Normally after experiencing something of profound beauty I write music. But tonight that doesn't seem like it's enough. The music to describe Guy Gavriel Kay's masterpiece is simply not in me. It is beyond the power of what I can write and conceive.
Okay, so [URL]I lied, at least partly[/URL].
That's the best I can do, though. Very rough. But the melody still doesn't have the power and majesty of Tigana. It needs a full orchestral backing and tympani in the background. Much like with Neuromancer.
What do you do when you've experienced something of such beauty and power that you just want to cry forever?
In my experience, you go somewhere alone and cry. Nothing wrong with a good cathartic cry. For me, it's some place where I can see the stars.
I have not had the pleasure of reading Tigana just yet, but I have heard about the book. Your music makes me want to go find a copy and read it. I like the mix of the guitar with the ethereal kinda Led Zeppelin-like.
Posts: 822 | Registered: Jul 2001
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I need to re-read The Lions of Al-Rassan now (one of Kay's other books). I found it equally striking.
Posts: 10886 | Registered: Feb 2000
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Wow, a real live composer on Hatrack. I'm more impressed by this community's diversity of talent every day. I really wish I could do that. And I really wish you could record your unadulterated vision (the strings and tympani) so we could hear what was in your head. Do you ever consider getting a synthesizer so that you can put something like that together? Anyway, I really like what I heard. I mean it. Very impressive.
I'm just curious. Do you tape this and rip it from analog, or do you run a line from your guitar/amp straight to the computer for an all digital transfer? Do you use any editing/ multi-track stuff, or is this all just as you played it? Are you in a band, or do you just do this by yourself for the hell of it? How prolific are you? These are the kind of questions that run through my head as I listen to music.
Posts: 2804 | Registered: May 2003
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A bit more blues/pop influence than I was expecting, but I like the chord progression... Picturing a haunting, melancholy vocal (Poe, Dave, Tori)over it. Maybe I can read the book someday and congeal a decent set of lyrics out of it for you...
Posts: 2112 | Registered: Sep 1999
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There's more than just me, Speed. Troubador writes music, as does Thor. GreNME as well, from time to time. Caleb Varns. Probably others I'm forgetting.
To answer your questions:
If I got a synth (which I'll probably do after graduating next year; I'll be buying a new computer too) I probably won't use it to fake orchestral backing. What I will do, though, is use it to compose electronic-type music. Should be a nice diversion from instruments.
I run a line right from my effects processor to my computer, actually. My effects processor has amp and speaker simulation capability (right down to where you put the microphone) and allows me to get the sorts of tones and textures I want.
I do use multi-track software from time to time, but this particular piece was just off-the-cuff once I'd written the riff. I plugged in, hit record, played for three minutes, and that's what came out.
I do this by myself for the hell of it, though I've been in bands before (all cover bands).
Well, I write in spurts. Sometimes 4-6 months will go by without me writing anything new, sometimes I'll write two or three new tunes in a week. As I mentioned in my first post, books and movies can serve as inspiration. I've got roughly enough material to fill a CD (70-80 minutes), though most of it doesn't have lyrics and is still in draft form.
I wrote [URL]this one[/URL] last week after seeing Whale Rider; [URL]this one[/URL] just sort of came out of my guitar a week ago, this is a medley of two Tool songs that I threw together to put my effects processor through its recording paces earlier this summer.
My pre-effects processor stuff doesn't sound nearly as good, aside from the piano material.
and you can add me to the list of compsers... just because I play bass doesn't mean I can't write Posts: 2112 | Registered: Sep 1999
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Your music is always compassionate. Really nice to listen to.
For me if ever I get too into an emotion, I usually put my headphones on and listen to Crematory or My Immortal by Evanescence and press repeat. Then just stare into a mirror and draw what I see. I don't stop drawing till I get it all out of me and the drawing is complete which is usually around 1-2 in the morning. I oughta show what I've done lately. I get the weirdest comments from them.
Posts: 4628 | Registered: Jul 2002
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When I'm feeling mellow I like to play lead over My Immortal. I don't understand why that wasn't on their album...
Posts: 10886 | Registered: Feb 2000
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..wish I could write music as 'easily'. I've only written one on the piano and attempting another but it's just for fun. It would never compare to guitarist creating music.
Posts: 4628 | Registered: Jul 2002
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Sure it could, Mae. Some of my best stuff is for the piano. Just start playing and remember what comes out.
Caleb, the deadline was mid-September, IIRC. One of the reasons I've been posting material is to show that I've been working on it Posts: 10886 | Registered: Feb 2000
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Well I've finished my song, believe it or not. I just need to arrange it for a four-piece band and get some studio time to record it. So, not finished, but ready-to-be-finished.
Posts: 1307 | Registered: May 2000
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I have so much material that I really need to sit down and choose one to focus on and record well.
Posts: 10886 | Registered: Feb 2000
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sarfa, a while back I posted a thread titled: "GRENME, I CHALLENGE THEE!"
At any rate, we decided that by mid-September we would each have a new composition prepared and recorded, and then we'd post them and let Hatrack be the judge.
So far the entrants are myself, Leto, Caleb, and Thor. You are of course welcome to join up.
I mauy jump in, depending on whether or not I can get my latest and greatest, "Penetration", recorded...
Posts: 2112 | Registered: Sep 1999
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Okay, so this anthropologist goes to study a recently discovered tribe of pygmies in Africa.
When he gets to their village, he notices that there is a single drummer, drumming. All day and all night, drum, drum, drum. He asks his pygmy friend, Yeba what it means.
Yeba replies, "When drums play, it is good. When drums stop. . . bad."
And that was all he could ever get from Yeba. He spends several weeks studying the pygmies, and never in all that time does the drum playing stop.
Until his last day there. The anthropologist looks up and around, suddenly uncomfortably aware of the quiet, and Yeba looks at him in panic.
"You must go, white-man!"
"I don't understand, Yeba! Why? What is wrong? What is so terrible?"
Good joke. I've always liked all those anthropologist/cannibal jokes and cartoons, although I haven't seen any in a long time.
Posts: 6316 | Registered: Jun 2003
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The official deadline is the end of September. One piece, any genre except silent. AIFF, WAV, or MP3 format. GreNME will host them and set up a poll so that we can determine a winner.
hmm, I'm not sure I would be interested in participating in a contest, but I definitely want to hear what you guys come up with.
Posts: 748 | Registered: Dec 1999
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