemed to pick up a freaking shotgun. Selene had a machete for crying out loud! A melee weapon which sprays blood all over the place might not be the smartest thing to use when one drop in the eyeball infects you.
Anyway, I did like the movie. It also most definitely said "Hello" at the end. Selena's dress made for part of the "O".
Posts: 5656 | Registered: Oct 1999
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I think the end where Jim goes Rambo was cool because it showed how we all have that rage in us. Jim flips out after what's done to him and the what will be done to the women.
And he doesn't really do much but think of some interesting cunning ways to make the soldiers dispatch eachother or at least get them off their guard and move in.
John, agreed about that first zombie scene. Mad freaky. And I don't car if it was filtered glossy stuff, it was cool! And worked!
Posts: 8741 | Registered: Apr 2001
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I saw this last night with Ron and Nash. The good stuff DEfinitely outweighs the few confusing bits.
The thing is, if you first accept the ridiculously fast infection, and that the infected tend not to attack each other... well, then the rest is golden.
I thought the "Hello" at the end was a nice echo of the first thing that Jim said, everywhere he went in the first part of the movie. It wasn't "hello, is anybody there?" Just "hello".
The movement of the infected, the way he just sort of instinctively smacked the infected priest away from him and ran (though he seemed to feel a bit conflicted about it, since he was uncertain about what the heck was going on).
You'd think the machete was a bad idea, but it wouldn't run out of ammo, and guns do have a certain amount of spatter, too.
I don't think Jim went "Rambo" at all. He drew some of the men off to the check point, managed to make it back to the house on foot (though he DID rather cleverly disapear just before dark, leaving the Major to distract the infected-- if there was one amazing thing, it was that the major made it back, too. Though I guess he WAS heavily armed. Nevermind.)
Also, I think Jim was generally reluctant to kill. Which is why he went into the dark building by himself while they were getting gasoline. I think he was trying to prove something to himself. But he still couldn't kill Frank.
But in the end he DID kill people, and the people he killed were NOT infected. In a way he used the infected as allies, distractions so he could rescue Selena and Hannah.
Posts: 9293 | Registered: Aug 2000
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you should've known he'd take issue with you countering his Rambo comment, Olivet. he couldn't possibly have let that stand! Posts: 3516 | Registered: Sep 2002
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Olivet, you're thinking of the humongously over the top, blow up as many things as we can, Rambo 3, or possibly the relatively over the top but still a really cool movie Rambo: First Blood Part 2.
But the original First Blood was just Rambo being totally awesome with a knife, and some other minor weapons here and there.
And now that the thread is derailed, First Blood is a really underrated movie. It deserves more credit than it gets. Or maybe it's just passed it's time.
Posts: 8741 | Registered: Apr 2001
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First Blood was cool. I remember being very disturbed by it. I think I have some serious issues with unjust authority figures. That sort of revenge fantasy strikes too close to the bone for me, I guess. Same sort of thing that made Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix so horridly squirm-inducing.
However, when you said going "Rambo" what I thought of was the over-blown image that a series of sequels left upon pop culture. Which is really sad, considering.
Posts: 9293 | Registered: Aug 2000
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quote:However, when you said going "Rambo" what I thought of was the over-blown image that a series of sequels left upon pop culture
Ahh...I see. But just to clarify, I was just using that term because Xavier used it and I was referencing what he said. Maybe i should've put it in quotes... Posts: 8741 | Registered: Apr 2001
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Wow, I click this thread to find out that a chance word I used completely and totally derailed this thread .
Posts: 5656 | Registered: Oct 1999
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quote: A question. When the army preacher(or whatever he was) talks about the rest of the world being fine while England is wiping itself out, do you think he's right? It makes sense. The movie states that there had been reports of infected in New York and (maybe)Paris before all communications went down, i.e. - television, radio...
So you are to assume the rest of the world is infected. But is it really? how would infected get all the way America, let alone even off of Great Britain without others knowing. I highly doubt it could've happened. And seriously, think about it. Wouldn't that be a great way to make sure the epidemic stayed in England. put out fake reports of it spreading, cut off all communications, and you've effectively just sealed it off. No one will try to escape, thus raising the possibility of bringing infected across, due to the fact they assume it's just as bad everywhere else.
I think you're right about the fake broadcasts - that was how I interpreted it, anyway. I don't see how the infection could have possibly spread overseas, but since England was completely quarantined from the rest of the world, perhaps the broadcasts were put out to explain to any survivors why there were no rescuers coming for them. I don't imagine it would sit too well with the survivors to know that the rest of the world is doing just fine, but isn't going to come and try to rescue them for fear of spreading the infection. If they thought that no one else was out there, though....they might be a bit more understanding.
Anyways...I liked the movie, largely due to the fact that I thought it was going to scare the crap out of me, and it didn't. (I'm not a big fan of horror movies....) It was actually an intelligent film, with a plot and real characters, not just a zombies-are-taking-over-the-world flick populated with gorgeous up-and-coming "it" actors. I think that's what I liked most about it - that the characters were believable, and so true-to-life.
Posts: 1225 | Registered: Feb 2002
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I was surprised at this movie. I had not really had any interest in seeing it, so I was surprised that I kind of liked it. It was a little bit disturbing (but horror movies are supposed to be like that, right?) but I was pleased that it ended well. The fact that the infected didn't prey on themselves bugged me for a while, but then I got over it. I liked the music and I loved the camera angles. And a scrumptious Cillian Murphy (especially with his buzz cut) made the movie more enjoyable...
After a few weeks, I think I have figured out why this movie is so good. Not empirically, mind you-- it's a subjective thing.
When Jim collapsed in the woods after escaping being killed, and he looks up at the sky and sees a jet flying over ... I actually felt it. I felt what that character would feel, you know? Yay, the world isn't over! But now what to do about it?
For me to have been that deeply into it at that point... that's just good filmmaking.
I liked the movie as well. I don't know if I'd buy it, but I'm sure I'll see it again eventually. I really liked the ending. Hollywood is so into happy endings that the indie community often feels duty bound to have needlessly tragic endings in order to disassociate themselves with the tinseltown mentality. Apparently the script originally called for the unhappy ending. But the director felt that the audience had made such a difficult journey that they deserved some closure. I agree. I'm not the type of person that demands a happy ending, but this movie was well-made enough that by the end I was ready for a little relief. And the way they ended it provided just that, without getting too sappy. Great move on the director's part.
Yeah. Good movie. By the way, I mentioned this on another thread, but this movie was released at the same time as Charlie's Angels 2, and as of last week, it was two spots above it in box office totals. It beat CA2 by $800,000 even though it was shown on about 350 fewer screens. I love those type of statistics.
The new ending is more bleak. Apparently horror fans were excited at the prospect of a darker ending, but what i've heard is that it's dissapointing.
But i've heard there's also a third alternate ending that'll be available on the US dvd. We'll see.
btw, i haven't seen it. but i have read a summary of it, and if it is true what i read I like the original one better, maybe the third one will be cooler.
*SPOILERS - DO NOT READ ON UNLESS YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE ALTERNATE ENDING* . . . . . Apparently they bring Jim back to the hospital after he's been shot. And he dies. And the two women walk out the door into the unknown and the movie ends.