When I decided I would be going to the Community College, my dad kindly offered to sign me up online for the classes I wanted. He got a list of the General Education classes offered, handed them to me, I picked out a few, and handed it back to him. I did this mainly because I was too lazy to either go to the school myself, or to get online myself.
Well, I learned today that he never did sign me up for those classes.
So, I took a deep breath, kicked a few walls, and determined I'd go down to the school tomorrow and sign up for the classes. No doubt, the ones I wanted are already filled up by now. I blame my own laziness for this, but that doesn't mean I'm not pissed.
So what happens if English 1010 is filled up? Simple, I'll try to get into a writing class. And what happens if World History is filled up? No problem, I'll take Into to Psychology.
Not saying that those back up classes will be available, but its nice to hope.
T, they always have plenty of room in 101 classes, because usually they are held in big lecture halls and early in the morning, around the 7 am to 9am time frame.
T, just make sure you ATTEND the classes you want so that
1. If there is room, you can get the prof to sign you in first thing.
2. If there isn't room and you really want the class, you can be on a waiting list and get a slot when the first week makes 10-20 people drop out.
3. You can see if you really WANT that class or if maybe you're a)not at that level yet or b) beyond it in any given subject. I'd hate to worry and sweat about getting a class that I couldn't even learn something from once I got in there.
Sometimes, you can even call the prof before school starts to see if he/she usually lets extra people in or if he/she will put you on a waiting list. I've done this and it helps a LOT! Most profs don't care about how many people are in the class, as long as there are enough chairs.
Don't worry about a thing, just be persistent your first week if you can't manage to get into anything online. You'll do fine and by the end of it all, you'll be really good at finding your way around campus. Good Luck!! Posts: 6415 | Registered: Jul 2000
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Don't worry too much, T. Just get into the classes you can and you'll do good! Have faith in whatever you wanna have faith in, but mostly yourself.
Barring that, me.
(faith that I'll continue to be cool, or faith that I'll continue to be a n00b, whatever floats your boat)
Posts: 4816 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Bwahahahaha! Those colleges'll never take me alive! NEVER!
Oh, wait. That means I won't be able to get a well-paying job. I'm gonna be eating top ramen for the rest of my life.
Oh, but it's worth it! *maniacal laughter*
Don't worry, T. It'll all be okay. And hey, if it DOESN'T go okay, at least you can say "Hey, at least I'm not poor, pitiful Zotto!...just look at what that schmuck's gotten himself into over there..."
So you're telling us that even though you spend tons of time on the internet, you were too lazy to go to SLCC's web site and register yourself? That's impressive.
Posts: 32 | Registered: May 2003
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SLCC was one of the first colleges to offer on-line enrollment in this area.
I loved it!
It was one of the things that helped me know without a doubt that I loved the internet. I knew then that it was true.
Of course, I got an incomplete in C++ because my freakin' C teacher absolutely sucked. Can you believe that he didn't teach us anything about pointers? We got to C++, and it was like, "WHAAAA???!!!!"
Posts: 524 | Registered: May 2003
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Some of you must've missed where he said *community* college.
No big lecture halls with 800 students. And no T.A.'s. But they do offer the basic classes all day long so there's usually lots of time slots to choose from.
Posts: 374 | Registered: Jun 2003
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Jon, have you even SEEN their site? Its pure crap, IMO. Why should I deal with crap, when someone else offered to for me? In any case, I had to settle on a bit of a different schedule, involving Utah History and Intro to Psychology.
Posts: 9754 | Registered: Jul 2002
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Yeah, I must say, this falls under the catagory of empty promises for me.
He offered to do it, right? You didn't request his help? Maybe you should have followed up sooner, but I don't see why you wouldn't have every reason to assume that it was taken care of.
(Yes, I have a story for that, I can't remember if you've heard it or not, you should ask me some time )
Posts: 3956 | Registered: Jun 2001
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T, for the future, be wary of early morning classes. I had a similar situation to yours my first year in that I registered late and most of my first choices were taken. I signed up for Biology at 7:30 am. I figured I did that all through high school, so it wasn't a big deal.
There were 2 big problems with that.
1. I was living on my own. 2. I wasn't actually required to go to class.
Posts: 4625 | Registered: Jul 2002
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Yes, T, I have seen their site, and it is indeed pure crap. I nearly went to SLCC—I actually paid the admission fee and everything. Then I realized that I'd have to get my associate's there before I could transfer to BYU. I scrapped that plan and just applied to the Y instead.
[ August 08, 2003, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: Jon Boy ]
Posts: 9945 | Registered: Sep 2002
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