I don't think that this will be the official trailer. Here is what the site says " brings you this exclusive first look at THE RETURN OF THE KING! This file was sent to us by person or persons unknown, it shows 1:35 minutes in GLORIOUS Quicktime a TON of shots from ROTK. Sam and Frodo in Mordor, Pippin and Merry, Gandalf at Minas Tirith, fell beats, Pelennor Fields, Orcs and Men fighting, Aragorn and MORE! !!!MAJOR SPOILERS!!!
It just has tons of shots from ROTK. That does not make it the official trailer.
Ahh...I'd never heard of that format before. Turns out you were right, of course.
And also about the officalness of the trailor, I'd guess (still haven't successfully seen it, actually - but I'm going to keep trying!).
Posts: 2661 | Registered: Apr 2002
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It seemed to be a real, if short, trailer - especially since New Line pulled it. And it was in fact moving scenes, with dialogue and music.
I hope it (or a better, longer one!) shows up in theatres soon. But, at very least, we'll get a preview with the theatrical TTT DVD at the end of August.
Posts: 2661 | Registered: Apr 2002
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A friend of mine insists that this trailer is fake, and that any new footage is in fact from the extended dvd edition of TTT. I don't know, I don't see anything which would cause me to disbelieve him.
For example, why do we not see the spider (Forgive me for not remembering her name)? There are no scenes in this trailer that don't look like they couldn't easily come from TTT, and nothing startlingly new that would indicate RotK. Where are the Mordor scenes?
There are at least two scenes that are most certainly from RotK and not from TTT, plus all the shots of Aragorn in his royal armor. I'm not saying they won't be in the RotK preview on the TTT DVD, but they are not from TTT itself.
I won't say any more, because I don't want to spoil anything for anyone.
Posts: 2661 | Registered: Apr 2002
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Except the footage of them in the caves. Though that happens in the second book they included it in the third movie.
Posts: 1244 | Registered: Apr 2003
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I weep in anticipation. Why are they making us WAIT so long?! (don't worry, no one has to answer that, I'm just being dramatic.)
Posts: 6415 | Registered: Jul 2000
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I wish death upon you Pat for now I will die of anticipation. Very frustrated that I will have to wait another 4 months. Worries that it will not live up to its potential like the second. The first time I saw the trailer for the second my mouth was left hanging open. Posts: 3446 | Registered: Jul 2002
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