Well, I primarily play on a relatively small mud called "Age of Legacy." Address if anyone wants it is port 3000.
Posts: 1466 | Registered: Jan 2003
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Yeah, I've been mudding since I was about five years old, but my father owned the construction company, and I frequently went with him to the job sites.
The trick to mudding well is to make sure ya got lots of mud, plaster it over the seams and nails real good, thick coat, and scrape off the excess in one smooth stroke. It's real easy once you get into the rhythm of it.
Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Oh - really? See, you didn't specify, and I didn't know, so I thought maybe you were talking about home improvements. Huh. Okay.
Still, the comments I made are accurate, so if anyone out there is looking at mudding, that's what ya do.
Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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I didn't know people still MUDded. I thought they all MOOed. I've never done either. Should I?
Posts: 2843 | Registered: A Long Time Ago!
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I mud...or I used to. I don't have much time to do so anymore, but I was on Aardwolf. That's actually how I met my husband. Posts: 4077 | Registered: Jun 2003
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I'm more a MUSH and MUX man, myself -- although the Discworld MUD is still the best MU* in the known world, hands down.
Posts: 37449 | Registered: May 1999
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Okay, so for those of us who OBVIOUSLY don't have a clue, why don't the lot of you enlighten us and tell us what this mudding thing is, if it doesn't involve gypsum board, eh?
Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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MUDs are basically text-based online RPGs. You type in commands like "look" or "kill x" where x is the thing you want to kill. That sort of thing. There are some MUDs that you have to pay for, though the one I play on is free. So, basically, you can run around and gain levels and spells and skills, or go on quests, that sort of thing. Kinda fun.
Posts: 1466 | Registered: Jan 2003
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OK, a few more terms before the long winded (actually the extremely brief because I'm otherwise occupied and can't be bothered to go into details ) explanation ... RPG = Role Playing Game MOO = MUD Object Oriented
Then you also have MMORPG which is Massively Multiplayer Online RPG .. but let's not go there - though I think I just did
A MUD is basically an online game where multiple players play together. The setting or the environment for the game is defined beforehand and the players have to role play within that environment .. or something along those lines? Clear as MUD? Posts: 136 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Well, there is somebody who keeps my mind occupied every waking moment - and even manages to get into my dereams somehow So hard to think coherent thoughts at times
Well not *every* thread .. there were some old ones that I didn't want to revive .. plus that one about driving in snow where I didn't even comment .. so truthfully not all Posts: 136 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Now, now .. that's not a nice way to go about a reasoned argument Plus, banging heads on walls leads to concussion - or so the surgeon general says on every wall .. in real small print Posts: 136 | Registered: Aug 2003
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Huh. I guess I'll have to start reading the fine print. Check it for grammatical correctness and spelling errors. Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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Yeah, yeah. Just give us, um, until, um, let me see, Thursday night next week midnight his time zone. Yeah, that's it. So that would be um, 11am Thursday next week pacific time. Yeah.
Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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One of my closest friends spends an obscene amount of time mudding. He plays a NY based one called Avatar almost exclusively. I think it's a monstrous waste of time, personally.
In case anyone is interested, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Posts: 1769 | Registered: Feb 2000
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